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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch. 03

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The ups and downs of Jack's lovelife.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 12/10/2008
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I wasn't too tired to go anywhere the next morning, although I wouldn't have minded a few more hours in bed with Becky. When you see a beautiful woman walk naked into your bedroom, pull back the duvet and slip in beside you, it makes you think you have conquered the world. The first time with a new woman is totally exciting and totally frightening at the same time. You have to discover what she likes, what turns her on, and how she wants you to love her, either soft and gentle, which is my preference, or strong and hard. Becky, I discovered adored having her pussy licked. That happens to be one of my passions, so we had a common purpose when I lay down between her legs, slid my arms under those legs and feasted. Her cries of joy spurred me on to greater excesses, with first one finger inside her, then two, then three. When she demanded another. I thought for a while she would want my whole fist in her, but it never got to that point as I found her 'G' spot, within minutes she screamed through a climax, followed almost immediately by another, then one more. It took her at least fifteen minutes to recover, then threw me when she started crying. Was I that bad?

She turned in the bed and sobbed into my shoulder. I was worried. Had I done something wrong? She was muttering, mainly to herself, but I could hear some of her words.

"Oh fuck. How can I make such stupid decisions." I heard those words and was hurt, but her next words which were to me, relieved the hurt.

"Jack. I was right when I said I should have chosen you for a Lover. When I think I could have been loved like this for the last few years, I could get quite angry with myself." Now I wasn't born yesterday, it could be that Becky was saying this to butter me up for her plans, but then her tears seemed real, so she could have been truthful.

"Becky, the time wasn't right then. Perhaps the intervening years have taught us both a lesson." I could feel her nodding. That was when she found my erection.

"Perhaps the time is right for this fella to play. Fuck me Jack, please?" How could I refuse?

Waking up in bed with a pair of beautiful breasts pressed into your side was to say the least, Heaven. I was just started to pay them the compliment of my lips and tongue when Becky leaped out of bed.

"Shit!" Look at the time. I have to get to work." I have never known a woman who could shower, make up, and get dressed in so short a time.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked. She blew me a kiss.

"Just a coffee please" I brewed some coffee which she drank very quickly, kissed me and went to leave.

"Can I come back tonight? You started something, and I think I would like you to finish. It felt rather nice." I nodded. She smiled. "See you later."

In anticipation of Becky's arrival I had prepared a Lasagne. I expected her about seven, reasoning that she would go back to her flat first to pick up a change of clothes. She turned up at eight. I couldn't be angry as I really had little idea of how estate agents worked. Any way, she was dressed to excite, in the black leather trousers and a sweater that did little to hide her magnificent bust. The Lasagne was a little overcooked by this time, but went down well with the Merlot I had opened. Becky helped with the clearing away and washing up. Then whilst I made coffee, she went and sat in the lounge. Her chosen place was the two seat couch, and she patted the seat beside her when I brought the coffee. I sat down and Becky immediately moved over and grabbing my head kissed me with an open mouth. The coffee got cold, as we got hot, and very soon after we headed for bed. Becky allowed me to undress her. Getting those trousers off was interesting to say the least as she wore nothing underneath them. Becky insisted that she undress me. As she got up from taking my boxers down she pushed her breasts into my face.

"You started on these this morning, and I have been thinking about it all day. would you like to continue where you left off"

This night was very much a repeat of last night, except that the urgency was gone. I explored and played with her body for most of the night, and Becky revelled in the attention. Urging me to touch her here there and everywhere. She came frequently, usually with my tongue exploring her sex. The last fuck was slow and easy, and the gentleness of that was very pleasing. Two lovers extracting the most out of their coupling. We both fell asleep in the early hours.

It is a lovely thing to wake in the morning and the first thing you see is a beautiful smiling face.

"Morning, lover." She greeted me. "If you slept as well as I did, then you had a good night." She pecked me on the mouth. "Must go and brush my teeth." She got out of bed, and I laid there in awe of her lovely body. She noticed my gaze.

