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Inspect-her Gadget

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Cheesy costume is sexy enough for a threesome.
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"Oh, come on, stop worrying so much. So what if someone gets a look at the bottom of your butt? Isn't that kinda the point anyway?"

It took me quite a while to realize how true that quote from Mean Girls really was: 'Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.' Well, it seemed my wife was taking it to heart today.

I was still trying to convince her that her trench coat-turned-costume was merely *borderline* inappropriate to wear out, not *completely* inappropriate. After all, if she wasn't walking, you really couldn't see much beyond the very tops of her legs. It was only after she started walking that the slit in the back of the coat opened up from time to time, giving quick little flashes of the seam where her rounded cheeks met her legs. It ran nearly up the middle of the back, so I also saw a hint of her thigh gap as she paced around the bedroom. The coat had a tendency to ride up toward her narrow waist where she had it tied, and that had her tugging it back down from time to time. I figured it wasn't worth mentioning that when it did start to ride up, the flashes of her cute butt that I was seeing earlier turned into something more like steady, mouth-watering views. She probably knew it anyway.

We decided her costume was going to be Inspect-her Gadget. It frankly didn't make a whole lot of sense, but save the go-go-gadget arms and whatnot, a trench coat was about all she needed to make it work. In just about any other place in the country, walking around in late October in just a trench coat might be considered punishment. In southwest Florida? Hell, it might also be punishment because it's too warm. Thankfully, the forecast for the night was in the low 70s. The dry season hadn't officially started, but it didn't seem like the humidity would be too unbearable.

As she finished up her makeup and the rest of her outfit—I don't seem to remember Inspector Gadget wearing fishnets—I got dressed. I was just recycling a pirate costume from a few years ago. A puffy white shirt, some black denim jeans, and a scarf wrapped around my head actually worked pretty well.

"But why would Inspector Gadget be hanging out with a pirate? I don't get it," she noted.

I replied, "I don't get it either, but I need some kind of costume, don't I?"

I had already gone through some of the other characters on the show. "Look," I said, "there was Penny, his sidekick. I'm not really feeling like dressing in drag as a preteen. Something unsavory about that. Then there's the dog, the evil cat, or Dr. Claw. It's too much work for the animals—and probably too warm—and all you ever see of Dr. Claw is his arm. Pirate it is!"

"Well," she agreed, "when you put it that way." She paused and then said, "Also, never mention dressing as a preteen again."

"Done and done." I changed subjects. "So what are we looking to get into tonight?"

"I don't know," she replied in a sing-song voice as she feigned shyness. "Fun? I guess it depends who we meet."

I was trying to get some idea of how far she was willing to go, or perhaps how far I could push her. I continued, "So are we looking for someone for me, or someone for you? We both know it's going to be easier to find someone for you."

We had been talking about encounters with a third (or even fourth) party for a while now, but nothing had materialized. Whether it was me or whether it was her, we didn't seem to be able to find someone who was willing to make an effort to meet up and see if we hit things off. Even when we thought we had things set, it always seemed "something came up." Both of us were a little tired of getting ghosted. We were more than a little surprised how hard it was to find someone to play with a married couple.

"Well," she said, "not that we're even going to find someone, but if we did, I guess I'd be fine with some touching and maybe some oral." It was still a surprise to hear her talking so matter-of-factly about it.

"What about more?" I asked. "What if it's someone that we're really into?"

"I'm guessing we won't need to worry about it," she said.

I didn't think we would need to worry about anything either, given how other nights out had gone. But just in case, I grabbed a couple of condoms from the drawer in the nightstand and slipped them in my pocket while she was busying herself with other preparations.

When we were both finally ready, we called an Uber and had it take us the short distance to downtown. We could have walked, but there was some humidity in the air, and it was barely $5 for the ride.

As we walked around downtown looking for a bar with the right vibe, I sort of wished I could be treated to the same view other passersby had in the dim light provided by all the streetlights, bars, restaurants, and closed shops. From the strappy black heels on her feet, to the thigh-high fishnets running up her legs, to the straps of her garter belt poking out from underneath the jackey, to the portion of her butt visible under the hem of the jacket, she looked nothing short of completely fuckable. Somewhat sadly, it seemed she had found a way to keep the jacket from riding up quite as much as it had been earlier.

