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Ingrams & Assoc 1: Double Bluff Ch. 03

Story Info
April gets deeper involved with Paul and Jenny Silverano.
9.2k words

Part 3 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/26/2013
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Chapter 3

"Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?" yelled Jenny Silverano to her husband. "Icannotbelieve you just said that, you fucktard."

April sighed as she cradled the phone in the crease between her head and neck. She'd spent a very instructive hour with the instruction manual for the phone system that the State Department used, and found that it had multiple features, one of which was silent participation. She could pass through a conference call, but mute the phone doing the pass through, which meant she could stay on the line and eavesdrop on Silverano's phone calls.

The only problem was that one of the LED's on his phone would be lit, indicating there were other people on the line. It had taken her all of twenty minutes with a micro screwdriver to remove that LED bulb from his phone, not that she imagined he understood all the features of his office phone or would have a clue what the light meant. But better safe than sorry.

She'd just passed through a call from Jenny and April already knew it was going to precipitate a screaming match, and she'd been right.

Silverano had answered the phone and his wife had immediately launched into an attack on the fact that he hadn't started looking at vacation homes in Colorado as he'd promised he would. He'd protested mildly that he did actually have a job to do, and that's what he should be spending his days working on. She'd responded abrasively, belittling his contributions around the house, attacking his manhood and generally just going ballistic in the manner of a pissed-off woman with nothing else to do.

"Look, honey, I just said that we need to prioritize," said Silverano, exasperatedly.

"No you didn't, dipshit. You saidIneeded to prioritize. Like those things that we've already discussed and agreed on suddenly stop being important. Like you saying 'this is all your problem'. Well fuck you too, buddy. I'm making it your problem. Look Paul, just fucking do what you said you'd do. I'm not asking you to jump out of a fucking plane. Just do the shit you are supposed to do. As a husband and father. You know. Like what you are supposed to be."

Even April winced at that.

"I don't fucking care what you have to do at work. Get it fucking done. Do what you said you would. Tell yourself whatever you need, but get the job done." There was a click and the phone went dead.

April sat and listened for a moment, listening to Silverano breathe on his phone, then he said, quietly, "Sure thing, bitch," and hung up.

April considered what she'd heard. It was the usual stuff, after many years of marriage, both parties were taking each other for granted, arguing about inconsequential stuff and neither one of them reaching out to the other after hostilities had commenced. In all good marriages, both sides have ways of de-escalating conflict once it's started – making the other side laugh, physical touching, changing the subject, whatever. But neither Jenny nor Paul had those methods, or if they did, they weren't using them. April wondered if it had always been like this, or whether this was recent.

Either way, she was going to have to figure out how to introduce some of these techniques for de-escalating fighting to both of them. Without them knowing. Good thing she was trained for this.


It was two weeks later and the negotiations with the Chinese were on. All the work and planning and smiling insincerely were over, and the Chinese party had arrived in Washington, and that night, there was a welcoming gala at the Presidential Hotel, in downtown D.C. The State Department had taken over the ballroom and three floors of the hotel. The Secret Service was in evidence, checking things out – which April found ironic, bearing in mind they were called the Secret Service. It seemed strange that an agency designated 'secret' was so public.

The gala included a large dinner, speeches and everyone dressed to the nines. It was ostensibly for the 'trade negotiations', but the reality was that everyone there was a part of the cyber warefare treaty talks – they just couldn't admit it. I April had chosen an off-the-shoulder ivory wrap dress that hugged her figure, cut just above the knee and with a daring plunging back. She was wearing some jewelry that glittered in the light, with large red gems set in the necklace and earrings that matched the color of her lipstick. With her hair curled and set up – with a few locks of hair styled to look like they had escaped from her hairdo – she knew she looked dynamite.

She was finishing up her makeup in the room that State had assigned to her in the hotel – they were taking no chances and had four rooms reserved for the negotiating team, including Silverano – when her phone chimed. She looked down and saw Silverano's name on the screen.

"You ready?" he asked, with no preamble. "They'll be here in about twenty minutes – I just heard from the babysitters."

"I'll be down in a second. Where are you?"

