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Indian Wife Strays Ch. 02

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Cuckolds her husband with his boss.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/18/2016
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Throughout the evening Pooja was in a state of nervous excitement. She put sanitary pads and informed Ravi that she is having her monthly periods. He suspected nothing and for the next six days she had a perfect excuse for not having sex with him. Few days went by uneventful and her confidence grew, her bruises also healed. She was expecting that Saxena will go after him but he didn't bother her. Instead of feeling relived she felt disappointed.

On fourth day when she stepped out of the school in the afternoon, Saxena was waiting for her in his car.

"Hey Pooja, come I will drop you home."

She hesitated for a moment then finding no one known around, got in.

"How are you doing," he asked.

"Not good."


"You know why, it is because of you only," she complaint.

"I have not done anything wrong," he spoke innocently.

"Look at you how innocent," Pooja was annoyed at his teasing, "These things are still aching," she pointed towards her boobs.

"You have lovely tits, in this blouse I am having a great view," Saxena smiled.

"Shut up," she blushed and adjusted her saree to cover up, "You have a crooked mind."

She suddenly realized that they were not on the road home, "Hey where are you taking me."

"To the sample flat," he coolly replied.

"No... No... I have to go home," she spoke but her body trembled with excitement, "why?"

"I want that sexy body of yours to be nude on my bed," he smiled crookedly.

"Nooo..." Her cheek turned red in shame, "You... you..." she could not find words, while Saxena continued to smile.

"Stop and let me go." But Saxena kept of driving casually.

The car stopped at the same place and he opened the door. Pooja continued to show the tantrums but followed him to the flat. Pooja was showing attitude but her pussy was getting wetter every second. Once inside the flat Saxena plucked her saree which fell on the floor near the door and threw her purse on sofa, her blouse was thrown on the chair. By the time they reached bedroom Pooja had only the panty between her legs.

"Saxena Ji listen," she was panting, "I am scared, please."


"My hubby could find out... anyone else could find out."

"I don't care about your husband," he spoke in a demeaning voice.

Pooja groaned, "how can you say that."

"He is a wimp, if he finds out I will take care of him, you don't worry... You just take care of this," he placed his hand on his hard cock.

"Ummm..." she traced the outline of his dick over the pants, "but..."

Saxena pushed her on knees and opened his zip. All her buts and ifs were brushed aside by him and he started to use this naive wife. She held the thick rod in her fist and pumped it up and down.

"That's it girl, ever have one this big before?" he asked.

She shook her head in a no.

"How big is your husband's?" he asked.

She hesitated then spoke, "much smaller than this."

He looked pleased, "and what about your boyfriends."

"What boyfriends I had none," she spoke rather angrily.

"You mean to say I am only the second man in your life."

She nodded.

Saxena was pleased, "You are a hot woman you must enjoy the life while you can."

Next twenty minutes Pooja spent on her knees learning how to suck cock. She rarely sucked her husband's cock and with this big one, she was totally out of breath.

Saxena patiently fed his cock, slowly slipping deeper and deeper. He then held her by hairs and fucked her mouth which was stretched completely and her jaws started to ache but he didn't let her go. Gradually she learned to relax and use her tongue.

Another twenty minutes were spent on bed screaming with pain and pleasure as Saxena fucked her in his favorite way i.e. making her scream in pain. Just before she left he fucked her again but this time passionately. He dropped her near the flat with a promise to meet again.

This became a routine and whenever Saxena feels like he picks her up after school.

With each passing day Pooja gained in confidence and her body language changed. She started to dress bold and her wardrobe changed, partially with the gifts from Saxena. She started to take better care of her body with daily yoga, etc. She started to enjoy her new self, the looks of admiration from men, the envious glances from the women of her building.

She lost interest in sex with her hubby, Ravi's small cock was just not good enough to arouse any desire. However, she performed the sex like a duty with Ravi i.e twice a weak she allows him to ejaculate inside her pussy and kept him engaged in his fantasy of other men.

Ravi noticed the difference but could not figure out that she is fucking another man. He noticed some marks on her boobs which she said was because he pinched them hard, however he never remembered doing that.

