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Incestuous Casting


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She didn't see it.

Sure, she had a nice and shiny combo of golden blonde hair and large green eyes. Sure, she was also naturally rather slender, yet still had breasts much larger than average, which made her rack look even bigger than it was. Sure, her skin was close to flawless. Sure, she was quite beautiful by most traditional metrics, but then, all of those traits could, surely, easily be found unattractive by at least some people.


Not to mention that in none of those metrics was she all that far from the baseline female.

With a heavy sigh, and the sound of someone's footsteps approaching her alerting her to abort her self-checking, she had to accept a rather sad possibility.

Maybe, she just didn't want to see how attractive she was.

Maybe, she was just scared to see it.

She always wanted to be a woman who got where she did not by being sexualized by strangers, but because of it. Considering the environment she came from, she knew that was likely going to be an upfront battle for her, but after some time, she came to believe she had this factor to help her fight it.

As she restarted her absentminded walk towards her apartment room, she couldn't help but think hard about what today's events meant for this self-image of herself she had.

Maybe, her belief that she was spared overt sexualization was not because she wasn't highly attractive. Maybe, she was seriously attractive, and so far, it was just a delusion build-up due to a streak of luck.

And maybe, said self-delusion was finally destined to be crushed.

Closing the door to her apartment behind her, she sunk into the sofa in the middle of it with a heavy sigh.

She had no idea how to pass time. All she could do was thinking about what had happened today.

Turning on the TV for some background noise, she did little else except staring vacantly at the wall and playing today's events over and over in her mind, waiting for her brother to, as promised, come visit her.

She completely lost herself in her mind. It could have been minutes or hours, she didn't know, but, eventually, he did come.

"Sis, are you there?" she heard him ask from behind the door before he knocked a few times "Let me in, please."

Still walking in the same absentminded manner as she did coming into her apartment, unable to break through the daze she was in, she walked to the door opened it and immediately bolted back to the sofa, barely even looking at her brother as she let him in.

He took a seat opposite to where she was sitting.

For a few highly uncomfortable moments, silence took over the room.

"I, talked with Isha, about tomorrow," he blurted out.

"When?" she asked, knowing exactly what she wanted him to answer.

"You mean?" he replied.

"When did you first talk with her about tomorrow?" she spat out, before adding "Weeks ago, wasn't it?"

He could just meekly nod in agreement.

"Huh!" she blurted out with a stinging laugh "I can't believe it. What the hell did you think?"

"W-Well, well, we could really use all that money," he stammered "And, honestly, and honestly you're really hot sis. Hotter than any chick I've ever had before." he said as she deeply sighed and looked at the ground "And, it's just a blowjob! Just one blowjob, it's nothing, and after that, we have it made, we'll be rich!"

Once again, silence overtook the room.

"OK," she almost whispered as she stood up "Take your cock out, we'll practice for tomorrow."

He just gazed at her in utter disbelief, the dumb look on his face almost making her laugh.

"Look, I thought a lot about what to say to you about it, and the thing I realized is, it's pointless to talk now," she said with a defeated sigh, clearly agitated.

"You mean?" he asked.

"We have to do it tomorrow anyway else our lives are destroyed," she replied "Might as well get it all over with as soon as possible and prepare for how we'll do this tomorrow. I have a lot of things to say to you about this, I'm pretty sure you have too, but we have no time now and we're both stressed from this anyway. After this is over, we have our entire lives to talk, and we will talk a lot about this, that you can trust me with."

Normally, the tone in which she spoke to him now would make him terrified of ever facing her again, as it reliably for as long as he knew her. Now, however, he was too horny to care. He was really going to get a blowjob from his sister! His hot, supermodel-looking sister.

As those thoughts flooded his mind, his gaze glued to her incredible rack which even now was jiggling wildly with even the slightest of her moves, he felt his cock rapidly hardening as blood flooded there.

"You're gonna take that off or what?!" she said, prompting him to quickly take his jeans and boxers off, fully exposing his cock.

"Can you take off your T-shirt?" he blurted out as she went on her knees before him "Show me your tits, please."

With another defeated sigh, she obliged, exposing her braless chest to the air.