"In the main lobby." He broke the connection and April took one last look at herself in the mirror before heading down.

When she arrived in the lobby, she was aware that she was being noticed by the Chinese delegation as she made her way across to where Silverano was standing. He was wearing a custom-tailored tux and he looked damn good in it. He'd gotten a haircut that day too, she noticed.

She smiled at him and he reached to her and said, "Wow, Mary. You clean up nice! You look phenomenal!"

April smiled back, shyly. "Why thank you, kind sir. You do a girl a lot of good with your compliments."

He turned and nudged a woman standing behind him. "Hey Jen, meet Mary."

The woman turned and April was face to face with Jenny Silverano.

She was shorter than either April or her husband – not by much, but enough to be noticeable. She had long elegantly-coiffed hair in a loose ponytail that curved around her neck. She was wearing a lavender dress, with a neckline that showed off her considerable cleavage to great effect, that was cut at her knees, and gathered around the waist. It was a clever effect to avoid being too tight around the ass – something women concerned they had too big a butt often put into effect. April was surprised Jenny was such a woman – she had always struck April as someone who was not that concerned with how other people viewed her. Yet another lesson that their preparation on this mission had been incomplete

"So this is the famous Mary, is it? He won't shut up about you," said Jenny, in an arch tone.

April knew that in situations like this, she needed to let the other person dictate the greeting – so she waited for Jenny to actually do something, and noticed Jenny watching her, waiting forherto do something. In the end, she just offered Jenny her hand. Jenny looked at it for a second, then shook it.

Jenny gave her an appraising look, from top to bottom, pushing out her lips in a pout as she did so, in one of those 'so you think you are hot stuff' impressions.

She nodded as though she was giving final approval. "I see why he talks about you. The dress looks good, fits you in all the right places." It was grudging, but it was there.

"Why thank you! And I must say, your dress is...daring. You carry it off well."

"You think?" Jenny responded with a little warmth. "He thinks I look like a cupcake, but I like it. Besides, this lot wouldn't know a Micheal Kors if it slapped them in the face." She indicated some of the Chinese delegates, who were also milling in the lobby.

April laughed, and then said without thinking, "Oh, I'm sure they'dloveto try an American speciality like a cupcake." She realized what she'd said, and her face went beet red.

That got her another appraising look, but in a different way, and Jenny said, "Oh I think we are going to begreatfriends," before Silverano turned and grabbed Jenny's hand, to introduce her to some other dignitary.

The evening wore on. Dinner came and went, and April was acutely aware of some of the Chinese delegation viewing her with either suspicion – she figured those were the Army Intelligence people – or almost naked lust – she decided those would be the ones who were the actual nerds. They'd be People's Army too, but less security-conscious than their intelligence brethren.

One of them had approached her and used his broken English to indicate how 'fabulous' she looked. She gave them eight out of ten for using the word in the right context, but minus several hundred because he'd attempted to put his hand on her ass as he did it. He was smiling broadly to all his friends as he did it, and she had to laugh at his audacity, although it was embarrassing, bearing in mind she was almost a foot taller than he was.

She'd disengaged as gently as possible, but also explained, quietly in his ear – leaning down significantly to do so and aware that she was giving his friends a great view down the front of her dress that if he did that again, he'd be walking with a limp for weeks because she'd kick him in the balls so hard. His eyes had gone wide and he'd gone back to his friends, and no doubt told them some extreme lies about how she was going to meet him later or some such, as geeks of this kind are wont to do.

One other event of the evening struck April as odd and worthy of consideration occurred when she was in the bathroom straightening her dress – the fact that she was in a sheath dress that was strapless, on occasion meant it sometimes ran down her body. Very occasionally she needed to hit the bathroom to straighten everything up and push down that which should be put back in place.

At one of these occasions, Jenny Silverano had come out of one of the bathroom stalls and seen April hiking the dress up and attempting to push her boobs down into it, so it was more secure and she came over to watch, with an amused smile on her face. She watched for a moment or two, and said, "Here, let me," and launched herself at April.

