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Intimacy in the Age of Steam Pt. 03

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Four bowler hats, a commute, and the schoolgirl.
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Another evening found the train waiting in the platform for its allotted time to begin its journey. The guard's whistle blowing just as the door to the final, and first class, compartment opened and in tumbled Zephyrine, literally across besuited and respectable businessmen's knees. A grey pleated skirt bottom right upon Frederick Trowse's lap. A surprise and a delight.

"Ooh, sorry," she said making to rise, but a firm hand to her back held her down. That was James Marlston sitting next and beyond Frederick Trowse.

"Just rest there and recover. Tell me Zephyrine, were you ever spanked at school?"

"Um, not for many years. We don't get spanked in the Sixth form."

The carriage gave a particular lurch as it left the platform behind, smoke billowing past the window.

"Don't you now? Are you sure? Don't you think Mr Trowse should give you just a little spank for being naughty? Should you really have been showing us all those personal things, to say nothing of asking Mr Stubbs to demonstrate male masturbation yesterday, which, I have to say, he did very well indeed! I expect you were thinking of asking for further demonstrations this very evening, weren't you? Don't you think that deserves a spanking? Well?"

"I... I suppose..."

"Trowse, lift her skirt!"

The man had been unsure the day before. Concerned at what was going on. Seeming to worry what her father might think. Despite having the schoolgirl over his lap, despite his evident delight in having her rounded, pleated skirt covered bottom right on his lap, he was hesitant. James Marlston reached out and took the hem of Zephyrine's skirt and yanked it towards him, up and over her bottom, revealing the grey, uniform knickers and delightfully smooth thighs.

Hector had half wondered whether Zephyrine might have already dispensed with them. Might have come to the compartment already unrestricted around her sex, might have found it exciting to push through the crowded station like that with the likelihood that soon fingers, male fingers, would be pushing themselves under that skirt..

"And the knickers, Trowse. Always best to spank bare bottoms, isn't it?"

"I... yes... I suppose, um, certainly!"

Hector wondered at Trowse's experience. Had he spanked Mrs Trowse regularly once upon a time? He watched Trowse's indecision and James Marlston's firmness as the second man reached again and tugged. Plump, young womanly bottom cheeks came into view, pleasingly round and with dimples above the crack. It all looked very smackable! In need of a firm hand.

"Right, Trowse. Let her have it!"

And the indecision went. Frederick Trowse's hand went up and then came down -- smack! Hector smiled under his moustache. He was sure Trowse would have felt that but in a different way to Zephyrine. She flinched away from the hand, her bottom or rather her pelvis pushing down, her delightful cheeks coming together, and it was obvious what she would be pressing against. A real push down and against the front of Frederick Trowse's obscured trousers. Like Hector, he would be erect and would feel that pressing. Indeed, the smile that came over his somewhat worried looking face betrayed what he was feeling. He spanked again. And a third time.

Spanking does make a sound. Probably not audible in the next compartment given the sound of the train rattling over points but, nonetheless, it was prudent to release the girl and let her settle on a seat rather than spank more. Probably not discernable but if the sound of firm hand on flesh did prove audible the reality of the spanking might well surprise anyone coming to see what the noise was about.

"So, Zephyrine, what would you like to do today?" asked Hector. "Are you going to get on with your homework or had you another idea?"

The girl wriggled on her seat. Was her bottom perhaps a little sore or was it an indication of sexual arousal.

"I... I liked what I saw yesterday. I wondered if I could see... that again?"

"My penis, my erection," smiled Hector in a kindly way. Zephyrine's fingers went to her lips at the words, "or so you mean another of my colleagues? Who?"

Zephyrine grinned, "All," she said, "all four, please!"

It was very much as the men had hoped the evening before -- or, at least all but Frederick Trowse.

"And who first?" grinned James Marlston almost reaching for his fly. But Zephyrine pointed to Frederick Trowse. Perhaps because she had already felt his under her.

"Oh, err, um, oh... perhaps we should wait until Stan... the tickets, you know."

And that is what they did, though it must have been obvious to Zephyrine the men were already 'up' for it. No one was making any attempt to hide the long bulges in their trousers. They no longer felt the need. The wait for Stan was tiresome. The men hardly felt like reading their newspapers!

"Shall I take your knickers off for you?" asked James Marlston, "while we wait." A little nod from Zephyrine and he did just that, reaching up into her skirt and tugging.

"Tickets please," came from down the corridor and when the conductor came in he could find little amiss. Tickets were all in order and though his eyes were clearly searching, grey knickers were not to be seen -- they were in James Marlston's pocket. And he could not see Zephyrine's rather reddened bottom. She was, after all, sitting upon it. Things were not so serene, normal, or decent once he had left.

