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JAG Revisited Pt. 11

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Harm Continue exploring affairs W/Catherine Gale & More.
20.2k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/29/2014
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These following stories will be writing part in the first person where Harm and Mac speak about their past affairs and past in the third person where their stories unfold as they occurred.


Harm and Mac finished dinner and seeing it was Saturday night, they still had time for a few more stories of their checkered pasts. Harm was next and as Mac put away the leftovers, Harm settled in to tell his next story.

Sarah flopped in the bed beside Harm; "Okay stud, let's hear the next story in the saga of Harmon Rabb Jr."

"Hold on tight, this one starts off slow, but ends up hot and steamy!"

Catherine Gail is a liaison for the CIA and she had an encounter with Harm during the case involving the de-classification of the submarine Angel Shark. They were like water and oil during the proceeding. She was about 5'7", medium build with shapely legs and extremely white skin. Her bright blue eyes were mesmerizing and her hair was a very light blonde and hung down to her collar. It was nicely curled and it was inviting to any man who had enough nerve to reach out and play with it. After the case was resolved, Catherine went back to the CIA and things went back to normal, that is until Clayton Webb and Mac went to Peru on a secret mission.

Unable to contact her in anyway, Harm tracked down Catherine at a nearby restaurant. He acted like he just so happened to run into her and turning he acted surprised to see her.

"Commander Rabb, would you like to join me?"

"You look busy; I wouldn't want to interrupt you!"

She put away her papers; "Come on, join me, it gives me a reason to put an end to my day."

After some small talk he sprung it on her; "I need to know the whereabouts to one of your operatives, Clayton Webb."

"Sorry Commander, but I don't have access to that information."

"Look, just make one call!"


"Listen I need to speak with someone inside the loop."

"There is no way into the loop. The loop is closed, that's why it's called a loop."

"You're an insider; you can always make a call."

"You're always seemed to be operating under the peculiar notion that the CIA is your personal information Jack."

"It is when one of my colleagues is playing spook games with an out of control operative."

"Was the colleague awake of the risks at the time?"

"I believe so, look..."

"No you look, anyone who's arrogant enough to think I'm going compromise my security clearance, needs to seriously consider the benefits of self-reflection." Her phones rang; "Excuse me!" She picked up her cell and answered it, after a moment she replies; "I'm leaving now" and she hangs up the phone. She looks upset; "My mother had just be admitted to the hospital."

Harm looked disgusted; ""Wow, I've been blown off before but...!" All of a sudden he notices it wasn't a line; "I'm sorry, is it serious?"

"She's dying, she has heart failure!" She looks in her wallet for a credit card to pay the bill. She is so flustered; she drops all of her cards on the floor. She looks up and blurs out, "Check!"

"Why don't I drive you to the hospital?"

"I'll be fine!"

"No, no, no, I'll drive, we'll take your car and I'll take a cab back, alright? Its settled, we're going, come on!"

Catherine nodded and they hurried from the restaurant. When they arrived Catherine thanked Harm for driving her. He met her brother and the doctor arrived giving them the news that their mother most likely wouldn't make it through the night. She hurried in to see her and Harm was about to leave, but Catherine's brother insisted he join them in his mother's room.

As soon as Harm entered the room, their mother perked up and for some reason thought he was Catherine's boyfriend. "So tell me your name?"

"Ah I'm Harm, Harmon Rabb."

"A navy man at that, what rank are you Harmon Rabb?"

"I'm a commander."

"So tell me Commander Harmon Rabb, do you see a future with my daughter?"

He chuckled; "Ah more than I anticipated!" He looked across at Catherine and smiled.

Their mother turned to Catherine and mouthed; "I just love him!"

They left the room and Catherine wasn't happy; "Why did you come into the room?"

"Your bother insisted!"

"You should have made up an excuse!"

"Oh I see, let me see, gee I can't come in because I night be mistaken for the boyfriend of the woman who doesn't even like me?"

Catherine smiled at that, she grabbed him by the arm; "Come on, let's sit down. About a month ago I told my mother I found someone. It was a fabrication, I gave her specifics and gave her the excuse I wasn't sure it was going to last, and if it did, I'd bring him by."

Harm looked at her with amazement on his face; "Why?"

"Because I sensed she didn't have long and I thought it would bring her closure."

