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In the Name of the Father... Ch. 02

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Giving two nuns a ride to Hell instead of the gas station.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/20/2013
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With the backseat of their car filled with the Heavenly spirit of the two nuns, instead giving them a lift to the gas station to buy gas, Tyrone and Jules gave them a ride to Hell.

In the way that some black men are attracted to some white woman, Jules and Tyrone were attracted to these women. In the way that some men are sexually twisted to have a peculiar sexual fetish for nuns, Jules and Tyrone had such a fetish for nuns. In addition to all of the other violent crimes they've done, with both men sexual predators, their names were on the sexual offenders' registry for sexual offenses. Now at the right time and right place for them and the wrong time and wrong place for the nuns, upon seeing them, they had an immediate sexual attraction for the two women not only because they were attractive, white females but also because they were nuns.

With virginity a highly cherished quality to some men, more to some than to others, but especially to Jules and Tyrone, the nuns, of course, were virgins. Something so elusively rare but highly sought after in their neighborhood where young women were routinely getting pregnant at too young of an age, being that neither of the men have ever experienced a virgin before, Jules and Tyrone had a fondness for virgins. If it wasn't enough that they were white, if it wasn't enough that they were nuns, and if it wasn't enough that they were virgins, Jules and Tyrone hit the jackpot with these two victims.

Since the women were married to God, certainly more of an issue for the nuns than it was for them, Jules and Tyrone had more of an allegiance to the Devil than they did to God. Ripe for the opportunity, as if God handed them the two Sisters for them to take sexual advantage of, they had no conscience, no guilt, and no remorse in their decision to strip them naked and to have sex with them. Something that only happens in men's sexual fantasies, here it was about to happen in real life. Oh the inhumanity of it all. How dare they deflower two innocent nuns?

Driving upon them by happenstance, a serendipitous circumstance for the two criminals but an unfortunate occasion for two women of God, they saw their car, a new, snow white Buick, parked by the side of the road with the hood up and the flashers flashing. No one, not even the police, except for those lowlifes looking for trouble, were out and about at this ungodly hour, especially in this neighborhood. The other side of town, this was where the very bad people lived. This is where no white people went unless they were crazy, suicidal, and/or packing an arsenal of assault weapons to defend themselves from the evil that would surely befall them.

"What happened Sisters? Do you need some help?" Tyrone stopped his car for Jules to talk to the nuns from out of his lowered passenger side, car window.

"I think we're out of gas," said Sister Mary Elizabeth sweetly smiling as if she was greeting someone infirmed in the hospital.

Looking much like a younger version of Catherine Zeta Jones before she got as heavy as she is crazy, she looked so adorable in her nun's habit that anyone seeing her would just want to hold her before kissing her. A taller, shapelier, and much prettier version of Sally Fields as the Flying Nun, her black habit complimented her good looks by highlighting her big, green eyes in the way of that picture frame accents a photo. Devoted to God and never passing along her perfect genes to bear a child, it was such a waste for a woman so beautiful to be a nun. Not fair. When there aren't enough beautiful women to go around, why would she want to be a nun when there are plenty of short, stout, angry women with mustaches, women who preferred licking to sucking, to be nuns?

"We were busy talking and went right by the gas station," said Sister Katherine with a little laugh. "Kind enough to give us the use of his car, we forgot that Father Thomas had told us to buy gas before setting off on our journey. With the help of God, we made it all the way there but ran out of gas on our return trip."

"I have a gas can in my trunk," said Ty. "We can give you a lift to the gas station and back," he said giving Jules the wise guy eye. "You'll be on your back to the convent before you can say, thank you Jesus."

"Praise the Lord, the answer to our prayers," said Sister Mary Elizabeth smiling and clasping her hands together before signing herself while looking from Jules to look at her friend. "That's so very Christian of you. Thank you kind Sirs. We humbly accept your offer of a ride."

"Yes, thank you. We'd love a ride," said Sister Katherine. "It's too far to walk. Actually, we don't even know where we are," she said looking around at the dilapidated buildings, smashed windows, abandoned cars, and burnt out hovels.

