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Incestuous 3some


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I knew I was about to cum. Should I warn you? Should I yank it out? Or could you tell that I was near? Again I had no idea what I should do. If I cum and you didn't want that, I'd be in trouble, yet if I pulled out I might miss it. Fuck, what should I do? I was getting very near and my hips were moving, almost of their own volition, in time with your mouth sliding up and down me.

I squeezed your head.

"Oh Cat I am so near, I'm starting," I groaned.


You were considerate enough to warn me, to give me the chance to take you out. I liked your thoughtfulness, but had no intention of doing that.

"Mmmmmmmmm," I moaned through the flesh I had in my mouth sinking my lips further down it.


My balls were tightening, my cock was twitching and throbbing uncontrollably as my cum built up and started its journey.

"Oh God Cat. Oh yes, yes," I groaned.


I smiled as I thought that in porn stories 'His spunk would splatter against the back of my mouth' whereas in the reality of that cottage bed, your cum more squirted and oozed onto my tongue. It isn't a particularly wonderful taste.

Physically, it's not really anything for the woman to let a man cum in her mouth. You don't get a surge of physical feelings as he cums, nothing in your body is particularly sensitised by a gush of semen on your tongue and in your throat. But the emotional outpouring can be huge. And it was for me then. I was doing something to you that I am not too keen on. Other than giving a man my bum, letting him cum in my mouth is probably the biggest gift I can give him


I felt I had done as I should. I had warned you and sort of offered to withdraw. You hadn't let me so I felt that it was ok to cum.

I didn't shoot a big load, but then I had already performed three times in as many hours. It did though feel to be a reasonable amount. It also felt fucking fantastic, so rude, filthy and wanton to be oozing cum straight into your mouth, God it was an amazing feeling.

I just lay there loving the feeling of my spent cock still in your mouth.


After cumming, your cock immediately softened a little. Not that much, but the rigidity went from it. In some ways it felt even better in my mouth, different, but certainly as nice as when hard.

I looked up and sort of smiled. You smiled back. I tilted my head back, opened my mouth a little and then with an exaggerated gesture I swallowed your cum.


"Oh fuck Cat, that's incredible" I gushed as I watched you swallow. I'd read about it and that prick Stevens said a bird had done it for him, but to actually see a woman, my aunt, you really doing it was something else.


Although you had cum, I hadn't, I was still on a sexual high, I was still aroused.

Swallowing your juice was also more of an emotional thing than anything physical, but I loved your reaction.

"Was that good baby?"

"It was incredible."

"You enjoyed it then?" I asked wiggling up the bed and cuddling you.

"Mmmm it was fantastic, thank yo," you said kissing me making me half wish I had kept some of your sperm in my mouth, but you probably were not ready for that so it was as well I hadn't.

"You were thinking of me weren't you Jack as I sucked you?" I asked.

I didn't wait for a reply, but went to the bathroom across the landing and gargled with mouthwash.


I dozed. I felt I fucking well deserved it. I felt proud of myself that I had performed four times in about four hours getting completely hard and cumming quite a lot each time. Smiling, I just hoped you were beginning to realise fully how good young blokes can be; what we may lack in technique we certainly make up in fucking power.

As my heavy eyes started closing I glanced at my watch and realised with a thrill that we still had hours left tonight. I also realised with yet another thrill that we were actually going to sleep together. The idea of you lying naked beside me in my arms as we slept was almost, but not quite, enough to start another hard on.

As you messed around in the bathroom, a couple of times walking out past the bed to get things from your bag, so I suddenly realised it was a little bit like being at home.

It was like it was sometimes when dad was away and it was just mum and me there. How she would be in the bathroom just round a corner from my room, just a few feet from me, probably naked as I lie in bed my erection growing by the second as I thought of her, visualising her big tits, bare and sagging a bit. That would put some young blokes off I knew, but not me, I love big tits even if they are a bit saggy.

