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Irene and Alan - Husband & Wife

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Exhibitionist wife Irene shared by voyeur husband Adam.
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Alan Ludkeke was twenty-eight and a recent graduate from Hill City Culinary School. At the moment he was employed at Hi Thyme a trendy upscale restaurant located in the revitalized business district down town. He currently worked as the Sous-Chef but had hopes of one day owning his own restaurant. In the meantime he intended to do all that he could to learn the business.

His wife Irene had received a two year degree in Office Management and worked in the billing department of Wilson, Jones and Spencer which was a moderately successful law practice. She had worked there for several years and had been instrumental in helping Alan complete culinary school.

They had met while attending Standish High School when Irene's parents moved to Hill City in her senior year. She and Alan had become inseparable almost immediately. They had actually been the King and Queen of the Senior Prom when they graduated in 2011.

Irene was a cheer leader and Adam played tight end on the school football team. No one had been surprised when they became engaged right after graduation and a few months later announced their upcoming wedding.

Now, ten years later, tipping the scale at one hundred seventeen pounds Irene still retained much of her trim figure and good looks. She was never drop dead gorgeous but she embodied the girl next door attributes so many men found irresistible.

She was vivacious and men found her impossible to ignore. In addition, she was built on a 5' 4" frame which was well proportioned.

Even though her bust size was only 34" her breasts easily filled a "C" cup. She had a small waist that hovered around 23" and 35" hips. Her complexion was milk white and blemish free with the exception of a sprinkling of freckles that dusted across her cheeks and nose. The freckles were a gift from her Irish heritage as was her wavy and luxuriant chestnut red hair.

Fending off advances from a variety of men was a constant problem despite the wedding ring that adorned the ring finger of her left hand. The fact that she adored clothing that highlighted her body was probably also part of the problem. Although the clothing she chose to wear was often suggestive and even occasionally revealing everything she wore was tasteful.

She and Alan had a long standing discussion over the subject. During numerous discussions in the past several years Alan had made it clear that he adored her and was obsessed with her body. He loved the risqué clothing that she chose to wear. He claimed not to have a jealous bone in his body and on more than one occasion he had encouraged her to wear clothing that was quite revealing.

Tonight was one of the few occasions that Alan was off and they had plans to take in a movie. Irene had chosen to wear a leaf green blouse that buttoned up the front and a dark green tight skirt. Alan liked it when she dressed to accentuate her attributes and, to tell the truth, she got a buzz from it also.

Alan watched as she walked down the stairs. When she reached the bottom she struck a pose to get his response. The frown on his face gave away his dissatisfaction.

"What is it?" Irene asked. "What don't you like? We still have plenty of time so I can change."

"No I like what you're wearing but I wish that you would lose the bra."

"You want me to go out in public, to the movies, without a bra? Maybe I should just take off my panties too."

"That's a great idea Irene. Lose the bra and panties and then don't bother to button the top three buttons of your blouse. That way I can catch an occasional glimpse of your nipples."

"You and everyone else." I replied.

"So what's wrong with that? I love it when you show off your body to strangers and you know damn well that it turns you on too. Where's the problem?"

Sighing Irene replied "I'm just thinking that this may be a little farther than we have ever gone before. It will certainly be a new experience. What the hell, I'm already getting turned on so give me a minute."

Rushing back upstairs Irene took off her blouse and removed her bra. Then she put the blouse back on and tucked it into her skirt remembering to leave the top three buttons undone. The hell with it she thought and left the fourth button undone also.

Raising her skirt she slipped her panties over her rounded ass and down along her full thighs and trim calves. The coolness felt funny on her pussy. The curly red hair of her bush did nothing to deter the air moving over the lips of her pussy.

This time when she came down the stairs she was rewarded with a lustful look of anticipation and approval from her husband.

They had decided to attend one of the earlier shows so it was not too crowded. When they approached the concession counter Alan ordered her to turn so that the young man behind the counter would get a good look into her blouse. The startled look on his face was evidence enough that he had gotten an eyeful. Alan looked at her and smiled.