"Is she pressuring you to get married?"

"My brother is divorced, I'm her last hope.

"Maybe you ought to tell her the truth."

She looked at him with those large dark blue eyes. She licked her full bright red lips; "You didn't!"

He took her in before answering. She was wearing a bright red and white printed pull over blouse. It was open at the neck and showed a good amount of cleavage. Over it was a matching black jacket and sensibly length black skirt. Sitting beside him, he liked how the skirt rode up and showed off her slender legs. The jacket did little to hide her enormous breasts; they put Sarah and Harriet's to shame. He took a deep breath and replied; "That's not my call."

"It would be the last ask of my dying mother."

He stuttered; "I appreciate that, but I can't play this out!

She came closer to him; "It would just be for an hour."

"Sorry, no I'll..."

Her brother came into the conversation; "Boy that really took me by surprise. I'm so thrilled for the both of you." He took a seat in the waiting room across from Harm and Catherine. "You have no idea how good it is to finally hear some positive news. It's been a bear of a year. What she's been through though, seventy-one years old. They cut her open three times, she got infected twice. The last one took her over a month to recover from the anesthesia. This for her, this is like manna from heaven. This is great, just great."

Harm looked over at Catherine and grabbed her hand; "Honey, did you tell him we set a date?"

Catherine could have been bowled over by a feather; the shocked look on her face was priceless. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at Harm.

Before she could reply her brother chimed in; "No, that's fantastic, congratulations!"

Catherine took a deep breath and smiled at her brother and Harm. They went back into the room where Catherine's mother was. Catherine took off her jacket and Harm had a tough time keeping his eyes off of her.

Her mother took Harm by the hand; "Do you want children?"

He let out a deep breath; "Sure!"

"How were you able to convince her?"

"Well I told her God gave her those hips for a reason!" He smiled at Catherine."

She looked shocked at Harm and just smiled. She went back out to the waiting room and got herself a cup of coffee from the vending machine. When she saw Harm enter behind her she took a sip from the cup; "You could have kept my hips out of it!"

"Yeah, I guess I could have!"

"You're punishing me for this aren't you?"

"What, you're not feeling the love? And you're welcome!"

"Thank you, I appreciate what you are doing, but you're right, you should go! It's too much to ask of you."

"What do you plan to tell them?"

"One of your clients just got arrested."

"Next time your brother asks about the wedding?"

"We had a fight and broke-up. It won't shock him, trust me."

He took a step back; "Aw this is the closest you've ever come to marriage, isn't it?"

She stepped away from the vending machines and moved closer to him; "Same question?" She took a seat and crossed her legs, her skirt rode up and Harm took notice.

""I guess careers have always got in my way."

She nodded and quietly replied; "Same answer!"

"You're a little bit more closed off then I am."

She finally broke out in a smile; "Your timing stinks, an observation from our last encounter."

Just then her brother came into the waiting room and addressed both of them; "She'd like to speak to the both of you."

Catherine stood up and Harm broke in; "Andrew I..." He broke in; "It's important to her."

They entered her room and Catherine stood beside her; "How are you feeling momma?"

She took her hand; "I'm dying darling! I know this is horrible timing, but I have a request. Cancel the wedding."

"You don't want us to get married?"

"I want to see you get married, do it here, tonight?"

She turned to Harm and smiled; "Honey, what do you think?"

It was Harm's turn to nearly fall over. He walked out to the waiting room and she followed; "What would you have said?"

"I thought we agreed on an excuse."

"That was before she raised the stakes."

"Well I'm sticking with it."

"We told her we'd see."

"We have to stop this masquerade. The longer we carry on, the deeper we sink."

"We can stage something simple, just for her benefit."

Andrew came out of her room; "I know a minister who lives a half a mile from here, let me make a quick call."

Harm panicked; "Listen you have to sit down, we have something to tell you. Your sister and I are not engaged. In reality we barley know one another. I was mistaken for someone who doesn't even exist, I played along. Do you understand?"

He nodded; "Yes, I'd say that changes things. Then it doesn't matter who performs the service."

Harm had that sick look on his face again; "Listen you're putting all of this on me, I just played along.

"She did it for all of the right reasons don't you think? She knew her mother would know her daughter would be loved. I wish I would have thought of it first."

