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Incest at Gunpoint

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A father and son do what they have to do.
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The vast exotic wilderness of the Brazilian rainforest is a place where John, a middle aged married man and father from Arizona, has always wanted to explore but never had the opportunity to, but having taken early retirement from his well payed career he now felt he had the freedom to finally do so.

His wife, Linda wasn't so keen on joining him, feeling that it wasn't her scene at all, she's more of a relaxing cruise holiday type of woman, but she suggested that he should take their 23 year old son, Joel with him. John thought this was a great idea. "You two will get to know each other better." Said Linda.

Just recently John has started to notice a change in Joel, he longer seemed to be a "normal" young man into normal young man stuff like he used to be, in fact, unbeknown to John, Joel had recently confided in his mother that he was gay, and an effeminate one at that, but Joel would always put on a butch, manly act whenever he was around his father, which was becoming increasingly unconvincing, and he was now was very apprehensive at the prospect of this supposed father-son bonding adventure he was about to embark upon with his father.


When they get to the Brazilian rainforest, John suddenly and risibly adopts the persona of Crocodile Dundee or something, and decided they would, against advice, explore the Amazon without a guide.

"We've got all the supplies we need, It'll be ok," said an overconfident John. Joel wasn't so sure.

They headed into the forest, John lead and Joel followed.

As they got deeper and deeper into the wilderness and further and further from the base camp, inevitably, they got lost!

In the situation they found themselves in, Joel was definitely Sue Charlton to John's Mick Dundee. As they tried to find their way back to the base camp, walking through undergrowth Joel was suddenly attacked by a large snake and was rescued by John. In this situation of helplessness and total reliance on his father, and with the extreme heat affecting his judgment, overcome with gratitude, Joel low-key finds himself becoming attracted to his father.

Eventually they find themselves on a rough track with tyre marks on it and almost straight away they hear, then see a white pickup truck with people in the back of it coming their way.

As it came nearer they waved their arms around and got the attention of the driver who stopped the truck beside them.

"Hey, err...do you mind if we hop on for a ride to civilisation?" John asked the men on the truck.

It quickly became apparent to John that these guys were some bad hombres, probably a drug gang. Two of them pulled out machine guns and jumped out of the truck.

"Whoa, wait a minute, what's going on?!" John exclaimed.

The rest of the men then jumped out of the van. They tied John and Joel's hands behind their backs, blindfolded them and bundled them onto the back of the truck.

"Where are you taking us?" John asked as they travelled along the track. None of the men responded to him and were talking to one another in Spanish.

Joel knew a little Spanish but was too scared to repeat what the men were saying.

Eventually they reached a clearing deep in the heart of the Amazon; it must have been some sort of base for this gang.

John and Joel were instructed by one of the men to get off the truck. They were then ushered, with machine guns pushed into their backs into a building within the complex. Their blindfolds were taken off and their hands untied before they were put in a large cage and locked in.

"If you think we're cops or something, I can assure you, we're not!" said John to the men, but they ignored him and left the room leaving John and Joel alone.

Joel began getting panicky at this point. "What are they going to do with us?!" he said.

"Just stay calm and we'll be alright." said John, but inside he was just as scarred too.

There was no seating in this cage and so John and Joel were sitting on the hard floor. After a couple of hours they became quite uncomfortable, thirsty and hungry.

As the hours past men were coming in and out of the room and passing through, all ignoring John's questions as to why they were holding them, how long will they be there and when they were going to get some food and water.

A little later, one man came to them with a small glass, half full of water.

"Oh thankyou, we really appreciate that." John said, expecting the man to give them the water.

"Kiss your girly friend!" said the man in broken English.

"Excuse me??" replied John.

"Give your girlfriend a kiss and you have water!"

"This is my son!" John replied angrily!

"Kiss daughter and you have water" said the man with a grin.

"What are you, sick or something?!"

"Ok... is your choice." said the man as he turned and left the room, but not before callously tipping the glass of water onto the floor in front of them.

"What kind of sick people are these guys?" John said in despair.

John and Joel were then just left, laying on the hard floor, even more thirsty and hungry.

A few hours later, in the evening, mercifully, it was beginning to cool, and a sleeping John and Joel were awoken by the men as they all entered the room and sat in the chairs that were assembled in front of the cage. A couple of them had machine guns.