After getting popcorn and drinks they located suitable seats and waited for the movie to begin. The lights were low and Alan turned towards Irene as if to say something and slipped his hand inside her blouse. Even though it was light enough to see what he was doing he did not stop as another couple came down the row in front of them. When the wife saw Alan's hand inside Irene's blouse she quickly looked away but the man continued to stare until his wife said something sharply to him.

Alan just chuckled and removed his hand.

During the movie, with Irene's help, he managed to get his hand under her skirt and spent some time with his middle finger buried in her pussy. He kept flipping his finger over her clit and it was all that Irene could do to sit still. She could hardly wait for the movie to end. The diner that she had been promised after the movie no longer interested her. She wanted to go home and satisfy herself with a prolonged fuck session.

Irene couldn't even remember what the movie was about but it finally ended and they gathered up their trash. As they walked up the aisle she felt Alan's hand on her ass.

She was pretty sure what was coming next and felt her husband's hand slide down to the hem of her skirt and start to raise it higher. Irene glanced back over her shoulder to see who was behind her and saw two college boys watching her intently.

Slowly Alan raised the hem of her skirt until the cheeks of her ass peeked out. Assuming that he would stop there, she was surprised when he continued to raise the skirt hem until half of her milky white ass was revealed.

As I began to squirm Alan finally relented and dropped my skirt as I dumped the trash. I was able to sneak a look at the two students who were smiling broadly and talking animatedly about their great luck. I dug an elbow into Alan's ribs as I felt his hand on my ass again but when I looked it was one of the young men who had grabbed my ass as they passed. I glanced at Alan and he just smiled back at me.

The lights had been turned up in the lobby as those leaving mingled with the new people arriving for the next viewing. As we headed toward the door I heard someone calling out my name. OMG it was one of the attorneys from my office. I couldn't let him see me like this. As I turned toward my husband to hurry him along it was clear that I was already too late.

Hearing my name, Alan turned toward Stewart and waved as he grabbed my hand and drug me in that direction. I tried to resist without making it obvious but to no avail. A moment later we were standing facing Stewart Jones one of the principles in Wilson, Jones and Spencer where I worked. To make matters worse my husband maneuvered me into a position where Stewart had an unrestricted view of my breast through the gaping open top of my blouse.

Color rose on my face as I helplessly watched Stewart staring at my exposed breasts. At that moment my husband nudged me forcing me to bend forward allowing my nipple to come into view. I stood there helplessly as one of one of my bosses enjoyed an unfettered look at my breast and nipple.

When we finally got to our car I unloaded on my husband. "What the hell were you thinking back there?"

Alan glanced over at me and smiled. "Irene you know that you want to expose yourself. You love it."

"You idiot, that was one of my bosses."

"I know. That was the most erotic thing that you've ever done. The look on his face as he stared at your bare nipple was priceless. Now don't lie to me. You got off on it too didn't you?"

"I... well yes I guess so but I was so embarrassed and so damn turned on. My boss was staring at my exposed nipple. When I see him at work Monday it's really going to be interesting."

We decided to skip diner and head home. I was really revved up and I needed to get laid. Fortunately Alan was in the mood also. I wonder why.

Alan had always dreamed of watching as his wife was fucked by another man. Although some might question his motives he did not. What he knew was that it excited him tremendously to simply think of it. If he were completely honest he had to admit that he really didn't care who fucked Irene. He wasn't a jealous person he just wanted to be able to watch. With that thought in mind he began to seriously work on the problem.

Fate sometimes has a funny way of stepping in when it's least expected and most welcome.

Monday at work Irene was called into the boss's office. He told her that he was having a party for a select few of the employees at his home the following weekend. Irene and Alan were invited.

When Irene returned home Monday evening she found Alan sitting in his favorite chair in the living room with a drink and a book.

Walking over to the bar to fix her own drink Irene casually asked "How would you like to go to a party this weekend?"

"Who's giving a party?"

"My boss is having a small get together at his home Saturday and we've been invited. Are you interested?"

