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Indian Mom's Mid-Life Crises Ch. 07

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Sumana teaches her daughter a few coping mechanisms...
7.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 02/16/2023
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This story continues from roughly a week after the incidents of the previous few chapters. Would strongly advise reading them first before coming to this. It's only my first attempt at a series like this, so please be patient, and excuse silly typos / errors. I'm still learning this game a bit, so any feedback is appreciated!

Also, this particular chapter tries to go further into the mother-daughter bond - it takes a while to establish the scene, and explain the progression of the characters' mood swings and feelings. If some strong language, expletives, and a bit of controlled violence / domination is not your cup of tea, you might want to prepare yourself ahead. Needless to say, as with all the previous stories (and as we've established in the storyline itself), none of the characters are underage.

= PPanwar

"Savi, come down... Dinner's ready!" called Sumana, as she set the pan on the table. It was a simple meal today - a basic dal and rice, with some sautéed vegetables. It was just her and her eldest tonight, as Shashi had left on a business trip, and Sanjana was at a sleepover with some of her friends. As Sumana headed back to the kitchen to fetch the rice, a cold draft in the air had her rubbing the goosebumps on her forearm.

For a moment, it sent her mind wandering - as it often did these days - thinking about the events in Goa. The nights, the unfolding events, the debauchery... A haze of images and intertwined limbs that threatened to go off on a spiral, as Sumana felt the hair at the back of her neck stand, her nipples hardening just a little bit. She had to clutch the dais to regain some composure.

It had been a week since the three of them - mother and daughters - had returned from their "vacation". The memories of that fateful night, when she'd let herself devolve in a night of utter depravity with her own daughters & 5 strangers - were still fresh in her mind. It was a fever dream - of bodies writhing in the dimness of the room, mouths sucking and licking at carnal flesh, sweat mingling with cum...

It was still hard to believe all that had transpired - that she, the erstwhile prudent mother of two, had had a sexual orgy with her own daughters and a bunch of random strangers... It all seemed so surreal. Yet, when she closed her eyes and focused, the images came flooding back - vivid, intense. She could see herself writhing in ecstasy as a retinue of men fucked her, sending orgasmic sensations rippling through her body. The memories were still fresh, and it was almost as if every time she closed her eyes, she was back there in Goa, being fucked like an animal by an army of studs, her body nothing more than a tool for their pleasure.

She could feel the heat building up inside her, and she knew that she wanted - needed - to relieve some of the tension. But, since their return - the three of them were yet to address the issue upfront. Apart from one fleeting conversation during the drive back from the airport, where Sumana dared to ask about how long Savita and Sanjana had been getting it on, only to receive ambiguous responses from them both. She decided not to broach the topic for a while - especially given how raw the memories of that night must be.

But, it had now been a week - a week filled with confusing thoughts and emotions, that needed to be processed. As much as it was unfathomable in her own mind, Sumana understood how it must be twice as hard for her daughters to compute. Yet, the night they'd had, the images and sensations it conjured... They were all still so fresh in her mind. The thought of it made her skin tingle, and she could feel herself growing wet just thinking about it.

Sumana walked into the dining room, the plate of sabzi in hand. As she sat down next to her eldest, she couldn't help but notice that something was on her mind.

"So, Savi, are you going to tell me what's been on your mind all week?" she said, breaking the silence. Savita looked up at her, her face flushed.

"Oh, nothing, mom. Just been a bit tired, I guess," she said, her eyes darting around. Sumana could see right through her, and knew she wasn't being completely honest. She could tell that her daughter was still reeling a bit from everything that happened, and it was evident in the way that she was acting - distant and quiet.

Sumana placed her hand on Savita's shoulder and gave her a light squeeze. "Look, I know this recent week hasn't been easy, and you have been a bit distant with Sanjana & I. I understand that it was a lot to take in, but please just know that I'm always here if you want to talk," she said, her tone warm.

"Yeah, I know, mom. Thanks. I'm just still trying to make sense of it all," Savita replied, her voice soft and distant. Sumana could see the tension in her daughter's shoulders, and she wanted nothing more than to ease that tension, to help her understand and process everything that had happened.

