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Introducing Thaddeus Black Ch. 07

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Club Eros De Venus ... And Further Revelations.
8.3k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/31/2011
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The time was eight fifty-five in the evening when Thaddeus drew back his shirt sleeve to look at his watch. Erica had divulged as much about her club's party rituals. The distance to the address on the card was going to be a long one, nearly at the city limits. It was best he left an hour early to arrive there at the hour Hilda had given him; the party, Erica told him, wouldn't begin until then. Thaddeus had worn his only black suit with matching tie and coat and after four attempts had finally found himself a cab willing to take him there, though for an exorbitant price. Thaddeus still thought it was a foolish waste of time. He should be out there following on the fragment of lead he'd gotten regarding the missing kid's whereabouts instead of undertaking this night mission. He unarguably cursed himself for indulging in his whims. It wasn't like he didn't have a choice. A sixth sense simply told him there was more to the case he had in his hands to know that something murky existed between Constance and her sister Hilda. Whether or not it was responsible for her son being missing, he couldn't arrive at a conclusion yet. But it was there, too glaring to be unmistakable.

The bright lights of the city slid past the cab's windows, somehow they enticed him to return home where he figured he ought to be. He took out the envelope Hilda had given him and once again looked at the card that bore the club's password. FIGARO. Didn't sound like anything he'd heard before. Erica told him the patrons of the club preferred anonymous discretion. He would be given something to wear over his eyes to prevent anyone knowing him and him too of anyone that was there. He got a feeling however that one person there already would sniff him out easily. Hilda.

He reclined in the backseat and half dozed while the taxi drove along heading towards the main highway that would further lead to the turnpike and from there out of the city limits. It was like driving towards Loftus Garden, except this trip, he knew, was going to be even longer a journey than that one. On the news the chief of police had declared that the cops in the city were directing their resources towards looking into the matter of her missing son; nothing had been said about her giving a statement about it, and the press people weren't sure if to take the news any serious than it ought to be or drop it and move on to something else. Whoever it was that had made it known to them had undoubtedly overplayed his hand, Thaddeus thought to himself.

He asked himself why did he even bothering. The way she had spoken to him before she left his pad made it known that it was final between them. He didn't need to be continuing with the case anymore. Or was he even really still on the case as he presumed he was? His eyes deepened into a light sleep.

When next he opened his eyes Thaddeus couldn't recognise where he was. For a moment he thought he was lost and that the driver was taking him down a road he could never recall ever been through before. He asked the man if they were still on the right track; the driver reassured him that they were. Thaddeus returned to his seat and marvelled at the sight of the tall elm trees that lined the sides of the road, looking more like guarding sentinels. Ahead, the lights of the taxi followed the snake-like route of the road which seemed to lead further into nowhere. There were no lights around or sign of any homes. Where they still in the city?

Then came a pair of lamp lights as they went round a fork in the road and the lights led towards a castle-like gate. The taxi drew to a stop in front of the gate which bore the street's name and house number as that which was written on the address Hilda had given him. Thaddeus stepped out of the cab and settled the bill then watched the taxi turn around and its red lights disappeared from view as it drove back whence it came from. Thaddeus approached the gate and saw two men standing there in dark coats with a car idling beside them. Neither said anything to him though their eyes never left him. Behind them a driveway led further into the compound.

"Good evening," said Thaddeus.

"Good evening, sir," one of the men replied in a guttural voice that sounded European. "Are you here for the festivities or are you lost?"

"I'm here for the festivities."

"Good. May we know the password?" the other man asked. He too sounded European.

"Figaro," answered Thaddeus.

"Very well, sir," the first man replied.

Instantly the gate swung open for him. Thaddeus stepped into the compound.

The other man opened a car door for Thaddeus. "Please," he indicated. "The car will take you to the house. Have a wonderful evening."

Thaddeus slipped into the car. The man closed the door and the car drove off.