His mind immediately started to consider the possibilities as he casually told his wife "Sure. It sounds like fun."

Sensing that this might be a good opportunity to get his wife fucked as he watched Alan moved immediately into planning mode.

The first thing that he would need to do was decide how to convince his wife to go along. She had never been receptive to the idea before. It seemed that showing her body to other men was okay but actually having sex with them was taboo. He'd have to figure a way around that.

Would one of those date rape drugs work? Was there something that he could put into one of her drinks that would loosen her inhibitions and make her more receptive to the advances of other men? He'd read somewhere that these drugs even kept the victim from remembering what they had done. He really wanted her to remember so that she might be more willing in the future but you can't have everything.

By the end of the week Alan's preparations were almost complete. During the week one of his coworkers had supplied him with a small envelope of powder that was just what he was looking for. It would dissolve quickly and was tasteless. If it worked correctly, within a few minutes Irene would become very malleable and receptive to almost any sexual suggestion. She would become drowsy but still somewhat in control of her faculties.

"Irene, what are you planning to wear tonight?"

"Oh that's right! I didn't show you the new dress that I bought did I? It's an off the shoulder sheath that flares from the waist."


"Well so much for trying to explain clothing to a man. Come upstairs and I'll show you."

As I trudged up the stairs to look at my wife's latest acquisition my mind was busily working on my last problem. How was I going to get her to wear something revealing.

When I walked into the room I quickly realized my problem was solved.

Irene held up a dark green dress that would contrast beautifully with her rich red hair and milky white complexion. What amazed me was how little of it there was. All I could say was "Wow!"

"I guess that means that you approve."

"Approve? You'll be stunning in that dress."

"Here's what I meant by off the shoulder. It's held up by these two little straps."

Ever the helpful husband I replied "It shows a lot of cleavage doesn't it?"

"I thought that you liked to show me off."

"You know that I do. It seems awfully short too. Will it even cover your ass?"

"Yes Alan, it will cover my ass but just barely! Do you have any other illuminating comments?"

I smiled. "I just have one other comment dear."

"And what might that be?"

"I don't want you to wear any underwear. No bra and no panties."

Suddenly the smug look on her face turned to one of alarm.

"Whoa now wait a minute. I bought this because I know that it's a turn on for you to show me off but.... but... that's just a little too much."

"Sweetheart you bought that dress because you like to show yourself off. I'm just making sure that you do an excellent job of it."

"Damn it Alan. If I don't wear any underwear anyone will be able to look down the front and see my tits and nipples if I bend over. For heaven's sake any man taller than I am will be able to see down the front of the dress. And that's only part of my problems. If I bend over at all they'll be able to see my ass cheeks. Sitting down without showing my crotch will be a nightmare. What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about having a great time tonight. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about wearing underwear."

"Well if you do you need to be thinking about staying home."

"We can't do that. I already accepted the invitation. How would it look if we didn't show up?"

"That would be your problem sweetheart."

"You know I can't back out now."

"Well then I guess you don't have a choice. No underwear and we go. Underwear and we stay home. What'll it be?"

"All right we go but I'm not happy about this."

We arrived at the party about 8:30 and were met at the door by Irene's boss and his wife. They seemed like nice people and welcomed us into their home.

It became clear that even Irene did not know all of these people. We aren't a clingy couple so we decided to split up and circulate. This was fine by me because I noticed that my wife had already drawn the attention of several of the men.

Since no one knew me it was easy for me to listen in to the conversations happening around the room. As I passed one group of four men I paused and heard one of them say "Did you get a look at Irene tonight? That damn dress is to die for."

Another commented "What there is of it. It barely covers her ass and I'm pretty sure that she isn't wearing a bra. I wonder if she has on any panties under there. I'd love to find out."

As I paused by another group I heard "Damn I don't know what's come over Irene but she is really hot tonight. I was at the buffet table when she came over. When she bent over the table to reach the shrimp cocktail I got a good look down the front of her dress. She's not wearing a bra and those tits of hers are magnificent."

