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In The Eyes Of A Child Ch. 03

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How far does one go to protect family?
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 03/08/2006
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Thank you angel love for editing this story for me.


We told our parents about the baby. Surprisingly both parents were ok with the idea of us waiting till May to get married. I did hear it from Dad about me getting a girl pregnant and that I had to be sure and do what was right by her. I promised her parents and mine that we would get married and I would take care of my wife and baby. Robyn continued to work late Wednesday evenings until she graduated in December. I was so proud of her, she graduated with honors while working and being pregnant. Our sex life was out of this world. Robyn was horny all the time. She always liked making love to me and told me often how much she loved me. As she got bigger, she got sexier. I was looking forward to us spending our life together, so our Christmas present to each other was a three bedroom condo. Sara visited us often when she was between flights. She told me that Sally Jo was engaged and they had not set a wedding date yet. I told Sara to tell Sally I was happy for her.

It was only a few weeks into the spring semester when I got a call in class. I quickly went out in the hall to talk. It was Robyn's mom telling me Robyn was in labor. I opened the door and told my instructor I was having a baby. I heard the class clapping as I raced to my car and headed to the hospital. About six hours later Susan was born. She looked just like her mom. The minute I held her, I knew she had to be mine.

I was the proud dad. Her parents were at the hospital and mine were on their way. Mom and baby were able to go home the next day. My parents were staying with us for a few days and Robyn's was coming with us when we took the baby home. It was great seeing everybody but I was ready to be home alone with my family. The next six weeks went by quickly. The doctor told Robyn she could go back to work when she wanted. We talked about it that night.

"Tommy, I want to go back to work, I know you want me to stay at home but I can't. You know that dad is counting on me to take over someday."

"Robyn, I know but we have a family. You wanted a baby. You said you wanted at least two children. I will graduate in another month and then our wedding is a couple of weeks after that. Then your honeymoon Robyn don't you still want to get away," I asked. "Please let's enjoy our time together and talk about this again after we get back from our honeymoon and things settle down. Please just give us six months baby."

"Ok Tommy I agree, but realize that I may work a little during the day when you are at work and the baby is asleep."

The next six months went by quickly. Sara visited a couple of times said Sally Jo sent her love and wished me luck with the baby and marriage. I graduated from college. I started my job and was already getting praise for my ability. Also about this time, which was days before the wedding, I started to get strange emails.

The first one said, "So you are still going to marry that slut," signed from a friend. A couple of days later I got one that said, "Can't you see the signs. She has been cheating on you for almost a year." Then they stopped so I just filed them away as a hoax.

We were married in a big church with all her family, my parents and grandparents, and some kinfolks. Sara and my little sister were bridesmaids. I had my cousins as groom's men. After the wedding, we had a big reception and I danced with my mom and with my new bride. I noticed some of the people Robyn had worked with were there. One was Jim but I did not see the girl that he was marrying. Marc was there also as well as several others.

We left with Robyn throwing her bouquet to Sara. We made a quick trip by Limo back to our apartment to get Susan and the nurse we were taking with us. We picked up our luggage and were on our way. The flight to the Bahamas was long enough for us to get a little rest. We landed, made it through the airport and were soon in our two bedroom suite. Susan would stay in the other bedroom to allow Mom and Dad to have a proper honeymoon. We spent the days lying on the beach. Men were always looking at Robyn making me just a little jealous. Who wouldn't be with his wife and the mother of his child running around all day topless and a yellow thong bottom?

"Robyn, where was Jim's girlfriend?" I asked.

"Tommy what are you talking about? We are lying here on the beach and you ask me this off the wall question. I haven't a clue what you are talking about," she said.

"At our reception I saw Jim from your work. Wasn't he getting married soon," I asked.

"Oh, they broke up and her name was Anna. She didn't like all the long hours Jim had to put in. She even had the nerve tell everyone Jim was cheating on her. She claimed she had proof, Jim begged her to prove it if she could. She didn't and now everyone thinks she is a joke."