The man from earlier with the glass of water, who seemed to be the leader of this gang, was right at the front. "Kiss your boy," he demanded.

"Go to hell!" responded John.

The men with guns pointed them at John.

"I ask you again... kiss your boy."

"you're gonna have to shoot me because it's not happening you fucking freak!"

"Dad come on, lets just do it," a stressed Joel said to his dad.


"They're gonna shoot us if we don't, it's just a kiss, come on."

"There is no fucking way I'm..."

"they're serious dad... lets just do it." Joel insisted.

Joel moved on all fours closer to his dad who was sitting up on the floor.

John tightened his lips as Joel moved in and gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's a start, but you do better than this," said the man.

Joel put his mouth to his again, this time more sensually. Joel tried to slip his tongue into his dads mouth but he was not having any of it, keeping his lips tightly closed and just starring straight at Joel. "Come on, dad, we won't get out of here alive if we don't do this." Whispered Joel. Suddenly it was Joel in control with the level head, trying to get them out of a tricky situation.

In his mind John accepted that the way out of this situation was to play along, so he tentatively opened his mouth and Joel slipped his tongue in, looking for his dads tongue.

"Come on daddy," Joel quietly whispered to his dad, coaxing out his tongue.

A silence fell over the room and bulges began growing in the pants of the captors as they watched this father and son passionately kissing.

"Enough!" said John, turning his head away, trying to give the impression to Joel and also their captors that he didn't want to do this, but really a part of him did.

Joel began to undress.

"What are you doing, Joel?"

"Come on dad, lets just give them what they want and they'll probably let us go."

"This is correct." said the man.

"You'll let us go if we have sex?" Asked John.

"You have my word."

By now Joel was naked, eliciting cheers and wolf whistles from the gang watching them.

Joel doesn't have a typical young man's body, he has an androgynous look with a nice pert ass and shapely legs, enough to tempt any straight man. John had of course not seen Joel naked since he was a small child and so was quite taken aback by the sight of him now and the figure he has.

"Get undressed, dad, come on!" pleaded Joel.

"I'm not getting naked." Insisted John firmly.

John then got to his feet and Joel came up and embraced him.

"Suck your daddy!" the man demanded of Joel.

"Oh come on, maaan!" John responded with fake outrage.

"It's ok dad." said Joel as he dropped to his knees in front of him and began undoing his pants. John looked up at the ceiling and let out a faked exasperated sigh, pretending he didn't want this to be happening.

Joel took out Johns cock which was semi erect, betraying the fact that he wasn't in anguish but actually getting quite aroused.

As their captors looked on, Joel put his fathers cock in his mouth. John turned his head towards the men and gave his best Oscar winning performance yet:

"Why?" he said theatrically. "How can you make a father and son do this?!"

John looked down at Joel who was looking back up at him. Locked in eye contact, Joel rolled his tongue around the very tip of Johns hardening cock which made John openly show some signs of arousal.

"Oh Joel!" said a conflicted John, aroused, guilty, proud, excited and disgusted all at the same time.

Right then an unopened condom landed on the floor right next to them that one of their captors tossed into the cage.

Joel reached over and picked up the condom. "Shall we?" Joel asked, looking up at his father. They both knew this was inevitable anyway.

Joel knee walked over to his dad as he was tearing the condom packet open with his teeth. He put the condom on the end of his dad's cock, then using both hands, began rolling it down. It only three quarters covered the long shaft.

Joel then turned around, put his left cheek to the floor facing away from their audience and presented his peach of an ass to his rock hard father who took up position behind him.

"Part your cheeks for me." John requested.

Joel reached around with both hands, parting his cheeks with his fingers giving his father clear access to his sons virgin butt hole.

"You won't tell your mother about this will you?"

"Of course not, dad. C'mon just do it."

Joel then felt the tip of his dads cock touch against his butt hole, which sent a thrill of excitement through him.

Joel winced as John tried to push through but it was just too dry and tight, so John rubbed the length of his condom covered shaft against Joel's anus which loobed it up a little, and then tried again, this time managing to penetrate through. Knowing Joel had a virgin butt, John paused there, with just his tip inside his son.

"You ok, Joel?"

"Yes dad, I'm good."

"Shall I go in more?"

"Yes do it, do it!"

John slowly eased in further.

"Still good?" asked John.

