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In the Name of the Father... Ch. 06

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Robert wants Father Thomas to hypnotize Mom and Sis for sex.
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 06/20/2013
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Robert wants Father Thomas to hypnotize his mother and sister for sex.

"I'm on to you. I'm not falling for that shit Father," said Robert looking away from the cross and shielding his eyes from the priest with his arm as if Father Thomas was the Devil and no doubt he was. "Get that cross out of my face," said Joshua as if he was a vampire about to suck blood from the priest and, by extorting him and blackmailing him, he was.

"Okay, this is your move to make," said the priest with a disinterested albeit arrogant shrug. "Now what then?" The priest dropped his cross along with his charade. "What's your plan?

"My plan? There is no plan," said Robert.

"What are you going to do then?" Father looked at Robert with boredom instead of with fear.

"Other than to report you, there's no plan for me discovering you hypnotizing women for sex. I don't have a plan."

"Report me? Huh? Who will you report me to? Are you going to report me to the Bishop? The Bishop hypnotizes women for sex too. He's the one who taught me how to hypnotize women." He smiled.

"Now that I know that, I'll skip him and report you to a higher authority," said Robert threatening with some sense of satisfaction.

"Higher? Maybe you'll go higher and will report me to the Cardinal? There isn't anyone any higher than the Cardinal except for the Pope. But be fair warned, our beloved Cardinal has a whole stable of devoted women who attend to his sexual needs daily." He laughed.

"I'll report you to the Pope then," said Robert with certainty that something will be and must be done about this perverted priest.

"You mean, of course, that you'll write a letter to Vatican City and hope it makes its way to the Pope? Is that it? Is that your plan because if it is, I'm so afraid," he said raising his hands and wiggling his fingers while laughing. "Oh, look at me. I'm shaking."

Father Thomas studied Robert with arrogance. Good at what he was doing, God knows for how long and how many women he's hypnotized for sex. Assuredly, with Father Thomas posing all the questions and having all the answers, Joshua was no match for the priest. Only, not worth his time and energy, too powerful a man in his small community, especially with him the only witness and Joshua's word against the priest, he didn't want to tangle with him. He just wanted to get what he needed from Father Thomas and return to his mother, his sister, and his little life.

"You're such a dirty bastard Father," said Robert pointing his finger of acrimony at him. "People believe in you. People trust you. People confess their sins with you and pray with you. How can you violate the God given trust that you have as a priest? Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel the least bit bad?"

"God given trust my ass," said Father Thomas. "A mere mortal student of scripture, I'm just a man dressed in black with a white collar and a silver cross," he said looking at Robert with contempt. "Having spent my youth on my knees sucking his cock as a sexual slave in servitude to my master, an older, perverted men wearing the same uniform that I wear today, who do you think taught me how to hypnotize parishioners?"

"You're all sick," said Robert.

"Sick? Maybe so we all are. Yet, we all do what we must do to survive this Hell on Earth. How do you think the Catholic Church continues to get those huge contributions that turn Vatican City into pure gold? We hypnotize the weak, the meek, and the believers to pray and pay."

Obviously Robert had stirred something up in the elder priest as he seemed angry after confessing the sexual abuse that happened to him and the thievery that the church continues today.

"Trusting you enough to be alone with you, Elizabeth didn't know you were going to hypnotize her to suck your cock. That's just wrong Father," said Robert. "Why can't you see that?"

"I understand your concern my son. I truly do but you'll never change something that has continued for centuries," said Father Thomas. "Priests in the twelfth century, going back to Friar Tuck of Robin Hood days in Sherwood Forrest and before, have always had a hypnotic control over women. Why do you think men when to war? They went to war to conquer, capture, and to have sex with women. I could tell you some stories about Maid Marion when you have the time," he said with a laugh.

"I'm not a believer in the way that Elizabeth obviously is for you to have hypnotized her and for her to suck you," said Robert pointing his finger at the priest. "Only God knows how many others you've sexually used and abused. Yet putting aside all of that," said Robert falling silent while looking at the priest looking at him. "I'm willing to make a deal with you," he said.

"Ah, a deal? I like deals. Let's Make a Deal. I watch that TV show every day. A deal with the Devil, I like it," said the slowly priest while rubbing his hands together as if he was a fly and about to land on a hot, steamy load of excrement. "Okay, a deal we shall make. Tell me Robert, what's your poison?"

