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A submissive wife gets taken.
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I was awakened by the jangling sound that the Ring App on my husband's cell phone made whenever anyone or anything passed by the front of my house and it took my mind a moment to figure out where I was and why I was hearing it. Slowly I shook the cobwebs from my brain and turned my head.

It was Sunday morning and I was supposed to be at home alone but next to me I saw my husband sleeping, naked as always and it was his phone that was making the noise. I wondered what happened because he had left home to attend a conference and was not supposed to be back until later in the day but there he was in the bed, fast asleep! My brain groggily figured that he must have come home early in the morning and just got into bed. I thanked God that he had not come home before I did, because I wouldn't have been able to explain why I wasn't home when he had arrived!

I yawned and slowly took inventory of myself. My body was all achy. My throat, lips and nipples were somewhat sore, my pussy too and it was crusted with dried cum and pussy juice and my asshole throbbed and pulsed like an electric generator! In short, I felt that I had been run over by a truck and it seemed, fucked by it too!

As my mind began to function once again, a note of alarm rose in my head because I remembered that the cum than oozed from my body was not my husband's! He was not the one who had my lips, throat, nipples and asshole sore. For a moment, I felt a stab of guilt in my loins and I slowly closed my eyes as I considered my dilemma, then a small smile flickered at the corners of my mouth as I recollected how I came to be in the condition that I was.

My husband Andy, Dr. Springs to be correct, had left home on Wednesday afternoon to attend a conference which was to last until Sunday. He was not to return home until Monday evening. I felt quite alone after he left and decided that I would entertain myself over the weekend. When I awoke on Saturday morning, it was a beautiful day and after showering and having breakfast, I puttered around the house, cleaning and putting away things until about noon. I then poured myself a glass of wine and started to read a book that I had started a few weeks before.

To tell you the truth I am not a great reader as I really don't enjoy reading but my husband had suggested this book and so I was trying to read it, knowing that he would probably ask me about it when he returned.

After a few hours of reading I had enough. I turned the TV on and started watching the news. Soon I became bored with the repetition and switched to one of Tyler Perry's black soap operas. After a while, I got bored with them too and tried calling my one close girlfriend to see what she was doing. She answered and informed me that she and her husband were gambling at a casino in Pennsylvania.

"Shit!" I thought, "this is really going to be a boring day."

I had no desire to spend a nice fall day in Washington, DC all by myself and having nothing else to do and no one to hang out with, I decided to dress and drive to the Fair Oak's mall in Northern Virginia and walk around. I was feeling somewhat down and lonely and decided to brighten up my day by taking the time to pamper myself with a long bath, creaming my body from head to toe and putting make-up on which I rarely wore on weekends. I looked at my body in the mirror and smirked to myself,

"Not too bad for a forty year old broad," I thought and smiled to myself.

I was looking at a 5'7" caramel body, 38 DD's that sagged just enough to not look like they were implants, which they weren't, forty two inch hips, aided by a bodacious ass and a tummy that had just a slight bulge after delivering three children. My hair was close cropped like Nina Simone's used to be, my lips were full and soft and my face oval with a slightly oriental look to it even though both my parents were black. My school mates always used to tease me and ask me if the mail man was Chinese!

Feeling in a sexy mood, I chose to wear a blouse and skirt which I rarely wear, as I am a jeans and a T-shirt girl. For my undies, I donned a sheer, black see-through bra and matching black thong that my husband had bought me, found a sexy purple, gold and black asymmetric top that hung loosely but clung to my 38DD breasts and ass and a short, tight black skirt to go with it. The skirt showed off my ass and legs nicely. My husband always kept telling me that I had a nice pair of legs and I felt like showing them off! I slipped my bare feet into my fur-lined black Ugg boots to complete the ensemble and headed out the door. I wanted to feel sexy and a little wicked and I did!

I arrived at the shopping mall about 5:00 pm, thinking that I would browse a bit and people watch and then perhaps have dinner and take in a movie before returning home. I brought my cell phone with me just in case my husband decided to call which he usually doesn't when he is away at a conference but I thought that I wouldn't want him calling home and not getting me and wondering where I was and if I was ok.

