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Indian Harem Ch. 16


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"Don't... Don't go there, Kishore! I swear..." I threatened Kishore darkly, clenching my fists.

He sneered at me, "Do what Suraj! You can't do shit. So listen to the CEO's order and take the damn PA...", he said and walked away, leaving me fuming in anger.


Raju shuffled in to my side once Kishore was gone and he tried talking to me, but I was irritated at this new complication and waved him off. I picked up the keys to my room while the staff took my travel suitcase to my room. I changed into a more comfortable polo shirt and long shorts for the resort before walking out and almost running into Raju.

"Are you going to follow me around all day?" I asked, annoyed.

"Yes, sir! That's what your brother has asked me to do. Is there a problem?!" Raju said, adjusting his glasses with a smug smirk.

I groaned in exasperation. 'How am I going to deal with Nora with him following me around,' I thought to myself as I headed off with Raju in tow to see what activities Kishore had planned for the team.

He had rented out the whole resort for the day and, from the looks of it, also hired several pretty escorts for the occasion. Beers and drinks flowed freely everywhere as Ravi's sycophants lazed around by the pool, surrounded by beautiful women in bikinis, pouring them drinks and laughing at their jokes.

'Typical...' I thought as I scanned the area, making note of all these guys; they were Kishore's coterie. These are the ones I had to look out for going forward. I noticed Kishore sitting by a lounge chair, surrounded by his toadies who laughed at his every joke. It was a very private affair, and the debauchery was on full display for everyone. There were no other guests, so the staff could be paid to look the other way, and the girls could also.

I was surprised not to see Ravi there. On questioning Raju about it, he informed me that Ravi had decided to skip it at the last moment due to other important meetings. I wondered where Ravi was and why he wasn't there, but all these thoughts were pushed out of my mind as I caught sight of Nora near the opposite side of the pool.

All heads turned in her direction when she appeared, wearing a tiny pink string bikini with a sarong covering her hips. 'Holy shit', I thought to myself as I realized it was the same bikini I had gifted her the other night, the one in which I had made her cum again and again.

My stepmother looked stunning in her bikini, and she was drawing attention from all the men around her, even the ones who had their hands full of the escort girls. I could feel myself getting hard as my eyes traced the outlines of her sexy curvy body, her huge tits, and her juicy ass covered with the sarong.My cock twitched as I watched her. The fact that just a day ago,I had actually fucked that sexy woman, over and over, to my heart's content, were making my blood rush.

'Is she doing that deliberately...?' I wondered to myself as Nora walked across the poolside, seemingly oblivious to the hungry stares of all the horny men. She was pretending to not notice the effect she was having on everyone around. Although, I could tell from the pep in her steps that she was getting off on the whole scene, with her being at the centre of everyone's attention.

I took a step closer to them and watched her glance in my direction, our eyes connecting. She winked at me before taking an empty lounge chair close to my seat, facing me so that I could have a perfect view of her as she stretched in the chair 'Fuck...' I realized Nora knew precisely what she was doing. She was using that hot body of hers to drive me insane!

Nora's body looked absolutely sinful as she laid down on the lounge chair. Her hourglass figure and juicy 34G tits looked like they were begging to be ravished. Of course, none of the men here were bold enough to make a move on her, except Kishore.

I watched as my stupid brother gave a signal, and all the men seemed to disappear at once, leaving him alone with Nora. I stepped closer to them behind a pillar, pulling Raju in with me, making sure that Kishore did not notice me still there.

I watched as Kishore got up and took his place beside Nora on her chair. "Is this your way of making up to me for ignoring me this past week?" He asked her with a smile as he leaned in close to her.

Nora is angry at Kishore because he tattled to Ravi

Nora scoffed at him, pushing him away from her, "Don't flatter yourself Kishore... I came here to relax, that's all!"

Kishore smirked at her response as he moved back in and caressed her cheek with his finger, "Don't be like that Nora... You know I can't resist you." He whispered seductively to her.

Nora slapped his hand away and glared at him angrily, "Is that why you complained to Ravi... telling him I was avoiding you!? I thought we agreed that your friend would stay out of our relationship!" She hissed angrily at Kishore, who looked confused and taken aback.

Kishore raised his eyebrows, "Come on Nora... he's the one who introduced us and the only one I CAN talk to about our secret. I can't really tell anyone else that I'm in love with my father's wife!" He said indignantly.