When I hear mum turn the bathroom light off I always go completely hard, as I know she will come into my bed to say good night and give me a kiss on the cheek. Naturally, but frustratingly, she will have slipped into one of her several dressing gowns. I like the pink, silky full length one best. It has plunging lapels that I am always hoping will slip just a little further apart showing me here tits. That's almost happened numerous times, but always, right at the last second she seems to catch them and pull them back together again. It's almost as if she's teasing me. I sometimes wonder if she is and what she would do if I grabbed the fucking lapels, pulled them apart and buried my face between her double D saggy tits.

The 'night night' kiss is absolutely magic and makes me so fucking horny I almost cum.

She half opens the door and nearly always whispers "Are you awake Jack?" I say no and she opens the door and stands there for a few moments the light from the landing behind her. I often wish she had one of those thin gowns that go almost see through with the light behind them.

"I've just come to say good night," she says, moving over to the bed.

She has to bend over of course and that is bloody marvellous. I see more and more of her tits and I just know one day I'll cop a gander at the lot, yes I'm sure that soon she's going to flash them at me, or is that totally wishful thinking?

As she leans over me and her lips brush my cheek I wonder how I stop myself reaching up and grabbing her boobs, they're so close. I know that one day soon I will forget and will do it.

I sometimes think she sort of lingers leaning over me, but I can't be sure. I just wish I knew what to do.

It was just so like at home then, for you opened the door and stood momentarily with the light from the landing behind you. There were two differences though from when mum does it. Firstly you were totally naked and secondly when you came to the bed I did grab your tits.


I couldn't sleep. For a start I was now unused to sharing a bed and every time you moved and every small noise you made seemed to keep me more awake. But mostly it was thinking about us and what I was doing that prevented sleep.

I felt a lot of guilt and shame, but in the main was able to suppress it and had got used to living with it. What was nagging at me, mostly, was that tomorrow Janis, your mother, my sister, would arrive and the three of us would be together all the evening and night and the next day. On top of all that there was another issue troubling me. There really was just one usable bed, the one we were sharing, the one I would tell Janis I had shared with my daughter Sara and the one that tomorrow night I would share with her.

Inevitably, my thoughts went back all those years to when she and I were both teenagers; there is only thirteen months between us. We had always been close, sharing everything and doing most things together, we were as inseparable as most twins.

We had sailed through puberty and were in our late teens. Whilst neither of us was particularly promiscuous, we had numerous boy-friends and by the time she was nearly twenty and I was a year younger the days of losing our virginities were dim memories.

I had just been given up by an older bloke. I came in crying. Mum and dad were away for the weekend. I went straight to my bedroom and undressed. Janis asked what was the matter? I didn't want to tell her at first, but then I did. She came in, she was in a dressing gown, and I was in my nightie, a baby doll I remember. She consoled me.

How the hell that consoling necessitated us lying on my bed I had no idea?

How helping a sister overcome being given up required me to be in her arms our bodies pressed together from head to toe, I didn't know.

How Janis' hand on my breast was supposed to be comforting, I couldn't tell.

And how her mouth closing on mine and her tongue edging past my lips, which I welcomingly opened, was part of a reassuring process I just couldn't fathom.

What I could tell, understand and fathom was that I enjoyed it. I welcomed it in fact and I started to give back as much as she gave me.

And then I could understand why we cupped each other's breasts, why my baby doll slid off me and why her dressing gown was open right down the front. Yes then I did appreciate why we were both naked and my nipples were in her mouth and my hand was between my sister's legs.

That had been the start. It went on for around a year or so I suppose. It wasn't an every night, day or week event; just something we did when we both needed it. Of course we drifted apart when we both married and lived miles away, but I never stopped thinking about her and those few months when we went further and further with our bisexual sibling, incestuous love.


Although I saw you in the doorway, although I saw you naked and although when you came to the bed, unlike mum, you got in and I held your tits, we didn't have sex. I don't know whether that was down to you or me, but I felt absolutely knackered and was soon asleep. I remembered nothing more until I suddenly woke up wondering where the hell I was.

As was quite usual, though, I had a hard on. The difference was that this time it was pressing against your bum and that made me aware of where I was. Your bent back was 'staring' at me. I touched it hoping I wasn't dreaming. It felt real. I slid my arms round you and cupped your breasts. God they felt good. Heavy and full, smooth and malleable. They were lovely. I squeezed and was rewarded by your body jerking slightly and by hearing a low moan as, suddenly I realised I wouldn't need to have my usual morning wank to get rid of my hard on; I could fuck you instead.

