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Truer Than Some? Ch. 01

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Appreciating Mom's body leads into dangerous territory.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/07/2019
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As always, my characters involved in the sex are all over the age of 18. Since this is my fantasy, there are no STD's or unwanted pregnancies. All of my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are only mentioned when part of the sex. They also eat when needed; none of my characters go hungry.

This story is in a similar vein to some of my previous submissions. Most of the events have some amount of truth to them but there is exaggeration and muddled timelines. Some of the events occurred with other people, not relatives, and have been woven into this tale. Some are entirely fictional. I'll leave it to you, the reader, to decide what is what.

The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Some of the story rosa-blanca.ru need time to develop.

This story also takes longer to wind up than some of my submissions. There is no actual sex included in this chapter but the incest theme is present. There is a great deal of teasing.

Please enjoy, comments are always appreciated and high votes massage my ego.


I first met my mother on my sixteenth birthday. Well, that's not quite true. She was a part of my life until just after I turned three. At that time she abandoned me, taking my younger brother and sister with her. I did not see her again until I was sixteen.

In the intervening years, my father kept us living in another state and somewhat in secrecy. He would go to where she lived every year or so to spend time with my siblings. I never had the same opportunity.

Our birthday meeting was instigated by my mother as my younger brother had been making a pain in the ass of himself and wanted to meet his father. Dad had not visited in some years. It was not a matter of being unable to, he was just a cash starved drunk.

Anyway, the meeting was set for my grandparents' apartment in the same state that my mother and family lived in. The building had a convenience store in the basement. Nan sent me down there to pick up some forgotten item. I don't remember what.

The Lobby entrance was actually on the third floor and the store was on the first floor. I was shocked when the elevator door opened and I found myself looking at my mother. I was somewhat of a shy kid at that point so I did not know what to say. We exchanged hellos.

That visit went well although I never recovered from my shyness around my mother nor did she and I spend any time alone. It was really all about my father and his two younger kids. I was shuffled off to the side. Literally, I sat up against a wall to the side, partially hidden by an armchair.

I did not speak to my mother much that day or for the next two years. My father and brother conspired to have my brother join us in our state. My sister joined us shortly thereafter. The two of them just could not get along. There were continuous fights in the household and my brother ended up returning to my mother.

My sister lasted a little longer but just after my eighteenth birthday, she wanted to go home as well. It was a twelve hour train ride back and neither my mother nor my father wanted my cute fifteen year old sister traveling alone. I volunteered to escort her. My father agreed as long as I paid my own fare. The cheap bastard was not willing to sacrifice any of his personal booze budget.

The train left at midnight and we were met at our destination by my mother, brother, and grandmother. Laura, my sister, rushed to them being hugged by both women but not our brother.

While Laura was being welcomed home, I stood off to the side unsure of myself. I still did not really know my mother and this was my first time meeting my grandmother that I could remember.

Eventually, Laura broke apart from the welcoming committee. That meant it was my turn. Both my mother and my grandmother hugged me to them and kissed my cheeks. Granny Lil was a great hugger, holding me long and tightly. Mom was much more restrained.

Soon enough, we were loaded into the car and on our way "home". I was surprised when we arrived to find that this was the neighbourhood hotspot for kids and adults.

Mom and her husband lived in a very working class neighbourhood and were the only ones close by that had a big, beautiful, inground swimming pool. Mom and her husband were also weekend drunks.

Between the beer and the pool, everyone around wanted to be on the invitation list. Mom took me by the hand and introduced me to what must have been forty adults. Some were my relatives and some were just friends. It did not really matter to me, I forgot most of their names within moments of being introduced.

Since I was dressed for my usual more northern climate, Mom suggested I go inside and change into my bathing suit. After admitting I had not brought one, she suggested shorts, which I had brought.

Returning poolside after my wardrobe change, I noted that, if anything, the crowd had grown. Still being a somewhat shy guy, I was kind of overwhelmed. I saw that Mom and Granny were in the middle of the crowd, each with a beer in hand.