Jenny grabbed the front of her dress from the back, circling April's body with her hands, and yanked the dress up, her hands spending entirely too much time on the dress bodice for April to be entirely comfortable. Then she adjusted the zip at the back of the dress, then she spanked April on the ass, hard, and said, "There, all done".

The spank was hard enough to make April wince and she saw that Jenny smiled even wider when she saw April's reaction. The door opened and two other women came in, and Jenny took the opportunity to leave.

April spent a couple more minutes reapplying her lipstick, thinking about Jenny's actions, and decided there was more going on with Jenny than April had originally thought.

After the dinner was done, the evening became more of a circulation event and it became more and more apparent that Jenny was drinking herself into, if not oblivion, some adjacent limbo. She'd already said a few things to some of the Chinese delegates that were unbelievably rude, that the interpreters were having trouble even deciding what she was asking. When she asked one of them if the cats in the immediate vicinity were safe, or if they'd all be dining on them later, Silverano acted.

"Right, Jenny, I think that's enough. Time to call it a night," he said, as he stepped in to grab her arm. April happened to be nearby and also stepped in to take over the conversation, doing her best to ooze sexuality and give the delegates something else to concentrate on, asking them about what kind of music they liked, and if they had heard anything since they were in the US that they liked? It was very smoothly done and managed to avoid them taking offence.

"Nicely done," Silverano whispered in her ear. "I'm getting the drivers to take Jenny home. She can't stay here, God knows what she'd ask at the breakfast tomorrow. I'm sending her home, so it'll be just the two of us holding the fort here. I'm leaving it in your hands, so don't fuck it up."

"I.. had actually.." said April, a little alarmed.

"Mary," snapped Paul, interrupting her, "I'm not fucking around here. I've got to deal with her. Don't mess up. Be sociable."

April nodded and made more polite conversation while Paul hustled Jenny off and stuck her in a limo.

When he returned five minutes later, he apologized to the group she was talking to.

"Thanks for that. Jenny is out of it. She gets resentful at events like this – it makes her realize that what I do matters and all the social climbing she does, well, it doesn't. And it comes out in some spiteful comments. I should have seen it coming and stuck a handler on her to make sure she didn't drink too much. Although I tried that once before and she wouldn't speak to me for a week," he said ruefully.

"Is she going to be all right? I mean, you are staying here, aren't you?" asked April.

"Yeah, it's not the first time I've had to do this, and I doubt it will be the last. It's going to be just you and me for the breakfast. By the way, you are doing great tonight. Really impressed with the diplomacy you are showing here. If you want to get out of the admin pool, there's a future here for you."

"Wow," said April, genuinely pleased. She looked around and saw one of the Chinese hovering – the one she'd asked about. He obviously had something to say, so April took the opportunity to advance her seduction plan. What she was about to do was risky, but also fairly basic. She looked at Silverano and said, "Actually Paul, there is something I need to tell you, but it's a secret, ok?"

He just looked at her quizzically and she leaned in, putting her hand on the side of his head and her lips next to his left ear, where she breathed, "I'm not wearing any panties."

As she moved away, with Silverano's eyes bulged and she drifted her hand across his chin, as she turned away to talk to the hovering Chinese nerd.

"Yes, Lo Peng, isn't it? Lets talk," she said, giving him a beaming smile and not looking back to Silverano, who was standing stock still, eyes wide, barely breathing. April leaned forward, took Lo Peng's arm in hers - much to the broad smiles of his group of friends across the bar - and walked off with him.

The evening ended as April expected, with Silverano asking her for a nightcap. She had a whole ruse arranged to get to be with Paul in his room, but as it turned out, it wasn't necessary. Once everyone had retired to their rooms, he just came over to where she was standing and grabbed her arm, apologizing to the Secret Service agent she was talking to, saying, "I'm sorry, need to debrief Mary here," and hustling her to the elevators.

April debated saying anything but settled for avoiding his gaze as they stood in the elevator. She wondered if he could smell her – she was aroused. Even though this is what she did for a living, and she was in complete control, she was still a woman, and Silverano was quite a man. He was in control, knew what he was doing, was good looking, dressed to the nines and he was just the right amount of forceful – not overbearing, but not about to take no for an answer. And he wanted her. She reacted just like any woman would, to a successful masculine man who wanted her.