The interior of the car was dark; he couldn't make out the driver because of the glass divider between them. The car rolled on smoothly along the driveway which went in a circular route around a concrete building block. It went past a second gate where two other men in long coats stood watch and then Thaddeus was able to make out the majestic building that stood at the far end of the driveway. It resembled that of the Loftus Garden except by all standards this was much bigger, much opulent in gothic style and design. A pair of Greek columns lined the front of the structure, looking like something leading into the Acropolis; bright lights illuminated the compound with dazzling display. The front of the driveway was lined with limos, Aston Martins and other exotic type of four wheels. Thaddeus's car pulled in front of the building and someone opened the door for him. The man asked for his invitation envelope, of which Thaddeus gave to him. The man then gave him a black mask to wear and bid him welcome. Thaddeus went up the stairs and a door opened for him and he went inside.

He stepped into a wide foyer that looked more like a vintage cloakroom. There were other men in long coats standing there and all of them wore masks just like he did. There were several couples standing there, handing their coats and jackets to the men who stowed them away in hidden closets and then another one of the men ushered them through another doorway. One of the men helped Thaddeus of his coat and gave him a room key, on the fob was the number five. He indicated towards the doorway where the other couple had gone into. Thaddeus went in that direction, slipping the key into his pocket.

It was a lengthy corridor and were it not for the fixated lights on either side of the wall it looked like something that led down towards a cavern. Thaddeus followed the couple in front of him, the woman wore a lovely evening dress while the man wore a tux and like him they both wore different facial masks. At the end was a lone man also in a mask who opened a door for them.

The room was large and awash with lights from numerous chandeliers. Thaddeus moved aside from the doorway and ran his eyes everywhere, trying to take adequate note of it. The walls were covered with flowing maroon curtains with tall columns interspacing the room. At the far end of the room was a raised dais with a podium though at the moment on one stood there. Soft music piped into the room through hidden speakers. There were couch chairs scattered about and everywhere people stood or sat together in groups or singles, men and women, making conversation and drinking from wine glasses. Some of the women wore spandex outfits and knee-length boots. Some of the women were young and others middle-aged, though he couldn't tell from the masks they were all wearing. As he sauntered amongst them, picking up a glass of champagne from roving naked damsels carrying glass trays, he sensed some of them turning to ogle him. One or two of them he spied talking to their mates glanced at him over their men's shoulder as they danced to the music and gave him a wink. One of the women was bold enough to approach him in his tracks. She wore a black beret under a short-cropped red head with a net blouse that revealed her ample cleavage with erect nipples jutting through with spandex short skirt and she was wearing a mask that looked like it was made out of fish scales. She muttered hello to him and took his wine glass from his hand and sipped from it then gave it back to him. Her hand went to his crotch and felt for his erection. Thaddeus in turn grasped one of her tits and pinched her nipples. She seemed to enjoy it.

"Such a handsome black man you are. I can't wait to have you," she leaned towards him and whispered into his ear before moving along past him. Thaddeus's eyes followed her romp as it bounced away from him. She turned around and smiled at him before turning to speak with some other company of female friends.

Thaddeus realised only too late that he was the only black man in the room. He looked here and there and didn't spot any other like him. He picked another wine glass and several couples hovered by him and made light conversation, nothing revealing about whom they were or what they did in the outside world. Thaddeus looked here and there and couldn't spot anyone he knew, not even Erica, if actually she was here which he figured she was.

"I thought it was you," a woman's hand came over his shoulder. He turned around and looked at the blonde-haired beauty wearing a cut-out purple outfit that hid little of her naked figure.

Thaddeus recognised her right away from the sound of her voice and that smile coating her fiery red lips. "I'm glad you came," she stretched herself to kiss his cheek.

"Wouldn't have missed it, Hilda," he said.

She placed a finger to his lips and shook her head. "No names here," she said. "I'll look for you after you've settled in."

She made to leave him but he grabbed her arm. "You brought me here for a reason, Hilda. What was it?"

"All in good time, darling," she murmured before walking away. "All in good time. Enjoy the evening for now."

The evening went on until sometime later the music changed to that of a booming bass. The lights went dim and a spotlight showered down on the podium which showed an older man flanked either side by two naked beauties.