Dumped appliances, mattresses, and old tired dotted the landscape on this side of town in the way that trees, rose bushes, and white picket fences landscaped the scenery on the other side of town. Judging one side of town to the other, one would never think that this wasn't the same city or country even. When we give so much financial aid to other countries that spit in our faces rather than taking care of our own first, how can such poverty happen in the greatest country in the world? The United States of America is a country so rich that every politician who comes to Washington as a poor man or woman leaves as a millionaire and those multi-millionaires who take the oath of office to serve the public as public servants leave as billionaires. Where is the fairness that our civil servants should be able to amass so much wealth while the rest of us have so little money?

With all of the unsavory characters lurking about in the shadows, if the Sisters thought that they were being watched, they wouldn't be mistaken as a multitude of eyes were upon them just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce. Only happening upon the opportunity to bag a couple of nuns before any else, the kings of their inner city jungle, Jules and Tyrone, pounced first. As if lions with their kill, with the rest lying in wait in the way of jackals, they weren't willing to share and no one dared interfere with what they were doing until they abandoned the nuns to fend for themselves. Yet knowing better than to leave two innocent nuns at the mercy of the bad men who endured and survived in this bad neighborhood, they didn't leave them but took them with them. If anything, they were doing the nuns a valuable service and a genuine favor by giving them a ride, even if it was a journey to Hell instead of a ride to Heaven.

Closing the hood and locking and alarming the car, the car would be safe there, now that the others had seen Jules and Tyrone taking care to protect the Buick from being vandalized and/or stolen. Too oblivious to know, if only the Sisters knew what was about to happen to them, taking their chances in this deserted, dangerous neighborhood, they never would have accepted a ride. Instead of Sister Katherine saying that she'd love a ride, she may as well said, I'd love to be stripped naked and forced to suck you before you fuck me. Only, too innocent to know and too trusting of everyone to even consider that violent outcome, no doubt, they thought that God would protect them. Truth be told, they shouldn't have been left alone to go out and about in this neighborhood without an armed guard packing more than just a Bible, a cross, and blind faith.

Oh dear God, if only they had heeded Father Thomas' advice and bought gas before leaving, none of this would have happened. Ignoring their GPS, if only they had stayed on the main highway instead of taking the back road home because of rush hour traffic, they would have been helped already by the police or by a Good Samaritan. If only they knew where they were and hadn't gotten lost, they may have made it home with the gasoline they had. In this hour of their need, only Jesus could help them now but, obviously, too busy with other things, they were left to the diabolical pleasures of Jules and Tyrone.

* * * * *

Never intending to take them to buy gas, they had a different agenda on their minds. Driving right by the gas station, Jules and Tyrone took the nuns to an abandoned house. After the housing crash, there were lots of abandoned houses in their neighborhood, too many empty buildings for the police to check. Knowing the neighborhood well, Jules and Tyrone knew exactly where to take the Sisters so as not to be disturbed. As ironical as it was funny, they took the nuns to a house that was right across from the front of the police station. With the cops always in the back of the station, by the donut shop drinking their coffee and eating their donuts, Jules and Tyrone knew they could do their dirty business without being disturbed or even noticed.

"Where are we going?" Sister Mary Elizabeth leaned forward in her seat as if to talk to another nun over the pew in church at mass. "Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me," she said thrice when he didn't answer her. As if she was Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory situation comedy show, she tapped Jules on the shoulder as if he was being bad in class. "Where are you taking us?"

"You've past several gas stations already," said Sister Katherine smiling contently while looking out her window and obviously enjoying the scenic ride. "If you're concerned about the gas prices, don't worry. We have enough money for gas. Father Thomas gave us his credit card."

"Don't be such an idiot, you stupid bitch," said Sister Mary panicking and staring at her friend as if she was the Devil in disguise of a Nun.

As if she was suddenly possessed by the Devil's dirty deeds instead of filled by God's good graces and indeed she was, she looked frightened. Obviously imagining the bad things that Jules and Tyrone were about to do to her and her friend's innocent, virginal bodies, she appeared panic-stricken. Ready to take a leap of faith and looking as if she was ready to jump from the car, she may have if the car had been a four door instead of a two door.

"Stupid bitch?" Paying never mind to the real danger that lurked in the front seat, Sister Katherine was more concerned with the insult given her by her friend in the backseat. She looked at her friend with shock and outrage. "Who are you calling a stupid bitch?"

