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Wife's indiscretion leads husband to happiness.
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My life began its nosedive on the evening of 14 December, the night of my wife's company Christmas party. I had been to quite a few of these soirees over the years and, generally, had a good time meeting my wife's co-workers. This year, however, saw a change, a big change. To begin with my wife, Julie, had tried very hard to talk me out of going in the first place. Then, while at the party, I noticed she was paying a lot of attention to one co-worker in particular at the exclusion of everyone else, including myself.

I was sitting by myself nursing my glass of wine when the bank's president, Guy Samuels, sat next to me and asked if I was enjoying myself this year. I replied, "Not really. Who is that guy standing with Julie?"

Guy looked over to where I was indicating and said, "That's Julie's new boss, Chad Simmons." Guy looked at me and then asked, "You don't think anything is going on between those two, do you? Our bank has a very strict ethics code which forbids co-workers from any improprieties. Being caught in an indiscretion is cause for immediate termination, so I don't think those two would risk that."

I looked at Guy and said, "The state imposes speed limits on the highways, but that doesn't stop people from speeding. As much as I hope you are right, I'm pretty sure those two are having an affair. She's looking at him the way she used to look at me when we were first dating. She's in love and not with me anymore."

Guy looked at me with pity in his eyes and said, "Sam, I hope you are wrong for everyone's sake. Chad is married with two young children. Actually, I'm surprised that his wife isn't here with him."

"My guess is that he didn't tell his wife about the party. My wife really tried to talk me out of coming tonight. In some ways, I wish I hadn't come and continued my life in blissful ignorance, but alas, here I am."

Guy stood, patted my shoulder and said, "Well, I hope you're wrong about them." He then moved off to talk with other groups of people.

I continued to sit and stare at my wife and her paramour with what I'm sure was a very sour look on my face. Finally, Julie looked over towards me and gave me a half smile until she saw the look in my eyes, then flushed red for a moment and turned her attention back to Chad. Of the 3 hours I was at the party, Julie spent a half an hour with other co-workers, 15 minutes with me and the remaining time staring dotingly at Chad.

I had, finally, had all the fun I could take, so I walked up to Julie and Chad and said, "I think it's about time we went home. Unless you need or want to stay. Perhaps this gentleman can give you a ride. I don't think we've met, I'm Sam Butler, Julie's husband."

I stuck out my hand to shake and Chad took it as he said, "Chad Simmons, nice to meet you. I'd be happy to give Julie a ride home if she would like."

Julie got a look in her eyes like Christmas had come early as she said, "Are you sure you don't mind. I am having a good time and don't really want to leave yet."

"Whatever you want, dear. I'll see you later, but don't be too late."

I gave Julie a peck on the cheek and then turned to leave. As I fetched my coat I surmised that I was 75% correct that those two were having an affair. I went out to my car, turned on the engine to let the heater warm things up and decided to wait until the two lovebirds left to see what they would get up to. An hour later, the party broke up and people began streaming out to the parking lot.

I had moved my car from its original parking spot to a dark corner so I could observe unobtrusively. As it turned out, Chad was parked just on the other side of another car from me. I watched the two of them walking towards his car holding hands like teenage lovers. I began taking a video with my cellphone of their stroll towards the car. When they got to the car, Chad walked Julie to the passenger door, took her in his arms and with a cursory look around began kissing her passionately.

I was able to get a picture of their heads as they kissed through my open window. Much to my chagrin, Julie didn't rebuff Chad in the slightest, but seemed to exult in their embrace. When they broke the kiss, Julie said, "I love you so much, Chad."

"I love you to, Jules. When do you think we can be together again? I want you so bad."

"Sam is due for one of his trips to his corporate headquarters very soon. As you know, he's usually gone for several nights, so we can have some time together besides quickies."

"Well, as soon as you know anything let me know." They then began kissing again.

I had heard enough and started my car, which caused them to hurriedly jump into Chad's car. I pulled out with my lights off making it difficult to identify my car and then headed for home. When I got home, I thought about our daughter Lizzie who was oblivious to the hell that was about to befall our family. I went to her room to see if she was there and found that she was and that she was sound asleep.

