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Innocent Devil’s Harem Ch. 33


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When we reached the stairs, I could see the well-kept kitchen just beyond them, quickly focusing up at Mrs. Rebecca as she began climbing, trying not to lust over her juicy ass in those tight jeans, never mind her thick thighs, especially when I knew the thing she wanted to talk to me about might not be pleasant.

There were still a few rooms I hadn't investigated in the house, so I had to admit my curiosity piqued just a little when she headed to our right in the nice foyer area, where there was a bar setup and pool table, heading toward one of the other doors.

When she opened it up, and turned on the light, I was surprised to find a cozy little TV room, that had two three-seater leather couches lining the sides, as well as a center coffee table and a widescreen TV on the wall, significantly smaller than the one downstairs. The walls were also carpeted, much like a movie theater, as if an effort was made to make this room more soundproof than the others.

"You have a lot of TV spaces," I commented, just trying to say anything to help ease the tension, walking past her as she ushered me in.

She smiled slightly as she paused in the doorway. "Yes, well, this is one of the main rooms my husband and I use when we have company over," she admitted.

I looked at her in surprise as I turned to face her, glancing over my shoulder at the couches. "You mean..." My voice trailed off.

She nodded, garnering my attention again. "Yes, usually my husband takes one couch, while I take the other with whatever hot stud I've brought home. Lots of fun happens in here. And it's pretty soundproof, so we can speak freely without being heard."

Damn, I didn't know how to respond to that. "I...I see," I managed after a second.

She continued. "Now, if you'll just wait a moment, I actually need to pee really fast, and will be right back."

All I could do was nod again, feeling awkward about being in this room when she closed the door, leaving me alone. I could hear just fine though, listening to her slip off to her bedroom, only to enter into the master bathroom and pee just like she said. She then opened a few drawers, with it sounding like she was brushing some of her red curly hair a little, before returning.

When she opened the door, I realized she'd put her thick red hair up in a high ponytail, which shockingly emphasized her gorgeous angular face even more, making her seem as if she'd changed outfits, even though her clothing was the same.

Dammit, she was so fucking hot.

However, as she stepped inside the room, and closed the door behind her, she then leaned against the exit, instead of continuing on further.

She didn't say anything at all, just examining me quietly while I stood there, looking like the bustiest and hottest fucking model on the planet.

After a second, I cleared my throat, averting my gaze when I recalled what she might want to discuss. "So, umm, what did you want to talk about?" I asked hesitantly, glancing at her briefly and then looking away again.

She frowned at that, remaining silent for what quickly became a painful handful of seconds. After what felt like forever, she spoke. "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you care about that girl downstairs? Serenity."

I looked at her in surprise, completely shocked that she was asking me this, of all things. "Oh, umm, ten," I replied hesitantly.

She inclined her chin slowly, seeming to stare me down like she was peering into my very soul. "And on a scale of one to ten, how much did you enjoy fucking me last night?"

I gawked at her, again totally shocked. "Ten," I replied confidently, after having paused for only a second. "Well, probably eleven," I then added, doubting I'd ever experience sex that amazing ever again. At least, not if it wasn't with her.

She nodded again. "So then, if you had to choose between me and her, who would it be?"

The fuck?

I stared at her in complete shock.

Why was she asking me this right now?

Shit, I was so confused!

Was this not about her refusing to have sex with me anymore?

"Wait," I said in complete disbelief. "So are you saying you still plan on teaching me?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Is that what I just asked you?"


Shit, no it was not what she just asked me. She asked me if I'd give up Serenity for her.



I grimaced as I looked away. "Sorry," I said quietly, suddenly feeling miserable. "But it would have to be her. She means everything to me."

Mrs. Watson's tone was sharp. "Even though she's only a ten, and fucking me is an eleven?" she asked firmly, sounding incredulous.

I couldn't meet her gaze. All I could do was nod.


"Then we're done here," she said firmly. "You can leave."

Holy shit! Why was this happening?!


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I sighed heavily, feeling the most miserable I'd ever felt in my entire life. I couldn't even look up at her as I nodded again, feeling confused as hell, overwhelmed by her unexpected rejection, wondering what it was that pushed her in this direction. Like, was it because she felt like her daughter deserved better or something? Did she feel as if Gabriella should get me to herself?

Or did Mrs. Rebecca actually want me to herself?

Fuck, I didn't know.

And I knew it wasn't exactly fair that I got to have practically whoever I wanted, while they all had to share, but still...


Keeping my head lowered, I slowly walked toward her, unsurprised when she finally moved to the side so I could leave the room. However, I stopped when I was only a foot away, seeing her staring at me in the corner of my eye. Shit, why was she acting like this?