We finally settled on the City Bar (Shitty Bar if you're a local). It looked happening, but there was room to move around. We showed our IDs at the door and made our way to the bar. I followed close behind her, partially so I could sneak in a couple pinches on her bare bottom, partially to keep anyone else from doing the same—at least until she had a drink or two in her to relax a little bit.

We stepped up to the bar and waited to get the attention of one of the bartenders. They were walking around in outfits that were often more skimpy than my wife's. There was one dressed in a barely-there Tinkerbell outfit. Another was wearing a tiny referee's shirt cut to show her ample cleavage. She even had a couple of yellow flags tucked into the top of her black miniskirt. The one that caught my eye—and thankfully I caught hers, too—was dressed as Princess Peach. Her outfit wasn't super tight, her shirt wasn't low-cut, and her skirt wasn't particularly short, but what made her stand out was her white top that was bordering on see-through. You could clearly see the outlines of her nipples as they poked against the fabric.

"What are you drinking?" she asked.

"Gin and tonic and a tequila sunrise," I said over the noise of the bar, forcing myself to make eye contact. She turned and grabbed the bottles she needed from the shelf behind her, mixing the drinks quickly. I barely had time to ogle her legs before she was turning to put our drinks down in front of me. "And here I thought my princess was in another castle!" I said with a wink as we turned away from the bar. I'm not sure, but I think I saw her smile at my almost-too-nerdy joke.

We made our way through the bar, trying to find some space. There was nothing open at any of the tables or the bar, but we found a drink rail against a wall near the back. We chatted and people watched for a little while, commenting on various costumes. Some were good, some weren't much better than Inspect-her Gadget and her pirate friend. We finished our drinks and Ms. Gadget offered to hold down our spot as I got refills.

I got to the bar and had to wait behind some very cute, slightly drunk, scantily clad patrons. As they talked to each other about that guy and this other bar they were going to, I ogled them as inconspicuously as I could. As one of them was emphasizing some point in her story, she backed herself right into my crotch. I'm not even sure she noticed, but clearly my cock did as it started to swell.

I had already been imagining what she would look like without the few clothes she was wearing. She was dressed in a thin and tight white t-shirt and booty shorts that were showing the bottoms of her cheeks. She had her long blonde hair in a single pony tail slightly to one side. After she bumped into me, I got a view of the front of her shirt, which said "Merlotte's Bar and Grill" on it. Not a bad Sookie Stackhouse costume, actually. She even had a short apron tied at her waist holding some pens and other stuff.

I glanced back to see how my better half was faring. She seemed to be in a pretty engaging conversation with a man about my height. He was athletic but not muscled, wearing just a white t-shirt and some fake tattoo sleeves, along with some dark pants. He was sporting short stubble and his dark hair was short but sort of styled up. I figured he must have been a biker or something like that.

I returned with my hands full of drinks. I figured it would be rude to exclude whomever she was talking with, and I had already made the executive decision that we weren't drinking enough. With one hand, I carried three shots of tequila, and with the other, three mixed drinks. I figured between the gin and tonic, vodka cran, and whiskey sour we could each find something that we would drink.

Before anyone could even say anything, I had set the drinks on the rail and passed out the tequila shots, shouting "Salud!" as we raised them and gulped them down.

"Ok, so what's your costume?" I asked him.

"Funny you should ask," she interrupted, "That's what we've been talking about this whole time! I figured out right away that he's supposed to be Adam Levine! He's still trying to guess mine."

I chuckled out loud and said, "Ok, I'll give you a hint. My costume is a pirate." I was a little drunk because I had snuck a couple drinks at home once we decided to Uber it downtown. I was pretty sure I was hilarious.

Silence. After a long pause, he said, "I'm going to need another hint."

"Our costumes are completely unrelated!" I replied.

"How is that supposed to be a hint?!" he asked incredulously.

I thought for a second and answered, "Now you know she's not a pirate?"