"And now, my lovelies, the moment that we've all been awaiting for has come. The usherettes will move amongst you and if you'll be so kind as to drop memorise your room numbers before dropping keys in their hats, then we can really get down to having some fun."

A roar of handclaps went round the room and wolf-like whistles upon his announcement. Thaddeus took out the key he'd earlier been given and looked at the number again. A naked woman roamed towards him holding a long hat before her, so did several others strolling amongst the crowd that was in the room. Thaddeus watched other men throw their room key into the hat and when it got to his turn he too did the same. When the women returned to the podium with their hats filled with keys, then the master of ceremony went on again.

"Now we have all keys in hand. If all you gentlemen will kindly follow the stairs to your respective rooms and await your visitors." He indicated where the stairs where.

Erica had explained this ritual to him. The men were each given a room key with a designated number on it which they then dropped in a hat. The wives later went around and selected whichever key they picked and would spend the next hour with whoever was in the room before leaving for another. Usually the ladies that attended were much in number and sometimes the men were lucky to two or more of them at once. Some of the women were known to connive with others towards getting whichever man they fancied. It was allowed. Not all the men participated though. For those who weren't so inclined to, they preferred to watch instead.

Thaddeus noticed the women separated from their men who went in the direction of the stairs; he too followed suit. He got to the first floor, saw the numbers indicated on the doors and when he found door number five, he tried the handle and went inside. The door swung close behind him and locked itself automatically.

It was a simple room with a bed and several chairs inside. The right side of the room was a large mirror which took on the length of the wall; it had a curtain above it. Thaddeus looked at his reflection and loosened his tie, knowing it was a see-through mirror like the type in police interrogating rooms. He was bound to expect an audience at whatever was going to happen in here. He took off his jacket and draped it on one of the chairs then sat at the foot of the bed with his hands clasped together waiting for what next was bound to happen.

He didn't have to wait too long. There came a sound of the door's lock turning and then it came open and two women entered the room, one of them was the one who had accosted him earlier with the beret still on her head. The other was an Asian wearing white corset, white garter belt and stockings and matching high heels. She was average height, foundling tits with a midriff that was starting to sag; her dark hair reached down a couple of inches from her waistline. The door closed behind them as both women stood before Thaddeus. The redhead pulled Thad to his feet by grabbing the end of his tie.

"Hey there, big boy," she flicked her tongue salaciously at him. "I told you I was going to have you on for later."

The Asian's hands were working on undoing his shirt buttons. "Let's get him out of these clothes. I hope he's packing."

"Oh, I know he's packing. Never fucked a black man who wasn't. A good thing we tipped Florence to get us his key before any other slut could have him."

Thaddeus stood there while both women fought over his clothes. The Asian merged her lips with his while she undid his tie from his shirt while the redhead was busy undoing his belt buckle. His cock was struggling to be free inside. Her hand soon reached inside for it and brought it out to feel the air before she enclosed her lips around its budding head. Thaddeus decided then to take the rein of the affair rather than leave it up to the women. He pushed the redhead back and freed himself from the constrains of his clothes; the women too did the same to their own outfit and in seconds they stood before him naked. He lifted the Asian into the air till she sat on his face. The redhead went on sucking and stroking his cock into her mouth while the Asian beauty rolled her ass over his face as his tongue slipped in and out of her pussy. She wedged herself against the roof, moaning from his spirited mouth attack. It was a struggle for Thaddeus to balance her weight on his shoulders and continue to eat out her pussy while maintaining calm over the sensation of the redhead sucking his cock.

Behind the see-through window inside a dark room, several of the club's patrons, middle-aged and older white men all wearing their face masks and sipping wine from their glass watched the ongoing spectacle happening in the room. Two of the men there knew the women who were in the room with the black man, as they were the women's individual husbands. There was silence in the room except for the sound of their breathing, though once in a while it was punctuated by the men unzipping their pants and stroking their cocks and sometimes cheering on the live performance they were watching.