"Umm, thank you for last night. And if you can't help with the stone, I understand."

She didn't respond, so I reached out for the handle and began turning it.

In a flash, she shot out her hand and covered mine, causing me to freeze solid when her warm touch hit me. The wave of relief I experienced from her physical touch, like she was a drug and I was getting a hit from this, sent me over the edge and I had to close my eyes.

"Why are you so upset?" she asked quietly, her tone surprisingly gentle. "You look like you're about to cry. Or like you might explode."

"Because I feel addicted to you," I blurted out.

"You are addicted to me," she agreed. "Every man I sleep with becomes addicted to me. A few have even given up their drug of choice to be with me for a time, since the pleasure I give them is comparable."


"I...I could see that," I admitted, even though I'd never done drugs before in my life.

Her hand tightened slightly around mine. "But you're leaving," she stated firmly, sounding very much like a demand -- not a question.

"I...I guess I am," I whispered, my eyes still closed.

"Because you won't give her up for me," she said flatly.

I grimaced, unable to think straight, feeling like her touch wouldn't let me think straight, not understanding why she even wanted that.

"I can't," was all I could manage.

She didn't respond right away, only to pose a question. "Any reason why you're not going to just take what you want?" she asked seriously.

I finally looked over at her in shock, completely stunned all over again. "What? Because I'm not a fucking monster!" I snapped, suddenly feeling angry. "Why would you even ask me that?" I demanded, straightening up to look down at her, not realizing I'd slouched so much. "Is that what you want? For me to make you do what I want? Fuck, why would you even ask that?" I repeated in disbelief. "Is this some kind of sick test?"

She didn't even flinch, holding my gaze evenly, remaining silent for a long few seconds.

Suddenly, my eyes widened as I realized what I'd just said. "Wait...this isn't a test, is it?" I said in disbelief, suddenly hoping it was -- suddenly desperate that she wasn't truly rejecting me. But her expression didn't change, and she didn't respond. Her cold green eyes were impassive. "O-Or, do you really want me to leave?" I whispered, my heart sinking all over again.

"I want you to leave," she said evenly.

"Fuck," I hissed, tightening my grip on the door.

She immediately tightened her grip on my hand.


I knew I was stronger than her, far stronger, but I didn't want to hurt her by being rough.

"Just stop," I snapped, closing my eyes again, beginning to feel sincerely overwhelmed by the sharp contrast between the coldness of her words and the warmth of her touch. "Stop with the mixed signals. I'm never going to be able to trust you again if you keep messing with me like this."

"I was afraid of that," she admitted quietly.

"Then stop," I hissed, trying not to sound like I was begging. Because I kind of was.

Fuck, what in the hell was she doing to me? Why was this affecting me so much?

Her tone was firm. "Do you know what you get when you squeeze an orange?" she unexpectedly asked.

I looked at her in surprise again, embarrassed and pissed at myself for feeling like I was about to snap, and not in an angry way, but in a tearful way. Because her rejection really hurt. Bad.

She answered her own question. "Orange juice," she said flatly.

"Fuck," I hissed. "Do you want me to leave or not? Stop playing games."

Her tone became taunting. "You can have me, right here and now, if you make me. Otherwise you can't have me. Ever."


It was too much.

She'd pushed me over the edge.

Because I knew most women didn't sincerely want that. Especially not when I could do it literally, not just physically. It was one thing to be a little dominant and even aggressive, but that was only when it was truly desired. But actually controlling someone?

That was something else entirely.

Using my free hand, I quickly, but carefully, grabbed her hand that was firmly gripping mine on the handle, only to gently, but firmly, shove her aside as I opened the door and forced my way out, reaching up to wipe my eyes, so that hopefully it didn't look like I'd begun to get misty-eyed.

Fuck, I felt like such a pussy right now. Had she really almost pushed me to tears?

She raised her voice. "And do you know what you get when you squeeze a lemon?" she called after me.

"I don't fucking care," I snapped, rushing down the stairs, ready to be out of this place. Ready to go anywhere else but here.

Shit, why did I feel so fucking miserable?

Both Gabriella and Serenity immediately jumped to their feet when they heard me coming down, both of them alarmed when they saw me.

"Kai," Serenity blurted out. "Wha--"

"We're leaving," I snapped, only to immediately grimace as I felt the weight of Mrs. Watson's words hanging over me. "I'm leaving," I corrected. "You can come if you want."

They both looked at each other in complete confusion, with Gabriella speaking up. "Of course we're coming, Kai. But what happened up there? Why are you so upset?"

"Doesn't matter," I hissed, making haste toward the front door.