"God, those are beautiful," he commented at the sight of her breasts.

"You aren't bad either," she said offhandedly as she got back on her knees, in a notably warmer tone than she talked to him so far.

He quickly thought about reacting, but then she took his cock into her mouth.

Her warm, wet, tight mouth the feeling of which around his cock almost made cum immediately.

When Isha talked with him about their sex scene tomorrow, she told him not to worry because it's going to be over very soon and that Xenia once complained to her while drunk that most dudes she was with were on the halfway to cumming just from seeing her rack and almost none of them survived her mouth and throat for more than a few minutes.

Now, he realized why.

Whether she was a natural talent or simply picked up the skills over the years, his sister was a cock-sucking pro.

She started rather slow, letting his cock more-or-less just dangle there while lightly teasing it with her tongue, massaging it, licking it, and running the tongue around the cockhead.

Then, as if some lights switched in her brain, she went completely berserk on his cock, sucking, slurping, licking, bobbing, and moaning into it like crazy.

"Oh God, sis," he moaned.

She bobbed her head up and down his shaft for a few times, circling her tongue all over all the while, before taking it out of her mouth to reply "Nice, ain't it, bro? Just as good as you wanted?" in a surprisingly playful, though still a little cold, tone.

He could only moan in agreement as she resumed her work on his cock.

As her soft lips closed around his hard shaft and she went back to sucking him, a thought ran through his mind. Maybe, she was enjoying this as much as he was? After all, she did say he didn't look bad, and the way she seemed rather enthusiastic to suck him, along with how she was moaning, could imply she was enjoying it...

He had no way to be sure, but she was, in fact, quickly growing to like the situation she was in.

In the end, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, she was just as horny and eager to do this as he was. He wasn't exactly a model type, but he did look quite good. Pretty tall at six-feet one-inch, muscular, broad-shouldered body, pretty light-brown hair, cute green eyes, and attractive face, her brother might've not made it as a model, but he would've definitely had a shot.

Now, bobbing her mouth all over his hard cock, even if she didn't like it, her body was reacting much the same as it always did when she was sucking off an attractive guy. Her pussy was slowly moistening, her heartbeat was picking up, and her whole body felt as if it was being gradually consumed by fire.

Was it wrong, no, sick really?


Was it any less hot because of that?

Not a bit.

"I'm gonna cum, you should," he blurted out, before being cut off by his own moans as she hardened her assault on his cock, sucking like she wanted to make sure every single drop of his jizz will flood her mouth.

Just a few moments later, her hard work was rewarded as several spurts of thick cum were shot into her mouth, all of whom she dutifully swallowed immediately.

"Uhhh, ummm," she moaned as the cum went down her throat while she continued to suck his cock dry, trying to catch any spray drop of cum.

"Oh, sis, that's enough," he said shyly, unable to handle her sucking of his just-emptied, but still sensitive, cock, but not wanting to see the sight of her on her knees before him with her mouth around his cock, by far the hottest thing he had ever seen, to end.

She slid her still-sucking mouth down to the cockhead, then pulled it off with a loud "Pop!"

"You liked it, right?" he asked, not waiting for yet another awkward silence to settle.

She looked at him like he just said the craziest thing he had ever seen before her expression changed into something unreadable. "Maybe," she said softly.

"So," he replied, "I'll be leaving, then."

"No!" she yelled, startling both of them "Stay. For the night." she continued, before, after seeing the expression on his face change into something much too victorious for her liking, adding "But, don't expect anything, at all."

"OK," he sheepishly added, startled by this turn of events.

"I'm going to sleep now, today was hard, don't know about you, join me in the bed later when you'll want," she said as she started undoing her jeans.

"I," he said, unsure of himself "Think I'll also go to sleep. I feel it going at me."

"Yeah, figures," she commented "I read somewhere that dudes get tired after cumming." she added, not even knowing why. As she saw him taking off his remaining clothes, she sternly added "Well, I like to sleep naked, and if you want you can as well, but don't expect anything, really." she said, unsure who of the two of them she was talking to "I only want to sleep now."

"Yeah, I agree," he said as he stood before her naked.