I went into my home office, fired up my computer and began doing a check on Chad Simmons. I worked from home for a computer security company, so I have access to a lot of databases not available to ordinary people. I did some preliminary research until Julie came home, about an hour after I arrived. I went out to the living room as she walked in the door and noticed that her lips were a bit puffy, that she had some whisker burn on her cheeks and that her hair was mussed a bit. I told her Lizzie was asleep and that I was going to do a little work before going to bed. I then turned and headed back into my office and closed the door.

I couldn't believe she would come home in her condition, so I sat down and began working on a strategy to extricate myself from my failed marriage. The first thing I would do is announce to Julie that I had to fly to New York in a couple of days to our corporate headquarters. I had no intention of going anywhere, but would observe what Julie and Chad got up to. I decided that I would invest in some miniature cameras and place them around the house to record what happened in my absence in our home. I, also, decided to rent a car for my stay in the area in order to be able to spy on my wife and her lover more easily. I waited to get into bed until I was confident Julie was asleep because I didn't want to have to interact with her in any way.

The next day was Sunday and I announced to Julie that I had to fly to New York on Wednesday for several days. I saw a brief smile flash on Julie's face as she acknowledged that I was going away. I then spent the bulk of the day doing work around the house preparing for the day that I would kick my wife out. I bought a set of new locks for the house from the hardware store to install when I gave her the boot.

Lizzie had spent the day at a friend's house doing whatever 18 year old high school students do. Lizzie and I had a close relationship because I was always home for her due to my job. I helped her with her homework, talked to her about problems she had with school and people and took her places on weekends when she wasn't doing things with her friends.

On Monday, after Julie went to work, I set up the miniature cameras I had purchased earlier that day and linked them via Bluetooth to my computer. I put the cameras in our bedroom, the living room, the kitchen and managed to get one in the hallway. I wanted to make sure that she wasn't cheating in our house.

On Tuesday, I went to a divorce lawyer to find out what my options were. I found out that our state was not a 'no-fault divorce' state and that I could sue for divorce based on adultery. If I could prove unequivocally that Julie had an affair. If I could I probably would not have to pay alimony. Since Lizzie was 18, there was no issue with child custody. After all I had seen on the Christmas party night, I thought that it would be a pretty simple matter based on how indiscreet the two had been. I told my lawyer that I wanted a no holds barred divorce and that I wanted to punish the two cheaters as much as possible. Our house had been left to me by my grandparents after their death, so was not brought into the marriage after we had married. Other than the house, our assets included a savings account with about $30,000, what we had in checking and our individual retirement accounts.

After visiting the lawyer, I set about establishing a separate checking account in my name only and transferred all of our joint checking and savings account to it. I, also, cancelled our joint credit cards and paid them off, and set up a new credit account in my name only. Additionally, I started new cell service for Lizzie and myself. I decided to leave our original service alone, until I caught the two red-handed.

So, Tuesday night I packed as I normally would for a trip to headquarters. I was having a difficult time remaining calm when I was around Julie. I couldn't understand why she didn't love me anymore and why she fell in love with another man. I had always thought we had a perfect marriage. We rarely argued, we didn't have money problems, our sex life seemed excellent, though it had tapered off lately, and we had Lizzie.

On Wednesday, I got up, fixed Lizzie breakfast and got her ready for school like I normally do. Once she was out the door I said goodbye to Julie and told her I would see her when I got back on Friday or Saturday. She waved goodbye and said that she loved me. I replied, 'I loved you too', and headed out of the door without so much as a kiss on the cheek. I thought that maybe I was reading things into the situation, but Julie seemed very anxious for me to go. I headed for the airport, parked my car in the lot and then headed for the rental car area to pick-up my rental car.