Pooja was happy and realized that she had a great sex drive which was suppressed until now. She remembers how nervous and scared she was when Saxena first fucked her but now she no longer felt scared rather she enjoys the moment freely. She even flaunts her sexy figure and enjoys the mild flirting with her colleagues in school without any nervousness or guilt.

During this time, she went out with her husband on couple of occasions to attend his office parties where she met his boss, a south Indian with a long name which was hard to remember and everybody call him Kutty. He was a dark skinned but tall and handsome looking man in his forties. As described by Ravi he was a compulsive flirt and was within no time flirting with her even when Ravi was present. Ravi grinned sheepishly every time he made some double meaning innuendoes.

That night Ravi was all charged up and pulled her clothes as soon as they reached their flat.

"Looks like you are really pumped up," she giggled feeling his hard on over the pants.

"Did you saw how your boss was after me, if given any opportunity he would have fucked me in that party only."

"Agg," Ravi grunted loudly and pushed his cock inside her pussy in one stroke. Pooja also felt the excitement but it was because of Kutty and not what her husband was doing.

Ravi was on fire watching his boss drooling over his wife, he enjoys fantasizing her with other man but today watching that in real gave him some strange jealousy mix sensations that he had never felt. As soon as he entered the flat he wanted to fuck her, wanted to feel that he is her man and no one can ever take her. He was so worked up that in just few strokes he dumped his load inside her cunt. After the act was over, Ravi never bothered to see if Pooja has also finished or not, he simply rolls over and go to sleep.

Pooja was happy with the way things were moving, she wanted to fast track the things, she wanted to fuck his boss as soon as possible and make her husband a real cuckold and then she can disclose her relations with Saxena to him and can enjoy the sex freely. Hence during the next meeting when Kutty flirted with her she encouraged him.

It was Saturday afternoon when Ravi called and informed that his boss would be over for dinner tonight, Pooja was thrilled.

"What time he would be home? She enquired.

"He will be there around seven in the evening, I never wanted but he kind of invited himself," Ravi spoke in an apologetic voice.

"Really!! Is that so," she quipped mischievously.

She got excited and get on with the cooking immediately, later in the evening she carefully chose her dress and decided to wear a long skirt and top, which was sexy as well as not too obvious. Inside she decided to wear a push up bra and a matching red panty. She looked in the mirror and combed her shoulder length hairs and let them loose. Finally, she sprayed her favorite perfume, put a bindi in middle of her forehead and adjusted her mangalsutra.


Kutty watched as Ravi walked out of his office, he was happy with the way things were proceeding. For many men, there is just something about a married woman that is more attractive than anything else and Kutty is one of them. He simply could not resist a hot and young wife. The fact that he is actually winning them over their husbands, makes him feel all the more macho. He enjoys that these women belong to someone else and he is able to make them cheat. He was always on the lookout for hot wives whom he can corrupt. Being in a powerful position helped and was able to fuck many women in his office and also the wives of his subordinates.

He was transferred to the Delhi branch only six months back and his first target was a sexy married lady Reena, one of his subordinates. It took him only two months to get her spread her legs for him. Then he met Pooja at one of the office parties and he was fascinated by this woman, a homely and innocent young wife with a docile husband. He started his tried and tested tricks i.e. flirting with the women and taking her husband under his control.

During the last party, she was shy but never objected or try to avoid his flirting. Every time he made remarks like, how beautiful she looks, how hot she looks in the dress etc., she only giggled and her husband fidgeted sheepishly. She was responding to his liking and that too in presence of her husband. Then he decided to notch it up a bit, when Ravi was away from earshot he whispered,

"You are really gorgeous, why don't you come to my flat someday and we can have some fun."

"Ohh... Why don't you come to my flat?" she chuckled.

"And what about your husband?"

She gave him a mysterious smile, "what about him?"

He was not able to explore it further as some other guests joined them but he was surprised and wondered if she was only teasing him, he was determined to find out.

During the next couple of weeks, he made Ravi's life miserable, finding faults in anything he does at office. He took this to such a point that Ravi was ready to do anything to please his boss and Kutty knew that now he was in such a position thathe could push things further. So today when he hinted, Ravi was too willing to invite him home for dinner hoping this would help him to improve relationship with his boss.


