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Into Another World

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Ted walks into a parallel world and Terri and Mercy's life.
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I remember the fog becoming dense, as I walked home from the frat party, through Lincoln Park, to get back to the house my friends and I rented on the other side of the park from campus. My roommates had opted to party longer, but I had my part-time job at the campus library in the morning, so needed to get some sleep.

The further I went, the thicker the fog seemed to get. When it started to swirl in multiple colors, I wasn't sure if I was actually seeing it or maybe someone had slipped something into my last drink or if the last joint I smoked had been laced with something extra.

I kept moving forward, keeping to the path that was all I could see.

Moments later, the colors faded and the fog thinned once more, as I reached Murphy Street and could barely see our house several doors down on the opposite side of the street. I crossed and walked the rest of the way, still thinking about the colored fog. I was definitely buzzed, but that had to be a hallucination. Right? Fog simply didn't change colors on its own.

As I unlocked the front door with my key, the sudden urge to pee struck me, so I rushed to the house's one bathroom, relying on the night-light, and started to furiously piss.

As I finished and turned towards the sink to wash, I heard moaning. Female moaning, coming from one of the bedrooms. Had one of my roommates come back before me with a girl without my knowing it? I hoped it wasn't Zack, as we shared a bedroom and I didn't look forward to seeing a sock over the doorknob and the prospect of sleeping on the lumpy sofa Zack's parents had contributed to our motley mix of furnishings.

That's when I started to notice that the bathroom seemed different. These weren't our towels, our soap, our shower curtain. Nothing matched that hadn't been there when we moved in. What the hell was going on? I knew I hadn't walked into the wrong house, because I had used my key. Yet, nothing looked right.

As I exited the bathroom, the living room furniture was all different, too. The layout of the house was the same, but the interiors weren't.

It turned out the sex sounds I was hearing were coming from my bedroom, but there wasn't a sock on the doorknob. In fact, the door wasn't even closed. As I crept closer, I realized I was actually hearing two women moaning. When I reached the doorway, I saw they were in a 69 position on a king bed instead of the two twins that Zack and I put on opposite sides of the room. Lamps on matching nightstands lit the room.

Confusion warred with voyeurism as I watched the two lovers, who weren't aware I was there. The foot of the bed faced the door, with the head of the woman on top closer to me, her wavy black hair obscuring any view of the pussy she was eating out. The sounds of her slurping were my primary evidence that she was doing so, as I couldn't see. Her skin tone was a few shades darker than her brown-haired partner's, but lighter than my own.

What I could see of both bodies looked delightful, though, above-average boobs on fit physiques, especially Wavy Girl's bubble butt squirming over her partner's hidden face.

I suppose if I had been sober, I would have interrupted them to find out what the hell was going on, but horniness was winning the fight in my blurry head. I quietly unzipped my pants and fished my hard cock out and started to fap at the sight and sounds in front of me.

I heard a murmured "Oh, Terri, right there," from Wavy Girl, as she raised her head slightly, revealing a glistening shaved pussy under her face, before she dipped down again and resumed licking. I got a brief look at her tongue making contact with engorged labia before that wavy hair fell back down and obscured my view.

Still, it aided my imagination that I could see her licking Terri and I jerked my cock harder still, not thinking about being caught.

Another two minutes passed and Wavy Girl started to moan Terri's name some more, as she shuddered and her hips pressed down on Terri's face, while Terri's body also bucked beneath her.

I reached my own orgasm at the same moment and shot such a forceful stream of cum that it arced towards the bed and splashed along Terri's leg.

Terri noticed. She looked around Wavy Girl's hip and spotted me. She screamed, then Wavy Girl looked up and joined in. All while I kept spurting cum towards them, hitting the bed, hitting the floor.

Not the smoothest introduction, I'll grant you.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in our house?" Wavy Girl shouted, as she jumped off the bed to confront me in what looked like a karate pose, not bothering to cover herself in any way. Now that I could see her face, she looked partly Japanese, but with darker skin that might mean another race in her heritage. Probably late 20s or early 30s, they didn't look like the college girls I was used to being around, at all.