"Go on." She said. "Look all you want. After what you did for me last night you deserve it." She posed and turned for a moment, smiling, then went to the bathroom. I decided that a cup of tea or coffee was exactly what I needed to restore myself to full awake mode.

"Coffee or tea?" I called to her.

"Coffee please, Jack." I went downstairs. All the lights were still on and two cups with cold coffee sat on the table in the lounge. All evidence of our rush to get into bed together. Apart from turning the lights off I did nothing except make her a coffee and for me a tea, eager to return to bed. I had thought that we would spend the day together, but not so. It was Sunday, and Becky rode on Sunday. She left telling me that she would call soon.

Was I disappointed? Well only a little. After knowing Becky for something like five years, and seeing how she operated, I did not expect anything else. Becky was a user, not of drugs, but people. I had no illusions about where we were going. Nowhere! This relationship was convenient only until someone else came along who could be of more use to Becky. I thought already that I knew who that would be. Richard Ewing. For me this was being a friend, but with benefits. I got to have the naked Becky in my bed, and that was a very satisfactory benefit. It has to be said though that sex with Becky was a little one sided, she loved for me to go down on her, she had more orgasms that way than any other, but! She would not return the compliment. It was not as if I hungered for having my cock sucked, but the offer would have meant a lot. Our relationship settled down into a routine. Becky was usually with me Friday nights and Saturday nights, returning to her flat during the week. That suited me, as I could get on with my hobbies, and dance on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I had told Becky the truth, I was giving consideration to letting the dance classes lapse, but dancing with Elly was very pleasant, and there was still a little thought in my head that we may find the spark somewhere. So in some ways you could say that whilst Becky was using me, I was using her.

The proof of my theory came two months later when Becky arrived on Friday night in a very good mood.

"Jack! I have got a new job."

"Hey, Becky! That's great. Who with? And what will you be doing?"

"I am getting into the commercial sector with Ewing and Company." In many ways I had suspected this. Hell, it was obvious at the Ball what Becky was after. I just hoped that she would be happy with her success, I was happy for her, although there was this voice in my head telling me that this interlude with Becky was coming to an end. We sat down to eat, and she was so effusive, telling me all that she would be doing, about the package they had offered, the great commissions she could make, and the very real chance of promotion. That night Becky's enthusiasm about her new job spilled over into our sexual coupling, she was wild! She did a strip-tease for me immediately after our meal, then slowly mounted the stairs, looking over her shoulder at me, her eyes seducing me with visions of Paradise. She made it to my bed a minute before I did, and she was laying there, her legs slightly apart and cupping her breasts, offering them to me.

"Come on Jack. Take me, Fuck me." I did.

What is it about women that a night of unbridled sensuality energises them for the morning, whilst leaving us poor blokes wiped out? Becky was up and singing as she showered and dressed. I almost fell down the stairs my legs felt as if they were made of rubber. She grabbed the coffee I had made then went off to work, almost skipping out of the house.

Everything was the same for the next three weeks, then one Friday afternoon Becky phoned to say she wouldn't be there that evening.

"I have viewing of some premises and could be very late to finish, so I will go home, rather than keep you waiting, Jack. Would it be alright to come Saturday evening?" I told her it would be no problem.

"That's fine, Becky. Hope the view goes well." I said no problem but there were two problems. First she told me that she was doing commercial sales and lettings. Now I could be wrong, but I couldn't imagine that companies looking for office space would view in the evenings. Secondly, after the first time, it was unusual for her to ask if she could come to my house. She just turned up. My antennae were vibrating. She arrived on Saturday evening and was her usual 'loving' self. I had never kidded myself that I was in any way emotional about Becky, so whatever she got up to on Friday evening was her business. I just took advantage of a willing and beautiful body.