After parking and entering the mall, I browsed through a few stores and then decided to sit on a bench on the upper level and watch people as they walked by. I had been sitting for about fifteen minutes with my legs crossed showing a bit of leg and getting some appreciative looks from a few men passing by when this gorgeous man appeared. He was tall, about six feet four, broad chest, flat belly, nice arms and sexily bald. He was fair complexioned, sort of golden brown and had the sexiest blue gray eyes that I have ever seen. A salt and pepper mustache and neat goatee made him even more sexy to me. My belly lurched, my nipples hardened and my pussy clamped with lust.

"Oh, boy," I thought, "He could screw me any time!"

He kept walking my way and it dawned upon me that he was coming to me. Finally he stopped, smiled and said,

"Ma'am, would you mind if I sat next to you? I've been watching you and it looks like you're people watching and I like doing that too."

With a smile I said,

"Sure," and scooted around to make more room for him on the bench.

We sat quietly for about five minutes when he started chuckling and pointed out an old white guy walking towards us, with his pants pulled up so high that you could see his large nuts bulging below. I laughed with him. Then a very large black woman came by wearing tights that were so stretched you could see that she was wearing a thong underneath and showing off a big, fat camel toe! We both laughed.

After a while, he said, "Where are my manners. I never introduced myself. My name is George, George Johnson, what is yours?"

Immediately my mind shot back to another George that I had known. He had the biggest cock of any human being that I had ever seen. It was at least ten inches in length and as thick as a fat baby's leg! I know because he had fucked me with it!

That came about because my husband and I used to fantasize about having other men or women join us while we were having sex and I had mentioned that I wondered what it would be like to take a huge dick. While my husband was big about eight inches or so, he wasn't huge. I never believed that he would actually want me to do it but one day he asked me if I could, would I really try a really big dick and I said,

"Yes, I would."

Being the renaissance man that he is, he said,

"Well, let's look for a possibility so that you can experience what you want."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes," he said," "you know that I don't mind you having little fun as long as we do it together."

"You've always said that. " I replied, "but I never believed that you actually meant it."

"Well, I do," he responded.

"Okay," I said, "I'll talk to a friend of mine who is a swinger and see what she knows."

Surely enough, Carlyn knew of this big dick guy who she said was really nice, named George to whom she introduced me by phone. His dick was supposed to be so big that his wife had divorced him because she was tired of having to go to the gynecologist for lower abdominal pain and decided that she couldn't take it anymore! Carlyn had said that at some of the parties that she attended, people would ask him where he got a dick that big from and he would laugh and say,


I wanted to try that big dick bad, but I was afraid of getting hurt so I told my husband that I wanted him to be with me to look out for me. He agreed. I think he just wanted to see if I would actually do it and how I would deal with this supposedly huge cock. Our menage a trois with George turned out to be a disaster! He was a nice guy alright as Carlyn had said, but his dick was so big and thick that when he tried to put it into me it felt as if someone was trying to stretch my pussy by putting two hands in it and pulling outwards while simultaneously pushing my womb into my throat!

He was able to get about half of his dick in and it kind of got stuck there. I was afraid that he would try to ram the rest into me so when my husband suggested that I get on top so that I could control how much dick I got, I agreed. What he didn't realize was that even though I was afraid, I wanted George to just take me and fuck me and make me take that dick!

As a result, it wasn't very enjoyable, because I never did force myself to take it all and all I got out of it was a very sore pussy and stomach cramps all the next day!

When I told Carlyn about it she laughed and said that she had a similar experience!

George Johnson brought me back to the present when he cleared his throat and said,

"And you are...?

"I'm Vee," I responded, not using my real name but using the same name that I used with George, the big dicked wonder, when he had tried to rip my pussy apart!

"Vee what?" George asked.

"Vee Springs," I replied using a contraction of my maiden name.

"Well Vee Springs, I am very glad to meet you."

