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Introducing Thaddeus Black Ch. 08

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The Devil wears high heels ... The End.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/31/2011
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It was past midnight on Green Street, across from Biloxi Avenue. Down here the bars and mamas and papas's shops were still open, spewing out the nightshift customers. It wasn't the sort of friendly neighbourhood cops enjoyed patrolling. Thaddeus parked the car a block from the red brick apartment building where he'd found the actual John Elwood he soughed. Earlier in the day he'd arrived here pretending to be a city councilman and had pressed the neighbours about Elwood and found out as little he could about him. Though what he did before his world connected him with the Loftus, he would never know.

Thaddeus had Hilda's gun in his jacket pocket as he and Constance approached the building; he'd left Blondie's behind in the car. Constance was a bit nervous and her eyes kept darting around the neighbourhood as if afraid someone dangerous might accost them. No one did. Few people passed them on the street; hardly anyone looked at them as odd.

They entered the building and Thaddeus pointed at the mail box slot that belonged to John Elwood which as well bore his apartment number. They went up the stairs to the third floor and stopped at his door. Constance stood behind as Thad knocked on the door. His other hand was in his jacket pocket cradling the gun. No answer came. He knocked again and still nothing. His hand tried the door handle and it came open for him. The interior of the room was dark as he and Constance stepped inside and went into the living room.

Suddenly a lamp light came on. There was the body of a man lying face down on the floor. There came a whimpered sound. Thaddeus and Constance froze as there heard a gun click, their heads turned towards the direction of the sound. Both of them looked with surprise and disbelief at who was in the room with them.

Nigel Mavers, Emmet Loftus's eminent butler, dressed in black, sat on a sofa beside Johnny whose arms and legs were tied in front of him and a gag wrapped around his mouth from which he made grunting sounds. Nigel looked at them with bitterness in his eyes. In his hand was a gun that was aimed at them.

"I've been expecting you all evening," he said to Thad. "I'm glad we can finally put everything to an end now."

Thaddeus stood there in the living room not moving an inch. Constance couldn't believe her eyes.

"Nigel? But why?"

Nigel glared at Constance with cold malice. "Why? You dare to ask why? The way you flaunted yourself with this black man," he indicated at the unconscious form that was Johnny. "You think all those months I never knew what was going on in that house. You running out in the evening playing slut while Emmet, your late beloved husband, my former boss, played cuckold to your whims. How you rubbished his household, turned it from what it once was and perpetuated its walls with your atrocious filth. Pathetic and disgusting. Then you went and had the nerve to get pregnant, bearing him someone else's child yet masking it to be his. I've waited all these years to tell you just how I feel about you and your worthlessness, and that's why I made all this happen. Except I couldn't do it, not with my boss still alive. The last thing I wanted to do was soil his name. So I waited and bided my time, saw his illness progress and knew it wouldn't be long. I got to talking with your sister. Apparently she too had a bone to pick with you, and that was how it went."

"It was you who talked my son into running away?"

The butler stood up. "Johnny and I had gotten close over the years, closer than you ever could think. He too knew things weren't straight between you and Emmet. I merely guided him into knowing who his real father was. He was going to run away without my help, except I help him down. I told him to wait for the right moment, that I'll connect him with someone who'll take him to meet with his real dad. That's where your sister and that incompetent boyfriend of hers fucked up and then the kid ran away. A good thing though I already knew where Elwood here lived. I didn't want to come down right away. I needed you and your detective preoccupied elsewhere. That's why I tipped the cops about your kid missing. I was going to dispatch him before anyone knew what was going on. Too bad I couldn't count on your sister either to hold you down."

"Always knew something was fishy about you, Nigel," admitted Thad. "What I want to know is why. It's not for money, is it?"

Nigel hissed. "Don't dare stand there and insult me. If it's money, I've got more than enough salted away. No, it was never about money. It was about making things right. Keeping the scum in their place and never having them mingle with the clean. My former boss was a good man who deserved better than being married to this thrash whore. And you, detective, for budding into what never concerned you. Her sister's boyfriend should have gotten rid of you when he had the chance. I was pretty furious when he let you get the better of him."