"Tommy I don't want to burn would you please put some sun screen on me. Just look, at all the attention your little wife is getting. It's a good thing you're here by me or some other man might be here trying to put sun screen on me."

"Ok I get the message no talking about home. You have my full attention honey; you're my wife and I love and trust you," I said looking into her eyes.

She quickly looked a way. "Yes I am your wife and I love you so let's go up to the room and let me show you," she said.

We went to our room and Robyn removed her thong and lay in the middle of the bed. I was hard just looking at her. At that moment there was no way I could deny her anything. And without a shadow of a doubt she knew it. I removed my swimsuit and with one push, I was all the way inside her. There was no loving for either of us this time it was just raw need. I wanted her. I fucked her as hard as I could push her over the edge several times and finally filling her with my seed.

Rolling off her, I pulled her to me kissing her soft lips. We both cuddled up together and took a nap. When I woke up she was gone. I found a note saying that she was taking a walk on the beach. So I decided to just stay in the room and take care of Susan so the nurse could have some time to enjoy the beach. I was sitting in the living area on the couch when Robyn came back from her walk. Since the lights were off and Susan was sleeping Robyn didn't know I was there when she slipped in and quietly started to our room. I turned on the lamp beside me and she jumped.

"Tommy what are you doing there in the dark?" she asked.

"Spending time with our daughter, something that you have not done very much of lately Robyn. Where were you and why are you wet and sandy," I asked.

"I was just walking in the water Tommy. The waves knocked me over and look at me now!"

"I am going to take a bath now," she said as she walked into the bedroom.

I got up holding Susan and walked in after her. I noticed sand all over her and her thighs were red. The main thing that got my attention was how red and bruised her pussy lips were.

"Robyn, what happed to you? Have you been fucking someone and is that why you have sand all over you?"

"You silly man this is from earlier or did you forget already Tommy."

I remembered but I also started to think about the emails I had received earlier. And Anna, also fitted in to this too. I was sure if it I just didn't know how. I still Love Robyn so much and cannot believe she would ever do anything to hurt me or destroy our love. I am no fucking wimp, but I do owe it to my parents and family to be sure before I do anything stupid.

"Tommy, are you paying attention to me," yelled Robyn.

"Tommy why don't you put the baby to bed and come and take a shower with me...... Please...... I promise you will like it," she said. I put Susan to bed stripped out of my clothes and stepped in to the shower and my wife's arms. She started to wash me all over and again my cock betrayed me.

"Fuck me Tommy, Fuck me again please make love to me," she moaned.

I knelt in front of her and stared at her bruised pussy. I carefully pulled her to me then used my fingers to open up her sex. I wanted to taste her so bad but first I thought I would look for a sign of her infidelity. Again, I found nothing, no cum ...... or anything, so I put my tongue to her clit. I carefully licked and sucked clit while slowly moving my finger in and out of her wet sex. As she began to move against my finger, I added as second one.

She became more vocal pulling my head to her. I started nibbling on her clit then I felt her body tense as I felt a warm fluid coat my face. I thought at first that she had just given me a golden shower. With one taste, I knew I had made her cum so hard she squirted. I turned her around, put my wet cock against her rose bud, and pushed. She moaned and pushed her ass back against me.

"That's it Tommy fuck my ass make me your slut wife Tommy I will be your slut if you want me," she said.

I slid my cock into her tight ass. She started bouncing against me as fast as she could. I began to feel my cum making its way up my cock. She was getting close also she slammed into me and we both came together. She said let's just stay here with Susan tonight and spend our last day here on the beach.

"Tommy you finish your shower I am going to get our baby and let the nurse have the evening off. Them we will order room service if you are hungry," she said.

I was glad she left me alone for a while. I had some things to get straight in my head. I was either going to have to put all this suspicion behind me and move on with our marriage or we could fall apart. As I thought about us; the sex and the love I felt for her. I knew I was going to make my marriage work. No more mistrust. I would believe her support her and love her.