Ravi came back home a little early in order to help her wife but found that she had already arranged everything and was all dressed up nicely.

"Wow you look fabulous," he grabbed her in his arms and tried to kiss her.

"No... no... don't spoil my lipstick," she giggled and then mischievously added, "this is for your boss."

"Youuuu naughty," he pinched her bottom.

"Ouch," she slipped out of his grip, "Ok now help me arrange the table."

Kutty reached their flat around eight and he had a bottle of whisky in his one hand and a bag in another.

"This is for the evening," he handed over the bottle to Ravi, "and this is for the lovely lady," he gave the bag to Pooja.

Ravi guided him to the sofa in the living room, "Why you bothered to bring all these... no need."

"No problem at all and this is for Pooja not you," he smiled, "I hope you will like it," he spoke to


Pooja dug into the bag and found a dress, "it looks great," she replied.

"You must try it as I don't have your size, I just used my imagination for your size," he winked. Pooja blushed as she understood the intended meaning and walked to the bedroom to try while Kutty signaled Ravi to fix drinks.

While they were drinking, Pooja changed into the dress that Kutty brought. The dress turned out to be a baby doll kind of a dress, with spaghetti straps on shoulder. It was black in color and barely reached her knees. It fitted nicely onto her curves and when she looked into mirror she trembled at the thought of going out in this dress. She realized she can't wear the bra with this dress so she took it out. While she was contemplating whether to go into the living room in this dress or not, she heard Kutty calling out to find out if the dress fitted or not and also asked her to come out.

As she stepped out of the bedroom Ravi's jaw dropped in awe while Kutty smiled looking at the pretty and young wife dress so provocatively.

"Yeah, you look hot," Kutty commented as Pooja looked at the floor feeling very self-conscious.

"Ok now I'll go and change," she spoke.

"Ohh.. no.. no.. you are looking terrific, why would you want to change... isn't she?" he looked towards Ravi.

"Hah... yeah... yeah," he came out of his trance.

"Come... sit with me," he directed her to sit beside him. Pooja hesitantly walked towards him, glancing towards her husband for any reaction but there was none as he looked at her unbelievingly.

Both the men enjoyed the juicy 36C jugs peeking out of the dress and can clearly make out that she was not wearing a bra. The dress was not padded on the breast area so her tout nipples were clearly visible. As she sat on the sofa her dress rode higher on thighs and her long waxed legs were visible, she pulled the dress down as far as possible.

Ravi felt his throat gone dry, he watched his prude wife suddenly transformed into a vixen. What is this happening, he looked at them and saw both of chatting comfortably. He found her a bit shy but not at all hesitant and seemed to be enjoying the flirtatious behavior of his boss. For almost half an hour he was completely ignored in the conversation as Kutty talked with Pooja about her favorite things, likes, job, etc. and Ravi was required only to refill the glasses.

Ravi knew about his boss and he has witnessed him make pass at his wife earlier but he never gave it a second thought as he believed that Pooja would never be interested in him but tonight he was nervous, as his wife seems to be encouraging him. He felt nervous, insecure, jealous and strangely aroused, all at the same time. He continued to watch his wife laughing at his jokes and his boss slowly getting bolder in his approach and start touching his wife on shoulders and waist.

"Pooja," he spoke, hoping to interrupt the flow and take some control of the situation, "why don't you prepare the table."

Pooja nodded and got up to go the kitchen but Kutty held her hand and pulled her back on the sofa, "What is the hurry."

"She needs to get the dinner," Ravi spoke with dry throat.

"Who is hungry? I am not... well not for food at least," he laughed at his own farce, "or you just want to make me eat and get rid of?"

"No... no... Sir... not at all," he managed to speak amid growing agony.

"Then pour another drink and bring some more snacks."

Ravi refilled the glasses and went to kitchen to fetch the snacks which his wife has prepared.