"I'd be careful how you point that thing, Nigel," Thad indicated at his gun. "You don't have a silencer to that. It's going to make a loud noise in here if you pull the trigger."

Nigel grinned and picked up a couch pillow. "I've got an even better idea. Both of you start walking behind you towards the bedroom. We'll settle everything in there."

"You're never going to get away with it."

"We'll see," Nigel said grimly. "And even if I won't, least I'll be happy you won't be around to see it. Now move."

Thaddeus positioned Constance in front of him and they began shuffling down the corridor towards the open door that was the bedroom ahead of them with Nigel a few steps behind. Thad felt the gun pressing against his pocket; he hadn't forgotten about it. As they stepped through the open door of the bedroom, Thaddeus, without clear thought, pushed Constance hard to the right side of the room away from Nigel's clear path while he dove to the left. Constance gave a sudden shout and nearly collided her head on the floor. A gun shot rang out and hit the far wall. Thaddeus dove his hand into his pocket for the gun almost the same time he fell on the floor and half turned to face the doorway. Nigel appeared there seconds later and trained his gun at him. Thaddeus felt an explosion seconds before he realised he had fired his gun from inside his pocket. There was smoke curling out the end of his jacket pocket and it was then he noticed the shocked, dismayed look on Nigel's face. He was leaning against the doorway, clutching his chest; the couch pillow dropped from his hand. He tried to say something but coughed out a mouthful of blood. Constance held her head in her hands and she was screaming out loud as his gun fell from his hand and then he fell forward into the room.

Thaddeus approached him and turned him over. There was a puncture wound a little above his chest where he had shot it and blood was oozing out of it. He left the butler and went to Constance's aid. He pulled her into his arms and fought to calm her down; he turned her face away from the sight of her dead servant.

"It's okay, Constance, it's okay." She was shaking in his arms. He whispered words into her ear and didn't let go of her. He kept on patting her back gently even as she gradually began to calm down. "It's all right. He's not going to hurt us. Not anymore."

He helped her up and together they walked past Nigel's body and returned to the living room. Thad helped Johnny out of his bounds and stood back as he reunited with his mother, both of them crying in each other's arms.

The sound of the gun shots had already awakened the folks in the apartment and neighbourhood. Someone had placed a call to the police. Even as Thaddeus stood over the unconscious form of John Elwood, he could hear the sirens wailing in the distance.


More than an hour later and the scene outside the apartment building still hadn't calmed down. Ambulances arrived to cart away the corpse. John Elwood was soon revived. He had a pronounced bump on his forehead and a deep cut on his arm due to some struggle he'd had with the dead butler; he rode with the ambulance too, but not before he hugged Constance and shook hands with Thad for arriving at the nick of time. A night crew press van arrived at the scene less than a half hour after the cops had and coupled with the growing crowd of onlookers out on the street, it turned the neighbourhood into a bedlam of noise and movement. Thaddeus came and rescued Constance and Johnny from the influx of surrounding cameras and pressmen sticking mikes at their faces. He led them towards a cop's car and pleaded with the lead detective to escort her home.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said to her. She held onto his arm as he was about turning away.

"Will there be much trouble for you?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so. The cops are going to grill me pretty hard over everything, which means I won't be getting much sleep between today and tomorrow. They're going to want to talk to you, though I've already told the lead cops to let you go for now. Go get yourself some sleep."

"Goodbye, mister," her son Johnny waved at him as the car began to move.

"Bye, kid," Thad waved back.

The policeman behind the wheel turned on his siren to clear the road of people that blocked his path. Several pressmen ran after them taking camera shots. Constance and Johnny looked through the back window at Thaddeus who stood remained where he was watching them go before the crowd once again blanketed him from view.


Four days later.

Thaddeus was in his office sometime in the afternoon going over some paperwork when Sarah stuck her head through his door and made a noise. He looked up at her and mouthed, 'what?'

"There's a lady here to see you," she said before opening the door for his guest to enter.