A month went by, and the Friday evening 'viewings' happened twice more. I had decided that the next time it happened I was going to tell her that was it. Serendipity, chance, call it what you will, anyway it happened. On the Wednesday afternoon before the Friday I had determined to talk to Becky, my doorbell rang. I cursed as I was just in the middle of writing a rather important chapter, and it was going well. I almost decided not to respond to the doorbell, when it went again. I resigned myself to answering it. My jaw must have dropped when I saw who it was. Sheila Ewing! She smiled.

"Hello Jack. Do you think we could have a chat?"

"Yes, of course. Come in." She stepped through the door and I directed her to the lounge.

"Sit down, please Sheila. Can I get you a tea or coffee?"

"A tea would be nice. Just a little milk and no sugar." Whilst I made the tea I wondered why she had come to see me, then it struck me. How did she know where I lived? Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would have said. I took the teas into the lounge, and sat down opposite her. My thoughts in the kitchen came straight to the fore.

"Not that it isn't nice to see you, Sheila, but what is the purpose of calling on me, and I don't recall telling you where I lived." I was a little abrupt.

"You have every right to be angry, Jack. We had what? A couple of dances together, and to presume that could be a friendship is taking the enjoyment of dancing with you too far. I found out where you lived because I had a detective follow someone who is familiar to you and to my husband. And she led him here."

"Becky!" She nodded. And I suddenly knew what this was all about. My suspicions were confirmed.

"You know Ms. Cannon and my husband are getting together from time to time. I wouldn't call it an affair, that pre-supposes some emotional attachment. I can assure you my husband has none of that. But however much of a bastard he is, he is my husband, and I want this stopped. I have evidence and photographs, but I would prefer not to use those if this can be resolved without rancour."

"You are presumably asking me if I can do anything about it?"

"I hoped you could."

"Sheila. You overestimate my influence on Becky. To be honest I have had my suspicions and intended to tell her that she was no longer welcome here. But I doubt that anything I could say will persuade her to stop this."

"You and Ms. Cannon are not an item then?"

"No I wouldn't describe our relationship that way. I have known her for a few years, and she and I could best be described as friends with occasional benefits." Sheila was looking down in the mouth now.

"So you can't help me?"

"I doubt I can do any good, but I will try."

"Thank you, Jack. I can't understand what she sees in him. I mean he is sixty four, and she's what, Forty or thereabouts?"

"Forty four, Sheila. But I think I know why she is seeing him. She is a user. She's hoping that this will pave the way for promotion and a bigger salary." Sheila laughed, a short dismissive laugh.

"She'll not get that from Richard. Oh he will let her believe it, but it will never happen."

"You make it sound as if this has happened before."

"Yes. It has. I was the first, but I got pregnant, so he married me, but I can reckon on at least three others after we married." I started smiling. Sheila looked as if she was upset that I should smile about her misfortune.

"I am not smiling to hurt you, Sheila. I was smiling because the little minnow user, has met the big shark user." She saw the humour in that and smiled.

"I could almost feel sorry for Ms. Cannon now." She regarded me shrewdly.

"And will you be there to pick up the pieces, Jack?" I shook my head.

"No. I don't know what Becky is looking for in life, I doubt that she does either. She will eventually realise that her actions are self-destructive."

"I want to teach Richard that other's can play the game as well. Sheila said. "You do know that at the dance you offended him."

"No. When was that, by dancing with you?" Sheila shook her head. She was smiling when she told me.

"After you had escorted me back to my seat; which incidentally was a very gentlemanly thing to do; Richard showed you disrespect by pretending that he didn't know your name. That was intended to put you in your place. You turned it nicely, by doing the same thing. My husband thinks that he is important, and that everyone should show him respect. You didn't and he was most upset about that. Now perhaps we could upset him even more."

"I'm sorry I don't know where you are going." Sheila grinned at me.

"All will be revealed, Jack. Can I come and see you next week, I would like to introduce you to my daughter, Alicia." I had no idea what was going through her mind, but had no objection to Sheila visiting again next week, if she wanted, nor meeting her daughter.

"Thank you for the tea, Jack. I'm sorry I disturbed you. You are too much of a gentleman to let it show though. Alicia will like you, you know. It will make my plan so much easier." With that cryptic remark she left.