"You, you stupid bitch," said Sister Mary turning her attention from trying to escape to focus on her pretty friend. Stuck with you 24/7, I'm sick and tired of what a stupid bitch you are. God you're so stupid. How dumb can you be blondie? You are testimony to what God gave you in your good looks in what he took away in your intelligence. Fortunately for me, I possess both," she said sitting upright in her seat as if posing for a photograph.

"How dare you call me a stupid bitch?" Obviously Sister Katherine missed the point of Sister Mary's insults. A natural blonde who reinforced what men thought about the intelligence of blondes, natural or otherwise, she wasn't the brightest nun in the convent. "May God forgive you because I surely won't," she said nodding her head in affirmation and folding her arms across her bosom.

"You are a stupid bitch," said Sister Mary.

Unable to make this stuff up, as if a sexual fantasy come true, both nuns started fighting. A real catfight in the backseat of Tyrone's car, Jules turned in his seat to watch the two religious woman while Tyrone nearly drove off the road watching Sisters Mary and Katherine fighting through the reflection in his rearview mirror. Obviously a longtime seething, tugging at their clothes, pulling on their hair, and slapping one another across their faces, the nuns were out of control.

"Hey," said Jules laughing. "Knock it off. We're here."

"Here?" Sister Mary looked out her car window.

"Where's here?" Sister Katherine looked out on the other side of the car.

The two Sisters stared out the car window at a rundown house with dilapidated houses on both sides and with more foreclosed homes across the street. In the way of Flint and Detroit Michigan, abandoned and left to die, once a thriving neighborhood but now with joblessness and hopelessness, no one lived here but rats, roaches, homeless people seeking shelter, criminals looking for victims, and druggies needing privacy to do their fixes. Oh woe are them for what Jules and Tyrone were about to do to their naked bodies.

With the Devil alive and in residence in this house, Heaven help them. If there was a God, now was the time for him or her to step forward to stop the brutality of what was about to happen to them. Two innocent nuns, women of faith who devoted their lives to helping others, contrary and in opposition to our public servants who help no one but themselves and their cronies, they didn't deserve this.

"I didn't tell you where we were going because I, um, was afraid you wouldn't come," said Tyrone putting his head down while lying through his teeth.

"Why? What is it?" Sister Katherine leaned forward to put a gentle hand of comfort to Tyrone's shoulder. "You can tell us," she said.

At the mercy of his lies, she was obviously ready to believe anything and everything he said.

"I, um, wanted you to visit my sick grandmother before we took you for gas. After my whore of a prostitute mother died of a drug overdose, she's been a mother to me," said Tyrone suddenly looking very sad.

"Oh, you poor, poor dear," said Sister Katherine after snubbing her nose at her friend, as if to say, I told you so.

"Yeah, um, his granny is dying and she means the world to him," said Jules laying it on thick before looking away to roll his eyes.

"Oh brother. If you believe that one," mumbled Sister Mary Elizabeth beneath her breath. "I have swamp land, I mean, ocean front property for sale in Florida that Disney wants to buy to expand," she said sighing in disbelief.

Not wanting to make a scene and not wanting anyone seeing them, not even a snitch who'd sell the information to the police for a few dollars, it was better that the nuns came with them voluntarily than having to carry two struggling and screaming Sisters inside the house.

"I thought you could give her the last rites," said Jules.

"The last rites? We can't give her the last rites. Only a priest can do that. Nuns can only comfort her. We can't give sacraments," said Sister Mary rolling her eyes again in the way that Jules just did.

"Oh," said Tyrone. "Maybe you could come inside to comfort her. That would mean a lot to her."

"If I had the forethought to ask Father Thomas for his cell phone, I could have called him to meet us here to give your grandmother the last rites. Perhaps I could use your cell phone," she said with a smile that concealed her real reason in wanting to call 911. "Where are we exactly?" Sister Mary looked out her window as if she was in downtown Baghdad or Syria.

"Sorry, my cell phone is dead Sister," said Jules stealthily turning off his cell phone. "I need to charge it. After I charge it inside, you can call Father Thomas," said Jules ignoring her question that asked their location.

"What about you?" Sister Mary put out her hand and looked to Tyrone. "May I use your cell phone?"