"My poison is the same brand as yours Father, I'm sorry to say. Ready to play your dirty game, even though we're not on a level playing field and you have the advantage of reputation, age, wisdom, and experience, I'll just here to dip my toe in the incestuous waters. Sex is my poison Father, specifically incestuous sex with my mother and/or my sister, preferably both rather than just one or the other. In the way that you're sexually attracted to the women of your congregation, I'm sexually and incestuously attracted to my mother and sister. Two of your most loyal parishioners, I dare say, I wish to have sex with them."

"I see," said Father Thomas. "Well Robert, as your spiritual counselor, I must warn you about pitfalls of having incestuous sex with your blood relatives, namely your mother and sister," he said. "No doubt, exciting at first, but tasting the forbidden fruit by having incestuous sex is a Pandora's box of trouble. Furthermore, incest is a sin against everything holy and against God, our Lord, Jesus Christ."

"Cut the crap Father," said Robert.

"Ah, I see. So focused in your sexual lust for your mother and sister, I see that I'm unable to dissuade you otherwise to forgo your folly for having sex with your mother and sister." The priest looked at Robert as if they were in a confessional and Robert had just told the priest that he had sinful thoughts of wanting to have sex with his mother and sister. "Allow me to reiterate so that there's no misunderstanding. You'd like to have an incestuous relationship with your mother and sister. Is that correct?"

"Yes Father."

"That's good. That's very good. Actually, even though it's deemed a sin, that's all poppycock. Incest was as pervasive during biblical times as it is now. Many of the women who have had sex with me, their priest, are survivors of incest. After all the women that I've bedded, if I had my druthers, incest is always the best. Yes, indeed, I love having incestuous sex myself," said Father Thomas smiling. "So, tell me. Refresh my memory, my son. Tell me the names of your mother and sister so that I know who it is you are wanting in your bed. Who are they my son?"

"I'm not your son and it's even ludicrous for me to call you Father but, being that I'm in God's house, I'll honor him by respecting you."

"Thank you for not causing me trouble Robert," said the priest. "Speak softly as the walls have ears," said the priest looking around him as if his church was bugged. "I'll pray for both of our souls."

"My mother's name is Linda and my sister's name is Emma."

"Ah, yes, I know them well. Both kind and generous Christian women," said Father Thomas clasping his hands. "Both women are extraordinarily beautiful women. Your mother's beauty is only surpassed by her daughter's stunning good looks," he said with a sacred smile. "God worshiping and Devil fearing women, to be honest, good luck bedding either one of those two lovelies," said the priest while shaking his head from side-to-side. "They'll never have sex with you," he said with a laugh

Imagining the worst but hoping for the best, he imagined the priest had already talked to and hypnotized his mother and sister into having sex with him. He couldn't help but wonder if the good Father had already sexually abused his womenfolk. He could just see his mother and his sister on their knees sucking the Father's cock while he reached down their dresses and bras to feel their tits while fingering their nipples. Suddenly he was angry that his priest should be allowed to so sexually use and abuse his mother and sister when he hasn't even had the chance.

"Stop right there," said Robert holding up his hand. "Don't you dare speak disrespectfully of my mother and my sister, you foul man," said Robert as if he was Michael the Arch Angel coming down from Heaven to take revenge on the priest. He looked at the priest with anger. "Tell me, just how well do you know my mother and sister?"

"Ah, I see," he said with smugness. "You're wondering if I had my wicked way with your mother and sister," said the priest letting out a sinister laugh. "Is that it? You're wondering if your mother and/or your sister has sucked me while I groped their abundant breasts," he said looking at Robert to study him before speaking again. "Even though I'd love to experience their divine mouths and their Heavenly breasts, no I haven't had the sexual pleasure of receiving a blowjob from your beautiful mother or from your sexy sister."

"You filthy pig. How dare you? You disgust me Father," said Robert taking a step back from the priest.

"I disgust you?" He laughed loudly. "Kettle black. You're just as perversely perverted as I am. You're the one who wants to have sex with his own mother and sister. I'd do them but not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis," he said pulling up his white collar that had slouched down into his black shirt. "And with so many women needing my services, I'm only one man to give women my Holy Spirit, if you know what I mean," said the priest.

