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Innocent Devil’s Harem Taboo Ch. 31


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"Ready," she said once she met my gaze.

I opened the door for her, locking it behind me, and then followed her out to my silver car. I thought about opening the passenger's door for her as well, but didn't want to push my luck by seeming too eager to please her. Because, as much as I wanted this woman to like me, I also didn't want to push her away by being too enthusiastic too soon.

Once we were on the road, we socialized a little about random things, with her asking 'mom stuff' like what subjects I enjoyed in school, as well as if I had any plans after I graduated. Unfortunately, I didn't really have plans at the moment, and I was thankful when she didn't chastise me for not being prepared.

But the truth was, I didn't need to work or go to college right away, if at all, and I had plenty of time to try to figure stuff out. Still, I actually loved being peppered with questions from her, feeling like she was taking a sincere interest in my life and, most importantly, in me.

Michelle and Avery lived in a high-class subdivision about fifteen minutes away from where I lived, and while their house wasn't nearly as nice as Mrs. Watson's place, it was still really fancy-looking. I was actually really glad that Michelle could keep the house if she wanted, due to the prenuptial agreement she'd signed with her husband, since it felt like it would be such a shame to have to sell it as part of the eventual divorce.

However, when I pulled up to their house, I was a little confused when I noticed that there were two cars in the driveway, instead of just one. A nice black one, as well as Avery's beige car.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who was a little alarmed.

"Dammit," Michelle hissed, her blonde eyebrows furrowed in obvious annoyance. "I told him not to come over."

"What's wrong?" I wondered. "Is it your husband?"

She nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes. He called me this morning, because he just found out from his brother, Avery's uncle, that we were in a car accident yesterday. I told him we were fine, but he insisted he check on us."

"So you knew he'd be here?" I asked seriously.

She looked at me in surprise. "What? No, of course not. I told him we weren't even home right now and were staying with a friend."

I nodded. "Okay, so then, what do you want to do?"

She took a deep breath. "Well, we're already here. I'll just tell him I'm fine, and ask him to leave."

"Do you want me to stay here?" I wondered hesitantly.

She looked at me in shock again. "Of course not, honey. You're more than welcome to come in my house. He's not. And if I have to, I'll threaten a restraining order. He has no right to be here, and I don't want him here."

I nodded, popping open my door. "Well, if it really comes down to it, I'll escort him off the property myself."

She gave me an affectionate look. "Oh honey, you really are so sweet. But don't worry about it. I'll make him leave."

I smiled with a nod, closing my door and then locking my car as we walked up the short set of steps leading to the nice concrete porch. Michelle fished her keys out of her purse and unlocked the door, which only had the bottom handle locked. She then proceeded to step in and wait for me, before slamming it closed behind me.

Mr. Copeland came rushing down the stairs barely five seconds later, seeming overly eager to greet his wife, before he laid eyes on me. The man was actually taller than I was expecting, and well built, as if he'd spent a decent amount of time in the gym at one point in his life. However, he also had a decent sized gut, and appeared to be balding prematurely.

Nevertheless, he definitely wasn't some IT nerd dude, like I'd kind of assumed. It was obvious he'd been truly handsome at one point in time in his life, and still retained some of his younger looks even now.

Mr. Copeland stopped in his tracks, looking confused to find a stranger with his wife, even if I was a younger stranger, which gave Avery's mom enough time to speak up.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" Michelle demanded. "Do I really need to change the locks? Has it come to this?"

He focused on her, seeming flustered to have her speaking like that in front of someone else. "Babe, I'm not here to fight with you. I was really worried when I found out you and Avery were in an accident. Why didn't anyone call me?"

"Because we haven't seen you in nearly a month!" she snapped. "Why would we call you when you've clearly moved on with your life?"

"Babe," he replied, placing his hand on his hip and gesturing toward her. "I still care about you both. You were the one who asked me to stop coming around."

"Because you and I are done," she snapped. "Now, I want you out of my house. I told you not to come, and I want you gone."

Shit, I was honestly impressed that Michelle seemed sincerely pissed and yet wasn't even showing a hint of transforming. Like, damn she had just as good control as Gabriella.