The rest of the honeymoon was great. Robyn was fantastic and I loved our time together. But then we came back to the real world. A few weeks after we returned home Robyn started back to work part time. Things were great. She was home early every day. We spent our evening as a family playing with little Susan. It wasn't too long after that I noticed that part time turned into full time for Robyn, but at least she was still coming home early.

During this time, my own career took off. I had proved my ability to several major companies and was managing their accounts. I now had a clerk and several accounts reporting to me. Robyn was doing real well too but she was starting to spend more and more time away from Susan and I. There were meetings or fancy dinners that she thought I would be just to board attending. With so much free time on my hand, I decided to set up an office at home. I had the IT guy from work help me order a computer and equipment so I could access the work servers from home. He also helped me install wireless cameras around the apartment so I could see what Susan was doing. Now she was old enough to get into everything and her mom was always too busy to help keep an eye on her.

One morning I was called into the boss's office for a meeting.

"Tommy, I am so glad your Uncle talked me into giving you a job here. I have decided that I would like to take some time off and travel. And while I am gone, I would like you to run things here for me. Would you be interested in the manager's position here," he asked.

"Yes, I would."

" Ok Tommy we will move you into this office Monday. Now why don't you go home and celebrate this with your lovely wife."

"I will sir. I will take her and my cousin Sara out for Dinner tonight to celebrate," I said.

I had just returned from taking Susan to Robyn's parents for the evening when Sara arrived. I could tell she had some bad news to tell me when she rushed into my arms.

"Tommy, Sally Jo's man was killed this morning in Iraq by a road side bomb. Sally is taking this really bad and I am flying home tomorrow to be with her."

"Sara Give Sally my best and tell her if there is any thing at all to call me and I will be there for her."

"But Tommy what about Robyn she may not want you to go see an ex girlfriend? What if Sally wants you to come home to see her," she asked.

"Sara, I don't know about Robyn anymore. She spends more and more time away from us going to parties and meetings.

When I ask about going with her she says, "You would just be bored and not fit in with this crowd."

I just got a big promotion and was going to take you two out to celebrate. Robyn is not even home yet," I said.

"Tommy, I'll get changed into something nice and YOU call her and tell her," she said.

I called Robyn, and tried to tell her that I had been promoted to manager. But before I could get two words out she said she was in an important meeting and would be very late and the phone went dead. I was sitting on the couch when Sara walked into the room it.

"Tommy what's wrong," she asked.

"Robyn won't be coming with us. She said she was in a meeting, but I heard people partying in the background Sara."

Tommy, look at me. Will I do as your date tonight?" Sara asked.

"Gosh, Sara you look beautiful. I would be happy to take you out," I said.

We went out to a great restaurant and had a great mean then I took Sara dancing. We had a great time and I was able to get my mind off my marriage. Sara was such a pretty woman. I had to keep reminding myself we were cousins. We danced some slow dances. She put her head on my shoulder and I was really enjoying the closeness. Oh, Robyn and I still had a great sex life but I missed this feeling. It was getting late and I told Sara we should go before I forgot we were kin. We drove over to Robyn's parent's house and Sara and I went to get Susan.

"Where is Robyn?" Mrs. Dawson asked.

"I called her and she said she was in a big meeting. She said she would be late and I took Sara out to help me celebrate my promotion."

Mrs. Dawson looked surprised, "There were no meetings tonight. Come in grandpa is in here holding Susan now."

We walked in and Susan was sound asleep in his arms. We took Susan and headed home to put her to bed. Sara went to bed and about 2 AM, a very drunk Robyn walked in the door.

"Robyn, where the hell have you been? I was at your parents earlier and no one knew about any meetings tonight."

"Well I just found out about it after dad left for home. Why are you dressed up Tommy," she asked.

"I tried to take my wife and Sara out for dinner and dancing to celebrate my promotion but my wife had too many important things to do instead of being with her husband. Now she comes home drunk so what kind of meeting was this Robyn? A drunken orgy meeting Robyn? I am so mad at you right now. I am taking some time off and take Susan with me to my parents for a few days. Then when I come back, and you are sober and we will talk about our marriage and see if it is still what you want. Good night, I will talk to you before I leave tomorrow."