We all had a good laugh and then I leaned in and asked her a question quietly in her ear so that our new acquaintance couldn't hear. She was also a little buzzed, so she shrugged her assent and gave a coy smile.

"What if I told you she wants you to inspect her?" I asked him, saying the last part slowly.

"She wants me to what?" The confusion on his face spoke volumes.

"Well," I continued, "she might be hiding some gadgets in her costume, and she wants you to inspect her." I was thoroughly convinced I was hilarious. "For gadgets," I added.

"Ummm...ok?" He was unsure of his answer, but he decided to take us up on the offer.

He moved closer to her, and because of their position along the wall and me standing in front of them, they were actually pretty shielded from the view of most of the patrons. Somewhat awkwardly he began to search her pockets. For gadgets, I guess. Finding nothing in her pockets, he moved to her sleeves and found nothing there either. He even turned up the collar of her coat and looked underneath it. I had to give him points for trying. He clearly didn't know what to do next.

She stepped in and rescued him from his confusion. "There are a couple places you haven't checked yet," she said, grabbing his hand and guiding it along the side of her coat. She slid it down her waist, over her hip, and finally to the portion of her bare leg between the top of her stocking and the bottom of the coat.

He may not have figured out her costume, but he got the point. He looked around a little sheepishly but then had the same realization I did a moment earlier. Most people wouldn't be able to see what he was doing. Seizing his opportunity, he leaned in and slid his hand up under her coat and around to the back. I saw him get in a good squeeze of her backside.

"Nope, nothing there," I said. "You'll have to inspect her gadgets in one more place." I tried to stress the syllables, but I'm pretty sure he was too distracted to get my hint.

As he moved his hand around and slid it between and up her legs, the anticipation was almost palpable. When he finally reached her mound, the look I saw on his face confirmed what I had suspected earlier. She wasn't wearing any underwear.

Once the shock wore off, he started to play along a little more. "I think I finally found something," he said. "It seems to be some sort of button. Let me see if I can figure out what it does."

He started toying with her clit, and she was clearly enjoying it. After a few seconds, I interrupted, since it seemed things were about to get pretty heated.

"Let's not any of us get thrown out or arrested." I continued, "How about we try to find someplace a little more private?"

Without a word, we all agreed and finished off our drinks, setting them on the rail and turning toward the front. We worked our way through the bar and exited onto the street. I started toward one of the blocks that had a secluded alley.

"I think I know just the place," I said. "Follow me."

While we walked, we returned to the topic of my wife's costume. "So have you figured it out yet?" she asked.

"I got nothing," he replied.

She sighed overdramatically. "Inspect-her Gadget!" she said brightly. "Get it?"

He thought for a moment while we continued to walk and then said, "I guess I get yours, but why is he a pirate?"

I started to offer an explanation. "Because...y'know what, nevermind, we're actually just about there."

As we made our way down the alley, we finally found a place with a little cover where the building jogged inward a little, and the three of us turned the slight corner and just stared at each other. No one quite knew what to do.

The staring contest ended with her pushing me against the wall. Her hands moved down, undoing my belt as she pressed her lips to mine. As her tongue slipped into my mouth, her hands kept working on my pants, undoing the top button and unzipping them. She grabbed the top of my pants and my underwear together, working them both down past my thighs and to my knees.

She freed herself from our passionate kiss and took a half-step back. I thought she was about to get to work on my now-free cock, but she surprised me by turning toward our companion, grabbing him by his shirt and pressing his back against the wall next to me, on my left. Without pausing, she similarly opened his pants and brought them to his knees like mine. At that point she took a step back to admire her work.

Once she was done taking in the two erect cocks pointed at her, each bobbing up and down slightly, she moved in and took one in each hand and stroked them slowly while looking down at them. She then centered herself in front of me and lowered herself until she was able to wrap her soft lips around my shaft, all while continuing to stroke my neighbor.

She worked her mouth up and down my prick, pausing momentarily to swirl her tongue around the head. As she repeated her movements, I took a moment to glance to my left. He was clearly enjoying both watching the sensual blowjob taking place in front of him and the simultaneous pumping of his own cock by someone he had just met.