It took them a second to begin following, Serenity holding the wooden chest, but then they were both running after me.

"Fuck, mom!" Gabriella called out over her shoulder, even as she ran after me. "What the fuck did you say to him?!" She didn't wait for a response though, because I was already opening the door, and it was obvious she didn't want me to leave her behind.

Less than fifteen seconds later and I had the car started, both of them barely slamming their doors shut before I put it in gear and pulled out.

"Kai, talk to me," Serenity whispered urgently, reaching over to grip my arm, the black chest she was carrying having dropped on the floor between her feet.

I just shook my head, trying to focus on driving instead of letting my thoughts wander, knowing why I was really so upset.

It was because Mrs. Rebecca was right.

I truly was addicted to her, just like a hardcore drug, and giving that up was making me feel like absolute shit. I felt like the world was gray, and like I could never be happy ever again, and yet her suggestion that I just take what I want only made it worse.

Because she was right.

I could technically take what I wanted, whenever I wanted...

If I wanted to be a monster...

A true monster.



I update my Bio on Literotica frequently to reflect my Release Schedule and what chapters are pending review.

Submitted: August 19, 2021 to Literotica (Copyright Kaizer Wolf)

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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Seems weird that Rebecca would do that and lose the best sex ever especially after what she said to him in the text messages. I am very confusion. :/ Gotta be a good reason for it surely...

Fenris420Fenris420over 1 year ago

This comment is after my first read through... I may have missed something but I'm curious as to WHY Rebecca did what she did and gave him that ultimatum. What was she trying to prove and why? I have a couple of theories and a butt-load of questions. Can't wait to see how this unfolds. 5/5*


This...is an exceptionally revealing chapter....shows Kai is not only in control of himself, but that he has MATURED in that control; his rejection of Rebecca, in the face of such a great "loss" to himself, shows how much he 'reserve's fulfillment of his harem, and how well he will take care of the ladies who have chosen to be his!! Good On Kai!!

As for the style of writing, I have made it known that I appreciate KaizerWolf's work, and time investment, into our enjoyment of his story and efforts!! Other, less complimentary (read..."negative assholes") can just move on...let the rest of us "lesser mortals" enjoy this!!


And, it takes me a lot less time to comment, nicely, here than it does for KaizerWolf to write...so saying a nice thing to him is only natural!!

KaizerWolfKaizerWolfover 1 year agoAuthor

First of all, people on my Patreon DON'T pay 'per chapter.' It's monthly, and so the $2 tier gets 4 chapters per month for the single $2 payment. Considering it takes upwards of 20 to 30 hours just to write ONE chapter, they are giving me $0.50 per chapter, and only about 2 cents for my time (per hour).


Would you work 20 hours per week at 2 cents per hour, for a total of $0.50 for your time? Shoot, there are people who drop $3 to $5 on a coffee every day. They spend $5 easily on their daily habit. Or they spend $10 to $15 to grab lunch. Or they spend $10 to $15 for a movie that will entertain them for all of 2 hours.


For many of my supporters, $2 per month is more than reasonable for something they enjoy.


Second, a book that is a '500 full pages' IS usually 100,000 words. In traditional publishing, they often only fit 200 to 250 words on a printed page, either due to the font print size, or due to the overall 'book size.' The maximum length of a 'novella' is 40,000 words. Anything over 70,000 words is firmly in 'novel' territory.


The 1st Harry Potter book (by J. K. Rowling) is ONLY 77,000 words.

Book 2 of Harry Potter is ONLY 85,000 words.

The Hobbit (by J. R. R. Tolkien) is only 95,000 words.


As I mentioned, it takes upwards of 20 to 30 hours just to write one chapter, including plotting, writing, and editing (that's easily 10 hours of work on Saturday and Sunday). You shouldn't 'feel bad' for the people supporting me on Patreon. No one is making them support me, and in fact they are more than happy to do so. They are the reason why this story is now approaching 1 million words.


Lastly, the style of this story is like a 'soap opera' where 1 hour of screen time is 1 hour of 'story world' time. It sounds like you just don't like that style, in which case, that's fine.

But it's an intentional style.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 1 year ago

And the chapters get shorter and shorter. The who gives a fuck letter from the author at the start gets longer and the last 5 or so chapters have a rehash of the last chapter and that gets longer and longer.

So a 1 and a half page chapter like this one is really barely a page long if that.

I feel for the patreon people paying per chapter as this is getting stupid.

Also saying 100k words is a book is a joke. That’s a short story or a novella, well a short one, at best. A novel a full novel is 500 full pages minus the ISBN and title stuff and the blanks that are required for the printing process when they print and fold the big sheets.

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