"Still good." replied Joel, but actually it was stinging a little.

John inched about half of his shaft in when Joel's left arm came around to stop His dad for a moment.

"You ok?"

"I'm good, I'm good." said a flustered and grimacing Joel. "it just hurts a little that's all...ok carry on."

John eased himself all the way in which caused an intake of breath from Joel.

With the cock fully inside him, Joel kneeled upright and put his back against his father's chest. John's belly fitted just perfectly in the small of Joel's back.

John wrapped his arms around Joel tightly as Joel turned his head to kiss his father on the lips. In this very warm and tender moment they almost forgot they had an audience.

"Lets give them a show then shall we?!" John said.

"Lets do this!" Joel replied with an evil smile.

John bent Joel back over into a doggy position and began slowly fucking him, sliding his shaft all the way in and all the way out.

"Mmmmm, yeah baby, that feels soooo good!" Joel said in a comedic, exaggerated porn star voice.

John played along. "Oh yeah, take it like a bitch!" he said, trying not to laugh.

By now Joel had gotten used to the feel of cock in his butt and so began pushing back against his dad. After an awkward few mistimed thrusts they did fall into a good rhythm.

As John began fucking harder, Joel collapsed facing downwards followed by John on top of him, continuing to hump him in a prone position. Joel just quietly enjoyed his dad making love to him and thought about his mother and how this is an experience she will have had countless times.

Suddenly, John was ready to cum.

"Oh god! oh god! mmmmm, yes, fuck me daddy!" Joel screamed, this time for real as John smashed him as hard as he could in the remaining seconds he had left.

In these last moments, John suddenly pulled out of Joel, took off the condom, and as the fresh cool evening air filled Joel's gaping butt hole he turned his head to face his dad. "What's up??" he asked, as John was flipping him over onto his back.

With Joel now on his back, John positioned himself further up in a kneeling position right up at Joel's head, with his cock in hand aimed straight at his face, all Joel could do was lay there as his dad jerked off inches from his face. Then suddenly with a groan John unloaded his cum. Joel's eyes were closed as his father drizzled sperm all over his face. Some went on his lip which he licked away before opening his mouth for his dad to empty the rest into.

Once finished, an exhausted and panting John rolled over onto his back next to Joel, as Joel swallowed his fathers sperm.

They turned to each other and smiled.

"We did it!" said an emotional Joel to his dad.

They then held each other.

Their captors all simultaneously got to their feet and applauded. Some of them had bulges in their crotches with stains where their cum had seeped through. They obviously enjoyed the show.

Their leader, came to them and thanked them, unlocked the cage and gave them water.

"I can only apologise for insulting you earlier." he said to Joel as he was getting dressed.

"Could I please have a towel or something to wipe my face?" requested Joel as he got dressed.

"Of course." he said, as one of his goons went to get a towel.

"So, are we free to go now?" asked John.

"Yes, but it is dark now, spend the night here and in the morning we take the both of you back to your camp, you have my word on this."

The man took John to a small room which had a mattress and a thin blanket on the floor in the corner.

"You sleep here tonight."

The man then, with his hand on Joel's back began leading him away.

"Where am I going?" asked Joel.

"Yeah, what are you doing with him?" asked a concerned John.

"He comes with me, he'll be ok, you see him in morning." Said the man, ushering Joel away.

Joel looked over his shoulder to his dad with a worried look on his face as the man lead him away with him to his quarters.

John had a good idea what the man's intentions for Joel were but as there was little he could do about it, he just got down on the mattress and eventually went to sleep.

John woke up really early the following morning and just lay there waiting for everyone else to wake. At around 6:am he could here some activity so he got up and came out of his little room.

"Your son will be with you shortly." said one of the gang members to John.

John waited around a while, then Joel and the main man appeared. The man had his hand in the small of Joel's back and was rubbing Joel's butt. Joel looked really happy and contented.

"Ok then, one of my men will drive you back." the man announced. He and Joel then had a quick kiss on the lips before they were lead to the pickup truck and driven back to the camp.

During the ride John didn't ask Joel what kind of a night he had, but needless to say this trip was quite an experience and they were both never going to be the same again.

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EnthrallyaaEnthrallyaaabout 1 year agoAuthor

: why not? Brazil is such a melting pot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Spanish? In Brazil?

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