Nora rolled her eyes and looked away from him, "Whatever... I don't want to talk to you... Kishore! I'll go take a dip in the pool..", she said as she stood up from the chair, untying the knot of her sarong, allowing it to slide off her body onto Kishore's lap.

Even when she was angry, Nora could still tease a man without even realizing it! She walked away from Kishore towards the swimming pool with a sway to her hips that drew Kishore's gaze to her ass. Her big, round ass jiggled with each step, and Kishore stared at it longingly, visibly aroused and hard, as she walked away from him. Meanwhile, had this achingly powerful image of that ass bouncing against my thighs when I was pounding her that other night.

I didn't need to see anymore now. I indicated to Raju to be discrete as we slipped away from the pool, avoiding Kishore. However, as we reached an empty corridoor, I looked up at Raju who was unfazed by what he had witnessed.

"I guess you already knew about this, huh, Raju?" I asked, glancing sideways at him.

Raju adjusted his glasses. "I've been working for Nora madam for 2 years now. I know everything that goes on," he replied matter-of-factly. "By the way, Nora Madam wanted you to meet her by the Sauna at 12," Raju said, adjusting his glasses with a smirk.

"Why would I meet her now, Raju?" I asked him angrily, trying my best to hide my jealousy. Nora may be angry at Ravi for now but she was clearly back to her old self, the same slut who was in bed with Ravi and planning to break my father's legacy. There was no way I was falling into another trap of hers.

Raju shrugged and smiled at me, "I don't know. You can ask her yourself?"

"Is Ravi involved in this somehow as well?" I asked Raju, narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

"I report ONLY to her. She trusts me completely and told me to assure you that Ravi sir does not know about this." Raju adjusted his glasses. "The private saunas are this way..."

I cursed under my breath as Raju led me towards the Sauna, my curiosity piqued by the mystery that was my sexy stepmother.


We reached the Sauna rooms soon enough and found nobody around. A shared changing room led into one large sauna room, which had been sectioned into two with a thin wooden partition and two individual doors on either side. Both sections were empty, but one had a notice mentioning that it was booked for our company.

It was still half past 11, and I tried to get some more information from Raju. But he mostly kept mum at all my questions. The only thing I could get out of him was that he had known Nora for years, even before joining the company. But how and where was not clear to me.

Eventually, around 12, the sound of high heels clicking announced the arrival of my sexy stepmother, Nora. She had probably showered and put on a short robe, which was tied loosely in front, showing off the curves on her sexy hips.

Her hair was slightly wet, and she had no make-up, but she still looked drop-dead gorgeous. Even though I was angry at her, I could feel my cock harden as I stared at the outline of her tits under the loose robe. Nora looked at me, her face unreadable as she gestured at Raju.

"Did anyone else see you come up here?" Nora asked as she glanced around the empty room.

Raju adjusted his glasses and replied in a nasal voice, "Nobody saw us, Madam."

"Good, now I want you to keep guard and warn me if someone comes up here," Nora instructed him sternly.

Raju nodded and pulled open one of the Sauna doors, gesturing for me to go inside with a smug grin on his face, "This way Sir." I said nothing but went in, visibly confused at what was going on.

Nora smiled gently at him as she walked past him into the room. "You're the best, Raju!" she patted Raju affectionately on his cheek. Raju smiled happily, his cheeks flushing red as he closed the door behind us, leaving us alone.

The Sauna was a relatively simple one. A wooden bench ran along the length on two sides while towels and water bottles were laid out on a side table by the entrance. There were small vents on the ceiling to vent out steam while two heat controls controlled the temperature and humidity. The floor was made of wood.

I watched as Nora switched on the heat, slowly filling the room with hot steam. She took off her heels, stepping gingerly barefoot onto the warm wood before turning back to me with a devilish smile, "Take those clothes off, Suraj, you'll feel more comfortable."

I was still confused about her sudden turnabout and hesitated, but I eventually followed my stepmother into the room, closing the door behind me.

"What's going on, Nora?! Why are we here?"

"We'll talk once we're both comfortable. Take those off, I promise I won't bite." Nora smiled at me as she loosened the knot, untied her robe and slipped it off her shoulders.

