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Jake the Yoga Instructor

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I seduce my sexy yoga instructor.
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Mom and I arrived at the yoga studio early.

Mom entered the heated room and set her mat in the front middle.

"Hey Mom," I said, "is it alright if we move to the back."

"You go ahead, the gals and I have our spots up front."

People began to arrive. A group of older women placed their mats around Mom. The room filled with a chorus of old lady chit chat. I layed down on my back-- already building up a sweat in this hot room-- as I regretted my decision to come.

"Alright class, let's get started," said a new voice.

I sat up and looked at the new voice. It was a guy. He must have been nineteen or twenty, still college aged. The young man walked to the front of the room.

"My name is Jake and welcome to Power Yoga, it's good to see you. I see we have some new faces in the room. Welcome! Let's get started in Child's Pose."

The people around me started to move.

I was shocked by the instructor. I do not know what I expected, maybe some fit, older chick like Mom. But this Jake was unexpected: a young, tan, surfer kid, about six feet tall, with light brown skin, and light grey eyes.

What startled me the most about Jake was his medium length, curly, bleached blonde hair-- almost to a white.

I understood why this was Mom's favorite class: the instructor wasn't just handsome, he was beautiful.

"Alright, now that we are in Child's Pose, let's focus on our breath."

Called to my senses, I noticed all the women were on their knees with their foreheads to the floor except for me. I was sitting on my butt, ogling the instructor.

I used the lady in front of me as a model and I got into position with the rest of the class.

I was amazed at how this twenty year old pretty kid commanded the room, composed of older women. He was so confident and commanding.

I struggled to keep up with the rest of the class. I did not know what any of the words meant, so I had to just follow what the lady in front of me was doing: I looked up before every pose, just to make sure I was doing the right thing.

As I began to sweat, my curiosity with the instructor tuned itself into a background hum. I wanted to give up at a couple of points, but I was too scared of the instructor noticing me, or standing out in any way from the rest of the class.

I pushed through the discomfort of the poses.

We were all on our backs in puddles sweat, when the instructor said:

"And that's it! Good class guys. My name is Jake and this has been our Power Flow class, Namaste."

"Namaste," said the rest of the room. And just like that my first yoga class was over.


People in the room started to sit up and roll their mats.

I wiped myself off with a towel and rolled my mat.

I met Mom in the middle of the room.

"Well, what did you think?"

"It was great," I responded, "I can't believe how difficult that was. I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life."

"I know right! People think yoga is this chill. girly thing, but it is a hard workout."

We went out the door of the heated room, into the lobby of the studio, where we were greeted by the modelesque instructor.

"Good job Katie!"

"Thanks Jake-ie, your classes are always the best."

"I see you brought a friend with you," he said, as he gestured to me.

"Yeah, this is my daughter Savannah, she is home from college for the summer. She is studying to be a nurse at the U of SC."

"It's awesome to have you Savannah," said Jake as he extended his hand. "I was watching you, and you really hung in there."

"Thank you."

For a second after our hand shake, Jake and I looked at each other.

"Alright, well, we better get going then," said Mom.

"Bye Katie, and it was nice to meet you, Savannah."

"Bye Jake," Mom and I said in unison.

We exited the studio and Mom laughed:

"Well, what did you think of the instructor?"

"He was awesome!"

"Is that why you were so weird when you shook his hand?"

I blushed as Mom and I walked home.


That night I fell asleep sore.

I dreamt about bleach blonde Adonis, and that room of undressed older women. The women bent, lifted, sweated, twisted, turned, moaned, spreaded, folded, breathed, and did all other manner of physical contortions-- all good, obedient, dutiful, submissive girls-- as they obeyed my tan nymph's every whim.


The next morning I was still sore. I came down for breakfast and Mom asked me if I wanted to go to yoga again.

"Sure," I replied, "why not. Aren't you at all sore from yesterday though?"

"Yeah, a little bit. Once you get a sweat going, that tends to go away."


Mom and I arrived at the studio early. Mom greeted her friends and set her mat up by them in the front.

This time I went to the back middle of the room. I unrolled my mat, layed down, and felt the soreness throb through me. More people arrived to this class and the room filled up almost completely.

"Alright class," came from a new voice in the back of the room. This time it was a short, asian woman, who walked up to the front of the room, "my name is Tracy, and welcome to Power Yoga."

I was disappointed. I assumed the teacher would be my tan swimwear model, but I guess there was no real reason why it had to be him.

"Let's get started in Child's Pose."

Like a good girl, I got on my knees and put my forehead to the floor. With my forehead on the floor, I heard the door open.