Mr. Copeland finally glared at her, seeming truly annoyed now. He then focused on me. "And who is this young man?" he wondered, a hint of venom in his tone.

Michelle was careful not to touch me, but she did take a step closer. "This is my very good friend, Kai, and he was there for me and Avery both yesterday at the hospital."

Mr. Copeland glared at me again, speaking to her. "Seriously, Michelle? Friends with a kid? Seriously, what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I think it's none of your business who I'm friends with," she snapped, only to reach in her purse to pull out her phone. "Now, I want you out of my house now, or else I will call the police and have them remove you. Don't think I won't."

"Sure, I'll leave. As soon as this boy does too," he scoffed.

Despite the obvious fact of what was being implied here, I decided it might be better to defuse the situation, before the police really got involved.

"Dude," I said seriously, acting like he was being dumb. Because he was. "What's your problem? I go to school with Avery, and my family invited the two of them to stay at our place for a couple of days while they recover. I just brought Avery's mom over so she could grab some stuff. Why are you acting so weird about it?"

I tried not to grin when Mr. Copeland looked flustered, quickly realizing that he'd just made an ass out of himself by assuming that I was hanging out specifically with his wife.

"Oh, mean..." His voice trailed off.

"I mean what?" I said seriously. "That my family is putting them up for a couple of nights after they were in a car accident? Or that I brought Avery's mom over, since she doesn't have her own transportation right now and needed to pick up Avery's car? Like, what's your hang-up here? Why do you have a problem with me being here right now?"

Fuck, he was so flustered. And embarrassed as hell.

It was great.

"Umm, sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Just leave," Michelle said firmly. "Avery and I are just fine, so just get the hell out. Or do I need to call the police?" she asked seriously, holding her phone up.

He scoffed. "Whatever," he snapped, aggressively approaching us, prompting us to separate so he could leave. "Not sure why I even bother trying to care, when it's clear you couldn't even take the time to give me a call to let me know you were alright."

"How about you give me your girlfriend's number, and I'll call her next time?" Michelle snapped.

Mr. Copeland opened the door aggressively. "Oh fuck off, Michelle." He then slammed it behind himself before she could respond.

She sighed heavily. "Sorry about that, honey. I didn't think he'd make that big of a scene."

"It's fine," I replied. "And honestly, it was kind of fun to make him think you and I might be together, but I also knew it was just going to escalate if we let him believe that."

Michelle's face instantly turned red, only to begin shifting to light gray, as she cleared her throat and looked away. "Umm, sorry to put you in that position, sweetie."

"Its fine," I replied, loving her reaction. "He's dating someone about my age, so why not make him think you are too? It would be good payback."

She cleared her throat again. "I wouldn't mind getting some revenge on him," she admitted. "But it doesn't matter now. He's gone. Let me go grab a quick shower, and then I'll pack some stuff."

"Sure," I agreed. "And mind if I use the bathroom really fast?" I added, kind of having to pee and knowing that if I ended up getting an erection for some reason, it would be much harder to make it go away if I had that urge tickling me.

"Oh, of course. Although, the only available bathroom right now is in the master bedroom." She gave me an apologetic look. "The downstairs toilet is broken, and I was remodeling the upstairs bathroom a few months ago, before all this nonsense started."

"Oh, that's fine," I replied, gesturing with my hand. "Lead the way, and I'll be in and out."

She gave me a small smile and then did as I asked, taking her purse with her as we headed up the stairs. She was definitely right about remodeling the upstairs bathroom, with it looking gutted, missing both the sink and shower, though it looked like the toilet might be functional. Still, I could see how she might consider it rude to send me in there, even if I didn't really mind.

Thus, I followed her into her bedroom, surprised by how cozy it was, with most everything being pleasant shades of gray, including the walls, carpet, and blankets on the bed. The door to the master bathroom was obvious, so I headed straight there, closing the door behind me. Of course, I didn't bother locking it, since I felt confident she wouldn't barge in, having no trouble locating the toilet and emptying my bladder with her just in the other room.