Kutty was unable to believe his luck at the way the evening was unfolding. He was confident that he could get this sweet wife to spread her legs but was not sure if he would be able to do that in presence of her husband. He got a hint during last party from Pooja and tonight it was amply clear that something of a cuckold and hot wife relationship is in the air, albeit not so open. The way Pooja has responded to his advances and that too in front of her husband, was a clear indication that they are contemplating taking a third person into their marriage and who could be better than him for the task.

He was feeling the warmth of her hot body so close to him. He can sense how aroused she is with his touching and caressing. If her husband was not around, her red painted lips would have been stretching around his cock by this time, but no problem it will take some time... She is worth waiting. He looked down the juicy and bouncy cleavage and then the smooth thighs peeking out of the short dress. The legs were slightly spread. He placed his palm between her legs and slipped it under her dress. He caressed the creamy thighs and brushed his fingers across the panty covered snatch, all the time looking directly into her eyes.

He heard a faint but unmistakable moaning sound, her legs trembled and automatically pated further. He slid his palm and rested it on her knee as he saw Ravi coming out of the kitchen with the snacks, "moment of truth... he has nothing to lose," Kutty thought.

Ravi froze at the kitchen door; he was sure that he saw his hand sliding under his wife's dress and now stationed firmly at her knee. This is going too far, this is not happening, she cannot let this happen. He hoped against hope that Pooja would retaliate and put an end to this nightmare or Kutty will now put his hand away after seeing him coming. But nothing happened and he stood frozen, for like eternity.

"What happened Ravi why are you standing at the door?" he heard the sharp voice of his boss and reluctantly walked towards then. As he came near, Kutty rubbed her knee and patted her thighs before moving his hand away.

Pooja glanced at the ashen face of her husband and then towards the confident Kutty and felt a strong urge for a hard-fuck. She wanted to be taken by this man right now and right in front of her submissive husband. Ever since Kutty entered the flat he has completely taken control of the situation and her husband. The confident way he is fondling her right in front of her husband was making her pussy wet.

"I guess it's time to have dinner," Ravi spoke curtly showing some confidence and staring right into Kutty's eyes.

"I guess someone is getting jealous because we are having a good time," he caressed her naked shoulder and pulled her closer, "aren't we dear," he asked Pooja who meekly nodded.

Ravi looked helplessly towards them, he was not able to believe what was happening and was just hoping that Pooja will end this.

"But... but..." Ravi stammered.

"No ifs and buts," suddenly Kutty raised his voice, "and sit down quietly."

Ravi was startled at his sharp tone and slumped in the sofa, the little bit of confidence that he could muster, also vanished.

"I know what is happening," this time he spoke softly, "you're getting anxious is justified, but I assure you I am best for her and I will treat her with love and respect."

Ravi was barely able to speak, 'is he telling me that he is going to fuck my wife.'

"I know what you are feeling, but you must also understand that your wife also wants me," he turned Pooja's face towards him who nodded in agreement.

Ravi's heart sank as he saw Kutty taking control of his wife while she enthusiastically participated.

"What... what... are you saying," he stammered, "you must leave now."

"Don't act like a child, we both know why we are together tonight and you want it, so don't back out now."

"No... no... I don't want anything."

Kutty has a sly smile on his face, "don't deny it, I know you love her but she needs more than just love and I am going to give her that."

He caressed her hairs and pushed her head back on the sofa, "If you want to watch it's ok or else you can go to the spare bedroom and wait."

Ravi was unable to move, neither was able to understand what should be done, he just looked pleadingly towards his wife but found only lust there. He gasped for air watching his wife so aroused and his boss ready to take her.

He watched, as if in a trance, as Kutty grabbed her hairs to straighten her face. Pooja's lips were already parted and he saw his boss planted his thick lips over them. He felt as if someone has squeezed his balls and the pain was unbearable. His prudish wife of three years was ready to fuck in front of him, cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

Kutty licked her lips and pushed his tongue inside her mouth, Ravi watched unbelievably as his wife kissed back and exchanged saliva with this man. The unthinkable was happening right in front of him, his boss was spreading his wife on the sofa itself.

"No... no... Pooja... what are you doing," a tortured scream came out his mouth.

They broke the kiss and looked at him. Pooja looked at him in lust with her half-closed eyes while Kutty had pity in his eyes.


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