"Oh, hey Jake."

"Sorry I'm late."

"No worries! Just set up your mat and let's get going. I think there is one spot left, over there in the back"

With my forehead to the floor, I listened to Jake unroll and place his mat down right next to mine.

I sat up, pretended to sip some water, and glanced to my left. Jake was in Child's Pose with no shirt on, his curly ash hair fell onto his mat. 'This is going to be a good class,' I thought, and got back into Child's Pose.

Mom was right. My soreness faded as we went through the poses.

I could not help but check out Jake's reflection in the mirror. He didn't seem to notice.

Jake had the strong yet limber body you would expect from a yoga instructor. I watched his abs move and contract as he lifted and folded. My God, he was in good shape. His tan shoulders; his freckled back; his athletic butt; his herculean abdomen; and his hair-- my numen, my demiurge, my divinity-- his white surfer hair that danced and pranced and frolicked. I was hypnotized.

And just like that, the final "Namaste" was called and my second class was over.


"Hey, you're Savannah right?" Jake asked as I rolled up my mat.

"Hey, you remembered," I replied with all my nonchalance, "and you are Jake, right?"

Like I could forget, my lovely inamorato.

"Yep," Jake said with a cool, uniform, white smile, "so, how was your second day of yoga."

"It was really good. It's crazy how sore I am after just doing it twice."

Jake laughed.

I blushed as I realized my blunder in phrasing.

"Well, I hope I see you again tomorrow," Jake said, "it's usually the third time where you start to get used to it."

"I hope so."

Jake and I laughed as he exited the room.


That night my mom and I went to the mall to do some yoga related shopping. I found some leggings and a bra at Lulu that made my butt and boobs look great.

I showed Mom and she clapped her hands.

While we shopped, all I could think about was my Jake.


For the third day in a row, I went to yoga. I wore my new Lulu leggings and bra, with a black choker to complete the ensemble.

I put my mat up in front with Mom and her friends. I talked to this nice tattooed lady named Jenny. Jenny asked me about school and how the nursing program at U of SC was.

"All right class let's get started," I heard from the back of the room, "it's good to see you all."

Jake stepped to the front of the room. Mom and I had set our matts in the front center of the room. For a second, Jake and I made eye contact.

"Let's get started in Child's Pose."

Jake's voice felt powerful up close. I bent my body on his command and followed his instruction. I felt conscious of my body, dressed in new clothes, in the front of the room, as I moved under Jake's gaze.

Class ended. I layed on the floor out of it. When I came to my senses, I was the only one in the room.

I gathered my things and exited to the lobby where I found Jake standing behind the check in counter.

"Hey Savannah, good job today, you killed it."

"Thanks Jake, you too. I mean with teaching the class and everything. You're a great teacher."

"Thanks! I'm surprised at how well you can hang on with the class."

"I try not to think at all and just do exactly what you say. And you're right, it's the third time where you start to get used to it."

Jake and I both laughed. I looked out the window and saw Mom outside talking to a friend.

Today-- for whatever reason, or stroke of fate-- I felt confident. Perhaps it was my sexy yoga outfit, or maybe my budding success as a yogi.

"Hey Jake," I said, "is it cool if I give you my phone number, I mean it's alright if you don't--"

"Sure thing!" Jake cut me off. "I'd love to have your phone number."

He passed me a pad of paper and a pencil and I scribbled down my number.

"I'm pretty busy today, but I'll text you tonight."

"Sweet! Well, I guess I'll see you later then."

"Alright, bye Savannah! And good job today."

I exited the studio while Jake folded my phone number and put it into his pocket.


That night Jake texted me and we chit chatted about nothing. For the third night in a row I fell asleep sore.


"Alright Savannah," said Mom, "it's time for your father and I to go. Here is some money for food while we are gone.".

"Alright honey," said Dad, "we better get going, we only have two hours before we are set to board. Call us if you need anything."

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Bye Mom, bye Dad."

And just like that, I now had two whole days with the house all to myself.


The second my parents car pulled out of the driveway, I texted Jake:

"Hey, are you down to go do yoga and then go get coffee or something today?"

"Sure!" Jake replied quickly. "I have today off. How about we go to the noon class?"

"Sounds good 👍"


I arrived at the studio fifteen minutes early and Jake was already there standing outside. Jake was wearing a white t-shirt and short blue Adidas soccer shorts that showed off his tan legs .

"Hey Savannah," said Jake, "it's good to see you!"

"Good to see you too, thanks so much for being my yoga buddy for the day."

"Anytime. I like your leggings by the way."

"Thanks, they are so comfy."

