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In Your Dreams Ch. 02

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How could she have imagined that one night would be enough?
8.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/02/2022
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How could Maria have imagined that one night with Warren would be enough to get it out of her system? "It". That itch she couldn't scratch on her own. That longing to know him better, to feel his body against hers, to feel hers melting into his. To feel his hands on her, his fingers touching her. To feel... everything. "It" hadn't gone away. "It" had gotten worse. Every day she had woken up thinking about him, imagining when she would get to be with him again. And today, almost two weeks after their night together, it was going to happen.

Maria swallowed as the elevator rose, the stomach flop from the sudden motion mixing with the butterflies she had been dealing with all day. She studied her face in the mirrored inner door of the elevator. Why did she look so worried? Come on, smile. Two more floors. One more. With a bong and a clatter the doors flew open and Maria caught her breath and stepped off.

She fought the urge to drag out her phone and check the room number one more time. She knew the room number, it was engraved in what passed for her brain this afternoon. She checked the numbers on the nearest rooms and then set off down the hallway. Nondescript corridor carpet, door after anonymous hotel room door, all sunk in a placid mid-afternoon snooze. She found the room and stood in front of it.

She had to knock on the door but her knees were trembling. She wanted this, wanted it so much, but also... she was scared. A one-night stand at a conference in Las Vegas was a slip. A deliberate meeting at a downtown hotel during working hours was an affair. She swallowed and lifted her hand to knock. Footsteps, then the door swung open and he was standing there.

Warren. His face lit up when he saw her. He was gorgeous. Boyish smile, dimpled chin. Maria's heart performed a complicated maneuver that involved speeding up and flipping a cartwheel at the same time. Her face relaxed but the smile stayed in place. God. Oh my fucking God.

"Hey," he said. His voice was gentle and smooth, like a pleasant hot drink. "Come on in." He stepped back and she went in. The door closed softly behind her. Here she was.

It was a nicer room than she had feared, a living room with a couch and coffee table - the bed was in another room. That was good. She relaxed a bit more and glanced over at him. He was studying her. "Come on in," he said again. "Sit down, take a load off. Glass of something? Wine? Scotch?"

"Um... You have white wine?" she asked.

"Coming right up," Warren said. He crouched in front of the minibar fridge and started moving bottles around. "I won't swear to it being the best wine on the planet but it'll be cold and wet."

Maria perched on the edge of the sofa. She realized she was clutching her purse to her side. She laid it down next to her and folded her hands in her lap. Warren was coming over, glasses in his hands.

"Here," he said, passing her a glass. He sat down next to her, smiled and lifted his glass. "To... what do you say? To us?"

"How about just cheers?" Maria asked.

He grinned. "Cheers, it is." The glasses clinked and they each sipped. "Nope," Warren said. "Not the vineyard's best. But 'tis enough, 'twill suffice." He was looking into her eyes and she felt herself swimming away. Jesus. "Thank you for coming," he said softly.

What to say? You're welcome? She looked away, then back at him. Nothing came out of her mouth.

"I've been thinking about you," Warren added. "A lot."

Maria found her voice. "I... I have, too," she said. She looked at him. He was nodding slowly. "I mean thinking about you," she added lamely.

He broke into another grin. "God," he said. "That was... I'm... I keep going over it in my mind. That, when you opened your door that night it felt like a bomb going off in my brain. You were... the most beautiful, absolutely the vision of perfection, that I had ever seen." He laughed. "You see? You make me incoherent," he said.

She looked away again, cast her eyes down. Her heart was hammering away. "Thank you," she said, her voice just above a whisper.

She heard a clink and glanced over. Warren had put his wine down on the glass coffee table and was reaching his hand towards hers. She watched, fascinated, as her own hand moved towards his, taking his fingers between hers and holding them. Now his face was there in front of hers. She closed her eyes and leaned forward into his kiss. Oh such deliciousness. Such excitement. She must have put her wine down because now her other hand was moving up to his face, resting against his cheek. Was it her voice making those soft murmuring sounds? And all the while, the exquisite electricity of his lips against hers.

Her nerves were settling down, now that they were actually kissing. That other time, that night in Vegas, seemed so unreal when she thought back to it that today felt somehow like a beginning.

