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Innocent Flirting in the 1950s

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My first erotic story, as cliche as possible.
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Suzy was vacuuming again. She didn't like to vacuum, and she didn't need to vacuum, but there she was pushing this loud heavy bag along her already spotless carpet as the cord tangled around furniture and her ankles. Almost tripping broke her out of her glassy-eyed reverie. She swore the way you'd expect from a tattooed sailor, not a well brought up woman in a house-dress and apron, and gazed out the window. It was a sunny day in California, 1954, and Suzy was stuck in the house. While her husband, Sean, was at work with the car she was essentially trapped in her little cul-de-sac in her nice little suburb.

She started pacing, before looking down at the vacuum and sighing, making up her mind. About a week earlier, Suzy had noticed the handle of the machine shaking from the power of the motor. She drew the blinds shut as nonchalantly as she could before delicately taking down her sensible panties from under her knee length dress, and sitting on the couch. With a flick of her hand she turned the beast on and pressed it against herself, leaning back and sighing.

As she brought the handle up and down her entrance, she dutifully tried to think about her husband; but soon, the vision of her husband turned into a version of her husband that cared enough to rouse her with his hands (or heavens, even a mouth!), and then a version of her husband that wasn't doughy with a potbelly, and then one that was tan and taller, and then finally it wasn't her husband at all. She bit a throw-pillow and kept her eyes shut as she thrust herself into her cleaning equipment. Her hands wandered up and down her thin frame, to her c-cupped perky breasts, to her graceful sloping neck, and back down her gymnast waist to the embarrassingly wide hips that ended in a large butt she couldn't rid herself of.

The man of her imagination had just kissed his way up her stomach when a knock on the door brought Suzy back to reality. She shut the vacuum off before jumping to her feet and smoothing out her dress. "I'm coming!" she yelled at the entryway, before wincing at the irony. She tried her best to dry her thighs with the hem of her dress before rushing to the door.

"Hello Jason, it's pay-day, yes?"

Jason, the milkman, smiled good-naturedly as Suzy panted. "Were you exercising? Sorry to bother you ma'am!" He looked past her flushed face to the panties on the floor, and the nearby vacuum cleaner. He put two and two together immediately, but had the good graces not to mention it.

"Oh no" Suzy giggled. "Look at me! I hardly look like an athlete now, do I?

"Of course you do ma'am!" Jason didn't miss a beat and adjusted his hat. "You could walk onto an Olympic team tomorrow, in my opinion."

Suzy laughed again. Jason's visit was the highlight of her day, in part because he could always be counted on for a compliment. She let her eyes sweep over him. He was younger than her, and still had some boyishness to his tan face. His body was lithe and defined, and his shirt just a little tight on him. As Suzy leaned forward to give him this week's pay, she caught his scent for the first time. He was clean and well groomed, but with a tinge of salty sweat from the sun.

They smiled wordlessly at each other before Suzy broke the silence. "Well, make sure you say hello to me tomorrow! You know how to flatter a lady, young man." At hearing 'young man' Jason nodded, understanding that she was amicably putting him in his place; and, that it was time to stop flirting and leave. Suzy closed the door behind him, beaming, before turning around and gasping when she noticed her panties, lying in plain view in all their lacy wonder, on an otherwise spotless floor. "He saw them and he still buttered me up... how devious!" Suzy thought to herself. She grabbed her panties, and held them for a moment, a smile forming as she thought a few devious thoughts of her own.

Suzy briefly thought of telling her husband, Sean, of the incident; but as she watched him eat the dinner she made him with scarcely a grunt of thanks and plop in front of the tv for the night, she realized that she'd prefer to keep some things to herself. After all, she deserved some small excitements for her own. The next day was as boring as the last, but Suzy maintained a spring in her step throughout, thinking of Jason's visit and planning a 'payback' to tease him after the day before. Finally, she checked the clock and decided that it was time.

She once again slipped her panties off, this time laying them gently on the ground. Suzy then took a deep breath, reached back, and unclipped her brassiere. She took the loops off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground, right next to her strategically placed panties, and stood there for a moment in nothing but a floral house dress down to her bare feet. Her nipples rubbed against the fabric and an unfamiliar breeze almost made her lose her nerve, but then she heard the doorbell ring.

Suzy rushed to open the door, only to see Jason walking away! She almost knocked over the milk bottles as she stepped outside, immediately wishing that she had just kept one bra on and put a different one on the floor. 'No' she chided herself 'it'll be funnier this way'.