"Might we see?" and even before her answer came, James Marlston was helping Zephyrine with her blouse and bra, opening her blouse up from the bottom leaving her tie in place, whilst she undid her clasp. It was him who brought her lovely 'oranges' out into the open and view. There were admiring looks from all around the compartment. And then he pulled her skirt upwards, half exposing her pubic hair. "Is that good for you Trowse, ready for you to show young Zephyrine what you have?"

The men were all letting their eyes feast upon the half-naked girl. Frederick Trowse was not, however, making the necessary move towards his fly. Perhaps he was rather spell bound by the sight of the schoolgirl with breasts and half sight of her pubis.. Zephyrine, though, was staring right at it and then her eyes moved to each of the men's trousers one by one. All betrayed obvious tumescence hidden in the suiting.

The girl giggled, "Would it help if I was to make you all more comfortable? You do look a little 'constrained' don't you!" She did seem delightfully unconcerned at how much of her was exposed. And it was with jiggling breasts that her hands moved to the first pair of trousers -- those of Frederick Trowse. He made no move to stop her as she undid fly button after fly button, before undoing his belt and bearer. A delve with her hand and out came a fine specimen of male generative organ. A nice little half gasp from the girl, a grin as her hand went to her mouth. So clear she was impressed. Frederick Trowse could certainly take pleasure in that -- at her reaction to his thick erection upstanding there in the compartment. There was nothing soft or in any way shy about how it was standing. Zephyrine had seen what Hector had done the day before and did the same. A little sliding up and down of foreskin with hand revealing and then hiding the shiny head. She doing the job for Frederick Trowse. He did not need to use his hand as Hector had done. The knob seemed almost to be bowing to her with every stroke downwards, Frederick Trowse's so taut fraenum being stretched and pulling at the glans. The nodding seemed to captivate the girl.

"Oh, I like!"

Clear Frederick Trowse liked the stroking too, even if he darted glances at his fellows, obviously just so conscious of what he had revealed -- in Zephyrine's hand. A particular tug from the schoolgirl and his balls popped out of his fly in their fleshy but very hairy sack. The girl's fingers went to feeling those before they moved to the buttons of the next fly. One by one erect penises were extracted in complete silence. Three further delvings, and pulling out of warm so turgid male flesh by the schoolgirl. Each stroked and petted.

Zephyrine settled back in her seat and looked around the compartment. Four respectable businessmen sitting around a young lass, each with a hard and potent erection rising from open fly. Four strong and goodly sized cocks for her, in turn, to stare at and enjoy. "Oh wow! Golly aren't they super! So big and so strong. Boys' wouldn't be like that, would they?"

The men too looked around, seeing each other's penises for the first time not as they would in the showers at a swimming bath or some changing room but sexually charged - ready, erect and peeled. No one had to be embarrassed by size and, whilst Frederick Trowse had probably felt rather uncomfortable exposing himself to his fellows, as had Hector the day before, there was quite a different feeling in all being in, or rather 'up', together. A bunch of erections together.

"I'll so be thinking about you like this in bed tonight. And Zephyrine talked a little about her play each night in her warm bed, about fingers, wetness and hard standing clitoris; about her thoughts and play. There was no let-up in the erections.

"I like to pull on my nipples, quite gently at first. I like playing with them and making them all hard. it feels very nice. And I touch myself down there in the dark, I think my eyes are definitely shut, I moan and gasp a lot whilst fingering and touching myself. If I get too sensitive I close my legs together and rock my hips and then give up keeping my fingers away and just touch myself again, gently, though, because it can be sore from rubbing too much and I uhm, rub a lot. And. oh, it feels so good to push inside! Why does it feel so good to fill up my hole? Even if it's one finger, it feels so good!"

And she was not just talking but doing that right in front of them as they stared with penises straining.

"My sex clench on the filling, it feels so good to clench, and my thoughts get even more sexual! Gosh, do I love filling up my hole. This lovely sensation in my..." The girl looked up, sticky sounds coming from between her legs where her fingers stroked and she invited them to wank. And they did. Four businessmen, acquaintances only, fellow commuters, not only exposing erections to each other but clasping their own cocks and wanking together. Foreskins going up and down as Zephyrine too played with her own sexual organs but with a very different action. The sight quite remarkable. Four mature gentlemen and a schoolgirl all masturbating together there in the compartment. Sexual relations and activity without any touching of others! What if the conductor had returned, what if another passenger or passengers had looked in, what if the train halted right next to another going the other way and passengers in the other train had looked across through the windows and seen?