He winked, humped his hips in the air, and held a hand to his mouth and sticking his tongue in his cheek as if he was fucking one woman while receiving a blowjob from another.

"I know exactly what you mean, you evil man," said Robert. "So, you've already tried to have sex with my mother and my sister? Is that it? Or have you already had sex with my mother and sister? Or, until I arrived on the scene to save them from you, you were thinking about having sex with my mother and sister? Is that how you know my mother and sister so well? Is that why you know that my mother and sister aren't susceptible to hypnosis?"

"You think too much of me for me to already have had my wicked sexual way with your mother and/or your sister," said the priest with a serene smile.

"Tell me the truth so that I can beat you to death with my bare hands," said Robert staring at him with hatred. "Have they both sucked your cock while you felt their tits and fingered their nipples or are you just covering your wickedness by saying that they're not susceptible to hypnosis? Tell me," he said raising his voice. "I need to know."

"I can assure you my dear boy that I have not had the pleasure of having sex with your mother or your sister," said the priest.

In the way that the priest, no doubt, wanted to have sex with his mother and sister, he felt just as perverted as Father Thomas for wanting to have sex with his mother and sister. He looked at the priest with as much hatred as he looked at him with sexual excitement by the thoughts that his mother and sister may have already had sex with Father Thomas.

"What's wrong with you? Have you no shame and guilt hypnotizing vulnerable women to suck you and God only knows what else you've done to these poor, innocent, religious women?"

"No my son. I have no shame or guilt for allowing the woman of my parish to suck out some of the Holy Spirit that resides deep within me while I inject others with my spiritual goodness deep inside of them," said the priest with a spiritual smile. "I have no idea how many red headed children I may have spawned," he said with a laugh. "Busy enough with the regular parishioners that I already have, I haven't tried to hypnotize your mother or your sister."

"You're such a lowlife," said Robert.

"This is a big parish," said Father Thomas ignoring his insult. "I haven't had the pleasure of having sex with all of my female parishioners yet. Give me time my son," he said with a sanctimonious smile. "Now how may we resolve this sticky situation if you forgive the pun?"

Robert remained quiet while staring at the priest. He wished that he could be the righteous man and report the priest to the police for what he's done to the women of his parish but he couldn't take the high road. He needed the priest's cooperation. He needed to use the priest for sex in the way that the priest used the women for sex. This was his opportunity to finally get what he so wanted and what he so wanted was his mother and sister naked and in bed with him. He hated putting himself on the same level as the priest, but he had no choice. What else was he supposed to do than to take what he so wanted without guilt and without remorse?

"I want you to hypnotize my mother and my sister to have sex with me. Only, I need for them to be discreet. Women talk and with them under hypnosis, I don't want anyone else knowing that I'm having sex with my mother and sister, not even my mother and sister. Can you do that? Perhaps you can hypnotize them to have a threesome with me too," said Robert with some awkwardness.

"I see. You have my blessings my son," said the priest holding his hand over to make the sign of the cross over his head to bless him. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--."

"Cut the shit with the blessing Father," said Robert.

"Ah, because I'm weak for putting my sexual satisfaction before my religion," said the priest, "you think me insincere. You think me a demon just because my flesh his weak and my mind is filled with asses, tits, and pussies."

"Something like that," said Robert with venom.

"You must feel that I'm mocking you but I can assure you that I'm not mocking you Robert. When it comes to incestuous sex, I'm not mocking you. When it comes to my ordained duties as a Catholic priest, I'm not insincere."

"It's difficult for me to tell when you're sincere or when you're lying Father," said Robert.

"Lying? I don't lie. It's a sin to lie. If anything, I'm honest to a fault," said the priest. "As I've said before, incest is the best. There's no need to be embarrassed or ashamed just because you want to experience your mother and your sister in a sexual way."

"I want to believe you. I want to trust you but I don't know if I can," said Robert.

Allow me to assure you otherwise that you can believe and trust me," said Father Thomas with authority. "With the beauty and divine sexuality that your mother and sister possess, who wouldn't want to have sex with them? Being that they are two women that you love the most in your life, your beautiful mother and your sexy sister, it's more normal that you'd want to make love to them more than you would any other woman and in the way that a man makes love to a woman."