"Oh, Jason!" she called "Now, why are you being a stranger?"

Jason turned back and laughed comfortably. "Well, I'm not ignoring you Ma'am! I just thought you might be... exercising again." He gave her a shy smile, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Didn't want to interrupt."

Suzy wrinkled her nose and looked around. With Jason outside, her plan to make him uncomfortable was ruined, unless... "Actually, I was just about to stop for some lemonade, would you like to join me? It's a scorcher out there."

Jason looked surprised "Um, are you sure ma'am? You know the neighbors will talk..." Suzy did know, but she looked around at her tall hedges and the empty driveways surrounding her and waved her hand dismissively, inviting him in. He walked through the door, as sheepish as she'd ever seen him, and took a seat at the kitchen table. As she turned around to get some cups, she heard a gasp and couldn't withhold a grin at his reaction to her undergarments on the floor. She turned back around to Jason's red, embarrassed looking face and slowly slid him a glass of lemonade.

Jason could not rip his eyes away from Suzy's chest. She was glad she'd taken the bra off; seeing this normally proud and confident young man dumbstruck was hilarious. She leaned forwards on her elbows, sandwiching her breasts between her forearms, and whispered "penny for your thoughts?" He looked up, startled, at her eyes, and Suzy held back giggles. This was the most fun she'd had in years.

"Well..." Jason started "I was wondering what kind of exercise you were doing? It has to be tough to stay that fit."

Suzy giggled and raised her fingers in air quotes "Well, to be honest with you, it's mostly... stretching." She watched like a cat as Jason swallowed nervously "you know, 'touching my toes,' that kind of thing."

The mental image had a clear impact on Jason; he shifted in his seat, crossing his legs, and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he looked right into hers with honest curiosity. "Do you... get bored very often Ms. Suzy?"

The question took Suzy aback, as nobody had asked her that in some time. Her husband had never thought to ask, and she couldn't complain to her fellow housewives, all of whom considered their lives the natural state of being for women of their social class. She looked down at her lemonade "I... yes, I am. And..." She looked back up at her mailman's comforting gaze and gave a small smile "I didn't realize... how bad 'boredom' feels. It's like... you know that you have a limited time on this earth and you feel it, I suppose, drain away."

Jason instinctively reached his hand out to grab Suzy's as the words she'd never voiced poured out. She squeezed him back "You know, I always thought that boredom was the 'opposite' of anxiety but when you know time is precious and it" she shrugged "melts, I guess, it makes me more anxious than I ever was when I was working." She giggled suddenly and wiggled her fingertips against his palm, some of her flirtatiousness returning. "I feel so bratty to even be upset about it! Especially to an uncomplaining, hardworking man like you."

Jason laughed "Not at all, I think that makes perfect sense!" They were quiet for a moment, looking for an excuse to stay in each other's company for a little longer. Finally, Jason broke the silence. "Did you like your job? As in, more than being at home? I know a women's place is in the home and all that but..."

Suzy nodded in agreement. "Well, I certainly did. Now, I'm no feminist or anything!" She gestured disapproval with her free hand, thinking to her mad cousin who had chopped of half of her beautiful hair. "But I did like work a great deal! I taught calisthenics, you know, at a high school. It was rewarding work to help young men and women be healthy. The only part I didn't like" she scooted her chair in conspiratorially, and Jason leaned in to hear "is when my co-workers would pinch my butt."

This was so unexpected that they both burst out laughing, falling against each other. When they subsided to giggles, Suzy's forehead was is his chest and his arm was on her shoulder. She cleared her throat and leaned back. "Anyway, they talked so much about how my butt was too large for a gym teacher that eventually I believed them! So I followed a man who had been vying for my attention out to a suburb and, well." She gestured around the room.

He squeezed her shoulder "So they couldn't keep your hands off of your bottom, but then turned around and insulted it?"

Jason looked encouragingly shocked and Suzy flushed with righteousness. "You're damn right! I mean it is so unfair! What on earth are men thinking when they do this crap, I'd like to know?"

"Honestly?" now Jason was looking mischievous, giving Suzy a thrill down her spine. She nodded, encouraging him to continue. "Likely they were hoping you'd pinch them back" he flashed her a smile. "That would be their idea of 'fair.' Suzy seemed to have such rapturous attention to his words that he took a chance "And they definitely didn't want you wearing underpants."