That night had been insane. She'd hung up the phone with Louis and hadn't even had time to panic before the tap had come on her door. When she opened it, the rush to be together, to finish what they had started the night before on the roof, had been overwhelming. The urgency of her want had drowned out any second thoughts. In practically no time they had been naked on the bed, his hands and mouth ranging over her body.

Now, there was a noise in the hallway, wheels whirring on a suitcase being dragged along and then a knocking. Maria turned her face away from Warren and looked at the door.

"Next door," Warren said. His hands were resting on her shoulders.

She looked at him, into his eyes, and again felt a floating sensation inside her. She smiled.

"I'll make sure the door is locked," he said. He paused. "Shall we move to the bedroom?"

She looked down, then back up at him. "Yes," she said. She gave a little laugh. "Actually maybe I'll use the facilities first."

He smiled. "Of course." He patted her shoulder. "See you soon."

The bathroom was well-lit. Maria combed her hair and checked herself out. The gray knit dress flattered her figure and the new high burgundy leather boots were perfect with it. It was going to be fine. Actually, it was going to be amazing. The nervous woman who had peered at herself in the elevator door was gone. She felt powerful and alive. She had been waiting for this moment ever since her hotel room door had closed behind Warren in Las Vegas.

She dried her hands one last time then snapped off the light and went out into the bedroom.

The king-sized bed almost filled it, with just space left over for a wall-hung TV and two small side tables, each with a wine glass on it. Warren was sitting up, propped against the headboard, naked. His cock was erect, its head purplish and shiny. One of his hands was wrapped around the shaft.

Maria froze. She of course had been naked with Warren in Vegas but this display was so sudden... her breath caught in her throat. The muscled torso with its dusting of curly hair. His face, so like something off a Greek statue. And his cock, swollen and impatient. Her knees felt weak again, looking down at him.

"Oh my," she said. She gave a little giggle.

"Sorry," Warren said in a congested voice. "I tried to wait but..."

"Oh no," Maria said. "I'm sorry, was I gone a long time?"

"No," he grunted. "Just impatient."

She leaned against the bed and touched the tip of his cock with her hand. His hips reared up. thrusting his cock towards her.

"I think you need me to take over for you," she whispered. She moved her hand down his shaft and he took his hand away. Gently, she squeezed him. The fleshy rod throbbed under her fingers. The feeling was exhilarating. She squeezed again and gently stroked the tip with her pointer finger.

Warren moaned.

"Is that nice?" she asked.

"Yes," he mumbled. "So good."

She leaned further down and peered at his cock. She wanted it, wanted to be closer to it, to feel it against and inside her. She opened her mouth and took him in, touching him with her lips and tongue. The skin of his bulb was so soft, the shaft so rigid. She leaned her knees against the side of the bed and brought her other hand over to cup his balls. His eyes were closed and his face was taut.

"Get undressed," he said through his teeth. "I need you."

"Don't you want to look at me first?" she asked. There was a note of disappointment in her voice. His eyes flickered open.

"God," he said. "You're gorgeous."

"You like my dress?" she asked.

"Very pretty," he said.

"And my boots?"

He leaned to one side. "Very sexy," he said. "Now take it all off." He laughed. "Come on, Maria!"

"I was thinking I might keep on the boots," she said.

"While we're..."

"You like the idea?"

He licked his lips. "They're super sexy," he repeated.

"Exactly," she said. "Plus what if I need to make a quick escape? Girl needs to be ready."

She turned away and crouched next to the bed. "Can you unzip me?" She felt his hands on her neck and on her back. The zipper slid down. His lips caressed her neck and then his teeth dug softly into her shoulder.

"Ow," she said.

"Sorry," he told her. "You just look delicious."

"Huh." She stood up and faced him, then pulled off the dress, then unhooked her bra. "You need to do the panties," she informed him.

"How will they go past your boots?" he asked.

"Look at them."

He looked. "Bows," he said. He glanced up at her. "Just untie them?"

"Exactly," she said. She leaned forward. His hands took the ends of the laces on her hips and pulled. The bows untied and the panties fell away.

"Clever," he said.

"Technology," she told him. "It's a thing. Now scoot back."

But he was staring at her and didn't move. "God," he said again. "You're gorgeous."

She smiled. "Thank you," she said.

"I have..." He paused. "I wonder." He stopped.


He looked embarrassed. "You might think it's weird," he said.