"I don't have a cell phone Sister Mary," said Tyrone lying about the cell phone that he had in his pocket.

"Having lived here most of my life, I don't recognize this place. With no landmarks, suddenly I don't know where I am," said Sister Mary obviously looking to make a mad dash to escape as soon as they opened their car door.

"Oh, I'd love to visit your sick grandmother," said Sister Katherine falling for their lines hook, line, and sinker. How someone so beautiful and so gullible was still a virgin was indeed a miracle. Straightening her habit, fixing her veil, and realigning her collar after being physically assaulted by Sister Mary before reaching out to comfort Tyrone by touching his shoulder again. "I can pray for her," she said nodding her head and smiling.

"Don't be such an idiot, you moron. God, you're so stupid," said Sister Mary staring at her as if she wanted to break the sixth commandment and kill her.

"Stop calling me names," said Sister Katherine. "Besides, sticks and stones—"

"You're right. If I had a stick, I'd beat you with it," said Sister Mary. "Obviously," said Sister Mary sighing and rolling her eyes again. "They took us here for sex."

"They did?" Sister Katherine looked more excited than she looked afraid.

"There's no sick grandmother dying in that house. There's only the Devil waiting for us to cross that threshold. In the way that every son wants to have sex with his mother, don't you know that it's every man's sexual fantasy is to have sex with a nun?"

"So, if I understand you correctly," said Sister Katherine struggling to understand. "They took us here to have us watch them having sex with their grandmother? Is that it? I don't get it. I don't understand. That makes no sense," she said looking to her friend with confusion.

"God help me, you're so dumb. Think of this as a fairytale," said Sister Mary trying to make her friend understand. "We're red riding hoods, actually black riding hoods being that we're both dressed in black. They are the hungry wolves who will eat us after we suck them. There is no grandmother."

"I always like that fairytale," said Sister Katherine folding her hands in her lap as if waiting in readiness to be told the rest of the story.

"Duh? Obviously they took us here to have their wicked sexual way with us, and to have deep, probing, pounding, penetrating sex with our naked, virginal bodies," she said putting her finger to her lips with feigned trepidation while obviously sexually swooning at all that she just said.

"Oh my God," said Sister Katherine finally getting it. Unable to control herself, she looked from Sister Mary to Jules and to Tyrone before she vocalized her extraordinarily loud and unpredictable outburst. "Thank you Jesus," she said throwing up her arms in the air before signing herself while looking up inside of the car as if God was there with them and, no doubt, he was. Because, obviously...God likes to listen as much as he likes to watch. "Hallelujah, my prayers have been answered."

"You're prayers have been answered?" Sister Mary looked at her friend. "What in God's name are you talking about now Dummy? God, you're such a Dummy. Dummy, dummy, dummy, you're such a stupid bitch. If you weren't a nun, you'd be a typical, dumb blonde falling for some line that a guy gave you to model while working your way through college. Instead of modeling, he forces you to work as a stripper and a prostitute," said Sister Mary wiping the tears from her eyes. "Trusting him to do the right thing, he takes advantage of your innocence, kindness, and goodness by forcing you to have sex for money with a multitude of disgusting men."

A stripper? A prostitute? Did Sister Mary just confess that she had a checkered past? Despite all of the insults and name calling Sister Katherine looked at her friend with renewed insight and sympathy.

"I'm sorry for your troubles Sister Mary Elizabeth. I understand the hardships you've suffered in your life that have made you the nasty bitch that you are," she said patting her friend's hand.

"Thank you...I think, Sister Katherine," said Sister Mary.

"I know it's wrong but I've been praying to God for a way to experience a man in the Biblical sense of the word, if you know what I mean. Without voluntarily breaking my vow of marriage to my Lord God, Jesus Christ, my Savior," said Sister Katherine signing herself again. "Before disappearing forever behind the convent wall, I just wanted to feel a man inside of me just once for me to know what I'm missing with the sacrifice that I'm making."

Sister Mary looked at her friend with shocked incredulousness.

"Are you kidding me?" Sister Mary stared at her friend aghast by her admission. "Instead of praying to God to help the poor and the needy, you've been praying to God to get laid? Are you kidding me? How dare you? What the Hell is wrong with you?"


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