"You know, Savi... You might feel that what we did that night was wrong. I won't deny that... I did too. I'm your mother, I'm supposed to be the one setting a good example. And what I did - well, what I let them do to me, what we did to each other... I'm sure many will find that it's wrong. But, as your mother, I also know that sometimes you have to do things that might not be considered "right", because they make you happy, and that's all that matters," she said, her voice full of emotion.

She could feel her own body start to react, the memories of that night playing out in her mind. The feelings of shame and guilt were still there, but they were quickly being replaced by a sense of arousal. Her skin was tingling, and she could feel that latent wetness growing further between her legs. She wanted to touch herself, to relieve some of the tension, but she held back, wanting to remain strong for her daughter.

As they ate in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Savita finally broke the silence.

"I'm not ashamed of what we did, mom. I mean, sure, it was a bit weird, but I'm not going to deny that it was also fun. It felt good to be wanted, to be desired. To feel someone inside you, giving you pleasure like you haven't experienced before."

Savita continued, "The way you reacted that night - how you surrendered yourself completely to the moment. It was incredible. I've never felt that kind of freedom before, and it felt so... liberating."

"So, yeah, I'm not ashamed of what we did. But it is also hard to talk about, to even think about, because of how confusing and weird it was. I mean, how does a mother & her daughters share such intimate experiences with strangers - much less a whole team of stallions, who fucked them like... like a bunch of...?"

Savita, struggling for a word, was interrupted by a tearful Sumana, who simply blurted, "Sluts, Savi. Sluts. Whores! That is what we became."

There it was... The word, the moniker that the volleyball players had referred to her and her daughters, was finally out there... In the open. It hung in the air like a cloud of stench, permeating every corner of the room. It was hard to breathe, and Sumana found it difficult to look her eldest daughter in the eye.

Savita, meanwhile, seemed to be in a state of shock. Her mouth was slightly agape, and her eyes were wide with surprise. It was clear that she had not been expecting to hear that word coming from her own mother's lips, at least not in this setting. But, before she could say anything, Sumana continued, her voice shaking with emotion.

"Yes, that's right, we're all sluts, Savi. Whores. That's what those men called us, and I guess, that's what we were. That is who we are. I know it sounds strange. And wrong. But I don't regret what happened that night. It was one of the most intense and pleasurable experiences of my life. I felt free and alive in a way that I haven't in years. And, if I'm being completely honest, it turned me on in a way that nothing else ever has," Sumana admitted.

"I... I don't know what to say, mom," Savita responded, clearly taken aback by Sumana's confession. Sumana could see the shock on her daughter's face, and she understood why - the things they had done, the things they had allowed to happen to their bodies. They were so far outside of the boundaries of what was considered normal and acceptable that it would be natural to feel shame and guilt. But she had to bring her daughter around - she needed her to understand that it was okay to feel what each of them had felt that night. And she had an idea how to do just that...

"Savita, listen to me," Sumana said, taking a deep breath, "I know this is a lot to take in, but I want you to try to put yourself in my shoes - in the shoes of your mother. And I want you to listen to every word I say very carefully, and follow my lead - you get it?"

Savita, with a bemused look on her face, simply nodded her head. Sumana knew she'd have to come up with a plan on the fly... She knew this was a gamble, but she had a feeling it might pay off.

"But, first, please finish eating - I'll tell you everything that's on my mind, in a bit."


After finishing the last bits of dal & rice, they cleared the dishes. and headed to the main living room. Sumana switched on a soft lamp.

She was going to tell Savita what she did the first couple of nights during their stay at Goa - about the sneaking about, and streaking... And she would make her understand the sheer high she got out of it.

"Savi, there are times in life when we feel trapped in situations that are out of our control. We might feel like we're stuck in a rut, or that we're going through a dry spell... And I want to make you understand that, when you feel like this, there's nothing wrong in doing whatever you can to spice things up, to get out of that shell - even if that means being a bit of ... wanton.

When we arrived at Goa for our holiday, I decided to try something different. I was feeling frustrated - physically, sexually... and I needed a way to snap out of my rut. So, I decided to do something that made me feel more confident in my own body. I started dressing better, wearing clothes I had long thought to discard. I shed whatever embarrassment I had internalised, and decided to show off my body in ways that I would never usually do.

