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Inheritance from Grandpa

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An unexpected inheritance brings pain to cheating wives.
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This is in the Loving Wives category because there are cheating wives involved. It is mainly told by the granddaughter, but there are a few passages from others involved. If you are looking for any type of reconciliation, hit the back button now. Burning bitches ahead. Spoiler, the mom does get a bit of relief at the end. Now, a word from a good friend of ours.

Hello, Captain Obvious here. First off, this is a work of complete fiction. For those of you in in California, New York, or anywhere on either coast that have no sense of humor or are of such a liberal viewpoint that you actually take things literally, this means that this story is not real. It is made up. Think of this as you do the moon landing. Although everyone with a brain knows that the moon landing was real, you should think of it as it all being made up and just created in Hollywood movie studios. See? Not real. Also, even though all characters are stated to be over the age of 18. There are no minors engaging in sexual activity in this fantasy story. Furthermore, even though there are no references to animals in this story, no illegal bestiality is described, included in, or even alluded to in this story. Also of note, since this is purely a fictional story, none of the characters in this story are real or are based upon real people.

Back to the Author:

Ok. Thank you Captain Obvious. Now, as with most of my Loving Wives stories, there is almost no sex in this story. If you are looking for a stroke story, hit the back button and find another one. For those of you that have read my previous stories, I should warn you that there is absolutely no BDSM in this story. Sorry, but the bitch does not end up as the sex slave to the wronged husband in this one. Fortunately, I could not completely control my nature, so there is a bit of lesbian love in here. If that disgusts, you, move along. Yes, there is a brief rant about words and their meanings. If you don't like it, I don't care. Skip it if you want. It really doesn't make a lot of difference to the overall story.

Now, if you are still here, read on. I think that you will enjoy the story. I write these because I enjoy it. I publish them here because I think some of you will enjoy them. I do not even try to make everyone happy. A great person once said that you can only please some of the people some of the time. You can't please everyone all of the time. Trying to please everyone all the time only makes everyone hate you all of the time.

FYI, BrokenSpokes gave me permission to include references to her and her character in this story. I highly recommend that you checkout her series 'Hard Landing' and Wheels in Motion' They are both great reads, as are her other stories. She has won awards on both those series.

"So, Alisa." Mom began. I did a mental eye roll. I knew what was coming - AGAIN. "Have you decided on your future yet?"

It was an ongoing question with my mom. There really wasn't a whole lot to decide. It was either going to the local community college and taking all the classes I could before transferring to the local university to finish my degree or going out and getting a low paying job as just a high school graduate. There really weren't many other options open to me. Oh, and let's not forget that I would also need to work at least a part time job to afford even going to the local community college.

"Mom, you know that I've always been fascinated by the medical field. Sure, I would love to become a doctor, but there is no possible way for me to go to medical school without ending up with a couple hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. I'm probably just going to go to the local community college to get my lower-level classes out of the way, then transfer to the local university to finish my degree in nursing. That way I can live at home while going to school to help save money."

"But Sweetie. You're an excellent student and are going to graduate in the top 5% of your class. You have a 3.96 GPA. Surely you have gotten several scholarship offers." Mom complained.

"OK. Let's go over this again. Yes, I am at the top of my graduating class. Yes, you would think that would generate some pretty good scholarship offers. Normally, that is true. The issue is that I am graduating at the top of a class in one of the most underperforming high schools in the country. Colleges not only look at your GPA, high school transcripts, and every other factor in your high school career, but they also look at the school itself. The way they look at it, graduating at the top of a failing high school is pretty much the same as being a mediocre student at an average high school. OK, sure, I got a couple of partial scholarship offers from average colleges, but nothing that would cover everything that I would need. I would have to make up the difference, and lord knows that there is no possible way that we can afford that."

Sometimes the truth hurts. It did on that occasion. I saw the look on mom's face when she was confronted with the facts. It wasn't her fault that we were in this position. We were stuck in the lower middle-class purgatory. Dad made just enough to disqualify me from getting financial aid for lower income students, but not nearly enough to be of any significant help in sending me to college. In fact, none of my family was even close to being well off. Even my grandmother lived a pretty austere life. She didn't really get much out of her three divorces. I guess that's what happens when you cheat on your husbands, and they take the time to hide their assets.

"But what about the extra classes you have already taken at the community college?" Mom asked.

Yes, I was taking a couple of courses at the community college already. I was also doing quite well in them.

"Mom, they really don't look too hard at those. OK, so they are actually college classes, but they are remedial classes. They basically look at them as an extension of high school classes. The Chemistry course I took over the summer was basically a glorified high school course designed to prepare me for a real college chemistry course."

Anyway, here I was entering my final semester of high school and trying to figure out my future. As I mentioned earlier, I had always been fascinated by the medical field. I loved watching the evening dramas on TV that revolved around hospitals and doctors. My dirty little secret is that I also love reading erotica online. One of my favorite series is about a woman that was injured in a helicopter crash when she was a flight medic in the army. She ended up being paralyzed from the waist down and medically discharged. She ended up going to medical school and becoming a doctor. The main character was so cool, smart and compassionate. I wanted to be just like her, well, except for being in a helicopter crash and being paralyzed, of course. It's an awesome read, and it also ties into most of the other stories that the author wrote. (See BrokenSpokes Love her stories).