Soon, they were in bed together, a naked body next to a naked body. To his bitter disenchantment, his sister wasn't lying about only wanting to sleep. Even with the naked body of an attractive man she had given blowjob just minutes before, she was too tired to think about having any fun. Maybe ten minutes at most after she laid herself on the bed, her beautiful body exposed to the warm air and his prying eyes, she was soundly asleep.

In the end, brother and sister were sleeping together, both of them naked and with his muscular arms wrapped around her curvy body.


Next day.

"And remember, whatever you'll do, only push when I'm ready, and never too deep," Xenia said to her brother, while the assistants were surrounding them, putting their costumes and make-up on. She had no idea if the assistants, or, indeed, anyone except Isha, the camera crew who will be filming them, and the producers, had any idea what the siblings' scene will consist of, and tried to gauge it by watching their reactions to double entendres like this.

So far, it seemed that they were oblivious.

Not all that surprising. Given that only she was, apparently, given the screenplay with the scene described, it was obvious they were kind of trying to hush it.

"Understood, Sis," Vlad replied mockingly.

"Ready?" one of the assistants asked.

They both checked themselves in the mirror, before quickly checking whether their clothes looked well.

"No problem," she replied after her brother nodded in her direction after checking himself "Let's go."

"You know Dad's gonna break all the bones in both our bodies when he sees it?" he quickly quipped as they were entering the set where their sex scene was going to be filmed, prompting a soft bout of laughter from her.

"Ah, our big stars!" Isha bellowed happily as she saw them walk in, before motioning for the assistants to go back to the clothes' room, which they promptly did. "Is it true you two walked out of your room together today?" she asked looking at Xenia "You two spent the night together?"

"Yep," was the succinct answer.

"Yes, yes!" Isha celebrated.

"Please, calm down," Xenia said cheekily "You're really cute when you're so happy, Isha, but let's get this going, please. This is our only scene today, we want to get this over with very soon, especially because it's that scene."

"Yes, of course, I understand," Isha replied, "It's also a really short scene, just a couple of lines of dialogue and, well, action, but yeah, there's other work to be done and since this is so short, it's time to do it as quickly as possible."

"Thank you," Xenia happily replied.

"No reason to," Isha replied "so, this is how we imagine it." she said, before pointing to the five members of the camera crew, taking care of seven cameras "In addition to all of this, we have some unmoving cameras at the walls and the like. We want to get shots from as many angles as possible, from the sides, from behind both of you, close-ups, you get it. You see, we're still kind of keeping a lid on the real incest in this movie. With the first screenings, we will leak the identities of some of the incestuous extras to get people to notice it, but, your scene and other major incest scenes, is going to be released in such a cut-together way to make it possible to doubt that incest happened. And then, after about a year, after people will be talking whether it happened or not, we'll release a final version showing fully, exactly, what happened."

"Sounds nice," Vlad reacted.

"Oh, I know, trust me," Isha replied "Now, we want to have the scene go on for about five minutes. You don't have to drag it out for so long, we're having a lot of different shots so we can nicely play with it and maybe put some repeats in there, so just a little material isn't much of a problem, but please, at least try to make it at least a few minutes, if not necessarily the five." she said, almost pleadingly.

"Of course," Xenia replied, her brother nodding in agreement.

"And don't forget to show off the cum in your mouth for the cameras before swallowing," she said to Xenia before turning to Vlad "I know your sister's seriously hot, but, as I said, try to hold it in for a few minutes. Now," she bellowed confidently "Let's do this, let's get this over with. You know the text, you know what you need to do, let's go. Action!"

As they got on their designated places, Xenia inside a set designated to look like the interior of a medieval palace and her brother right outside of a door leading there, the cameras started shooting and Vlad, now fully in character as Markianus the Mighty, opened the door to come to meet his sister, who now, likewise, was fully Queen Emelleth.

"M-My Queen," he said as he confidently walked toward her, stuttering a little as he looked at his sister, realizing, for the first time, how beautiful she was, especially in the majestic royal regalia covering her now. Isha didn't stop the action, probably thinking a warrior stuttering when meeting a royal was appropriate. "It had come to my ears that you have demanded my presence this night?"