And, to my surprise, it actually worked! I got attention. Lots of it. Men were constantly looking at me... and checking me out. Me! A 46 year-old mother, who I believed was past her prime. I felt desired and attractive, and it gave me a confidence that I hadn't felt in years.

I was having a ball - enjoying the attention and being a bit of a tease.

But, then I decided to take things even further. I wanted that adrenaline rush that I felt in those first few moments I was on the beach, in my swimsuit.

So... on the second night we were there, I sneaked out my room and walked around in nothing but my negligee, my ass and boobs practically on full display."

"Wait.. what?!" said Savita, as her eyebrows shot up. "You did... what?!"

"It was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life - I was out in public, even if I was only lurking through the shadows, exposing my body in a way that I had never even imagined doing before. The risk and danger were intoxicating, and it made me feel alive in a way that I can't describe. I was having such a great time, I wanted to take it one step further.

So, the next night, I decided to do a little 'recon' around the hotel we were staying in, see if I could find some interesting things. And, oh my god, was I rewarded! As I was making my way around the property, I saw this young couple just beyond the pool area... You met them later too, although I'm not sure how much you remember..."

"Wait, are you talking about Pooja, and Ashok?" asked a nonplussed Savita.

"The same, Savita, the very same." Sumana replied.

"Holy fuck! Are you telling me that they saw you... while you were in the middle of a butt-naked walk around the hotel? You didn't have a single piece of clothing on?!"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. In fact, they not only saw me, but we even had a little... 'follow-up'... in the locker room. They're the reason that we ended up with those studs the next night..."

"Hold that a bit... what do you mean by 'follow-up'? What did you do?" a breathless Savita asked, holding on to every word her mother was saying.

Sumana, now flushed, began narrating that little session of hers in the locker room with Pooja & Ashok. How she contrived a scenario that saw and Pooja stripped bare, spanked, fucked... How she had multiple orgasms right there, in that wet, sweaty locker room, her pussy & ass fucked by this rando couple she'd barely come to know.

"I had never been spanked before, and I have to admit that it was surprisingly enjoyable. It was a mix of pleasure and pain that sent shivers up and down my spine. I loved the way the stinging sensation felt on my bare ass, and the way they used their bare hands. I could tell that they were getting as turned on as I was, and they started to get more aggressive each minute."

"Before I knew it, I was bent over and being fucked in my ass. It was intense, but it was also strangely exciting. The feeling of being filled and stretched by something so large was unlike anything I had ever felt before, and the sensations, Savi! The sensations.... were incredible. I could feel every inch of my ass as it was being filled with this huge cock, and it was so wrong... and yet, so perfect - to feel myself being used in that way."

"And the sounds they made... those animalistic groans... the feeling of Pooja's clit, as it rubbed against mine, and Ashok's balls slapping my pussy - it was so...."

Sumana had no time to complete her sentence, as Savi leapt on top her, her lips smooching her in a tight, lust-laden kiss. It took a while for the older woman to realize what was happening, but she quickly responded, kissing back with an equal intensity.

Sumana wrapped her arms around Savita's body, pulling her close as their lips pressed together. Their tongues met, dancing in a passionate embrace, and they lost themselves in the moment. Savita could taste the saltiness of her mother's mouth, and she couldn't help but let out a small moan. The two women's bodies were pressed together, their breasts pushing up against each other, and Savita could feel the heat emanating from Sumana's pussy, even through the layers of clothing they had on.

Savita broke the kiss, pulling back and looking at her mother with lust-filled eyes.

"What's got into us, Ma?" Savita asked breathlessly, her cheeks flushed. Sumana couldn't help but smile, knowing that she'd achieved her objective, but also wondering if this would go any further...

Sumana just looked up at her daughter, taking in her beautiful features. Savita was stunning, with a youthful beauty and grace. Sumana's hand traced along Savita's body, moving slowly across her stomach and up to her perky breasts, massaging the left tit slowly over the thin fabric of the t-shirt dress that her elder daughter had on.

