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Inheritance - Resurgent


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But he didn't want to. He couldn't. They were a sideshow, and the main event was unfolding in front of him, ready to make his head burst.

Past the fucked-up twins on the divan, over on the bed itself, he choked at the sight of Claudia, her supple body encased in some kind of suit consisting of strips of latex, shiny chrome buckles, and a face mask that left only her mouth exposed, bound to the mattress with slim chains running from cuffs at both ankles and both wrists to each of the bed's four posts. The only thing missing from the evil cliché was a ball gag.

A ball gag Nate found himself actually wishing was there. Anything to stopper up the guttural moans issuing from his little girl's open mouth. The screams forced out in perfect synch with every hip-slamming thrust of her uncle's huge cock when he hilted his beast all the way inside her inflamed, gushing pussy.

"Uugghh! Fucking hell!" Claudia screeched at what she couldn't see and thrust back at her defiler as much as she was able, given her fetters. "How can it still feel like... Guugh... like the first... fucking... time!?" She tried to raise her head, useless as that was, and kept right on rolling with her lover. "Shit, shit, you've fucked me a thousand times, and it still feels like you're popping my cherry! God, how can you be this... huge? HHNNNGGH!!"

Like her own words were the trigger, Claudia underwent full-body convulsions as her climax wracked her. Vinny, howling himself, eyes round and primal, ramped up his rutting, leaning his hulking frame over to grip his mate's massive, rolling... nipple-pierced... tits in both hands to maul them. To mark them.

More accurately, to mark them further. Mere finger pressure was a small thing now, next to the myriad of tattoos that ran up and down Claudia's skin; designs, yes, but also words, like owned... slut... slave meat... starting even at the peaks of her once-pristine young breasts, all the way to encircle her navel.

Her protruding navel. Under her rounded stomach.

Nate nearly vomited right then and there. Nearly. He opted for something else instead.

"Gggghk!" The wheezy choke sputtered from Vinny's mouth along with a spray of spit, and eyes already wide from lust threatened to pop right out of the kid's skull when Nate's big arm wrapped around his neck and squeezed for all it was worth. Both hulking men were engaged then, locked into a mortal struggle, with no less than life itself on the line. Nate knew it the second he moved from the door; there was no saving his daughter with half-measures. Vinny knew it too. The darkness creeping in on his vision was more than enough to tell his lizard brain he was nearly done for.

Once again; nearly.

Nate was big. Nate was strong. Nate was not a twenty-three-year-old in the prime of his life. And thus, despite having surprise and leverage on his side, he was, just by a hair, unable to seal the deal and end the monster that thought it could take everything it wanted with no repercussions.

Three lightning-quick, hammer-hard elbows to Nate's ribs were enough to compromise his force, and Vinny took advantage of it to throw the man off and onto the floor. Wasting no time, the kid pulled his grotesque, still-turgid cock from Claudia, who groaned at the loss, not understanding why she wasn't still being jackhammered into oblivion.

"Vinny... put it back... put it back..." The plaintive, needy begging hurt Nate fully as much as his undoubtedly-cracked bones. "I need it, daddy. I need it always..."

"In a second, pet. I gotta show someone that I am your daddy." Nonchalantly, the creature stroked his stiff member, slick with Nate's daughter's juices, and leered down at him. The words, like nails across steel after the ravaging of Vinny's throat, were made even more vicious from the pain suffusing them. Not that the pain it stopped that psychopathic smile from looming over Nate, full of the promise of a tenfold return to sender. "It'll be quick. Then I'll give you what you need."

"Yeah... yeah, quick. Make it quick, daddy, daddy, daddy... little Cloud needs her cock, our baby girl needs to kiss her daddy's head..." Claudia trailed off into incoherent giggles then, and that was worse than the promise given by her master, somehow.

"Mmmhmm. Just one more... huh." Vinny's hungry grin twitched, and he jerked his disbelieving gaze from his new prey to his rippling abdomen. More specifically, the new ventilation in his rippling abdomen. The one weeping crimson.

"Not him. Not... not fuggin'... fuggin' ever..."

Vinny cocked his head to stare at Cleo, looking very confused as to what was happening to him. So, to further illustrate, she calmly extracted the fancy, silver, red-smeared letter opener from where she'd calmly introduced it to his guts, then calmly placed it over his heart for the reintroduction. After that, things were cleared up for the boy. Just in time, too. After all, no one wants to die ignorant.