However, when I heard Michelle's phone vibrate in her purse, I unexpectedly recalled that it had been a while since I got two messages from Gabriella's mom.

Shit, the last thing I wanted was for her to think I was ignoring her.

Zipping up my pants, I quickly fished out my phone to see what she said, only for Michelle to knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey sweetie, I think I'm going to just change really quick and worry about a shower later at your place. I don't really feel like hanging around here that long."

"Oh, umm, sure," I agreed. "I'm still going to be a second, so go ahead. Just let me know when you're done."

"Thanks dear," she replied, walking away from the door.

Focusing back on my messages, I recalled that the last thing I sent was a simple question, asking Mrs. Rebecca how her decision to continue fucking me would affect what she did with her husband. And that was after she said she was going to continue fucking me indefinitely.

I tried to control my breathing as I began reading what she said, hoping I didn't hate her response.

'Don't let it go to your head, baby boy, but I am postponing sexual relations with anyone else indefinitely. I am afraid you might have ruined me for other men, as nothing else I have ever experienced even comes close to what we shared last night.'

Holy fuck. Was she serious?

I knew sex with her was absolutely mind-blowing, almost as if we'd been in a nonstop cycle of her generating lust in me while I generated passion in her, but was it really that amazing?

She really wasn't going to have sex with anyone else?

Did that include her husband?

Surely not!

That would be too good to be true.

I quickly read her next message.

'My husband and I have a dom-sub relationship, even though he is quite masculine otherwise. He has gone a year without me fucking him before, and nearly six months without being able to watch me fuck either. I did it originally as an experiment to see if I could achieve a level of lust similar to what we experienced last night. It worked well back then, and my husband has accepted that I will do it again.'

Holy fuck.

Was she serious right now?

She was going to stop fucking all other men, including her husband?

She was only going to fuck me from now on, while he went without?

I was seriously going to get to fuck this man's wife, and he just had to put up with it?

This couldn't be real. Was she truly being serious?

My heart was racing as I quickly typed a response, hoping she didn't take too long to answer, unlike how I'd just done to her for the last twenty or so minutes.

'What exactly did you tell him?'

I didn't know what else to ask, unable to believe she was being serious right now. However, without a doubt, her words had given me a raging hardon at this point, and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it go away anytime soon.


Unexpectedly, I heard the front door open, only for Mr. Copeland's voice to call out into the house. "Michelle! Hey, you got a minute?"

I heard Avery's mom run to the open bedroom door, knowing from passively listening that she was half naked right now. "Fucking bastard!" she yelled at him. "Get out of my house!"

She then slammed the bedroom door shut, locking it and rushing back to her closet to get dressed. Unfortunately, Mr. Copeland didn't listen, suddenly hurrying up the stairs and down the hallway to what used to be their bedroom. He tried the handle first thing, but it was obviously locked.

The fact that he was in the house again did nothing to reduce my erection, because all I could think about was Mrs. Rebecca's words and remember how amazing fucking her had been last night. I read her message a second time, still unable to believe she was being real.

'My husband and I have a dom-sub relationship, even though he is quite masculine otherwise. He has gone a year without me fucking him before, and nearly six months without being able to watch me fuck either. I did it originally as an experiment to see if I could achieve a level of lust similar to what we experienced last night. It worked well back then, and my husband has accepted that I will do it again.'

In the meantime, Mr. Copeland spoke through the door, his tone mockingly sweet. "Honey, why is that boy in our bedroom?" he asked seriously. "And why is the door locked?"

Michelle was dressed now, but didn't go further than the bed as she responded. "It's locked because I'm changing," she said firmly. "And he's using the bathroom right now, since the one downstairs is broken and the other one up here is trashed."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" he snapped.

"I think it doesn't matter either way," she snapped right back. "You're not my husband anymore, as far as I'm concerned. So you can just walk your cheating ass right on out of here, and go back to your little hussy, before I have the police escort you out of the house. Do you want to go to jail for trespassing?" she added seriously.

"Like hell am I going to leave," he snapped again. "I'm staying right here until either he, or you, comes out."