Thaddeus dropped the papers he had in his hand and stood up as Constance strolled into his office. She was looking smart and hot in a snappy high-neck cream blouse and jacket with a skirt to match, with a handbag on her shoulder. Her blonde hair matched the brightness of her smile as she approached his desk with cat-like grace. Thaddeus couldn't help feeling a stirring in his crotch as she came and kissed his cheek.

"Nice to see you again, Thad," she said.

"Always nice seeing you, Constance. You're looking mighty fine today."

"I've been basking in warm happiness since that night you found my son. How about you? How's everything been for you?"

They sat down across from each other. "I'm doing great," he said. "The cops weren't all that happy knowing that I was on the case way ahead of them, but that's a chill pill they'll have to swallow. Though it's not going to win me much friends with them. Plus, I ruined a good jacket that night."

"I'm sorry about that. It's my fault, I should have mentioned it to them that day I left your place and returned home."

"I'm glad you didn't, or else they'd have been pounding on my door later that afternoon. How's Johnny by the way?"

"He's doing great. Still a bit shaken up over everything. He told me how Nigel had been feeding him nonsense about myself and Emmet, and how Nigel sneaked him out of the house. I never knew he was capable of such."

"There was no way you could have known, Constance. Don't blame yourself about it."

"Hopefully I won't. Anyway, I brought something for you," she delved into her handbag and took out a check slip. "This is for everything you've done for me, and an added plus for returning that money bag."

Thaddeus took the check and looked at it. His eyebrows went up as he read the five-digit numbers scribbled on it. "Constance, I don't know if I can accept this. This is way too much what you owe me."

"Enough to buy you ten more jackets," she quipped. "I don't need that much jacket."

"Whatever, consider it an added bonus," she said. "You got my son back, you stopped me from getting ripped off by my sister and her boyfriend, and then you stopped my butler from doing something terrible to my son ... I owe you a lot more. Please accept that check; I'll be really sad if you don't."

Thaddeus thought for a moment, then said: "Maybe there is something you can do that'll make me accept it."

"Name it," she said. "Anything."

He did.


Back at his apartment, Thaddeus lay on his bed naked except for the pair of briefs he had on. He made like he was sleeping. There came a knock on his door and he told whoever it was to come in. The door creaked open and in walked Constance, wearing her half-cup bra, garter belt and thigh high stockings with high heels and a smile, looking like hot-stepping sex siren. She climbed up on the bed before him. In her hand were two pairs of handcuffs taken from Thaddeus's office drawer. She waved them for him to see.

"Are you ready to be tied up, mister?" she cooed. "It's going to be just you and I from now to midnight."

Thaddeus smiled. "Did I ever tell you something my old man said to me once?"

"Do tell."

"He said, 'son, never you believe what them preachers say. When the Devil comes to you, she's going to be wearing high heels.' I guess that's what you are right now."

She came down to her knees and grazed her face against his briefs, over the bulge that appeared under it. She took his left hand and clasped a handcuff over it and locked the other end to the side of the bed post and did the same to his right hand. Thaddeus was now virtually her prisoner. She slid her tongue into his mouth and they kissed hard and deep. She came down from his, grabbed the sides of his briefs and pulled it down his waistline; his cock shot out from it, erect and pulsing with life. She stroked it then took it into her mouth. She gave his rod a long pull before popping her mouth off it, then swallowed it once again. Her mouth made slurping sounds and she moaned to herself while she sucked him. Thaddeus moaned from the reaction. He pumped his pelvis up to shoot more of his prick into her mouth. She spat on his cock and stroked it some more while she pressed her face on his balls, lapping each sac with her tongue. Soon her lover face glistened with her saliva and his pre-cum as she alternated between sucking his cock and swallowing his balls. She delved a hand into her panties and fingered her wet clit.

Constance stopped then crawled over him. She reached a hand behind her back and freed her tits from her bra and cast the bra aside. She held her breasts before his face and brought his head forward to her chest. Thaddeus sucked on her soft flesh, mashed his lips on her tits and squeezed his lips on her nibbles, making her moan with lust. She caressed his head and frantically kissed his earlobe while she pressed herself against him.

"I want your cock now," she moaned. "I want it now so bad."