They went straight to hism room, and barely got the door shut before he was on her. Literally As soon as the door was closed and he was pressing her into it, his mouth on hers. April was delighted to discover that Paul Silverano was a talented kisser. She hadn't been laid in quite some time and she found that despite her guilt over what she was doing, she was quite looking forward to finding out if Silverano measured up as a lover, and so far, so good!

April could feel his erection through his expensive suit, meaty and hard. He kissed her hard, then, still pinning her to the back of the door, one hand ran itself up the outside of her dress, while the other held her neck. He kissed up and down the other side of her neck, running his tongue along her skin. He breathed heavily into her ear, but didn't insert his tongue, which April, in some dream state, found interesting.

She also found the fact that she was as hot for this as he was, interesting as well. Despite all the training, all the practice, she was as into this scene as Silverano was. She gave a mental shrug and let the thought go; better to concentrate on the feelings of the moment.

His free hand ran down to the hem of her dress and dragged it up. April was almost on fire and moaned has his fingers dragged across her inner thigh. Unconsciously she repositioned hersel so she could part her thighs moe easily and allow him access.

Just as his fingers brushed her vulva, Silverano stopped, pulled his head away from her and said, "Last chance to say no."

April just smiled back and leaned forward and kissed him hard, then leaned back against the door, exposing her neck and body to him in a classic submission pose and said, "You do your worst."

He did. His fingers were in her, and she was so wet they slid in unimpeded. She arched and took in a hard breath as he did so, turning her head to look him in the eye as he did so. He maintained eye contact with her, just staring at her, not blinking, checking her reactions.

"Ohmygod," she murmured, moving her body so she sank more fully into his fingers.

Silverano smiled and withdrew his fingers abruptly. April was disoriented by the removal, but she understood the ploy for what it was. Silverano was testing her.

He moved his other hand higher up and grabbed her hair tightly. It gave him the leverage to move her head in any direction, and he moved his other fingers to her nose, giving her a dose of her own smell.

"You like that? Go on, lick it."

April was both in control – she knew exactly what she was doing and why and what all the implications of the scene were -- and was also hot as she could be, and she wanted it. So she did exactly as he asked. She took his fingers in her mouth and sucked on them, savoring her own taste. She gave a little moan, and when Silverano removed his fingers, she smiled at him and said, "You like that, don't you Paul?"

He leaned in close and shocked her when he said in a low and very tight voice, "Speak when you are spoken to."

In that moment, April's evaluation of the situation changed. This wasn't her getting close to him to get him to open up and have pillow talk. This was about domination. Paul was a closet dominant – a sexual alpha male.

He led her to the chair and ottoman in the sitting area of the suite, and with no ceremony, pushed her over it and yanked her dress up, exposing her ass. She'd been honest about the lack of panties. Unable to see him, April bit her lip in anticipation. She heard the rasp of his zipper, the rustle of clothes, and then he shoved his cock into her.

April was surprised but ready; she'd been wet and waiting all night, and Paul's cock was more than adequate. He filled like her exactly as she needed right then.

From that point onward, April followed directions.

She was on fire and it felt good. Very good. She couldn't help moaning and trying to push back to get more of it in her. Silverano grabbed both of her hands and in one of his and pulled them behind her back, forcing her down onto the ottoman. He used his free hand to spank her ass in time with his thrusts.

April was surprised to realize she was enjoying being the submissive to Silverano's dominance. In a way, it took all the pressure off her – she didn't have to be creative, just be present and be involved. Silverano took her for almost fifteen minutes before she felt his strokes get faster and harder. To his credit, he slowed down and pulled out, leaving her feeling empty. She hadn't come yet – although she had gotten close, and he had stopped himself from blowing too soon.

He let up on the pressure on her body and said, "Not yet. I want to make this last." then he moved around to where her head was and presented his cock to her face. April didn't need a second invitation. She looked at the end of the penis bobbing in her face, and was pleased to note she'd gotten the dimensions almost exactly right. Score one for the training.

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