I said the first thing that came to mind. "Your house? This is my house! Can someone explain what the hell is going on?"

Terri had also gotten out of the bed, but was mostly hiding behind Wavy Girl. From what I could see of her, she had long straight brown hair and puffier areolae, but otherwise had the same curvy figure as her lover. Definitely Caucasian, the last of the summer's tan lines nearly faded away.

Wavy Girl asked, "You actually think this is your house? We've lived here for two years, kid. Are you drunk?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty buzzed," I admitted. "I'm just coming home from a frat party. But, I'm not so drunk or high that I imagined unlocking the front door with my key. Is this some prank my roommates cooked up?"

"No, we're not playing some prank. What's your name? Let me see this key you say you have. My name's Mercy, by the way, and that's Terri." She glanced from my face to my half-hard cock, as I tucked it back into my pants, then back to my face, with a bit of a grin on her face. It looked much better than the anger that had been there moments earlier.

'She's still really turned on,' I thought.

I reached into my left pocket and pulled out my key ring and handed it to her. After looking at it, she looked surprised.

I said, "I'm Ted Jackson. I went to a party at Kappa Epsilon Gamma tonight, walked home through the park, which was weird because the thick fog started changing colors. Got here, unlocked the door and had to pee, then started noticing that all of the furnishings were different, about the same time I heard the two of you having sex. Watching turned into, you know..."

"Colored fog?" Mercy asked, as she walked over to a purse on a dresser and pulled another key ring out, then compared my house key to one on that ring. "Terri, come look at this. Am I nuts, or are these two keys an exact match, not just the shape and numbering but right down to the scratches? I knew the landlord hadn't really changed the locks. But why are the scratches the same?"

Terri had grabbed silk robes out of the closet and was putting one on and carrying another for Mercy. She handed the robe to Mercy as she accepted the two keys and compared them. "You're right. They're exactly the same. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Mercy said, "It would make sense. He must be from one of the parallel Earths and lives here in that world, which is why he has the same exact key to the same lock. Tell me, Ted, who's President of the United States?"

"Donald Trump," I answered.

"I suppose he had to win somewhere," Mercy responded. To Terri, she said, "But that means Ted's not from one of the eight worlds the public knows about, since Trump isn't President on any of them."

"I'm confused. What parallel Earths are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know? Brace yourself, but there is apparently an infinite number of parallel universes, each different from the other to some degree. More than 20 years ago, in two of those universes, a research center called Carlson Labs--which existed on both worlds--succeeded in simultaneously establishing a portal between each other and had the gall of calling themselves Earth-1 and Earth-2. They kept it a secret for a long time. More recently, they've been establishing additional portals to other worlds, with greater differences between them, but still only diverging events within the last 35 years or so, with history slowly drifting apart, so there are still a lot more similarities. They opened a portal to this universe a year ago and designated us as Earth-8. One area of known difference is US politics, where each world has either a different President or Vice President right now, due to variations in the last three elections."

'Holy crap,' I thought, then asked, "So, who's President here?"

Terri answered, "John Kasich from Ohio. He had been our John McCain's VP until McCain was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015 and stepped down to seek treatment, then Kasich won in 2016 and is running for another term now. McCain's tumor was caught early here and he successfully fought it off. But on other worlds, he has died."

"He died on my world, too."

The two women then gave me a dizzying rundown of the elections on all eight worlds since 2008, some where Obama won in 2008, some where Hillary Clinton did, with and without Obama as her running mate, or where she won in 2012 or 2016, some where McCain beat either Clinton or Obama. Even one world where Al Gore ran again in 2008 and won with Hillary as his VP, with her succeeding him in 2016. There was further divergence in later elections, to the point that Kasich was President in this world and VP in two others, Clinton was the current President in two worlds and Obama in another, with Jeb Bush as President in two and VP in a third, plus Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney as President in the remaining two worlds. Nikki Haley was either a past or current Vice President in four of the worlds, including the current VP on Earth-8.