Ignoring the thud of the lifeless body crashing down to make a messy red puddle on the carpet, Cleo gave a hazy, warbly smile to Nate. "Love ya, Silver." The makeshift dagger in her hand dropped a bare second before her entire naked form followed suit.

"Patty!" Nate groaned and bellowed at once, all different kinds of pain trying to be top dog in his consciousness. The next moments were honestly lost to him later, when he tried to remember what he did. He had snippets of shards of images of making sure his wife was okay... untying his daughter and wiping drool from the corner of her mouth... ignoring his nieces as they kept on slathering each other, oblivious to everything else in their drug-induced euphoria... then getting the two people he loved most in the world--always and forever--down the stairs and towards the mouth of hell to make their escape.

"Oh God... Nate..." Aisha, standing over a pair of doped-up, snoring, tied-to-chairs beauties, gasped at the horror show that greeted her when her brother-in-law made his reappearance, fully dragging his wife and daughter with him in each arm and grimacing in agony.

"Help me. Please." Nate felt himself wavering, and Aisha waddled up to him as fast as her pregnant body could, taking Cleo, the lighter of the two now with Claudia's own impending motherhood, and leading her half-conscious form to the couch. Burden eased, Nate was able to do the same with his not-so-little princess, and soon the mother and daughter were fully out, heads next to each other on the cushions, lost in hopefully sunny dreams of a better place.

"Nate... please... Victoria and Vivian..."

Nate, perched on a chair over his women, watching them for any sign of danger, any sudden consequence to whatever shit had been put into them, tried to look as reassuring as he could for Aisha. "They're... well, I can't say they're okay. Not with what I saw. But they're awake. Moving and not, like, having seizures or anything. They're... there for each other, if you know what I mean."

"They always are." Aisha sniffled, grateful for the news despite its contents. Reluctantly, but unable to help herself, her eyes drifted back to the stairs. "You found Cleo, thank God. I unlocked her door when I left to get you, but I didn't dare hope she might be in any state to help you, so I... I kept quiet about her, um, well, her... captivity." She tensed, ready for a tirade, but he found he just didn't have it in him. So she eased a bit and tilted her head. "Nate... what happened? Is Vinny... did you..."

"Yeah." Aisha didn't need to know the real story. He had no idea what the woman really felt for her half-brother, the father of her coming child. More importantly, he didn't know how the truth would affect her view of Cleo, so he took it on himself. "I killed him." I tried my best to, at least. Pretty much puts me right there anyway.

He was surprised that he was surprised when Aisha just nodded. "Thought so. I'll take care of that too." When she saw his face, she smiled. "You keep forgetting... I'm rich. This is barely an inconvenience. Oh, wait! You're worried I'd be..." She laughed then. "Fuck that kid. Fuck him like he fucked me. Like he fucked all of us."

She kept laughing, the sound growing as the utter insanity her life had become threatened to bury her. "I mean... fuck all of it, right? It's all shit! I can't even claim victimhood and say I'm carrying my rapist's baby, because it's not a rapist when you agree to have the bastard to do exactly what he did! It's a fucking clown show, that's what it is! I'm the woman who put everyone she loves under the thumb of a psychopath, then changed her mind and got the guy killed! That's fucking hilari--"

The slap across her cheek wasn't really all that hard, but the shock made up for the lack.

"Ow." The redhead rubbed the matching palm mark petulantly. "Was that really necessary?"

Nate shrugged. "Probably."

"Not the same when it isn't my ass..." Aisha grumbled, but after a second she let it go. "Fine. I'm okay now. Thanks. I guess."

"Aisha, I'm taking them with me. You know that, right?" Nate rubbed her shoulder, trying to ease her into the idea... and feeling a bit bad for the love-slap, if he was being honest. "There's no way on earth I'm letting them stay here. At least not until I know they're in their right minds enough to... decide for themselves."

"And we can't go with you?" Somehow, Aisha looked just as surprised by the question as Nate felt.

"I... what?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I have no right to ask that." Red hair flew as the head under it shook vigorously. "Forget it. That was... that was me being me. Looking for someone else to fucking save me. Again."