Harm shook his head; "Alright, I'll do it, one condition, I get to pick the silverware pattern."

She smiled at Harm; "Thank you, now all we need is to find someone who will impersonate a minister."

"I know someone!"

"Must be a good friend!"

"Oh he'll resist, but he'll do it, I'll give him a direct order!" Harm called Bud and had him come over to the hospital. While waiting for him to come, Harm was outside smoking a cigar. Catherine came out with a cellphone and handed it to Harm; "It's for you."

"Who is it?"

"I made a call, here take it."

He couldn't be helped and after the call Catherine replied; "If I knew Colonel Mackenzie was involved, I would have made the call sooner, sorry!"

Harm was beside Catherine and her mother asked Catherine what she liked most about Harm and she replied; "He's a good sport, for one."

"And what do you like about Catherine?"

"Oh she has many qualities."

"One would do Commander."

"Oh, I'd have to say how much she loves her mother."

Bud entered and they exchanged vows. Catherine's mother was so happy, she started crying. He pronounced them partners for life and turning towards them said; "You may kiss the bride!"

Harm looked down at Catherine and the kiss started out awkward but lasted a little longer than either of them anticipated. When they broke the kiss Catherine felt a spark and looked over at her mother who clutched her chest.

Harm and Catherine left the room as her mother suddenly got a burst of strength. The doctor told Catherine that her condition was upgraded from critical to serious. All of a sudden Catherine broke down and started crying. Harm wrapped his arm around her and she held onto him tightly.

"She's resting comfortably, why don't we head out and have a nice quiet dinner? I haven't eaten all day and we could have a nice quiet wedding dinner.

She smiled up at him; "I'd like that very, very much Harm. I owe you big time and I'd be lying if I told you I didn't enjoy that kissing the bride thing."

He nodded; "It took me by surprise also Catherine. I have to say you're very good at it, a lot of practice?"

She smiled up at him; "Not at all Harm. With all of my work at the CIA, I have very, very little time for that sort of thing, but wouldn't mind exploring it further, if you know what I mean?"

She blushed and he noticed it immediately. He led her back into the room, but her mother was already asleep. "Shall we head out, do you like Italian?"

She giggled, men or food?"

"Don't be a smart ass Catherine, men of course. No really food."

"Love it, lead the way."

They entered Harm's favorite Italian restaurant and was greeted by the owner; "Commander Rabb, welcome! Would you like a nice quiet table?"

"Yes Anton that would be perfect."

He took them to a table in a secluded part of the café and Harm ordered a bottle of wine. "I think we deserve this, especially after the night we had."

"I have to thank you again Harm, I'll never be able to repay you for your kindness. You didn't have to do that." She leaned in and whispered; "I believe I may have some info for you tomorrow concerning Colonel Mackenzie, it may not be much, but I'll do my best to help out in any way I can. Now, how about a toast to the newly married bride and groom?"

He smiled at her and toasted them; "To the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of marrying, even though it wasn't real, the kiss joining us was rather pleasurable." She smiled and before she could reply Harm added; "Catherine, you have such a beautiful smile. You need to do it more often."

She nodded; "Well Harm, I really haven't had many reasons to do it recently, work has been trying, you know from the Tiger Shark incident. The other issues on my plate haven't been any easier. As for men, well my luck there is just as trying."

"I can't imagine, you are such a beautiful woman, you just need to relax and put yourself out there."

"Can I tell you something? I never told anyone else, it's a very, very personal thing. Something I've never shared with anyone else."

He nodded slowly and urged her to take another sip of her wine; "I'd be honored to know you've taken me in your confidence Catherine. I promise to keep it private."

She took a deep breath; "Many years ago, just finishing law school, I was walking back to my apartment, I was abducted and held against my will. I was raped and held for a couple of days. I thought I was going to be killed. I escaped and the perpetrator was caught and convicted. We moved across country and I caught a job with the CIA. Nobody but my brother, my mother and now you know about this. I left that life behind in Colorado and started new here. The worst thing, I was a virgin at the time and never had sexual relations with anyone other than my abductor. Now you know my story and why I really haven't dated anyone, it's a matter of trust. My mother was ecstatic when she heard about my fake boyfriend and after what happened to me, that's why she was so happy to see you."