Anyway, it looked like my dream of becoming a doctor was not going to come true. Given the economics of my life, the best that I would be able to do was to become a nurse. Sure, being a nurse was an honorable profession, and it would still be in the medical field. There was no shame in that. Still, it was not my dream. Such is life. Dreams rarely come true for most of us. All we can do is plug along and make the best of the hand that we are dealt.

OK, so I should probably give some background on what my and my family's situation is. I am an only child. My family consists of me, my mother and father, and my grandmother. As stated earlier, my grandmother has been married and divorced three times. Each time it was because she cheated on her husband at the time. My parents are married and have been for all of my life. I'm old enough now to recognize that my parents do not exactly have the loving relationship that a lot of my friend's parents have. They don't sleep in the same room, and I have NEVER heard or even had any indication that they have ever had sex since I have been alive. Actually, I realized several years ago that my mother was cheating on my dad. I never knew why he was putting up with that. Sadly, I actually lost a lot of respect for him once I realized what was going on. In his defense (which I came to understand later), I never saw him go out with another woman in all that time. As far as I could tell, he remained faithful to my mother.

So, that brings us pretty much up to date. It was the day after my conversation with my mom. I finally decided to get the ball rolling and enroll in the community college for the next semester. I was in the library and working on my laptop to fill out the forms. Suddenly, there was a presence next to me. I looked up and saw a really attractive mid-40's woman standing by my table. She was dressed professionally in a smart business suit. The skirt was cut to her knees with a matching jacket. Her silk blouse was blood red, and she had on relatively conservative-inch heels.

"Are you Alisa Compton?" She asked.

I had the feeling that he already knew the answer to the question, but she was just being polite in asking.

"Yes, I am. Can I help you?" I answered.

She chuckled at that, then proceeded. "No, but I am sure that I can assist you." She placed a business card down on the table, then proceeded. "Please be at this address tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM. I already know that you do not have any previous engagements at that time, and it would definitely be in your best interests to be there."

With that, she turned on her 4-inch stiletto heels and strutted out of the room. I couldn't tear my eyes from the motion that her hips and ass were making as she sauntered away. Damn, she looked sexy. Yes, she was around 20-years older than me, but still.

OK. You've undoubtedly begun figuring something out. I've actually known that I was attracted to women for a few years now. I went through the denial phase. 'No. this is wrong. I'm not a lesbian.' I started dating more guys to try to prove to myself as well as everyone else that I was straight. Of course, that didn't work. There was never the slightest bit of attraction. I ended up giving more hand jobs than I care to admit. My only disastrous attempt at a blowjob ended in me puking in his crotch. I finally just stopped dating for my senior year. My excuse was that I was concentrating on my schoolwork in order to get the best scholarship offers I could. Meanwhile, late at night, I would be masturbating to the mental images of Susie Parker, the head cheerleader, or Ms. Olsen, the tall, gorgeous, Norwegian bombshell that taught Chemistry and physics in the local community college.

OK, so here you have the Cliffs Notes on my life up until this point. While I had finally come to accept that I was gay, I had never come out to anyone about it yet. First off, since I had yet to actually have a girlfriend yet, it was kind of a moot point. Second, I really didn't know how the news would be received. I chose apathy over confrontation. I would just muddle along as things were until it came to a point that I needed to come out.

Anyway, I didn't let my mom or dad know about the woman that I met in the library. Honestly, I had no idea what she wanted, so I wasn't going to tell anyone about it until I knew what was going on. I tucked the card into my purse and continued studying. That night, I went home and acted normal. It wasn't hard, because there really wasn't anything abnormal about the day except that a stunning woman gave me her card and told me that I needed to be at her office the next morning. There was one odd thing when I got home, though.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Apparently, there is some emergency at one of his company's other offices. He had to go out of town on short notice to fix the problem." Mom replied.

"Oh. He doesn't normally go out of town. Whis office is it, and when will he be back?"

"I don't really know. He never mentioned it. He'll probably be back in a day or two."

As you may have gleaned from earlier, mom really wasn't that interested in what dad was doing. As long as he was working and paying the bills, she really didn't care.

10:00 AM found me at the door of a law office on the fifth floor of the building. Entering the office, I walked up to the receptionist, handed her the card that the woman had given me yesterday and told her that I had an appointment. She looked at the card, picked up her phone, punched a couple of buttons, then said, "Ms. Hammond, your ten O'clock is here."

A couple of minutes later, the same stunning woman from yesterday appeared.

"Ah. Miss Compton. I'm really glad that you came this morning. I have a feeling that this could be a day that you look back on very fondly. Please follow me." She said as she shook my hand, then led me back to a conference room. "Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, water. Or a soda?" She asked.

"Water will be fine; I've already had enough coffee this morning."

She punched a couple buttons on the phone, then requested that Amber (the receptionist) bring in a cup of coffee for her and a bottle of water for me.