She came off the bed and took off her panties before climbing back on top of him. His cock beat against the back of buttocks. She reached down between her legs for it and guided it into her cunt's entrance. Thaddeus almost felt like cumming when his prick's head penetrated her tight hole. Constance relaxed her virginal muscles as she lowered herself further down on him. She moaned as she did this and when she'd settled down on him, raised herself once again and came down hard on his impalement. She did this until her cunt had gotten wide enough from his girth and thus proceeded to ride him. Her face was a mask of hurt and pain and pleasure as she brought her hands on her chest and grooved her ass back and forth faster and faster. The gasping increased and so too did her whimpering moaned. She alternated between riding him and bouncing her buttocks on him, slamming down hard on his pelvis. The bed shook under their weight and activity, their moans filled the room like music. Thaddeus, unable to move his arms, could only enjoy the show. The eyes went from the glazed look in Constance's eyes to the vibrant bouncing of her tits. She fell forward over him, her hair coming down on his face. She swept her hair back, grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

"Ohh God ... you're so deed! Awwgggghhh ... fuck! I love you! I fucking love you!"

"You want me fucking you more and more?" he grunted. "Oh yes! Oh yes! You and no other!"

Her tits pressed and bounced against his face. Thad caught either one with his mouth and bit down on her nipple.

Constance sat up on the bed and held onto him while her ass went up and down his shaft. She wished they'd set up a camera at the end of the room that would videotape the sight off her buttocks going down on him; she really would love to see that.

She remained impaled on him as she turned three-sixty on him in reverse mode, now having her ass faced him. She leaned forward and grabbed hold of his legs while her ass cheeks bounced up and down on him. Thaddeus loved the sight of her ass, the sight of her pussy juice pouring down his shaft. Had his hands not been handcuffed to the bed he would have given them a smack. He kept on moving his pelvis against her. Constance played with her pussy and she fell back on him when she felt the rush of her climax. Thaddeus too was about to cum. She was aware of it and bounced her ass harder on him. Thad felt himself let go, pumping copious semen juice straight into her. Constance felt her body shudder and she too cried out from it, but remained on top of him, feeling his juice seep into her, filling her up.

When finally he was done and his cock began to shrink inside her, she came down from him and sucked his cock clean. She got the cuff keys and released him from his temporary prison then cuddled in his arms. They took warmth in the silence and moment.

"I wish it would be like this always," she murmured against his chest.

"I wish the same too," he said.

Outside, the outlook of the day gradually turned to early evening. Still they remained as they were holding each other, wishing they would remain that way till the end of the world came and went.

Constance didn't feel like returning home. She remained with him till the following morning.


Five days later after the news of her missing son had faded into history, Thaddeus drove Constance and Johnny in his Coupe DeVille to the airport. She was leaving Paris. They arrived at the airport an hour before her plane was to be boarded. Thad sat with her and they made light conversation while they waited; Johnny went into a dispensary shop to get an ice cream. Constance turned her immediate concern to Thaddeus.

"I wish you were coming with me," she said.

"Nothing I wouldn't love to do other than that," he replied.

"Then why can't I talk you into doing it."

"Because we're from different worlds, Constance. Your world wouldn't fit into mine, likewise mine wouldn't fit in with yours. I thought we discussed this last night."

"We did," she sighed, pulled her hair from her face. "I just wish I could talk you into it."

He took her hand and held it in his, feeling his fingers over hers. "Life sometimes isn't always the way it should be, but that don't mean it should be any different. You need time to heal. Take my advice: head out to Paris, and wherever else you want to go, spend time with your boy, talk and listen to him. When you return, I'll be here waiting."

She looked at him with deep longing. "Do you really mean that? Will you really be waiting?"

"In the flesh," he said.

She looked away at the milling crowd around them. "You know the cops still haven't found Blondie. I'm scared for you, Thad."

"I can handle myself. If the bastard dares show his face around my 'hood, I'll crack his skull and leave him bleeding by the sidewalk. But he'd never going to show. He'll have to be very dumb to think of that."

"All the more reason why I want you to come to Paris with me. We could be together, just you and me."

"I've got my work to do here, Constance," he soothed her.

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