I only noted one empty seat and that was off by itself. Perfect choice for me. It also had the appeal of their family dog's bed being right beside it.

Once seated, I began scoping out the drunken people around the pool. I ignored the kids around and in the pool. There was quite a good number of attractive women in the group.

I should also point out there were a large number of late teen girls around as well. My kid brother was good looking and quite gregarious. He and his friends had good taste in choosing girlfriends.

I was interrupted by Mom approaching me. I hoped she was not going to drag me away to meet even more people.

"Are you okay, Rick?" she asked me.

I nodded my response.

"Laura says you are pretty shy. Is that true?"

I almost stammered out my agreement with this statement.

"I know you're not of legal age yet but would you like a beer? Would that help?" she asked.

"Yeah, that would be great," I responded. Those were probably the most consecutive words I had uttered since my arrival.

Mom walked away toward the house. She was wearing tight shorts and possessed a great, well toned ass. I could not tear my eyes off of it. Partway to the house Granny joined her. I noticed right away that Granny had a great ass too.

Let me stop here for a moment to give you readers some biographical details. Granny had her first born child, Mom, at the age of fourteen. Mom had her first born child, me, at the age of fifteen. I had just turned eighteen making Mom thirty three years old and Granny forty seven.

These two women were very similar in appearance. They both stood about five foot three, one hundred ten pounds, great asses, and attractive breasts. Mom was a brunette with brown eyes and large B boobs. Granny had dyed blonde hair, green eyes, and probably about C cups.

This was back in the days before every home had a computer and porn was still only available in seedy theatres. In the coming years, once the world had passed that hurdle, I discovered that Mom had a stunning resemblance to pornstar India Summer and Granny looked remarkably similar to Jenny Sativa only older and with slightly smaller tits.

My mother and grandmother took so long coming back outside that I assumed my beer was long forgotten. I went back to checking the women around the pool.

I was startled when Mom thrust a beer in front of me. She had changed while inside from her shorts and top to a bikini. Think retro bikini here since it was the seventies, not a micro bikini or anything like it. The swimwear did fit her well though but was a little loose in the top. With Mom bending over, the top gaped and I saw a boob right down to her nipple.

That was it! I was snapped into lust for my mother. It was the beginning of an attraction I would feel for her until her final years. I do not know whether I was breast fed as a baby but I desperately wanted to feed on them now.

Making sure I was comfortable and not wanting to join them, she walked back poolside. The bikini she was wearing was tight in the butt and well moulded to her cheeks. I watched every step she took.

When my gaze broke away from her, I noticed that Granny was watching me. She must have caught me staring at my mother's ass. I am sure I started to blush. Granny raised her own beer bottle to me in a silent toast.

I wish I could say that more developed between my mother and I on that visit but would be telling you a lie if I did. But, after I went home, Mom and I began to develop a relationship.

We spoke on the phone regularly about the events current in our lives. Since I was completing my final year of high school and my old man was never around to hear my stories, Mom heard them all. All, but within reason, of course. She did not need to hear about the binge drinking with my buddies, the shoplifting, the multiple counts of breaking and entering I was charged with, nor the sexual fumblings with local girls.

I managed to escape high school with a low A average and was designated as the alternate class valedictorian. I began a job within a week of my last exams ending. The following summer, I was allowed a two week vacation with pay.

My best friend and I were able to synchronize our holidays allowing us to go somewhere together. It literally took us weeks and weeks to decide where we should spend our vacation. After ruling out hundreds of possibilities, we decided to visit my mother and spend time in the pool.

Mom agreed to our proposed visit and plans were made. Twelve hours after boarding the train, we arrived in Windsor. Mom and Granny were there waiting for us. This time I hugged back as tightly as they hugged me.

In the intervening time between this visit and the one prior, Mom had told me a great deal about herself. One thing that I soon came to realize was that she and her mother were drinking buddies and that they were what became known as party girls. That point was only hinted at.