"And I, you," I replied.

After sitting for a while, George said,

"Why don't we just take a stroll instead of just sitting here, it will at least change the view and the environment."

I wasn't too comfortable doing that but figured that just walking in the mall wouldn't hurt and won't be too dangerous.

"Sounds like a plan," I said, standing up and smoothing my short skirt.

He stood up as well and offered his arm like a real gentleman. I hooked my hand in the crook of his elbow and we began walking. We talked about his life and my family and a host of other things; the weather and the people and of course sex also came up. He told me that he was attending a conference and was in between meetings and that he felt bored staying in the hotel at the other end of the mall and so he had walked from the hotel over to the shopping mall to get some fresh air.

I laughed and said that was why I was in the mall too. I told him that my husband was away at a conference like he was and I was home alone and bored so I had come to the mall rather than be home alone.

"Looks like we are two bored people," he responded, "perhaps we should find something to do together that takes care of our boredom."

"Perhaps," I laughed.

After walking up and down the upper level of the mall twice, he suggested that we change the scenery and go downstairs to see what was happening in the lower level. We stopped by the elevator and got in. A lot of people crowded in and I was pushed backwards until my butt pressed against George's groin. I felt a huge bulge pushing against my ass and realized that he had a hard on! Moving was out of the question as we were all jammed in and his cock kept rubbing against my ass all the way down. When we exited the elevator, he again offered his arm again and I took it. He then started apologized saying,

"I know that you had to feel my cock pressed against your ass in the elevator and I am sorry. I didn't mean to get hard but when you got pushed back against me, I started getting hard and I could not do anything about it. Sometimes it has a mind of its own!"

I laughed and asked, "Who controls whom? Do you control him or does he controls you?"

George laughed and said, "Usually, I control him but with you he seems to have other ideas."

We laughed and continued walking. After about an hour, George asked if I planned to eat anything because he was getting hungry. I told him that I was getting hungry myself and he suggested that we leave the mall and go over to the hotel where he was staying and have dinner. I asked why he didn't want to eat in the mall and he said that the restaurant in the hotel was really nice and he thought that I would prefer it. The hotel had been newly renovated and I had not been in it since it had re-opened, so I said "ok" and off we went.

He suggested that I drive over to the hotel so that when I was ready to leave, I wouldn't have to walk back over to the shopping mall for my car which made sense so I did it. I parked in the rear of the hotel and I don't know why I chose to park there unless somehow subconsciously, I didn't want anyone to see my car parked in front.

We entered the hotel and the lobby was absolutely beautiful. It had been re-decorated with huge chandeliers, large sumptuous couches and huge paintings and plants, nothing like it used to be. George escorted me towards the elevator. I balked and asked him where he was going as I thought that he was trying to hustle me and get me to go to his room, but he said that the best restaurant was on the roof. I relaxed.

We rode the elevator to the concierge level which was the twenty fifth floor. I noticed that he had to use a special room card to get there as only certain guests had access to that restaurant. The other guests could not go above the twentieth floor.

When we stepped out of the elevator it was gorgeous! The entire floor was walled by glass, so you could see out over the entire area. It was now 7:30 pm and the sun had gone down. The stars dotted the night sky and the building lights sparkled for miles. Vehicles could be seen moving back and forth and neon lights blinked to help illuminate the night. It was breath taking.

We were seated and ordered our dinners, each having a glass of wine to accompany the meal. After I while, I discovered that the view had changed. George explained that the floor was slowly rotating and so we were turning in a circle and that was why we were having a changing view. I hadn't even realized that we were turning! A jazz trio was playing soft music and the clink of cutlery and glasses added to the delightful atmosphere. We had several glasses of wine and I was feeling all hot inside as my head buzzed.

After we had finished eating, George asked me if I would like to dance. I told him that I didn't think that we should be dancing to such romantic music because I didn't want to start anything that I was not going to finish and I had no intention of finishing anything with him because I was a married woman.