She paused, gathering her wits. "But I'm done with that. None of this would have happened if I'd grown a backbone when Vince died and took my own destiny in my hands. You'd be in your home, with your wife and daughter, not trying to figure out what the hell a life with a bastard inbred grandchild and its mind-broken teenage mother is going to look like..."

"Aisha, stop. Just... help me get them into the car." Despite her bravado, something in her eyes made him continue. "Give us... a month. Please. Then, one way or another, you'll find out what's happened. Maybe a call... a letter..." He tried not to sigh. "Maybe in person. It'll be something."

"Of course, Nate. It's the least I owe you."

She did as asked then, and through the comedy stylings of Snap-rib and Preggo, they loaded the sleeping beauties into Aisha's SUV, the one they'd used to get to the house. "Take it, with my complements, good sir." The woman smiled at him as she handed him the keys. "Oh... shit. Something else. You, uh... you don't have to go back to your condo." When he only looked at her quizzically, she nodded towards her sister. "Cleo, when she still called the shots... well, she couldn't let it go."


It was a wonder, after a year, waking up in his old bed. It was a marvel, after a year and change, waking up with his wife snuggled at his side. It was downright maddening, after eighteen years, waking up with is daughter's head on his chest, crying like a baby once again.

"I'm dead... I died... it's heaven... oh God oh God..."

The words, moaned low and barely audible, came between sobs as Claudia pressed her face as hard as humanly possible into Nate's chest. "Daddy... daddy's gone... daddy's here... he's not in me... he was in me..."

Nate was lost. He could only stroke his daughter's hair lightly, and only partially. It shouldn't have been, but the sight of Claudia one he'd gotten that sex-mask-thing off her when they'd made it back home, was almost the worst thing he could have seen. The girl's head was shaved to the skin, except for one, fucking purple and pink mohawk that went from her scalp to the nape of her neck. He'd always loved her auburn hair; like a mix of him and her mother together. It'd been... poetic, or something. Now, it was just one more symbol, like the tattoos. Like the... the...

"Silver... oh my God." Nate felt a hand on his cheek move his face the other way. "You... you did it." Looking down, he could see Cleo stare up at him in disbelief. "You... saved... my..." Her streaming eyes widened then as reality hit home, and she raised herself up to look over his chest at their daughter, who'd now fallen back into exhausted oblivion once more. "Oh no. No... oh Cloud..."

"We have to talk." Nate sat up while gently maneuvering Claudia's head onto a pillow in order that she stay sleeping. Not even waiting for her nod, he eased himself up off the bed and headed out to the kitchen. His wife was never more than a step behind him the entire time.

They sat at their breakfast table, he looking at her, she looking only at the flat wood in front of her. Finally, he grunted and ripped off the band-aid. "Are you pregnant?"

Weirdly, she was shocked at that, even going so far as to let a flash of anger flit across her face before she grimaced and squashed it. "He never fucking touched me. Even he was afraid to go that far." She looked back down again, the tempest in a teapot over. "The only cock for me is yours. Always."

Nate ignored that. "How could you let that happen to her?"

"I lost control." Patty mumbled at the table. "Pretty damned quick, actually. I think... I think we only pretended those first few months after we... after you..." She grimaced and started playing with a napkin. "Aisha and mom were disgusted with me the first time that Vic and Viv disappeared for a weekend without even saying, go fuck yourself. Once they were back, barely coherent, that was it for me. Mom called Amber, like, the next day. I guess... I heard, that Amber just said; We've been waiting."

"Okay, I... get that. Fucked up as it is." Nate leaned forward. "Your family is... whatever. But you... you let your own daughter get... get broken and bred by Vinny! You. Let. Him."

Every one of the last three words hit her like a punch. She was sobbing then, and her answer nearly needed translation. "I know! God, what defense can I even give, Nate? Sure, he knocked me around the first time I told him he couldn't have Claudia, but that wasn't enough to make me stop. Nope, all it took was the woman I loved, my precious little Cloud, draped on his arm and telling me to fuck off. That she'd found her new daddy. That did what the bastard's fists couldn't... it broke my heart!"

She collapsed then and put her face on her arms, barely getting the rest out. "After that, I took whatever goddamned drugs he put in front of me to shut me up, and didn't make a peep when he locked me in my room most the time. I was... hollowed. I shattered more and more with every fucking rafter-shaking scream from Claudia's lips as the two of them went at each other. Hell, ten minutes ago was the first time I'd seen her in... months."