That night I slept on the couch and had breakfast and coffee ready when the women woke up in the morning. Sara came in the kitchen smiling and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then thirty minutes later Robyn woke up. I pushed a coffee in front of her and asked how she was feeling this morning. Then I went into the other room to use the phone. I called the office and told them I would be away for a few days. However, I could always be reached by cell phone. I also called the airline, Mom, and Dad to let them know we were coming for a visit. They were very happy because they hadn't seen Susan in over a year. Next, I went back into the kitchen to talk with Robyn.

"Robyn how are you feeling today you don't look to good."

"Tommy, I am so sorry, I didn't know about your promotion and I couldn't hear what you were telling me over the phone because of the party in the back ground," she said.

"That's just it Robyn you didn't think of, or care about us. You are always putting work first. Look at your daughter. Do you know how much you have missed?"

"Where were you when she started to walk and when she said her first word? I will tell you where you were you were with you work friends doing god knows what."

"I know and I am so sorry," she said.

"I am going to mom and dad's for a few days. Look they really haven't gotten to spend much time with Susan. Sara and I will also go see Sally. Her fiancée was killed in Iraq. I should be home sometime Thursday morning. I will find a babysitter for Susan and we will talk. You know I love you but I am no longer first in your life. The sex is great and you always give me all I want but you are not there for us anymore."

"While you are gone I will get everything caught up and be able to be the wife you want Tommy you wait and see," she said.

"I have got to get ready to go to work now but we will have that talk and things will be different I swear Tommy. I love you so much," she said.

"Robyn, I love you too and so does Susan. She is almost three and since you went back to work full time, you have not spent enough time with her. You have a good day and call me on your cell phone tonight."

Robyn and Sara helped me pack Susan's clothing for the trip and then played with her while I packed. Then before we had to leave, I showed Sara my office. She was impressed and asked what Robyn thought about it. I told her she had never been interested. I showed Sara how the camera's work and how it was motion activated and how I kept short movies of what was going on in the house. I told her you never could be sure of what your babysitter was doing with your child while you were away, so this way I kept spot checks on every room in the house.

I showed how the scan works for scanning the rooms for movement then the cab honked. It was a great flight I guess, one of the benefits when your cousin is your flight attendant. When we landed, we waited for Sara. Then she drove us to my parent's house and stayed for supper. The next few days went by very quickly with Mom and dad and I catching up on what was going on in my life. I told them about Robyn and how this was a cooling down time for us because I did not want to jump to the wrong conclusion.

I spent one day With Sally and Sara, just being there for her holding her as a friend. She told me I was still her first true love and she still thought that maybe some day we might be together. I just held her and kissed her cheek hoping not to give her hope of that ever happening. The third day of my trip Sara got a call saying she would have to fill in for another flight attendant and fly back to the city Wednesday afternoon. I had talked to Robyn every night and I was really missing her so I decided to fly back with Sara when she told me she had to fly back Wednesday morning.

I tried Robyn at home and just got the answering machine then I called her office. Her Secretary said she would be in meetings all day but she would give her my message. The taxi let us off about 4:00 PM. I had tried several times to get Robyn but I never could reach her. We opened the front door and all was quiet. I told Sara to sit down and I would make some coffee; of course Susan took off looking for her mom. Several minutes had passed and Susan had not come back so I told Sara I was going to find her.

I slowly walked down the hall to our bedroom when I heard voices and moaning. I opened the door a little and got sick to my stomach. There on our bed was Robyn fucking Marc. I am not a wimp, but I knew I would have to have evidence if I was going to get Susan from that cheating bitch. I quickly walked back to Sara and told her to get Susan's suite case and get ready to leave. I grabbed the digital camera, opened the door, and started to shoot pictures.

I heard a noise and looked down, there at the foot of the bed was Susan saying, "Hurt mama, hurt mama." I just held down the button on the camera and grabbed Susan by the arm. Robyn opened her eyes to see me pulling Susan from the room.


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