Thaddeus lowered the Asian on the bed. He too came and lay beside her and she once again sat on his face, letting him continue to feast on her pussy while she attacked his cock along with the redhead. Both women alternated between swallowing his testicles and sucking his shaft, moaning in their throats while they did. The redhead removed her blouse and rubbed his cock between her tits. The women shared a smooching kiss while his prick dangled between their chin. The Asian ground her ass cheeks over his face and she soared into a moaning frenzy as he nibbled lecherously on her clit, making her cum so quick. The sweet smell of her pussy juice seeped down on his face. She rolled off him to the side, gasping. The redhead slipped a condom over his cock them she herself slid on top of him, her skirt rode up her ass. Thad's cock felt the obstruction of her thong panties. He pushed it to the side and she reached a hand between her legs, took his cock and guided it into her pussy's entrance. She moaned as his cock's head slipped inside of her and moaned even louder when he thrust his hips and pushed more of his shaft inside her. Her arms cradled his head. Their lips kissed frantically as she began moving her ass up and down on his shaft. His cock slid in and out of her pussy easily and he gasped from the glistening feel it gave him.

The mechanics of their persistent fucking took over. He held her up and slammed his hips up against the bottom of her ass cheeks, driving his cock harder and harder inside her. Her tits swung over his face like pendulums. He grabbed a nipple like one grabbing a tight rope and bit on it. Her cries were high-pitched and her body moving in tandem with his was relentless.

"Ohhh ... how I love black cocks," she moaned into his ear, running her tongue up and down his cheek like one licking an ice cream. "Aaahhhh, your cock ... so good! It feels so good inside me!"

The Asian knelt behind her, cupping his testicles while the redhead bounced her buttocks on his prick. Thaddeus paused and his hands grasped the redhead's ass cheeks and his cock fell out, the Asian woman sucked his cock and licked the redhead's gaping hole before inserting his cock back into it. Later Thad pushed the redhead unceremoniously to the side and grabbed the Asian's hand and pulled her towards him. He changed position with her lying before him while he was between her legs. Her pussy was hairy and looked small. Her fingers opened her labia walls for him and she screeched when he thrust his cock into her pink canal. Behind the mirror, the Asian woman's husband tightened his hand on his cock while stroking it as he saw the look of hurt and lust appear on his wife's face. From inbuilt speakers they could all hear the sound of her moaning voice as she begged the black man to fuck her hard. This spurred the men into a mouth-watering frenzy as they all inched closer towards the glass mirror, not wanting to miss the sight of the man's cock delving in and out of her cunt. From the way she wrapped her arms and legs around him and the up and down movement of his buttocks, they knew he was giving her exactly what she wanted.

Thaddeus did cum momentarily afterwards and both women went on kissing and eating out each other's pussy while his cock came back with more power later. He saw the torn pack of condom the redhead had dropped on the floor and he wore another over his shaft. The redhead was on top of her colleague with her hands grasping her friend's ass cheeks from underneath, slurping her tongue on her pussy while her colleague too did the same. Thad came behind the redhead and she gasped when he plugged her pussy. He slapped her buttocks roughly and snapped at her to shut the fuck up and take his dick. The redhead whimpered continuously while he pistoned in and out of her, she too moved her butt backwards to capture more of his cock. The Asian bitch sucked on his testicles and Thaddeus offered her his cock to lap her friend's cum off his shaft then returned it back into the redhead's pussy. There was a hidden video camera filming their proceedings which connected to a TV screen inside the dark room where the other men watched from. They marvelled at the stamina of the black man; some made mental note of getting his details later on so they could invite him over to their respective homes to apply the same treatment to their wives in private.

Thaddeus slapped the redhead one last time then pushed her aside and proceeded to fuck the Asian's mouth. The redhead jumped onto of him and balanced her legs over his shoulders, gasping as he sucked and munched on her wet pussy while the Asian continued sucking him. The redhead had climaxed already and she screamed aloud when Thad made her cum once again. He lay on the bed and both women took turns riding his cock, both of them joshing each other even when they came down from him, pulled the condom off his shaft and studiously sucked him one after the other.

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