George smiled and said that he understood perfectly but hoped that I would not deny him the opportunity to feel me in his arms at least once since I had the pleasure of feeling his cock! I laughed and said that it was not my doing, but after seeing the hang dog expression on his face, I reluctantly I agreed.

The wine told me that there was nothing wrong with him feeling my tits pressed against his chest particularly since his cock had felt so good against my ass. My mind told me that I had no intention of getting into bed with him! My body had other plans!

The band then proceeded to play four slow songs in a row and as we danced, George slowly drew me close. By the time that I realized it, my eyes were closed, my breasts was pressed against his chest and his huge cock was pulsing against my belly.

The wine had taken affect and my head now lay against his shoulder as I relaxed against him. I had slipped my arms under his and they were curled around his trim waist. His arms were hugging and encasing me, and his hands gently and slowly massaged my lower back. We kept humming the melody of the songs as we dance and occasionally a moan would escape from one or the other's lips.

My pussy was on fire and started to leak!

Somewhere during those four songs, George took his right hand and placed it under my chin, raising my face up. I opened my eyes to look into those beautiful blue-gray ones of his. I saw his face descending and I knew that he was going to kiss me but I never tried to stop him. His lips met mine and all I could do was to keep my teeth together. His tongue played against my lips, as he softly suckled on them, biting and sucking gently. Like his cock, my mouth, to my surprise, took on a mind of its own and it opened, admitting his probing tongue, which sought the inside of my mouth, licking and wrestling mine into submission. I opened my mouth wide and took all of his tongue inside while his big cock leapt against my belly.

When the slow songs stopped, George took my hand and without a word, walked me off the dance floor to the elevator. We descended two floors before the elevator stopped. The bell clanged and the doors opened and he took my hand, walked out and I followed without any resistance. He stopped in front of the second door, pushed his card into the slot and the door clicked open. He then pulled me inside and before the door could fully close, he pushed me up against it and continued tongue fucking my mouth like he did on the dance floor. I melted against him fully realizing that if George wanted it, I was going to get fucked and that I wasn't going to be able to stop him.

His hands slipped under my top and for the first time he touched my naked skin. His fingers seared my skin and all I could do was moan loudly into his mouth. He caressed my bare belly, my sides, my back, then cupped my breasts and squeezed them tweaking and pinching my nipples! Boom! I had my first orgasm of the night and he hadn't even touched my pussy! My thong was drenched, my fluids started running down my legs as I shuddered with the spasms. The only words that came from my mouth were,


When I recovered, George stepped back from me and walked back to the bed where he sat on it.

"Come to me," he whispered.

I stumbled to him. As I stood in front of him, he slid his hands up my thighs pushing my skirt up and dragging my soaked thong down my legs. Without even asking he just took them off. He then put the wet rag to his nose and inhaled.

"God, your pussy smells good," he moaned.

I was shocked! The man was smelling my wet drawers and enjoying the odor of my hot, juicy hole!

My pussy convulsed at the image, spilling more juice down my thighs.

"Strip, for me," he said, "I want to see all of you!"

Slowly I pulled off my top dropping it where I stood, then unhooked my skirt and let it fall to the ground, toed my Uggs off and stood before him clad only in my sheer see-through bra. My nipples were like steel buttons threatening to bore through the bra's fabric! He looked at me and licked his lips.

"Take it off," he growled.

I unhooked the bra, slipped the straps off my shoulders and dropped it, standing naked now in a pile of all of my clothes.

He pulled me towards him and buried his face in between my breasts, rubbing back and forth. His fingers tweaked and tortured my nipples pulling, pinching twisting and biting them. They hurt but I didn't care and he didn't either. I liked that about him! His hands massaged my ass and my belly, slowly sliding down until he cupped my wet pussy. His fingers spread my swollen lips and he pushed two of them roughly inside me and commenced to finger fucked me until my knees turned to jelly.

"I knew that your pussy would be shaved," he murmured, "I like that!"

Without a word, he tossed me on the bed his fingers still inside me as he relentlessly searched for and found my "G" spot. He massaged it until I was about to come and then he suddenly stopped.


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