Trump had run in 2016 on four worlds, but failed to win the Republican nomination. In particular, the version of him on Earth-1 responded so negatively to the revelation of Earth-2 that it killed his candidacy. While Obama had not even become a Senator on two worlds, including this one, and was better known as a writer of political books, including a recent one on the comparative political histories of the 8 worlds that required him to interview his other-world selves. I couldn't imagine what that must have been like.

Once they were done scrambling my head with what-ifs become real, I rubbed my temples, as my beer and pot buzz was beginning to be replaced by a headache. "And I'm from some other world that sounds like Earths 1 & 2 until the 2016 election. So, how the hell did I get here, if no portal has been opened to my world?"

Terri answered, "It could be a world that's simply not been announced yet, but it sure doesn't sound like you went through any of the formal portals, as they're inside buildings, tightly controlled with immigration officials and the like. If I were to make a guess, there must have been a spontaneous hole between two worlds that just happened to be in the park. There have been rumors that a moratorium has been called on opening new portals. Having the barriers between the universes weakened by the increasing number of portals could be a good reason for that. But that's just speculation on my part."

"Fuck. How do I get back home, then?"

Mercy responded, "I'm not sure you can, if you aren't from one of the worlds that already have a portal open. I don't imagine that whatever happened in the park is going to be something you could find again. You're going to have to contact the Inter-Earth Immigration Agency, regardless. They would know if there are other Earths that have been linked but haven't gone public, where they could send you back. But they would at least be able to help you get new identification to distinguish you from your counterpart here, if he exists, or to establish yourself here, if he doesn't."

"Another Ted Jackson, you mean?" I asked.

"It's possible that you exist somewhere on all eight worlds. Plenty of people do, either with similar or diverging life paths, especially older people who were born before the time-lines split. The younger you are, the more likely that you would be unique. If you do exist on this world, though, you're legally a different person. Even if your ID physically matches like your key does, you can't use it. Ditto for any bank cards. Even your cash is illegitimate, either duplicates of bills or bearing the wrong signatures because other people held the Treasurer and Secretary of the Treasury positions since 2008."

"So, I'm effectively homeless and broke, unless I commit identity fraud? Great. Can I beg to sleep on your couch until morning?"

Mercy stepped closer to me, saying, "We have a guest bedroom, which I think you can tell we don't use. But I'd much rather you join us in our bed. I want to see more of that big cock of yours, if you don't mind earning your keep with sex." With that, she slipped the silk robe off and it slithered to the floor, exposing her gorgeous body to me, once more. Her hands went to her breasts, to give them both a good squeeze.

I glanced over to Terri, who was blushing but certainly seemed interested. I could only respond with, "That would be so hot, ladies. It's not like I still have a job here to go to in the morning. Or classes on Monday, even."

Mercy reached to my pants and started undoing my belt, as she lowered herself to her knees. My cock was hardening in her mouth seconds later, as Terri approached and kissed me. My hands caressed her arms and back through the silk, then squeezed her soft breasts, first through the fabric and then sliding my hands into the robe. It soon joined Mercy's on the floor.

Mercy was slobbering on my cock, her tongue wild as her hands were pushing my jeans down my legs to get access to my balls. I stepped on the heels of my sneakers to push them off, then alternately stepped on each jeans leg to pull them off as well. I released Terri's body briefly to sweep my shirt over my head.

I leaned downward to suck on Terri's right breast, while my right hand caressed her left nipple. I loved being able to engulf her whole areola into my mouth, sucking hard to give it a hickey as my tongue flicked across her nipple. Her hands were behind my head, pulling me in tight as I kissed across her breastbone to reach the other breast and gave it the same treatment.

My hips were thrusting into Mercy's hot mouth, almost of their own accord, as she aligned her neck and let me plunge into her throat, without gagging. She grabbed my ass and held me in place as she took in the final inch and pressed her lips against my groin. God, she was good at this! Most girls my age couldn't take all 9 inches. She pulled back, gasping, before driving her face onto me again and again.

"God, I want to fuck you both so much!" I cried out, adding, "I almost wish I had a double here right now, so we could both fuck you and one of you wouldn't have to wait."

"We've done threesomes before, Ted," Terri replied, chuckling. "We'll keep ourselves busy, trust me."