The air seemed to thicken suddenly as they both went quiet. Suzy rose from her chair and Jason nervously tensed, waiting for the slap that was surely coming. Instead, she leaned over him and whispered "I was wondering when you would mention it, I know you saw yesterday." Jason felt like his heart stopped as Suzy leaned in closer, as if possessed, lips brushing his ear. "You know I never did pinch the boys back. I think I need to make this fair." Suzy reached her hands around his waist and slowly tightened them around the sides of his butt.

Jason had a brief, but vivid, hallucination that he was sitting at the topmost point of a Coney Island roller coaster; knowing the slightest action could send him plunging. He stood up, and suddenly seemed to loom over Suzy. "Well I never pinched yours, and I think I need to make this fair."

All Suzy could remember of the next few moment were pastel fragments. She remembered laughing with all her heart, Jason's hands roaming around her body, her taunting him and scooting her butt away at the last minute, running around the living room. At some point they knocked over the vacuum cleaner and tumbled to the floor, wrestling and rolling, his fingers tickling her ribs and her nails gliding across his back. Her mouth latching onto his chest as she made tiger noises and him laughing.

When Suzy came back to reality she was lying on her back and he was between her legs. His hands had indeed found her butt, and not using his hands to carry his weight meant that his torso was resting on hers, face to face. Her stillness shocked him out of his own daze and they stared, soberly, at each other. She brought her hand to his cheek and kissed him. Jason pressed his lips back into hers as her legs closed around him. His hands roamed up, thumbs sliding under the fabric, tracing each bare cheek. Her lips parted, welcoming in his tongue as his hands traveled up her waist, cupping her breasts, thumbs brushing the points her bare nipples were making under her housedress. Her hips rose up against his, and she felt him swell as he pushed back against her bare entrance. His mouth parted now, and the kiss turned hungry.

They had their arms wrapped around each other, pressed in close, when the clock chimed. Jason shot up like he had been struck by lightning and covered his mouth. "Oh no, no, we shouldn't be doing this."

"Am I making you late?" Suzy teased, but then caught a look of Jason's pale, serious face. "Jason, wait a moment."

Jason had all but sprinted to the front door, before slowly turning around. "Ma'am... I like you. Okay? But that means I shouldn't ruin..." His eyes swept over her cozy, if sterile, home. "We'd ruin your life." He turned to leave.

Suzy's tears welled up as she crashed down from the high she'd been riding. "I'm sorry Jason" she whispered.

Jason paused at the open door, before giving her a sad, but comforting, smile. "Don't apologize to me! Today was one of the best days of my life!"

If Suzy's husband was the type to bustle home, scoop up his wife, and start a conversation than he may have noticed that something was wrong. Sean instead came home, received the kiss that he was owed as a husband, and plopped on the couch. As Suzy milled about, cleaning up and holding back tears, he discreetly picked up a pornography magazine out of his bag. "If only" he thought to himself, "I could meet a slutty gal like this lady." He made no attempt to interact with, much less charm, his wife; instead, he pondered on how sad it is that wives don't like sex, before flipping to the next page.

After a fitful sleep, Suzy anxiously waited at the front door. When she heard the tell-tale clinking of milk bottles, she threw the door open and gazed at Jason, who looked back at her in shock. He swallowed once before nodding his head. "Nice to see you, ma'am." He turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Suzy almost shouted, before looking around nervously. "Please come in for a little while. I have iced tea this time!"

Jason shook his head "ma'am, I don't think that's the best idea."

Suzy heart pounded, she needed to at least talk to him, to get closure on what had happened. She tried to explain, but all that came out was a soft "Please?"

Jason set down his bottles and grasped Suzy's hands as she led him inside. She shut the door behind him as he stood, awkwardly, at the border between the kitchen and the living room. Suzy took a deep breath. "So, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry but... I want you to understand... why" She rubbed her toe against the carpet nervously, "I just felt... trapped, you know?" She sunk down, sitting on the floor.

Jason opened his mouth to speak, but Suzy spoke first. "When someone feels trapped, they get desperate..." she looked up, meeting his eyes and he couldn't look away. "When a woman feels, desperation, pride is painful... it's distracting." She kept eye contact, and rocked forwards on her knees. "It shuts away the... possibilities." Jason's heart beat like a war-drum when she put her hands on the floor. "and when I stop thinking about what I 'should' do, suddenly the world is brighter." She began to crawl, on her hands and knees towards him "and I can throw myself, completely, at what I want." It was nice and cool in the house, but a bead of sweat ran down Jason's forehead. "I can throw myself at... whoever I want."