"What's weird?"

He hopped off the bed and went over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers, then came back to her with a few things in his hand. "It's an outfit," he said sheepishly. "I hadn't thought about it for right away but... it's so good with your boots."

Speechless, Maria looked at what he had handed her. There was a flat black hat with a row of small red pompoms around the brim. Inside the hat were a pair of red lace gloves and a matching satin choker with what looked like a pearl stuck to it.

"Wait a sec," Warren said. He went back to the dresser and came back with a piece of cloth. He fluttered it out. It was a cape, red satin on one side and black velvet on the other. "Toro, toro," he chanted. "It's a sexy bullfighter's outfit."

Maria laughed uncertainly. "Um," she said. "I've never worn an outfit, exactly. For sex, I mean." She smiled. "I've always made do with the one I was given on day one."

"It'll be fun," Warren urged her. "And it'll be dynamite with your boots."

Maria studied him and looked at the hat. She perched it on her head. It was a good fit, maybe a little small, but not bad. Warren handed her the cape and she tied it around her neck.

"Olé," she said. She smiled. It could have been worse. If he'd wanted her to be a sexy nurse or a French maid she would have had serious doubts.

She picked up the choker and fastened it around her neck with the "pearl" facing forward. "Not the gloves," she said. She tossed those onto the dresser.

"Okay," he said. He grinned. "You look fantastic and the boots are like they were made for the outfit."

She laughed and shook her head. "I guess I've led a sheltered life," she said. "But nobody's ever wanted me to dress up as a sexy bullfighter before."

He grinned at her. "This is where I start kicking at the ground and snorting," he said.

"Oh," she said. "And chasing me around the room trying to sink your horn into me?"

He thrust his hips forward. His cock was still at attention. Whether with pre-come or with Maria's saliva, the head glistened.

"Toro, toro," he said again.

Maria laughed and reached out a hand. She wrapped it around him and squeezed. "Come on, toro," she said.

He lay down on his back, his head on a pile of pillows. She knelt next to him and lowered her head. Her tongue slid out and made a foray along the length of his cock. Warren moaned.

She glanced up at him, then clambered around on the bed, settling her knees on either side of his head, one burgundy leather boot on each side of his head. His hands came up immediately, stroking her thighs. One finger brushed against her cunt and she shuddered.

"Jesus," she murmured. Her hips moved, driving her down onto his hands.

His hands came up to squeeze her ass, fingers outstretched. His tongue slid along her slit. She writhed above him and the hat fell off and landed on the floor.

"God," she breathed. His tongue had found its mark and was darting and circling. Her hands were gripping his thighs, digging in. She put her head down on his prick, resting her cheek on it. "More," she whispered. "Don't stop. Just like that."

One finger slid into her ass and she bucked. "No, just..." she said but a thumb went into her cunt and together they matched the slow rhythm of tongue on clit. She whinnied and howled and moaned, then drove down, pressing on his hands with her pubis.

"Oh," she cried. "Oh yes." Her body tensed and strained, then went limp. She lay on top of him, panting.

After a little while he stirred, moving his head to one side.

"Oh sorry." she said. "Too heavy?"

"Just hard to breathe," he explained. She rolled off him and lay on her back boots next to his head.

"That was pretty nice," she said.

He sat up and looked down at her. "I love the boots," he said again.

She smiled. "Yeah?"

He gazed at her then leaned forward and adjusted the cape around her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just want to look at you," he said. He stood up. "Here," he said, picking up the black hat and trying to put it on her head.

"Just a second," she told him. She turned around and leaned against the pillows at the headboard so the hat would sit on her head.

He was holding his cock. "Touch your breasts," he said hoarsely.

She cupped one hand around a nipple. "Like that?" she asked.

"Raise your knees," he said. His cock was distended in his hand. "Hold them apart. Yes, like that." He was rubbing himself. "God," he said. "I could look at you all day and all night.

"Come back to me," she said.

He took a condom off the dresser and unwrapped it, his eyes still fixed on her. "Are you ready for me?" he asked.

"Come," she told him.

The condom was in place now and he knelt on the bed between her knees. She lifted her legs higher and he lay on her, easing himself into her.

"Oh," he cried. "Oh man. That feels so good!"

"Yes," she murmured. The hat fell off again as he pushed into her. Her legs twisted behind him.