"It's my first time," I admitted, before kissing her breasts again, more softly this time, and started to lick her hard nipples.

I was beginning to feel my orgasm approach when Mercy disengaged from my cock and turned around, backing her ass up to me. She reached between her legs to grab my cock and guide it into her hot snatch, then pushed her hips back, transferring her hands to the foot of the mattress for leverage. I needed to grab her hips, just to keep from being knocked off balance.

Terri moved onto the bed, scooting her way until her torso was at the edge of the bed, with her heels propped on it. Mercy shifted slightly to begin licking Terri's pussy, her hands now braced against Terri's thighs. I took over thrusting into her, seeking to avoid hitting her cervix. But when she intentionally pushed herself that last inch and rammed my cock into it and moaned instead of crying out in pain, I stopped worrying about it and pounded into her with all I had.

My thrusts into Mercy translated to her pushing Terri's legs and their bed shook. Bit by bit, Terri got pushed further onto the mattress, until Mercy's thighs were pressed against the end of the bed. Now, the bed's headboard was slapping the wall.

Terri cried out, "Stop, we're going to break the wall! Get on the bed on your back, Ted."

I withdrew from Mercy, who whined, "I was about to come. Fuck the wall."

"You practically were," Terri retorted. "But you know how expensive it would be to repair, if that old plaster cracks. McGillicuddy would insist on it."

"Jack McGillicuddy? He was our landlord, too," I said.

"Do you really want to compare worlds right now, Ted?" Terri asked. "Or do you want to fuck us?"

"Easy choice." I moved around Mercy to crawl onto the bed, with Terri moving to the side to let me center myself on the bed. Once I was on my back, Terri moved to straddle my head and I kissed her thighs as she lowered herself onto my face. As a result, I could only feel Mercy climb over my legs to plant her pussy onto my cock again.

She rose and fell quickly, regularly bumping me even harder into her cervix, until she leaned forward and reduced the amount of my shaft that she was letting enter her. Without that regular impact to my glans, I found my urge to come growing quickly. Wanting to delay it, I focused more on eating Terri's pussy, hoping to get both of them to their orgasms before I surrendered to mine.

Terri's inner lips felt divine against my lips, as I followed their path towards her clit. I teased it for a minute or so, before I took my first swipes against it with my tongue, making her cry out, "Oh damn! Somebody taught you right."

I felt a brief moment of sorrow, when I reflexively thought, 'Someone I'll probably never see again.'

I shook that off. It wasn't either woman's fault that I had switched worlds and I was determined not to let it interfere with loving them at this moment.

Mercy was moaning louder and louder and I was certain she was at the edge of her orgasm. I thrust my hips up into her harder, hitting her cervix once more and she simply exploded over me, shaking from head to toe. She fell off of my cock, landing to my side, her tremors continuing.

Terri leaned forward and took my cock halfway into her mouth, stroking with her hand along the rest of the wet shaft. I settled my lips around her clitoral hood, sucked and flicked the clit with my tongue and she likewise started to come, countering with even more suction on my cock as I began to spurt into her mouth, my back arching below her. She slurped down every ounce, not letting any go.

When both of our powerful orgasms were done, she climbed off of me and turned around, laying on my right side, her head on my shoulder. Mercy matched her on my left side and asked her girlfriend, "Can we keep him, Mom?"

I snorted and said, "What am I, a lost puppy?"

Terri answered, "Not any more, if you agree to make your home with us. Not just in the short term? What do you think?"

I blinked, realizing she was serious. "You're asking me to move in?"

"Let's just say we're not asking you to leave. Not until you're able to do so and it's what you want. Something is telling me I want you to stay and I hope it tells you the same."

I thought about it for 30 seconds, before I answered, "Staying here is obviously my best option, whether in this bed or your guest bed. It sure beats being in handcuffs right now or wandering the streets without any place to go. Okay, if I can't return to my home universe, I would be honored to see where this goes with the two of you. It's like we were destined to meet this way."

"I know, right?" Mercy responded. "Logic says I should have called the cops on you, but something made me want to hear you out instead. I'm so glad I did."

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