She bit his cock, gently, through his slacks. Jason's hands clenched, trying to find willpower, when her trailing tongue dissolved it. Suzy kneeled in front of him, eyes pleading, as he unzipped his zipper and pulled it out. In her husband's magazines, which he thought he had hidden, the cheating woman comments on how much bigger than her husband her partner is. She skipped a step, barely looking at it before plunging it into her warm wet mouth, and latching her lips around it. She sighed, mind far away, taking in the texture of his skin against her cheek and getting lost in his scent.

Jason grew in her mouth, forcing her nose away from his pelvis. Suzy fought her way back, bobbing her head and taking him deeper. She raised her soft palate like she had learned in chorus class, welcoming him into her throat. She kept him there as long as she could, making him gasp with each swallowing motion, before she backed away to breathe. The she doubled her efforts, bobbing her head vigorously, and finally took him in her throat again. This time she pushed forwards, coughing slightly, until her nose was back on his pelvis.

He looked down at her. "You 'threw' yourself at me, specifically, right?" She took her time answering, gliding her lips over his cockhead, releasing him with a loud pop, before nodding and grinning. "So that means" he continued, putting his hand gently but solidly on the back of her head "that you are... mine."

Suzy looked up, and saw a steel in Jason's eyes that hadn't been there before. Her spine tingled at the work 'mine.' She suddenly felt afraid, and wanted to be more afraid. She rested his rod on her forehead and looked up at him sweetly, parting her lips. "For the next few hours."

Jason grabbed her by her armpits and hauled her to her feet. She fell forwards into his chest with a yelp as he grabbed the hem of her dress and hauled it upwards, throwing it aside and smirking. "Ah, so NOW you wear underwear!" Suzy began stuttering that she hadn't planned this, but quieted, melting when Jason bit her neck. They sank to the floor together, as Jason kissed his way down her collarbone to her breast. Suzy unclipped her bra as quickly as he could, then cradled his head and sighed as his mouth found her nipple.

She got so lost in the feeling of his mouth that she was barely aware of him removing her panties. Then, Suzy felt his warm, hard staff between her thighs, resting on her stomach. She looked up at his face and noticed, behind his palpable desire, nervousness. She held him by the cheek and kissed him, leaning back and dragging him on top of her. Her hips raised off the ground, offering her wet welcoming pussy. Jason brought his hips back, then forwards, and then entered her.

He grabbed her by the back of the neck as she gasped and groaned. Her legs crossed behind him as they found a rhythm. She kissed every inch of his face she could get to, as Jason began pounding mercilessly. Their mouths met again, they traded tongues. He found a part of her she didn't know was there and punished it, paying her back for days of teasing. Suzy screamed, and her legs flew open. She grabbed them and held them apart for him as he used her, her head rolling backwards as she shuddered and her eyelids fluttered. She tensed and moaned, gurgling in a way that would mortify her if she was in her right mind, and came, ejecting him and soaking the immaculate rug.

They panted together for a moment. Suzy gazed up at him, her secret lover, sinewy and tan, young and hungry. Jason gazed down at her, her immaculately curled hair spread out on the floor like a mane, sweat running down between her breasts. Jason scooped her up, and carried her like Lois Lane to the sofa. "On your stomach" he growled. She purred in response and flipped over eagerly. Jason leaned over her, whispering "Put your head in the cushion and your butt in the air." She obligingly did, and waited nervously as his hand glided over the skin of her bum, fingertip lazily trailing over her soaking entrance. He squeezed the cheek, and bit it, making Suzy squeal. The he grasped her firmly by the waist. "They were lying... your ass is perfect."

Jason slid into her again as she flushed with pride and excitement. He attacked her pussy in a frenzy, as she moaned and swore into the cushion of her couch. Suzy screamed "Yes!" and thrust her butt back into his hips, matching his rhythm as he drove deeper and harder. He gasped for air, roaring as she felt him swell inside her. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" she screamed "Do it! Fill me!" She clenched down on him with her walls and pressed into him. He grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her upright. His hands grasped her chest, and he bit her viciously on the neck as he came, filling her deep with warmth. His whole body seemed to tense a few times, giving her everything he had, before he collapsed on top of her.


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