I had discovered Chad Simmons' address in my research, so I parked near his house and waited to see what he did. A short while later saw Chad get into his car and drive off. I followed him until he got to the bank where he and Julie worked. Figuring he wasn't going anywhere for a while, I walked over to a nearby Starbucks and bought a large coffee and sweet roll and then headed back to my car. At about 2:30, I saw Chad head back to his car with a big shit eating grin on his face. I was pretty sure I knew where he was headed and sure enough he was headed to my house.

As Chad approached the front door, I saw Julie throw it open for him standing in the doorway with only a sheer, see through night gown on. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately in view of all of our neighbors. These two were showing no discretion at all. I couldn't help but wonder about this change in Julie's behavior. She was, generally, very circumspect when it came to outrageous, sexy behavior.

I sat in my car for quite a while in order for my video cameras to catch as much action as possible before I went in and busted them. I figured an hour would give them plenty of time to hang themselves, so when an hour was up I entered my house. I could hear the two of them going at it as they were quite noisy. Julie and I used to be noisy before Lizzie came along and since then we had to exercise more control than these two were.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom while shooting a video with my phone, just in case the other video didn't pan out. The bedroom door was wide open and the scene that greeted me set my teeth on edge. Julie's was on her knees with her arms tied to the two posts at the head of the bed on our four-poster bed. Chad was plowing away into Julie's ass (something I was never allowed to do) while she cried out, "FUCK MY ASS, CHAD! FUCK MY ASS HARD! I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE CAN BE TOGETHER ALL OF THE TIME!""

I had had enough when I cried out, "WHAT THE FUCK? YOU FUCKING COW!"

Moments later all hell broke loose when I heard Lizzie scream as she watched her mother getting ass fucked. As Chad pulled out of Julie's ass he started shooting his cum all over Julie's butt and onto the bed. I pulled Lizzie to me and buried her head into my chest while I continued filming the scene in front of me. I screamed at Chad to get his fucking ass out of my house before I cut his cock and balls off. He jumped out of bed gathered his clothes and scrambled out of the room. I really wanted to hit the prick, but decided it wouldn't be worth it.

I told Lizzie to go to her room and that I would be in to see her in a few minutes once I had a chance to have a few words with her mother. Lizzie was crying uncontrollably and it was breaking my heart. I was sure she would require therapy once this was all over.

Julie looked ridiculous as she tried to hide herself despite being tied to the bed posts. She was crying now as well and was saying, "It's not what you think, Sam, honest."

I walked over to the bed after I put my phone away and asked, sardonically, "I'm pretty sure you haven't a clue what I think, but tell me, what should I be thinking right now?"

Julie sobbed and said, "This was all a big mistake. Chad seduced me and forced me to have sex with him. I would never betray you! I love you and you alone!"

"Wow, really? Not five minutes ago you were crying out how much you loved him fucking your ass, how much you loved him and how you couldn't wait to be with him all of the time. When I untie you, I want you to grab enough clothing to leave the house and I never want to see you again you lying piece of shit! You fucking didn't even care that our daughter would be home during your disgusting display!"

I untied her and then told her to get the fuck out of my house. She cried and asked, "Where am I supposed to go?"

"I don't fucking care. You no longer live here! Go live with Chad for all I care and then he can fuck your ass all day long."

Julie then looked at me and said, "Wait, I thought you went to New York, why are you here?"

"I had no intention of going to New York. I could see by the way you were looking at fucking Chad and that you were in love with the cocksucker during the Christmas party. You were so fucking obvious! I recorded you kissing and declaring your love in the parking lot after the party and decided that that was the end. All I needed was proof that you were cheating and I could divorce your cheating ass and be rid of you. You had better get a good lawyer because I'm going to take everything away from you I possibly can. I intend to make your and Chad's life a living hell. I'm going to try and keep Lizzie away from you as much as possible after today's stunt. Now get dressed and get out of my sight!"

Once Julie was out of the house, I walked up to Lizzie's room and stood at her door for a moment taking deep breaths and trying to figure out what to say. I decided that all I could do is try my best to comfort her, so I knocked, entered her room, sat on her bed and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to see that Lizzie. It's all my fault. I was so upset, I forgot that you would be coming home from school. Can you ever forgive me?"