I stroked your tits and found your nipples as I pressed against you, my cock nestling into that mysterious, to me, crevice between your nicely rounded cheeks.

"Mmmmm, that's nice baby" I heard you sigh.

I decided to try it on. Why not I thought? Most of the time, quite naturally, you directed and organised things. You were the teacher and I was the pupil. You called the shots, decided when, where and how we would do it. So it seemed right that it was now my turn. My turn to lead, my turn to direct events; yes my turn to initiate a fuck with you.

I kissed your neck. I licked up and down it as with one hand I continued fondling your tits and with the other I grabbed my cock. I pushed it between your legs. It was a tight fit and I wasn't quite sure what to do. The precise geography of 'down there' was still a bit of mystery to me. I smiled, though, as you moved your legs and the tip of my cock found your wet, slippery slit for I was thinking 'Later I would get you to let me have a really good look at your pussy.'


I lay there being fucked from behind. I didn't have to do anything, not that there was much I could do, being on my side and bent at the middle with your arms round me and your hands gripping my tits. It was gorgeous.

Before you'd got going, you had taken a bit of time getting your angle right and I'd had to help you. Once in me, though, your natural male instincts took over and you started to shag me with nice, long, deep and even thrusts.

Although it was lovely, my mind began to wander, daft bitch that I am. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only six, but then, I remembered we hadn't been late last night. I thought ahead to the day that we would spend together and then to the evening when Janis would arrive. Shit that was going to be hell. I suddenly also realised that I hadn't seen her without her husband or my ex for many years and certainly we had hardly been alone together, as we would in bed tonight, probably since we left our parent's home.

You increased the depth and pace of your urges in me and that brought me out of my reveries.

"Oh fuck Cat, this is amazing," you grunted.

I pushed back against you. "What is baby?"

"Fucking from behind like this."

"None of your bikes rides let you do this then?"

"No," you gasped "It's my first time."

It didn't take much longer for you to be near.

"Oh God yes" you moaned holding yourself stiff and still right up me.

I wanted to cum, in fact having missed out when I sucked you last night I needed to. I squirmed on your rigid cock and pushed my tits hard against your hands. At the same time I reached down and behind me and managed to find your balls. I squeezed them, bringing a lovely sounding groan from. That did the trick and just as you started to spurt so my emotions overflowed and I climaxed.

"What a brilliant start to the day baby" I said turning round and kissing you.

"Mmmm it was fantastic, thanks."

"No thank you," I replied starting to slide out the bed. I grabbed your hand. "Come on" I said pulling you.

"Where we going?"

"You'll see," I responded.


It hadn't really registered with me until you had fiddled your bottom around and I had slid into you that this would be my first fuck from behind. Although it was hard getting the angle right and getting in you, once in it was fucking amazing, or even amazing fucking, dependent upon your perspective!

Not only did I seem to go deeper into you, but it was fantastic being moulded round your bent back with my body squashed against yours from my mouth in your hair to my toes which were pressing upwards onto the soles of your feet. But the icing on the fucking cake, of course, was being able to reach round you and hold your tits. As you were leaning forward a little on your side, they were hanging loose as it were. That made it easy for me to cup, squeeze, caress, fondle and knead them. They seemed even bigger, fuller and heavier like this. I lifted them up, pushed them together and pulled them apart. I pinched and pulled your nipples and squashed the whole lot into one mass of tit flesh. God it felt sensational. And to be able to do that with my cock buried deep in you as we fucked was simply out of this world.

It didn't take me long to be near to cumming and I have to admit I had forgotten about you. The sensations of this new way of shagging had made me lose all thoughts of everything other than my pleasure. Everything was tightening up in preparation to me delivering my load when I felt what was simply the most sexy fucking thing I think I had ever felt. Your hand reached around your body and grabbed my balls. That put me right over the top and I shot my lot in you with a strength that I was surprised didn't make my stuff come out of your mouth.

I think I made you cum, but I wasn't sure, but to be truthful I didn't really care.