Moments later I caught a look at my wife as she danced with one of the other guests. The back of her dress was nonexistent and he had his hand on her back slowly rubbing it up and down her soft smooth skin. Each time he slid his hand down it went lower. I waited patiently to see how low he would go and was rewarded as I watched his hand dip down and briefly cover the top of her ass. By the time the dance was over his hand was under my wife's dress resting on her bare ass which really surprised me. It seems Irene was really getting into the party.

While I was eavesdropping near yet another group I heard the music pick up the beat as a new song began. One of the men commented "I think that I'm going to ask Irene to dance. With this kind of a beat I can twirl her and maybe the rest of you will be able to tell me if she is wearing any panties. What do you think?"

One of the men urged him on saying "Go for it!" and the others all made similar comments.

Fortified by alcohol and the encouragement of his friends he crossed the room to Irene. I could see them talking for a few moments and then they took the floor. He was an excellent dancer and I knew that Irene was also. It soon became obvious that they were in the groove and the other dancers slowly opened room for them. Several dancers actually sat down to watch.

As if on cue he twirled my wife and the skirt rose up. Whoever designed the dress knew what they were doing because the skirt billowed out filling with air but refusing to flare out high enough to satisfy anyone's curiosity. A few moments later he tried again but this time he twirled her quickly in one direction and then back in the other.

The dressmaker's design was momentarily defeated as the skirt rose revealing about half of my wife's lovely ass. Then, to everyone's surprise, when she was twirled back in the opposite direction there was just a moment when we had a tantalizing glimpse of her pussy. Shortly after that the song ended and the man returned Irene to where she had been standing and then rejoined the group.

Breathlessly he said "Well? How about it? Is she wearing panties? I did my best."

One of his friends replied "You did quite well. No panties. We got a great view of her ass and I believe there was even a moment when you could see her pussy but I'm not sure."

"I am!" said another. "I saw enough of her pussy to know that I would certainly love to get a more up close and personal look. I wonder if we can. She is certainly not acting the way she does at work. We need to figure out a way to sample those goodies."

The third man commented "Is her husband here? He might have something to say about it even though he hasn't said anything so far and let her come here dressed like that."

As I moved on I checked my watch and noticed that it was almost eleven. It was time to put my plan into action.

I saw Irene on the other side of the room conversing with two men. She was turned toward the one that was making some point and the other guy was blatantly looking down the front of her dress. I'm not entirely sure but it looked to me like my wife was doing all she could to give him a good look.

As I approached from the side and rear I noticed that the second man was running his hand up and down her bare back as he spoke. Every now and then his hand would dip into the waist of Irene's dress and slide down onto her bare ass. I was actually sorry to break up their little party but I had bigger plans.

Walking up I said "Sweetheart I've been looking for you. We have hardly seen each other since we got here. Let's go get some food and a fresh drink and sit for a while."

"That sounds like a lovely idea Alan. Please excuse me gentlemen."

We each picked up a plate and began to fill them with mini sandwiches, shrimp, smoked fish and a variety of crackers and cheese. When we found a suitable place Irene sat with the plates while I went to the bar for drinks.

As we sampled the food I surveyed the crowd and noticed that more than one man was looking in our direction. "It must be the skirt" I thought. Sure enough when I looked her skirt had ridden up her thighs quite a ways. Irene had placed her plate in her lap as she ate. Being the exhibitionist that she was, she couldn't resist the opportunity and had spread her legs apart stretching the skirt to hold the plate.

When I looked up again I found myself looking at one of the men who had been considering how to get a better look at her goodies. He was getting his wish. It was almost as if he felt me looking at him because he tore his eyes away for a moment and looked directly at me. Something seemed to pass between us as I nodded my head and smiled. His gaze returned to the dark space between my wife's legs.

Moments later Irene excused herself to go to the restroom. Taking advantage of the opportunity I discretely emptied the contents of my little envelope into her drink. I thought I had been very careful but maybe I wasn't as smart as I thought.


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