'What the fuck is going on!' I thought in my mind in confusion. My cock growing harder as Nora let her robe drop to her feet, leaving her in nothing but her skimpy black lace bra, which struggled to hold her huge tits, and matching lace panties. She walked to the centre of the room, her voluptuous 34G tits jiggling softly, her nipples poking through the flimsy material as she moved. She turned around and bent down slowly in front of me, giving me a perfect view of her ass, her thong disappearing between the crack of her juicy ass.

"You coming?" My sexy stepmother asked with a wink as she sat on the bench, patting the place beside her.

I rolled my eyes, began pulling off my clothes, and sighed. "Look, Nora, I'm not going to fall for your games. If you think you'll distract me from finding out what you and Ravi are up to..." I said, trying my damnedest to keep my eyes off my busty stepmom's cleavage as I stripped down to my boxers.

Nora laughed and cut me off, "Just get over here... and sit..." I sighed and did as I was told. I sat down next to her. It was getting very hot here, and I didn't mean just the temperature in the room.

Beads of sweat rolled down her cleavage, and she looked so fucking sexy right then. My eyes traced the outline of her tits which were covered by the flimsiest lace bra. I could make out the dark shade of her areola peeking from underneath the thin fabric of her bra. The heart and cross 'tattoo' I had marked on her tits was slightly faded but still visible.

"You told me that you wanted to know what Ravi is up to... well... you'll need to earn that info from me," Nora whispered as she moved closer.

"I'm not here to play any games, Nora. I'm serious!" I said in exasperation.

"Neither am I..." Nora whispered back, moving closer, her lips just a breath away from mine, her big brown eyes staring at me with desire. Her fingers traced the outline of my abs before resting lightly on the bulge in my boxers. She spoke in a very serious manner, "Ravi is dangerous, Suraj, and if you go after him directly, you will lose. He is too powerful, and too many people are on his side. You need someone you can trust... Someone who is in Ravi's inner circle..."

"And what are you suggesting?" I whispered back, my eyes fixed on her gorgeous face, the lust building up inside me.

"I'm suggesting that we play a game. I know how much you love those," she whispered as her hand squeezed my cock gently. "If you win, you can use me to bring Ravi down. If I win... well... we'll leave that for later..."

I groaned as her fingers slipped into my boxers and wrapped around my cock.

"What game..." I moaned as I felt myself grow to rock hard as she stroked my shaft with her dainty fingers.

Nora pushed me back gently. There was a wicked glint in her eyes as she leaned in and whispered into my ears, "The same game you played with me the first time. I have ten minutes; if I can make you cum within that time, then I win!"

I looked at her with a confused look. 'Is she serious? I won this game easily the last time... There's no way she can beat me.' I thought to myself.

She leaned forward again and kissed me gently on my neck, her hand reaching down and pulling my cock out of my boxers. It stood proudly as Nora wrapped her delicate fingers around it. Her lips traced a path up to my ears, and she nibbled on my earlobes as her hand pumped up and down my shaft.

"So, what do you say, Master?" She teased me.

"What about your lackey outside?" I said, glancing back at the door, my hands moving forward, squeezing the soft globes of her tits. "I doubt these thin wooden walls can hide the sound of your moans... What if he tells Ravi?"

Nora smiled seductively and leaned closer to whisper in my ear, "He is loyal ONLY to me! He grew up with Ileana and me, and in a way, he owes his life to me. And besides, he's not interested in women..."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise as Nora leaned back and smiled seductively, licking her lips as she looked at my cock hungrily, "Ten minutes... and you win... you agree, Master?"

I looked at Nora as she offered to suck my cock. There was no way I was saying no, and I just grinned and leaned back against the wooden bench, pulling my boxers down and off my legs. Nora giggled and settled between my legs. I could see the anticipation in her eyes as she stared at the thick monster between my thighs.

Hearing her call me Master made me realize how much I loved the kinky games that I had played with her the past week when she was mine, and I had fucked her every day. "Let's see what you've got, Mom! But there is no way you're going to make me cum within 10 minutes." This was going to be easy!

"We'll see!" Nora whispered seductively and pointed at my iWatch, indicating to me to set the timer. I did as she instructed while she smiled confidently.

I pressed 'Start', and the 10-minute countdown started.

"I'm gonna enjoy sucking on this..." Nora said as she leaned forward and licked my cock from base to tip before engulfing it with her luscious lips and began to suck on it like a hungry whore. Her mouth was warm, and her tongue swirled around my cock, licking it thoroughly.