Harm's plan to take her back to his place suddenly went out the window. They ate, drank and laughed the evening away. When he asked her to dance, he was shocked when she nodded.

She was smiling from ear to ear. She floated into his arms and rested her head on his chest; "You know, in some ways I'm disappointed that our wedding was a sham. I could really fall for a guy like you."

"He gently swept her bangs from her forehead; "You know Catherine, I really like you, but with all of the problems that are happening with Mac, well I don't want to lead you along. You are just too much of a lady for me or anyone to do that to you."

She nodded and looked up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes; "I understand Harm, it's just that after that kiss and being in your arms like this, I'd really, really love to experience what it's like to be with a man, especially one as loving and caring as you are."

"Please Catherine; please don't put me in that situation. I have to confess, when we entered the restaurant, I wanted nothing but to take you back to my place and make hot passionate love to you. Hearing what you went through, I just couldn't do that to you."

She slowed to a stop and rising up onto her tip-toes. She planted a soft gentle kiss on his lips; "Please Harm, right now there isn't anything I'd like more than to be with you."

Harm returned the kiss, but kept his hands planted firmly on her back and the other was gently combing through her soft wavy blonde hair as she rested it back on his chest. They continued their slow dance until the song ended and as they headed back to their table, Catherine paused a second; "Would you mind if we headed out now? How about we pick up your car and I follow you to your place? Do you have any wine there to toast our marriage again?" She giggled and made her way to the table before he could reply. She picked up her jacket and turned to Harm.

He took her jacket and helped her on with it. As he placed it on her shoulders, he turned her around and once again folded her into his arms. She came willingly and looking up at him, presented her lips to his. He planted his lips on hers, this time it was with more passion and as he tightened his grip on hers, he felt her tongue darting past his lips and into his mouth. He broke the kiss and smiled down at her; "Sure is nice having the pleasure of kissing a woman who's married and not having to worry about her husband."

She smiled up at him; "Oh so you've had problems with husbands before? Have you made out with married women before Harm?"

He shook his head; "Not knowingly."

She giggled again, "Good answer, smart answer, let's get out of here!" She led the way and he followed her out to her car. They drove in silence to the café where Harm picked up his car, as he got out he looked back at her; "Are you sure about this Catherine?"

She nodded; "Never been more certain of anything in my life before Commander, lead the way."

He hopped into his car and pulled out of the parking lot. She followed close behind, not wanting to lose his. They were at his apartment in less than five minutes and parking, he walked over to her car and opened the door for her. He looked down at her slender, shapely legs as her skirt rode up her thighs. Placing his arm around her, he pulled her closer and led her to his elevator. One in, he lowered the large gate and as the car rode upward, he pulled her closer and she offered up her lips to him. He took advantage of them and this time, he was the aggressor, his tongue swiped her lips and as they parted he stabbed into her mouth. Before things could get any more aggressive, the elevator stopped. He pulled away and pulled up the large wooden gate. He led her to his apartment and opening the door, he offered up his sofa to her and went to open a fresh bottle of red wine. He approached the sofa and noticed she had kicked off her shoes and had her slender legs tucked up under her lush body. Handing her a glass, he took a seat beside her and toasted them; "To a very eventful night, to my wife and short term partner!"

She laughed out loud and tasted back; "To an even more eventful night, with the man who saved my ass and now has whatever he wants to do with it any other part of his make believe wife."

He smiled at her and as he took a sip of his wine, he looked over the top of his glass and caught her sparking blue eyes looking back at him over the rim of her glass. He put his glass down and took hers too and placed it beside his. Capturing her hands in his he pulled her body to his. He let on hand comb through her short sexy hair. He leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. Nipping at her sexy lobe he whispered; "You don't have to do this Catherine. I'd never, ever make you or any woman do anything they didn't want to do. That being said, I'd love nothing more than to take you to my bedroom and make slow passionate love to you until you scream for me to stop!"

She sucked in her breath when she heard what he whispered to her and groaned out; "Oh my god Harm, you make it so easy to make up a woman's mind don't you! Please take me to your bedroom Harm. Do whatever you like; I've waited for a man like you to give me what I've needed for sooooooooooo long. But please, please take it slow. I know I want this, but am still hesitant, so if you will, take it slow!"

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