"First things first." She began. "My name is Carrie Hammond. I was your maternal grandfather's lawyer. The reason for this meeting is to distribute your share of his last will and testament. He left a video for you to watch, then I will inform you of your inheritance. There will be several forms to sign in order for you to receive the trusts, accounts, and other properties that you will be receiving."

"Wait a minute." I argued. "You are talking like my grandfather is dead. I knew all three of my grandmother's ex-husbands, and I know that they are all still alive. Are you sure that you have the right person here?"

She gave me a beaming smile. "Quite positive." She answered. "You know your grandmother's LAST three ex-husbands, but you never met or knew her first husband. The video will explain all of that."

With that, she turned, picked up a remote, and started a video on the large flat-screen TV on the wall. The screen came on and showed on older man that was quite obviously very sick. A few seconds later, I heard Ms. Hammond tell him from off screen that the video was rolling. He looked back at the screen and began talking.

"Hello Alisa. I know that you don't know me, but I know you very well. I am David Knight, and I am your biological grandfather. I know that you have been told otherwise, but Ms. Hammond has the proof that what I am telling you is the truth." With that, Ms. Hammond slid a thick folder across the table to me. "Two months before you were born, I discovered that your grandmother was cheating on me. I filed for divorce and left. Your mother was so mad at me that she cut me out of her, and as a result your, life. I was not allowed to see or communicate with you. Your grandmother moved her lover at that time in with her, and you had always been told that he was your biological grandfather. Since I could not have any contact with you, I began watching you from a distance. Once several years had passed and my business grew, I became successful enough to be able to hire private detectives to keep track of you.

"Also, I have kept in touch with your father. Obviously, this had to be done in secret. Don't think that he is less of a man for staying with your cheating mother. While I personally don't agree with his decision, it was the right decision for him. He stayed because of you. He realized that the only chance that you had to grow into the moral and caring woman that you are is if he remained solidly in your life and could teach you the right values. Had he divorced your mother, your main role models would have been your cheating mother and grandmother. He stayed in order to give you a real role model. Now that you are an adult and about to graduate high school, he has no more reason to stay with your mother. Ms. Hammond will explain more later.

"Now, for the matter at hand. Since you are watching this video, that means that I have died. I regret that I was never able to let you know about me and spend time with you. We actually did meet a couple of times, but that was in passing. I set those encounters up so I could see you in person and we could say a few words to each other.

"Since I divorced your grandmother, I have become extremely successful and wealthy. I am leaving most of my estate to you, with a couple of conditions. Most of it, you will not have access to until you complete college. Ms. Hammond will explain all of that to you. Some of it will depend on what you decide to study. With all that being said, I now turn the rest of this meeting over to Ms. Hammond." The video continued in silence for a few more seconds before ending.

Ms. Hammond pulled a large file folder out of her briefcase and began explaining my sudden inheritance.

"First and foremost, this is a trust that your grandfather set up for your college. You can literally go to any university in the country. It pays for all tuition, books, housing, food, transportation, and even a generous monthly allowance for entertainment or whatever else you need. It will also pay for a masters or even a doctorate if you wish to go that far. Once you have completed your degrees, you will get access to another trust. That will help get you started on your career without worrying about your financial situation until you are established.

"As far as career choices, depending upon what you choose to study, you could have a position in your grandfather's company, and eventually take it over. Obviously, that would be conditional on your choice of career. That would need to be either a business degree, Engineering, or possibly a law degree. That would be entirely your choice. If you do not choose one of those paths, you would still inherit the trust funds worth several hundreds of millions of dollars."

I was completely stunned. Here was the answer to my prayers about going to college. More than that, I could continue on to get my medical degree and become a doctor. Better yet, I wouldn't have hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to pay back after I graduated.

"What happens to the business if I don't go into those fields and take the company over?" I asked.

"Then your father continues to run it until he retires and turns it over to whomever the board of director's names as the next CEO. You, by the way, will still own significant shares and even be on the board of directors. When your father does retire, you will be named Chairman of the Board. When you retire, your heir will take over. The company will always be controlled by your family until the last heir dies with no heir to take their place."

"Wait a minute. You said that my father is now running the company?"

"Well, not yet. He will begin once the divorce is final. That way, your mother will not get any alimony. He is currently unemployed."

"But my father went out of town on business yesterday. Well, not exactly. He resigned from the company he was working for. Yesterday, he moved into the house that your grandfather left for him."

"Oh shit. My mom doesn't know, does she?"

Ms. Hammond looked at her watch. "She should be finding out in about two minutes."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"That's when the process server is supposed to deliver the divorce papers to her."

"Shit. She doesn't know. I need to call her." I was just pulling out my phone when her cell phone dinged.

"Too late. She has just been served." She replied as she looked at the message on her phone.

"OK. Now what about those conditions that he mentioned?"

"Well, the most important one is that your mother and grandmother are not to receive a dime or any other benefit from your inheritance. The trust is very specific that only you are to get any benefit from it. The trust for your education is yours regardless, but that is only available to you for your education. The second trust can't be used to benefit them."

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