"Ahmmmmm... Fuck..." I groaned as my stepmother sucked on the head of my cock, bobbing up and down my shaft. Nora's eyes were locked on mine as she continued to work my cock with her mouth like a porn star, her tongue licking and lapping at the precum oozing copiously from my cockhead.

"Ohhh... Nora..." I groaned as she increased her pace, her head bobbing back and forth as she deep-throated my cock with expert moves, "Mhmmmph... Oh... fuckk... I forgot how amazing you are at this.".

"Mmmm...Mmmmm... I've missed this cock so much... Master..." Nora moaned between sucks as she continued to worship my cock. "Such a big fat cock... Mmm..."

I stroked Nora's hair, loving the way she called me 'Master', and the way she moaned as she sucked me off. I could see the slutty determination in her eyes as she slurped and slobbered all over my cock with loud wet slurping sounds, trying her best to get me off as quickly as possible.

'Fuck, this feels so good!' I thought to myself, groaning in pleasure, 'What is she doing to me!' Nora continued worshipping my cock, slurping up and down my cock with increasing speed while stroking me off with one hand and fondling my balls with the other.

"Mmmm... Suraj..." Nora moaned as she pulled off my cock, drool and spit dripping down from her chin as she stroked me off. "Do you know how much I fantasized about this cock for the last two days. Your cock is so much bigger than Ravi's... so thick... Mmmm..." Nora moaned like a slut as she resumed deepthroating my cock, gagging and slurping with loud, sloppy slurps as she tried her best to get me off quickly.

"Oh God... Nora... Yes!" I groaned as I gripped my stepmother's hair and thrust my hips upwards fucking her throat, "Suck that dick... yeah... you're such a slut for my cock...aren't you?"

"Mhmmpph... Mhmhmmm... yes Suraj... I'm your slut... I'm your personal cumslut... Mmhphhh!" Nora moaned as she pulled my cock out just a little and then stuck out her tongue and licked my balls while continuing to stroke me off with her hand.

The steamy atmosphere, coupled with the erotic blowjob, was getting to me, and beads of sweat rolled off my forehead as I looked at the timer, 'Fuck... It's only been five minutes.' I realized, worried that Nora was winning this bet.

"Arghh..fuck! Nora... I forgot how good you are at this!" I groaned as Nora took my cock out of her mouth and spat generously onto my cockhead, and returned to stroking my cock off with her wet, drenched hands while looking up at me with a naughty slutty expression. "Are you enjoying this, Suraj... You like the feeling of my hands stroking your cock, don't you?" Nora teased me seductively as she spit onto my cock again and stroked my cock faster.

My eyes looked at my slutty, slutty stepmom's face with lust; she was so incredibly sexy. Her ass sticking out as she knelt between my legs, her juicy ass cheeks peeking out from the skimpy black lace thong while her massive G cup breasts heaved as she focused solely on getting me off as fast as possible.

She noticed me looking at her tits and moaned, "You want these Suraj... mmm... you love my big tits, don't you... You love watching them bounce up and down as I suck your cock..."

Nora continued jerking me off with one hand while cupping her breasts through the thin, flimsy fabric of her bra with the other hand. She massaged her breasts together while moaning, "Suraj... you're so hard... Do you want to fuck my tits Master... Do you wanna cum all over them... Mmm...." Nora asked me seductively as she pulled aside one of her bra straps, revealing one of her breasts to me, with its large dark areola popped out.

"Ohh... Nora... you slut! Oh... fuckkk... I swear, I am going to wreck that slutty pussy of yours when I win this!"

I watched as she lifted up her boob with one hand and leaned forward. Her other hand gripped the base of my pre-cum and saliva-coated cock and then slapped my cock against her erect nipple, smearing her own breast with my precum before pressing it against her tits. My stepmother was acting like a complete cock crazed whore, and I loved every second of it.

"Master... I want you to cum all over these tits... Come on, Suraj... cum all over my big tits... Cum all over your slutty Nora's breasts..." Nora moaned like a cock slut as she wrapped her tits around my cock and began fucking me with them. Her huge tits were fucking amazing as they enveloped my cock, milking it.

"Fuck... Nora... you're such a slut!" I groaned as I felt the familiar sensation building up in my cock as I watched her slutty performance. She had made me cum so many times last week and knew exactly what buttons to press to drive me crazy. Nora giggled and lewdly licked the precum leaking out of my cockhead with her slutty tongue before going back to titfucking me with her slutty tits.

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