"Savita, my love, let me ask you something... How much have you been thinking about the events at Goa?" Sumana asked, as she gently slid her palm under her dress, feeling her daughter's goosebump-ridden skin underneath the cotton material.

Savita responded with a gulp. "Every moment since we returned, I can't get that night out of my head, Ma..."

Sumana slid her hand further, caressing her daughter's soft, warm flesh, until she could feel her bra beneath her palm. She felt Savita's breathing get deeper, as she gently cupped and massaged her tit over the soft lace texture of the bra. She could feel the younger woman's nipple getting harder, as it pressed into her palm, and she let out a soft moan.

Savita, who had been enjoying the softness of her mother's touch, was surprised by the intensity of her own reaction. The only other person who had been able to get her like this was Sanjana, and even during her weakest moments she never imagined that one day her mother would be the one fondling her this way, making the hair behind her neck standup.

Sumana felt the primordial surge of desire rushing through her as she massaged her daughter's breast, and she wanted to feel more of her. Without a word, she pulled off Savita's dress over her head in one swift motion, even as the sudden impatience of this act shocked her daughter a bit. The dress was thrown aside, exposing her bra, allowing her mother's fingers a free path over her warm flesh.

Sumana felt something different now. Looking at Savi, her vulnerability most apparent, her crying need for physical attention... Sumana felt a near-carnal need to ravish her eldest, right then and there. She couldn't put a finger as to what had triggered this urge, but she only knew that she wanted to satiate it tonight.

This would not be lovemaking, no - not unless Savi truly enjoyed all the ideas that Sumana found coursing through her lust-blind head. This was something else altogether - this would be raw, primal, passionate... fucking.

Sumana looked at her daughter's supple body, taking in every curve, every contour, and she felt that animalistic urge to possess her, to take her as her own. She reached out to unhook her daughter's bra. It fell away in a second, revealing Savita's perky, supple tits, her nipples hard and erect.

She leaned in and kissed her daughter's neck, letting her lips brush over the smooth, delicate skin. Savita let out a soft moan as Sumana moved down, her lips trailing down the curve of her neck, along her collarbone.

As Sumana moved her lips over the tops of the younger woman's tits, Savita arched her back, her eyes closing as she savoured the sensation. Sumana sucked lightly on the nipple, teasing it with her tongue before moving over to the other, letting her lips circle around the dark brown areolae, gently biting the flesh with her teeth. Savita's breathing grew heavy, her body quivering with arousal, and her nipple hardening beneath the touch of Sumana's tongue.

She continued teasing and sucking her daughter's tits, and while doing so, reached down, slipping her fingers beneath the waistband of her daughter's panties. Savita's body tensed slightly, and her eyes opened, but Sumana looked up, meeting her daughter's gaze as her fingers gently massaged her clit through her panties. Savita's body shuddered slightly, and her breath caught in her throat.

"Savi... Do you want this?" Sumana whispered, her lips hovering just inches away from her daughter - this would be last question she asked tonight, Sumana knew. She had led herself toward a slippery slope of lust, and there was no turning back after this.

Savita's body trembled as she struggled to answer, but she nodded slightly, her eyes locking onto Sumana's. Sumana felt an incredible rush of excitement surge through her, and she leaned in, pressing her lips against Savita's in a deep, passionate kiss.

As their lips met, she plunged her hand into Savita's panties, her fingers sliding into her daughter's wet pussy. Savita gasped into the kiss, her body trembling with need. Sumana pushed her fingers deeper into the waiting, wet cunt, and the younger woman let out a deep moan, her hips bucking slightly as invasive fingers stroked her wet, sensitive flesh.

Sumana's lips and tongue caressed and teased her daughter's as she pushed her fingers deeper, penetrating the tight, slick pussy, and feeling the hot, wet juices begin to flow over her fingers. Savita's body twitched and bucked as Sumana began to fuck her, her fingers sliding in and out, in a slow, steady rhythm.

Savita moaned deeply into the kiss, her hips rocking, pushing down on Sumana's fingers, fucking her mother's hand as if it were a cock. She felt an orgasm building inside her, a wave of pleasure rushing over her as her pussy began to clench and tighten around Sumana's fingers.

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