That particular concept was hammered home when Granny suggested we stop for drinks at one of her favourite watering holes. We did and we did get somewhat hammered. The train had arrived just after noon and it was almost six by the time we arrived home. The train station was only a ten minute drive from Mom's home.

We spent the evening sitting by the pool and drinking. Just the four of us. Mom's husband was working the overnight shift and my siblings were living with my father again. I had learnt that my mother was a terrible cook. She had served burnt to a crisp burgers. Unfortunately, time would tell the tale that her cooking skills were non-existent whether or not beer was involved.

Late in the night, we were sitting in the outdoor lounge near the fire pit. The seats were like small couches, made of bamboo and covered in canvas. Mom and I sat at opposite ends of one while Granny and Chuck sat on the other.

The beer continued to be quaffed and a good time was being had by all.

Mom needed to have a pee. I watched her ass hungrily as she walked back to the house. The swaying of her hips was due to the amount of beer she had consumed. And, the sway only made her firm butt look even better.

Chuck and Granny were talking about something. They were sitting close together and their voices were low. I had no clue what they were discussing but I knew I was not going to be included in the conversation even though they had seen my mother leave.

I decided to leave them alone since I was being ignored anyway. I walked around the pool and then up to the second garden level.

Although this was a working class neighbourhood, Mom and her husband had bought four neighboring houses over the year as income properties. Apparently one house was a wreck and the cost of renovating it so high, they had it torn down. With all the backyards connected and the vacant lot, they had a great garden area as well as the pool, of course.

There was not much to see in the second level especially in the dark. Just the shadows of the flowers could be discerned. I noticed a bench seat in the far corner, almost hidden by trees and bushes, so I walked over and sprawled out. Yup, sprawled, like a drunken lout, which I was.

I was almost dozing off, enjoying the silence and the ambiance when Mom returned. I did not realize she was back until she tripped across my long legs, falling across me. She let out a loud yeek as I reached out to catch her.

Mom landed lying across me as if she were in the traditional spanking position. When I reached out to grab her, my hand landed on the wonderful ass I had been admiring since I met her on my sixteenth birthday.

My reaction times had been slowed by the amount of beer imbibed throughout the day. My hand did not move off her ass in a quick manner. Mom started shaking her bum when my hand stayed frozen. Rather than interpret her movement as a signal to take my hand away, I decided it was an invitation. A shitload of beer and good decision making do not mix as everyone knows.

My hand began to move. Not up and away, but around and over. I caressed my mother's bum, moving it slowly over and around from cheek to cheek. I could not help myself by that point. Mom was still shaking her ass at that point but also hunching it up into my hand.

There was no way I could be disappointed with what I was doing to my mother. Her ass was firm I discovered when I tried to squeeze each cheek. I had to dig my fingers right in tight in order to get a handful.

Mom seemed to be digging it as well. She was making quiet little yeeks and yikes sounds while continuing to hunch up against my exploring hand. I do not know if my cock hardening was the specific result of it being my mother I was fondling or whether any woman in that time and place would have sufficed.

My mother could not have been drunk enough to avoid noticing that my hard dick was now poking her in the stomach. And, that was it! She launched into full party girl mode.

I was taken by surprise when she virtually rolled off of me. Rather than hitting the ground, she gathered her feet underneath herself and stood up. Not standing for long though as in just a very brief moment, my mother was sitting straddling me and my hands went around her cupping both ass cheeks.

Mom was not into taking her time once she began something. I was concerned she was going to head butt me, lol, as she rushed to move her face into kissing position. Still not wasting time, my mother had me in a lip lock with her tongue doing its best to worm its way into my mouth.

There was no sense in me resisting this little drunken sexpot grinding her pussy against my staff with her tongue now seeking my tonsils. I squeezed her ass even tighter and began to return the kisses.

I really do not know if it was a matter of technique or the results of being drunk, but the kisses were long and wet. Almost as if we were both drooling, our chins and cheeks became covered with saliva.