"Jesus." Nate put his head in his hands miserably. "It was me. I did it to her. I ran, and she..."

"No. Silver..." The hand on his arm rubbed up and down almost frantically. "This never should have started in the first place. I gave in. You spent twenty years making me into a real person, and I threw it away because I was... was sad, and confused, and wanted to suck on some titties one more time." She laughed bitterly. "Sorry. That was..."

"No. You're right. God, Patty, you warned us over, and over. Begged us not to go to that fucking funeral. We should have trusted you."

They both sat in silence for awhile, staring wordlessly at each other. Then she smiled.

"Thank-you for that."

"For... for what?"

"Patty. You... you called me Patty again." Her lip began trembling. "Whatever else you decide to do with me... please, please keep calling me Patty. Even if today is the last day I hear it from your mouth, I need it. God, I need it so much."

"I decide? Patty," the growth of her grin hurt his chest, "you have to decide. You and Claudia. Once the drugs have passed and your heads are clear."

Patty's look back was at once thankful, and deeply disbelieving. "You really don't understand, do you Nate? We're done. The both of us. We can't... fucking let our hearts be our guide, or any of that bullshit, because our hearts are poisoned and shriveled. Forget anything like... like masculine or feminine roles, patriarchy, misogyny... we're just three people. Two of whom made way more mistakes than the third, and those mistakes... are lasting. They're more permanent than those fucking tattoos on our daughter's skin."

Nate shook his head. "Patty... what are you saying, exactly? I don't... I hate all this poking at the edges bullshit. I really, really do."

"Okay, here it is, Silver." She took both his hands in hers. "If you're willing to give me another shot, I'll take it and I will worship you the rest of my life. If you don't... I'm done. I know it. That's not me trying to emotionally blackmail you, that's me stating the facts 'cause that's what you asked for. As for our daughter... you know what I'm going to say."

He did. He saw it in her big, earnest, chocolaty eyes. "No. No way. Patty... after all this, you can't still be saying..."

Patty just nodded and squeezed his fingers tighter. "I am. We failed our daughter, Nate. The both of us. Me far, far above all, I'll never hide from that... but there it is. I corrupted her; you ran away. If we... if you... are going to help her, you have to be what she's missing." She swallowed. "You have to be her... daddy."

Nate turned from his wife and looked towards the stairs, and what he knew was lying on his bed. What was lying on his bed... waiting for him.

Waiting for him to decide what he was going to be.

"No. Not daddy." He sighed, resigned. "Never again."

Day Unknown. New Life.

"Shhh, it's alright, little Natalie." She rocked the bassinette, the very same one that loomed so large in her memories, to soothe the infant. "Time to sleep. You... you really need to sleep."

She looked over her shoulder at the door to the nursery. "I... I need to go, so please, just sleep..." She kept rocking. And not just the crib.

Eventually, the little thing heeded her pleas and zonked out. She sighed in relief and was gone in a flash, letting the baby monitor next to the child sub in for her. She zipped through the door, down the hall, and was in the big bedroom in time to have kept from missing too much.

"Mmm... oh, oh that's... that's so,so,so goooodddd..."

The pair were already started, with her on top, her delicate hands braced on his big chest, riding him slowly, lazily swaying her hips to build the sensations. To prolong the need and delay the gratification. It was all about restraint. Holding off on what you want until you earn it. She was learning.

Patty just wished she'd have asked for a teacher's aid before she began her day's lesson. Oh well, not too late.

"Mmmmoommmyyy..." The breathy, drawn out greeting came with a warm smile from Claudia at hearing her enter the room. She looked back over her shoulder, and Patty had to admit, the sight of her bare back, with the side-swells of her boobs, giant now this soon after giving birth, bobbing tantalizingly in view when she raised her hands and ran them through her lengthening auburn... and purplepink... hair... the contrast of all those tattoos against her lightly tanned skin...

It was... delectable.

"Sor... sorry. We... oh fuck... we couldn't wait anymore..."

"She couldn't wait." Nate frowned up at his daughter-cum-lover and thrust his hips up hard. Once. "Claudia, what'd I say?"

"Oh God!" The twenty-year-old's eyes shot wide open at her man's treatment. "Ffff... okay, okay! You said I have to take responsibility for my... Ungh! My immature impulses!"

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