Now I had to prepare for a confrontation with Becky. I didn't want her driving over to my house, only to be told that she couldn't stay, so I decided to call her on Thursday and suggest we went for a drink. She was happy to go to a local Pub that evening, but was curious as this was out of character for me, she knew I was not one for going out drinking.

We met at six-thirty so the Pub was not busy and we could take a table with some privacy.

"It's nice to go out for a drink after work, we could have done it tomorrow though, Jack."

"No, Becky we couldn't. We have been friends for quite some time, and I assure you that I do not want to end that friendship. However I don't think it possible that we can continue as we are whilst you are shagging Richard Ewing." Becky looked as if she had run into a wall, white-faced and aghast. I will give her credit though, she didn't lie.

"How do you know?"

"Viewing commercial properties in the evening is a bit unusual, but when they seem to occur on Friday evenings and only Friday evenings as well, that was enough for suspicion. My thoughts were confirmed when Sheila Ewing came to see me, and she has evidence."


"Yes, Oh!"

"What is she going to do?"

"I suspect that she is going to let Richard know that if he goes on like this then he is going to be divorced and that will cost him dearly." Becky had to be going over in her mind how that would affect her.

"Well one way or the other it's over. We can go on as we were, Jack." In other circumstances that would have been funny. I watched her with a smile on my face whilst shaking my head.

"No Becky. That we can't. We didn't make promises of everlasting fidelity to each other, but you seemed quite happy to sleep with me, and to my mind that included an obligation. An obligation to exclusivity whilst we were together. If you had been honest with me that would have allowed me the option of accepting your actions or not. But you were not honest. I said I would like to maintain our friendship. But I don't think that I can welcome you to my home and to my bed again."

I'll give her, her due. She didn't break down and cry or try to argue me away from my position. She just nodded.

"Yes. I suppose that you couldn't now." She raised her eyes and looked me in the face. "I'm sorry, Jack. I thought it would advance my career. Richard was useless in bed anyway. Not a patch on you."

"Well, Becky. I doubt that it will advance your career. In fact I suspect you will be looking for another job soon. Ewing, according to Sheila would have never given you a promotion. He just dangled the bait to get what he wanted. It's not the first time he has done that either." Now there were tears in Becky's eyes, as she realised that she had been taken for a fool.

"What the Hell am I going to do now?"

"Becky. There are lots of agencies around and about. From what I have heard and from what Sheila has said, Ewing is not flavour of the month with any of them. I am sure that there is one who will want to take you on. You are good at the job, and you have a lot of background knowledge that they will find very interesting. Start ringing around. I think you may be surprised." I could see that she was listening and rolling the idea around in her head. She nodded as if the question was resolved.

"I don't deserve a friend like you, Jack. Thanks. I wish I could fall in Love with you, like you read in those Mills and Boon novels. But somehow I don't seem to have the ability to love anyone." In my head I added the words "Except yourself" but didn't say them.

Having decided her immediate future, Becky wanted to know if Sheila would take this any further.

"No. If you resign your job I think that will be enough. But she does have plans for Richard, and somehow I think she wants me involved."

"He doesn't like you, Jack. I don't know why as he hardly knows you, but he would crow when we were together about how he was having me behind your back. He would brag that he was better than you. I didn't say anything of course, under the circumstances. But now I think I might find ways to let him know that he was pathetic, and that you could get me off four or five times in a night." Tears rolled down her cheeks then. "I am going to miss that. Fuck!"

To be continued...

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TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticalmost 7 years ago
A good and strange romance story

This is the third chapter I read of this series and I think it is a good and interesting story, I just hope it has a happy ending, it seems that Jack has not had a happy life so far, there have been relationships, but nothing definitive, will be His life always like this?

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
another chapter done well

I like Jack and how real he is. And, how well he knows himself.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Very Good

I find it incredible that there are no comments on this story. Becky, Jack and Sheila are very interesting characters! Fine work!

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