"Until either one of us cums?" she repeated with mock sweetness.

Holy fuck, Michelle really did want to make him jealous and get revenge.

And shit was he pissed. "You know what I mean!" he yelled.

My phone vibrated again in my hand, prompting me to ignore them as I focused on Mrs. Rebecca's latest message, enthusiastic to find out what she told her husband.

'Honestly? I told him I fucked our daughter's boy-toy, and that it was the best sex I have ever had. I admitted that I think I am in love with you, and have decided that I won't fuck him anymore until I decide how to handle this situation. I also asked him to agree to leave our bed, and possibly even leave the house, if I decide I want to fuck you and he also happens to be home. He has no problem with me having my fun, so it won't be an issue.'

Holy hell.

Holy fucking hell.

My cock felt like it was going to explode. No way she was playing me. She was being completely honest. My hormones were definitely talking as I typed my next message.

'So that makes you my woman then?'

Oh shit, the anxiety of waiting! And I had no idea how this was really going to work out. I had no idea how Gabriella would feel about me messing with her parents' relationship, or if I even really was messing with it, since this was how they did things, right? Because they had a dom-sub relationship?

Because Mr. Watson regularly shared his wife with other men?

But if that was the case, how long would this go on? Would it be permanent?

Would her being my woman be a temporary thing?

Fuck, I really didn't know. But I also didn't really care right now.

Because I wanted her so bad.

Avery's parents were still arguing through the door, but I wasn't even listening at this point. Because I just didn't care. All of this felt so surreal, and it was definitely affecting my thinking. My cock was affecting my thinking.

I felt like I'd just claimed this sexy older woman as my own, and I actually liked it.

Fuck, I loved it.

In the back of my mind, I knew this was dangerously close to the kind of thing I feared from another incubus, and yet in this exact moment, I couldn't bring myself to care. Like, I didn't want to be the kind of person who stole women from others, even if that wasn't exactly what was going on here, and yet I felt overwhelmed with the sense of power it gave me.

Because it felt so wrong, and yet I loved how it made me feel, like I was high on a drug. I loved that Mrs. Rebecca was going to ask Mr. Watson to leave if I came over to fuck, and that he would even willingly do it.

Granted, I wasn't sure how I felt about that, having this guy who I hadn't even met just willingly allowing me to have my way with his wife, but I just couldn't bring myself to care right now.

Because this was amazing.

I got to have this sexy MILF, and it was fucking amazing!

I had no idea how this was going to work long-term, since I ironically wanted to keep Mrs. Rebecca for myself, but for now I was more than happy to be in an arrangement where she taught me to fuck safely, while also abstaining from sleeping with anyone else.

I focused on my phone again when it vibrated in my hand.

'Oh baby, you are so adorable. I suppose it does make me your woman. For now. Like I said, don't let it go to your head...but yes. I am not sure how I am going to go back to fucking normal men.'

Oh hell yes.

This was really happening.

This was fucking happening.

I stuck my phone in my pocket, feeling in a daze as I turned toward the door, everything just feeling surreal as I twisted the knob and stepped into the bedroom. Michelle immediately looked at me in surprise, likely shocked to see that I was fully transformed, only for her face to flush when she looked down at my raging hardon.

Without hesitation, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her body, causing her to gasp in surprise, her entire body shifting like mine. Suddenly, her hair was white, her face was gray, her eyes were star-eclipsed, and her lips and eyelids were frosted.

"Let's make your cheating husband jealous," I whispered, grinding my cock into her thigh. "Let's get you some revenge."

She stared at me in shock for half a second, before she melted in my arms, nodding adamantly as an adorable little whimper escaped her pale lips.

I leaned forward and pressed my mouth firmly into hers, moaning loudly as we began making-out passionately, her tongue eagerly slipping into my mouth, the noises loud enough to shut the bastard up on the other side of the locked door.

He seemed sincerely stunned.

And shit, I knew I'd allowed things to go to my head, but I just didn't care right now.

Because this sexy mom was also my woman.


And I was going to make that fact crystal clear right here and now.

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