"Would you, would you do it in unison?"

A strange request but they did. The four besuited businessmen, so respectably dressed but with erect penises exposed, co-ordinating their stroking. Four hands rising as one with foreskins going up and over shiny helmet shapes and then being dragged down again at the same speed and together. Foreskins lifted as one, foreskins dragged down as one. Up and down, falling into the rhythm of the moving train: clickety clack, clickety clack. Zephyrine smiled. It was all great.

The train rushed on through the countryside. It would not be that long before Zephyrine's station, and the train drawing to a halt. Stan, the guard, had rather taken a long time to come and check the tickets that day. Time had been used up.

"Would you like me to... um... finish you off?"

The men look from one to the other and of course they all said, 'yes please' as their hands fell away and the rhythmic stroking ceased. Four so swollen penises very definitely in need of the feminine touch.

"Has anyone got a hanky?"

The girl was not so inexperienced or naïve not to know just what happens if she was to stroke a cock rather a lot. Not so silly girly not to know their little slits would open and produce. Perhaps copiously. She had seen Hector the day before, after all -- a graphic demonstration. It, the ejaculate, needs to go somewhere and there would be four loads of it. A lot! Of course, there was her pretty mouth. So easy to just swallow it all away - and perhaps the thought was there. Perhaps there was that thought in Zephyrine's mind. It was certainly in those of the men. All of them. The thought of her soft and pretty lips around each one in turn, sucking and then drinking. But, perhaps, that was for another day. The gentlemen had hopes. How could they not?

The produced handkerchief was neatly folded when it was brought from a pocket, it was white and pristine, perhaps even new. It had an embroidered 'J' to the corner. 'J' for James Marlston. He unfolded it.

Zephyrine's hand slipped around the first erect penis, and the pure white handkerchief was carefully placed across Frederick Trowse's thighs. He was to be first. The first to release. The schoolgirl had chosen. Her fingers begin to slide the folds of skin once more, just as she had done when first extracting it from his trousers but unlike then she would not be stopping this time... until.

The other gentlemen watched, their own penises sticking up and even running a little in a couple of cases. Eyes moving from her hand upon Frederick Trowse's cock to her half-exposed sex and her other hand. Eyes moving to her breasts and then back to the penis. Its swollen and nodding head, shining in the electric light. Might another time, they perhaps wondered, could they get her to fully undress. The idea of Zephyrine all naked so pleasing. Surely that could be done. A naked schoolgirl in the compartment with them. Even perhaps to be naked with her. Could they perhaps get her somewhere other than the train. Somewhere without the risk of Stan poking his head around the door! Just too much to imagine him doing that with them all naked. Might Zephyrine like that? Somewhere private with them.

Sexual thoughts raging through the gentlemen's heads and probably Zephyrine's as well when the first penis spoke. The schoolgirl bringing Frederick Trowse off. Nothing he could do once she had stroked to just that extra extent, nothing could be done to prevent a rather manly display to the girl and his fellow commuters. Not that Frederick Trowse or the girl would have wanted anything other than an ejaculation. A considerable quantity of semen issuing out onto the handkerchief, pouring out from the penis' nodding head.

Zephyrine smiled, even grinned at Frederick Trowse. "Oooh, doesn't it come out!"

Frederick Trowse's pleasure evident, but was that a look of surprise as well, the realisation that he has just come with the other gentlemen seeing it happen? That he still had semen dribbling out of his penis.

"That's your first time is it, Zephyrine, making a man come?" James Marlston's ever interested questions.

"Yes, sir. Phew! I don't think it's my last." Hardly, not when there were another three to do - if there was time.

Her hand, slightly sticky, moved the handkerchief from one thigh to another thigh and then began to wank a second but slightly slenderer penis. James Marlston's in her hand. No shorter than the first but rather than domed, the penis very much seemed to come to a point. Up and down went Zephyrine's fingers, as she had done before, and it did not take long. The penis was no less productive than the first. Out the stuff came and down onto the handkerchief -- the owner ejaculating onto his own handkerchief.

Frederick Trowse seemed a lot happier now. It was not just him who had been exercised by the girl, he had now seen another penis spurt. It was not only his penis that seems more relaxed. He even ventured a "well done, old man," to James Marlston.

"Two down," said Zephyrine as she moved the now heavier handkerchief on to the third gentleman's thigh. There were plentiful splashes now across the white cotton. The handkerchief had to be moved carefully so as not to spill ejaculate on striped suiting. 'Two down' indeed, or one down and the second penis starting to shrink. Zephyrine grasped Hector's erection and began to stroke.