"What you had heard is true, Markianus," she said as she sat on a throne situated by the wall "I had truly demanded your company for this night."

"Your Highness, if I may ask, why is my company being demanded?" he said, before the neutral look of his face was replaced by one of rapid shock "Have I committed a crime against Your Highness? If I have in any way offended you, I apologize from the depth of my heart. If Your Highness needs my services in any way, I will happily carry-out any of Your orders."

"Do not be scared, mighty Markianus," she replied reassuringly "You have nothing at all to fear, or dread, from me. But, alas, your services, services only you can provide, are needed by me, tonight."

"Your Highness, my body and blade are yours to command!" he bellowed.

"Yes, I know. Your body, and your ´blade´, are mine to command," she said as she got off of her throne and started walking towards him. Which wasn't what she was supposed to do. Instead of watching her starting to take off her royal robes as she was supposed to, Isha and her brother watched as she stopped in front of him and pulled a piece of fabric covering her breasts to the air, almost ripping it off from the rest of the dress "Cut it off." she commanded.

For a moment, as Isha eagerly watched what was happening, he just stood there, not knowing what to say. Cutting it? That blade was a plastic prop! There was no way he could...


Now, he got a nice idea of how to continue.

"Your Highness, Your wishes are my command, now and forever. However, no matter what, I could never allow myself to bring a blade to touch your blessed, beautiful skin, no matter what, for something like that would be a sin, a blasphemy worthy of punishment meted out by all of the blessed, deathless gods," he said.

She laughed.

"You truly are a remarkable man, Markianus," she said as she ripped the fabric off, fully exposing her large breasts to him "A weak, gentle hand of a woman did what the mighty hands and the great blade of Markianus the Mighty could not," she said with another laugh.

"My Queen, what are your commands?" he stammered.

"Simply do what I do, Markianus," she said as she began taking off her torn-up robe "That is my royal command to you."

"Y-Your Highness?" he asked shyly.

"You have proven yourself, with your mighty blade, on the field many times as a warrior," she said resolutely "But now, Markianus, I demand that, with your even mightier blade, you prove yourself as a man, in this palace with me."

That was all he needed to hear. Soon, both of them were naked, their eyes feasting on each other's naked bodies.

"Get that, get that, get that," Isha frantically whispered to the cameramen close to her as Xenia knelt before her brother and took his cock into her mouth.

Just like before, she started quite slow, playing with it rather than pleasuring it.

She took it in a little, licked the tip for a few moments, then took it out, still licking the tip. Then, she jerked it a little, running her softly-closed fist up and down its length. Then, she softly kissed it a few times and ran it over her face, before doing all of it again, and again.

Then, just as before, she went harder on it, however, now she going slower even with this stage, obviously intending to drag this blowjob out for at least a little while and having learned her lesson yesterday when it came to her brother's "Trigger happiness" in this regard.

Slowly, sensually, she did her thing, taking the cock into her mouth to suck and slurp on it, while bobbing her head up and down all over his shaft. A nice, slow, sensual, sloppy blowjob as her wet, warm mouth and her soft lips slowly traced his rock-hard cock from the tip to the base.

"Holy shit," Isha whispered to no one in particular, though, as the tents between the legs of the two cameramen closest to her indicated, they agreed.

"Oh, God-Gods," he moaned, quickly correcting himself as he realized he was still required to stay in-character.

She took her mouth off of his cock. "Is this to your liking, mighty warrior?" she asked.

He could only nod furiously.

"If that is to your liking, this will be to your pleasure," she said mischievously before taking his cock back into her tight, eager mouth.

Now, she went as crazy on it as she did last night.

Sucking, slurping, and licking like a woman possessed, her wet, warm, soft mouth felt like heaven around his cock. Soon, loud moans were escaping his mouth.

Her mouth tracing his shaft up and down, her tongue swirling and circling around it, her hands helping by jerking and massaging his now well-lubricated cock and balls, she was fully certain she will soon drive him to orgasm.

Deciding it might just be a special occasion for both of them, more so than it already was, she did something to him she didn't yesterday.

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