Through her sobs, Lizzie said, "It wasn't your fault Dad. Why was she with that man having sex?"

"Apparently, your mother doesn't love me anymore and decided she wanted to be with him instead. I don't know why she fell out of love with me, I guess she just met someone she liked better. It doesn't mean she doesn't still love you."

"She has a very weird way of showing it. I came into the house right after you and I saw that her bedroom door was open before you got there. So, I think she didn't think about me at all today." With that she began crying hard again.

I held her tight and whispered endearing things to her. Finally, I said, "We will always have each other."

Lizzie looked up at me, smiled through her tears and said, "Yes, we will always have each other. I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Lizzie. Why don't we get something to eat and drink and decide where we go from here? Okay?"

Lizzie nodded and stood up. We held hands as we walked into the kitchen. I fixed us grilled cheese sandwiches and glasses of apple juice and then we sat down to talk. I'm going to have to do a bunch of stuff over the next few days as a result of your Mom cheating. Once I'm done though, I think we need to take a vacation and get out of here during Christmas break."

"What do you have to do?"

"Well, I need to change the locks on the doors so your Mom can't come into our house anymore. I need to talk to my divorce lawyer and set in motion our divorce. I, also, need to talk to your Mom's boss and the wife of the man your Mom was with and let them know that they were cheating on us. So, where should we go for vacation?"

Lizzie thought for a second and asked, "Can we got to London and Paris?"

I was very surprised by her request thinking she would say Disneyland or Hawaii. She had a passport because we had gone to Canada a couple of years ago, so I told her, "Sure, we can go to London and Paris. Why there, if you don't mind me asking?"

Lizzie laughed and said, "I've always wanted to go to both of those cities and I think we both need to get as far away as possible from that woman."

I laughed and said, "You are a pretty smart cookie. I'll book us on a flight and hotels tonight."

That night after booking our flights and hotels, I checked the video I had recorded with the mini-cameras. The pictures were incredible and the sound was very good. As soon as I walked out of the house, Julie was on the phone to Chad telling him she was calling in sick and that he should come over as soon as he could and that she wanted him to fuck her in all of her holes like he liked to do. I fast forwarded to when he arrived and watched her greet him in the doorway and then drag him to our bedroom.

As Chad began taking his clothes off, Julie was on her knees pulling his cock out of his pants and taking him deep into her mouth. I guess I could have understood, somewhat, Julie's infatuation if the guy was hung like a horse, but his cock was nothing special and was a bit smaller than my own. Anyway, she worked him over well until he shot his load into her mouth and she swallowed it. I was pissed again because she never swallowed my spunk, but made me shoot it into a tissue. Next, he pulled her up to her feet, told her to lay in the bed and then dove between her legs and ate her out. Again, this was something she never let me do, no matter how hard I begged.

I fast forwarded to when Chad actually fucked Julie. Now, she and I never had to worry about birth control because I had a vasectomy right after Lizzie was born. I knew that Julie wasn't on the pill and Chad was fucking her without a condom. I stopped to think how long it had been since Julie and I had had sex and decided it would be a good idea to get checked for STD's. I, also, wondered what would happen if Julie turned up pregnant? She was really being a stupid idiot!

After reviewing the whole video, I decided to make several edited copies for Guy Samuels at the bank they worked in, one for Chad's wife to use how she wanted, one for my lawyer and others to send to her parents and some of our friends to quickly explain why I was divorcing the slut. The next morning, I called Guy and asked him to meet me at the Starbucks I had purchased my coffee at the day before as I had something important to show him. He agreed to meet me in half an hour. I bought him a coffee, sat him down and played the video for him. He was deeply disturbed by what he was seeing as I said, "I told you so!"

When the video was finished, he said, "I'll go back and fire them right away. I'm very sorry this has happened to you. I know you loved your wife very much and you must be hurting a lot."

"Thanks Guy, yes I'm hurting a lot, but I need you to do me a favor. Can you hold off firing them until I have Julie's divorce papers served to her at work? Also, is Chad at work right now?"

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