"Oh my God," he cried.

"Yes." she said. "Do it!"



He groaned and buried his face in her shoulder.


She must have dozed off, because she woke up alone in the bed.

"Warren?" she said.

"Hey." he called from the other room. She slid out of the bed and went out to him. He was sitting up naked in a chair, on top of a towel, his phone in his hand. "Good nap?"

"How long did I sleep?"

"Not long," he said. "Twenty minutes, half an hour." She saw that he had his wine glass.

"Sip?" she asked.

He smiled up at her and passed her the glass, then tapped his thigh. "Come and sit," he said.

She perched on his legs and gave him the glass back. "Warren,"

she asked. "When are you coming back?" It suddenly struck her that it was the first time she had drunk out of his glass. It was strange, to be so close in so many ways and yet... not.

"To town?"


"Next month," he said. "I think the eighteenth."

She didn't say anything but took the glass back for another sip.

"I know it's a long time," he told her gently.

She shrugged.

He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder. "Let's make the most of the time we have now," he suggested.


Louis was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer when Maria got home. "Hey," he said when she came in. "How was your day?"

She put her bag down on a chair. "It was great," she said.

"Want a beer?"

"No, thanks." She opened the refrigerator and stared into it. "Do we have a plan for dinner?"

"You feel like a movie? I thought we could go to an early show and then grab dinner afterwards."

She didn't feel like going to a movie but also didn't feel like disagreeing. 'Sure," she said. "Maybe I'll have a snack to keep me going." She got a yogurt out and peeled back the lid.


"Ravenous," she said.

"All that exercise," he said. "I'm glad you've been stopping at the gym on the way home." He stood up and came over to where she was standing next to the fridge. "Kiss?" he asked.

She swallowed a mouthful of yogurt and leaned over to him. He pressed his lips against hers.

"Mmm," he said. "Blueberry."

She smiled. "So clever," she teased.

"And," he sniffed. "New shampoo?"

She took another bite of yogurt. "I ran out at the gym," she told him. "Had to borrow some from one of the other women." Hotel shampoo. Why was she lying to him? He knew about Vegas, had more or less grudgingly gone along with the idea of it, probably because she hadn't really given him a choice. But he had never asked her about it afterward, it was as if it hadn't happened. And what she was doing now... well, he sure hadn't signed off on that.

"What do you want to see?" he asked.

"What's playing?"


At the theater she realized she had made a tactical error by not holding out for the comic book action movie - the romantic comedy he'd picked out was full of the kind of social awkwardness and misunderstandings she'd never found amusing. The couple on screen would of course work it out and end up in bed after eighty minutes of inept wooing but she just didn't care or believe it.

She closed her eyes and remembered. Warren's tongue on her clit. Binding his body to hers with her legs and arms as his cock exploded inside her.

But that had to hold her for another month. Maria sighed and glanced at Louis. He seemed to be engrossed in the movie.

She closed her eyes again, again losing herself in memory. Lowering herself onto Warren's prick as he sat in the chair. The hardness and heat of him, the swelling waves of pleasure. His hands on her breasts, then gripping her shoulders as she came, then came again.

She opened her eyes. The pretty people on the screen were still misunderstanding each other, she could tell by their frowns. She sighed softly.


Dinner was better. After a steak frites and a glass of red wine Maria could listen to Louis talk about his day. She still had little flashes of remembrance, like when he talked about a friend of theirs buying a house on the Cape and her mind immediately conjured up a black and red matador's cape. Or when he talked about the market's ups and downs and her mind went back to fucking in the chair with Warren.

She smiled at him and he took her hand. Louis. He was such a good guy and she shouldn't be doing this, sitting at dinner with him thinking about her afternoon in bed with someone else.

"That woman," Louis said, "is dressed up like a bullfighter. She's got a cape and one of those hats they wear."

She turned to look. It was Yvonne from sales. And she was wearing the flat black hat with red pompoms around the brim. And the red choker with a pearl on it. And the matador cape.

Yvonne, who worked with Warren. Worked closely with Warren.

Maria fought back a moment of panic. It must be a coincidence. Probably all the costume fetish websites had specials on sexy bullfighter outfits this month. Bullshit, a little voice inside her head said.

"She actually works with me," she said in a faraway voice.

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