I'm sure I softened and probably my cock slipped out of you, but I don't remember, for no sooner had I shot my lot up you than, so it seemed, we were both asleep.

I woke up when you grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed. I asked where we were going, thinking it might be a bath together, something we hadn't done yet, but was something I really wanted to do. It wasn't though for you led me out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I saw the clock and realised we had slept for two hours.

"What's happening?" I asked when you undid the back door and led me through the courtyard where we had sat smoking last night. You didn't reply. Not that I cared for I was walking slightly behind and to one side. Your bum was wobbling and wiggling wonderfully and your boobs were bobbing and bouncing beautifully; you were quite a sight.

"Oh yes, great" I gushed as you turned round the end of a shoulder height hedge and stood beside the pool.

Turning to me you pressed your naked body against mine and said.

"This'll help us clean up and wake up. You ever been skinny dipping before Jack?"

And with that you turned and dived gracefully into to pool.

I knew I would simply have to fuck you in that pool before I went home.


It's so lovely to swim naked, I always think. It's such a nice feeling, but of course it cannot be divorced from sex. It is an overtly sexual act. Naturalists may dispute it and they probably have the emotional make up to back it up, but I can see no other reason for swimming naked than to be fucked.

I did a quick two lengths as my eye watched you firstly standing on the side, soft, then sitting, half erect and then standing in the pool. I swam over to you.

"Ok Jack?"

"Wonderful," you replied cupping my breasts.

I reached down and grabbed you. My heart leaped when I felt how hard you were. You were ready again.

"I bet none of your bike rides has let you fuck them in a pool have they?"

"Of course not aunty" you jokingly replied pressing your cock hard against me. "Are you going to let me?"

I didn't reply. Instead I put my arms round your neck, kissed you and using the buoyancy of the water, lifted myself up and wrapped my legs round your hips. You grabbed me under my bum and held me there your cock pressed against the length of my slit, the top of it pressing right against my clit. I could have got myself off like that!


As usual you surprised me, and what a fucking surprise this one was. I couldn't stop getting another erection as I watched you swim up and down the pool. Your bum was breaking the surface of the water and your tits were hanging down as you moved up and down the pool. It really was as sexy a sight as I had seen for ages and since knowing you I had seen a few.

When I got in the pool, rather self-consciously hiding my hard on, for I thought a grown up should have more control, things got even sexier. You were all over me and I realised that I wouldn't have to wait too long for that dream of a fuck outdoors and in a fucking swimming pool at that.

Actually it was bloody difficult and, although the thought that we were shagging outside and in a swimming pool was fucking exciting, the actual act was nowhere near as amazing as I had thought it would be.

Despite you climbing all over me and pressing your pussy right against my hard on, actually getting it in you was bloody awkward. You were hanging onto me round the neck with your legs wrapped round my waist. Lovely. Your tits were squashed against my chest and we were kissing. Bloody brilliant. My cock was pressed right against the open lips of your pussy. Fucking marvellous. But each time I moved you away a little, got hold of my cock and tried to shove it in you, the fucking water got in the way. It was like, as they say, pushing water uphill, in fact I was trying to push water uphill. Every time I got myself lined up to shove it in you so a fucking wave would wash over my cock and fill your hole.

I started to panic a bit. I thought it was just me, that it was my fault, that I was deficient. I thought that you had probably been fucked in this pool, maybe by that bloke we met in the pub or by Uncle Kevin, many times and I visualised you having powerful orgasms with them unlike the dowsings you were getting up your pussy from me.


Kevin and I had shagged in swimming pools several times and I knew it was a little like anal sex; more an emotional than a physical delight. It's so bloody awkward that the end result hardly warrants the effort, but I knew it would excite you and, after all I was educating you. Wasn't that really the main motivation for me, your aunt, having this affair with my nephew, an eighteen, nearly nineteen year old? Yeah like fuck it was, but I could kid myself couldn't I? The main reason was right at that moment trying to wiggle its way inside me after doing that most satisfactorily a couple of hours ago and several times in a few hours yesterday. Yes I had fallen for young cock and boy did you have that.

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