Not wishing to waste any opportunity, I took one hand from Mom's ass and slid it up her body. She was moaning and still humping hard as I found one of her tits. They were smallish and braless fitting my palm almost perfectly. No part of her boob was left out of my grasp.

"Muriel?" a voice called out taking us both by surprise.

Mom pulled her face away from mine. "Yes, Mum?" she responded.

"It's late, I think I should go home."

"Okay, Mum," said my mother to her mother.

Mom went back to kissing me again. She was blocking my view so I was unable to see that Granny was standing, watching us. My mother apparently did not care. As I mentioned, they were close and probably saw each other in intimate positions before.

"I can't find my car keys. Come help me look," said Granny.

With a sigh of exasperation, Mom climbed off me and wordlessly went to help her mother.

Between the beer and the sexual foreplay, at least I hoped there was more play to come, I fell asleep. I don't know what time it was when I was shaken awake by Chuckie.

The sun was dazzling me, making it hard to see. My head was sore and the bright sunlight was not helping one iota. My mouth tasted like it had some flowers from the garden growing in it.

I was finally able to open one eye and mutter, "Whaaat?" at my best friend. Unfortunately, even with one eye, I could see that he appeared to be in much better shape than I.

Your mother has breakfast ready on the patio," he told me. His voice sounded excited. I have never known him to get excited like that about food before.

Chuck plopped down on the seat beside me.

"Dude!" he exclaimed. "You will not believe what happened last night!"

"Yeah, what?" I responded with no real interest.

"Your grandmother sucked my cock last night!"

Now, I knew what his excitement was all about. I was able to share in his excitement as I remembered groping and making out with my mother likely at the same time he was getting what I knew was his first blow job.

The natural guy thing at this point would have been to share the details of my encounter with my mother. But, for some reason, I am not really sure why, I kept this to myself. Instead I let Chuckie brag about his encounter with my grandmother forcing me to wonder if I would ever get the same treatment from Granny.

The two ladies in question were sitting at the outdoor table under the covered patio. Once again they were dressed similarly. Both had midriff baring, puffy armed peasant blouses showing a goodly amount of shoulders and tit. Really, only their nipples were hidden from sight. Also, both were sporting big, dark glasses.

Granny smiled and welcomed me back to the land of the living. She asked if I wanted some of her traditional hangover cure, a Bloody Mary. I accepted and she wriggled away to the house to fetch me one. Both Chuck and I stared at her ass as she swayed away.

I looked to Mom realizing she had caught us staring. Chuck did not notice. But, like a puppy dog, he followed Granny into the house. Obviously, he was hoping for a repeat performance of Granny's particular skillset.

I sat down at the chair. Mom did not meet my gaze. She sipped on her own hangover drink.

"Everything okay, Mom?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she murmured in response.

"Hangover?" I asked.

"Not really," My mother responded.

I was not sure if I should go further with this line of questioning. I had no doubt that Mom regretted what had occurred between us last night.

"What's wrong then?" I hesitated before asking the logical next question. "Was it last night?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. I imagine she did not think I would bring up the subject and was startled.

"No," Mom said. "It's tonight."

"Tonight?" I repeated. "What's going to happen tonight?"

"Nothing," she almost sighed her answer. Then, before I could formulate a question, Mom continued. "Larry is home tonight and tomorrow night. It's his weekend."

It was not the regular weekend. But, in his factory job, he was guaranteed two consecutive days off weekly. In company shorthand, it was referred to as his weekend. I could not help but be disappointed since nothing further would happen between Mom and I for the next two nights. Colour me disappointed.

Mom must have seen the look on my face and understood the cause of it.

"Me too," she said.

There was no continuance of that line of conversation as Chuck and Granny chose that moment to make their return. Chuck was not wearing an over the moon smile leaving me to assume that Granny had not done anything sexual with Chuck in the kitchen. They joined us at the table.

It was a quiet day spent mostly with three of us chatting and getting to know one another better. Chuck was pretty much left out of the conversation, I think he might have been pouting at not advancing his carnal knowledge of my grandmother earlier. Much beer was consumed.


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