It wasn't long before my wife decided it was time to be a good slut and take turns. She let my cock, glistening and hard, fall from her mouth and moved to her right. Even I could see the precum about to drip from his glans. He groaned as she slowly licked the length of the underside of his shaft, from the base to the tip, savoring the taste of the precum as she got to the head. She bobbed her head slowly up and down, every new plunge into her mouth eliciting another moan.

She had moved her left hand to stroke my prick while she attended to him. But she had also apparently decided to turn some of her attention toward herself. She had been squatting with her legs wide the entire time, and now she had dropped her right hand to her own pussy. She ran one finger up and down the slit of her opening to take advantage of her own wetness and began hastily working on her own clit. I never knew she could be such a multitasker. I almost appreciated the fact that she was only using her hand on me, because it gave me the clarity I needed to truly enjoy the scene playing out in front of me.

While we were all clearly enjoying ourselves, I decided it was time to take things further. I grabbed hand and pulled her from the blowjob and up toward me, leaning back against the wall and kissing her deeply. My hands slid down her coat and pulled the bottom of it up, leaving her rear completely exposed. Our new friend pushed into her from behind, kissing her neck and pushing her coat up even further as his hands roughly squeezed her butt. As he took his position behind her, I pushed my knee between both of hers to spread her legs slightly and reached my hand up to start making little circles on her clit with one finger.

After a couple moments of kissing and grinding, I quickly fished my hand in my pocket, dug out a condom, and pressed it into one of his hands behind her back. She was so lost in the moment—and a little drunk—that I don't think she realized what was about to happen. I'm not sure if she noticed the break in the kisses on her neck or the attention her backside was receiving, but she was definitely caught off guard by his cock as it slid into her pussy. She was so wet from all the playing we had been doing that there was no resistance. She didn't let her surprise last long, and she was soon meeting his slow thrusts enthusiastically with her own.

We continued making out as she kept moaning into my mouth, his rhythmic thrusting pressing her lips harder into mine. I decided it was time to ditch the coat and free her breasts. It took some work since she clearly didn't want anything to stop. Eventually, I managed to coax her off the hard cock she was enjoying so thoroughly and had her standing straight up in front of me. Our friend came around to my side as well.

After I methodically unbuttoned the front of her coat and loosened the tie, it fell open. She really was beautiful. I took in her body as I ran my hands down both sides of her face and then along her neck. I dragged just my fingertips across her collarbones and down her breasts, giving her nipples a slight tug as my hands moved down to her sides. She was breathing hard and glistening from the heat of the moment, but it only accentuated the luscious curve of her narrow waist as it flowed into her wide hips.

Except for the garter belt and stockings, she was completely bare under the coat—no bra, no underwear, no hair. Her lips were shiny and swollen from the fucking she had already received.

I raised my hands to her shoulders and turned her around to face away from me. I filled my hands with her breasts and pulled her close as I gave them a long squeeze, relishing the moment. After pausing to savor the noticeable smell of sex coming off of her, I proceeded to pull her coat down off of her shoulders and down her arms. The sleeves were a little tight, and with the slight humidity still hanging in the air, her coat caught on her elbows. I worked a little to move it down, but I paused and then stopped. Normally I wouldn't spring something like this on her, but the whole situation had me crazy with lust.

While kissing her neck and listening to her rough breathing and soft moans, I found the tie of the coat and wrapped it around the mess of the coat she now had stuck at her elbows, effectively trapping her arms behind her back.

I grabbed her arms and pulled her back into me hard. "Now I want you to suck his cock while I fuck you, you little slut," I growled into her ear.

"Mmmmm," was her only response as I bent her over at her waist, holding on to the jacket to keep her from falling forward.

As her mouth approached the stranger's cock, he pulled off the condom. She began to move her mouth over his cock the best she could, given the circumstances. Without wasting any time, I buried my prick inside her, reveling in the wetness that allowed me to slide completely inside her in one smooth thrust. As I started to pick up speed, I realized my partner was helping to keep her head up as well, holding on to her shoulders as his shaft disappeared into her mouth.


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