"Very nice, my dear, oh yes it is. You can do this anytime! Much better than my hand." Up and down went his foreskin, the girl carefully pointing him towards the white cotton. The handkerchief already looks rather full, with wet patches and splashes of cum all over it. There were, though, dry patches between the blobs and wetness. If Hector and Tom Headman were to ejaculate there, all would be well.

Hector had ejaculated in the compartment before. Had made himself come for the benefit of Zephyrine and in front of his colleagues the day before. It was not a new experience, but it was more enjoyable now another hand was doing the job. His respectably sized cock released a dribble out and down his pale pink, purple fringed 'helmet', leaking from the little slit where his semen would come out. The full thing was not long delayed. Strong spurts of hot semen out and down onto the handkerchief.

A third ejaculation had appeared. and the now quite heavy and wet feeling handkerchief was moved onwards by Zephyrine and spread. The train, though, was starting to slow.

"You'll have to be quick."

Zephyrine grabbed and began to tug.

"Yes, come quickly," urged the first three. "You've got to come." But the fourth penis, hard and being well tugged was just not spurting -- and the train was definitely slowing. Tom Headman looked worried. And that did not help. Was he going to miss out?

"Imagine," suggested James Marlston, "you are going to come over Zephyrine's breasts."

"Yes, do imagine," added Zephyrine, impressively lowering her voice to a rather deep purr, "or anywhere else..."

"Anywhere?" gasped Tom Headman.

That did the trick. Yet more creamy semen spurted out in the railway compartment. One, two... out of the penis it came and down onto James Marlston's handkerchief to join the many, many other splashes, pouring out of the hard penis. The train had almost stopped. Zephyrine was still bare chested - her boobs on show and her skirt up around her hips. What to do?

Zephyrine's hand left the still spurting penis as she grabbed at her blouse with her other hand. Her right, wanking hand was sticky with cum and, to the gentlemen's surprise, she just brought it to her mouth and hurriedly licked it before using both hands to pull her blouse together making herself sort of respectable. It was only partly done up when she pulled on her blazer though the tie hung well, hiding the undone buttons. The train stopped with a lurch, sending Zephyrine right down onto Hector's lap squashing his still partly erect penis. Zephyrine grabbed both satchel and the handkerchief from Tom Headman's thigh, squeezing it into her palm.

"Bye!" she said as she pulled open the door and stepped out. Turning to slam the door, looking back through the window, she smiled at the four besuited gentlemen, wide eyed at her and still with cocks out of their flies. Every one of them. Two soft, one half hard and one still tumescent and leaking. Wet cocks, wet with semen. A little further down the platform, she turned to wave as the train pulls out. The men staring not least at her hand with James Marlston's scrumpled up white handkerchief balled within it. Surely it must feel all liquid and squidgy there, the copious male product so very there. Surely she could feel the blobs of semen within it, jelly like and moving within her squeezing fingers? Fresh, still warm, still potent semen -- and so much of it.

Zephyrine had not wanked a man before and now she had done four -- extracted four loads of cum from different men, all squeezed together there in her hand. Hector could imagine her grinning as she walked out of the station at just what she had done. Would she wonder what the men were saying to each other now she had gone? Would she be wondering if they were talking about what she might be doing that night in bed? Or about what might happen the next week if she joined them again? And what, Hector wondered, would she do about the handkerchief before she got home or met Daddy come to meet her?

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DevilbobyDevilboby12 months ago

I feel sure that Zephyrine's daddy would meet her at the station with the family car so perhaps she popped into the ladies toilets to smarten herself a bit. Oh cripes, it would be rather upsetting if daddy were to see her with her buttons all askew. Such a lovely story well told.

dommasterjimdommasterjimabout 1 year ago

5 more stars... Let's make it happen, guys..!!

AnnalovesitAnnalovesitabout 1 year ago

More please.

Loved it,especially the names. Zephyrine ?

AnnalovesitAnnalovesitabout 1 year ago

More please.

Loved the ames, especially Zephyrine.

DrmaxcDrmaxcabout 1 year agoAuthor

Anon. - That would certainly work as an addition:

“Ah!” Hector paused at that. For a man who had been in the army and served abroad he was not exactly unworldly wise. He had not been a virgin on his wedding night, his bride, to the contrary, most assuredly had been in just that state. This question from the schoolgirl in her blazer and grey pleated skirt, though, rather threw him. He looked at his fellow businessmen. They looked away. “It, um, alludes to um, masturbation.”

It would be fun to write something Jane Austen like, but rather a challenge. I'll have to re-read Pride and Prejudice - always a pleasure. Of course Lydia rather went against the norm.

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