"You do make a compelling argument Father as to why I continue in my quest to seduce my mother and sister," said Robert. "In your understanding of incestuous thoughts, you've put me more at ease."

"Our little secret," said the priest holding his fingers to his lips while looking around to make sure that no one was listening. "Allow me to share with you something that no one knows about me."

"Yes? What is it Father?"

"When I first became a priest Robert, so many years ago, using them as my human guinea pigs, the first women that I hypnotized were my mother and my sister," he said with a smile of prideful superiority. "It wasn't until I successfully hypnotized them that I realized that I could have sex with not only them but also with anyone."

"I envy the power that you have over women," said Robert while thinking of having that level of power of his mother and sister.

"The thoughts of stripping my mother and my sister naked was not just sexually exciting, an understatement, but overwhelming," said Father Thomas. "Even though I was studying to become a priest at the time, masturbating night and day over the thoughts of having sex with my mother and sister, I couldn't help myself from taking advantage of the hypnotic situation, if you will."

"Having masturbated so very many times of the thoughts of my mother and sister naked while having sex with them, I can commiserate," said Robert.

"Sometimes, when alone at night and horny while masturbating, I still fantasy removing my mother's and my sister's blouse, skirt, bra, and panty while they're under my hypnotic spell. The first time seeing my mother and my sister naked is something that I shall never forget. The first time I touched, felt, and caressed my mother and my sister's naked bodies, I was so full of incestuous, sexual lust for them. Sometimes, when alone at night and masturbating, a sexual fantasy so real, I think of them sucking me or I recall fucking them as if they are with me in the rectory."

"Oh my God," said Robert quaking with the thoughts of hypnotizing his mother and sister, stripping them naked, and touching and feeling their naked bodies before having sex with them. "Indeed, Father, as I would like to be too, you are a lucky man to have experienced not only your mother in a sexual way but also your sister."

"Precisely," said Father Thomas, "precisely. After removing my mother's and sister's clothes, seeing them in the underwear before seeing them naked, was a sexual fantasy that I harbored for years. Touching them and feeling their naked bodies was better than I could have ever imagined."

"Oh my God," said Robert readjusting his growing erection through his pants.

"Every night, before I hypnotized them to have sex with them, I thanked Jesus for allowing me to pleasure my mother and sister and for them to pleasure me without them knowing or even suspecting that I had my way with their naked bodies. Because I was able to hypnotize them and keep them under hypnosis, we had plenty of arousing evenings in my room with both my mother and sister praying to God, if you know what I mean," he said giving Robert a wink. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God," he said with a devilish laugh while humping the air with his hips as if he was humping his mother's and sister's mouths.

"If you don't mind me saying so, you're really a sick fuck Father," said Robert.

"A sick fuck? You're absolutely right Robert. No doubt I am a sick fuck but, I dare say, that it takes one to know one," he said with a laugh. "As you say, you are a sick fuck too, my son."

"I have no idea why you're even still a priest."

"The reason why the hierarchy of the church passes me from parish to parish along with so many other priests instead of giving me the psychological help that I desperately need is because the church is infested with too many perverts like me. Rather than to continue defending lawsuits, case closed and forever hold your peace, the church would rather pay the money necessary to settle out of court," said Father Thomas.

"I see," said Robert. "It's a win/win for everyone. The Catholic gets to close their eyes of the sexual abuse by washing their hands of it with money. The clergy continues to abuse more women but at a different parish, and those survivors of sexual abuse are given enough money to afford the therapy they need to get hopefully their lives back. Yet, Father, too many of those so abused turn to drugs, alcohol, suicide, and/or become abusers themselves," said Robert with sadness."

"Your right and only the strong will survive for the meek and weak shall never inherit the Earth. Amen," said Father Thomas looking up to the ceiling of the church and signing himself. "Even then with many of these victims of sexual abuse becoming dependent on alcohol or drugs, becoming sexual predators themselves, or committing suicide, the church pays out a fraction of what they should to make all the wrongs right. Yet, no amount of money can ever make all those wrongs right. Rather than to spend the next ten years of their lives rehashing all that happened to them, most of them take the money and run."


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