I followed Jake's lead and we entered the studio and set up our mats together.


Throughout class I couldn't help but to let my eyes wander in Jake's direction.

Halfway through the class, Jake took his shirt off and revealed his toned body. His abs fed into his hips, and his hips into his short shorts-- 7 inch soccer shorts.

We moved through the class. sweat dripped from Jake.

Towards the end of class we laid on our backs and revolved one of our legs over the other into a twist. Jake put his hand on the outside of my left thigh. He applied pressure, and forced me deeper into the pose. It felt good.

We switched sides and I followed Jake's lead. I placed my hand on Jake's bare thigh and applied pressure. Jake put his hand on top of mine and increased the pressure. I swear I heard him moan

A tingle went through my body.

Eventually the class was over. Jake and I sat up, and Jake gave me a fist bump for another good class. We rolled our mats up together, and walked out of the room side by side.


"That was an awesome class! Are you still down to go get coffee?"

"Of course!" Jake responded with a smile. "Iced coffee sounds so good right now."

Jake packed his things up into his light grey Nike duffle bag.

"Is it cool if I put my mat and towel in your bag?" I asked

"Sure thing," Jake said, "but you owe me one."

"Sure, anything you want, just ask."


Jake walked to the cafe shirtless. I followed his lead. and I stayed in my sports bra and leggings.

I don't remember what Jake and I talked about on the walk. I was just in shock that this cool surfer yogi was with me.

Jake walking to the cafe shirtless seemed natural, it totally fit his carefree, wild child, surfer guy vibe.

We arrived at the cafe. Jake reached into his bag to grab his shirt.

"Don't worry about it," I said, "why don't you just grab a table and I will get the drinks."

"Sure, could you just order me a black coffee?" Jake asked as he reached for his wallet.

"No, no, this rounds on me."

"Ok, I guess I'll get it next time."


I went inside to order. Meanwhile Jake found a cute table outside with an umbrella and two benches.

As I waited in line I thought about what Jake said: "I'll get it next time."

This statement as a fact hit me. I smiled.

I ordered Jake an iced black coffee and an iced latte for myself.

The lady behind the counter called out our drinks and I brought them to Jake outside-- the beautiful boy who I already know wants to hang out again.


Rather than sitting across from Jake on the other bench, I came up from behind and sat right next to him. Deep down I think I just wanted to be as close as possible to Jake without being too weird. (I know I sound like a crazy person, but really, if I am being honest this is how I felt). Jake laughed at my seat selection.

Jake and I sipped our coffees, talked about nothing, did some people watching-- all sitting shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. It was amazing. I let Jake sip my drink and I sipped his black coffee-- which I pretended to like.

I remember a quote from Kurt Vonnegut that goes something like:

"It is important to look around and notice nice moments, and even take the time to recognize: if this isn't nice, I don't know what nice is."

This was one of those moments, sitting next to Jake-- the fit, tan, wild child, surfer, yoga dude-- our thighs and shoulders touching, as we sipped our iced coffees.

"If this isn't nice I don't know what nice is."


Jake and I finished our drinks, but we kept the conversation going well past the ice melting. I did not want my time with Jake to end. He was just so cool; so collected; so easy to talk to. Jake stood up and threw the cups away.

"Hey," I said, "it's such a nice day, would you be down to go to the beach?"

Jake smiled, "I would love to."

"Yay! Is it cool if we stop at my house on the way so I can change into a bikini or something?"


We arrived at my empty house. I led Jake through the house and into my room. I grabbed a light pink bikini from my closet.

"I am just going to rinse off and change real quick," I said. "Feel free to sit down and look at your phone or something."

Jake laughed. "Ok, I'm kinda sweaty though," and he began to sit down on the floor.

"Nonsense," I said as I picked Jake up and pushed him onto my bed. I did not mind if Jake was sweaty, he could sit on my bed soaked.

I went into my bathroom to wash off. My bedroom had an open concept, so there was no door between the main area of my bedroom and the bathroom.

I checked-- my bed wasn't visible from the bathroom-- so I stripped off my sweaty leggins and bra. I was now completely naked, nothing between Jake and I-- just a lack of line of sight.

I turned the faucet on and stepped into the cold water of the shower. The cold water felt good on my skin, still hot from yoga. I began to lather my loofah with soap when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jake's reflection in the mirror.

The angle of the mirror was such that Jake could not see that I could see him.

I did not say anything and I turned away.

It was such a turn on. I let Jake watch me. Fit Jake, still shirtless in his blue Adidas shorts. I soaped myself up and washed myself off three times.

After my shower, I turned off the faucet. I looked back to the mirror and saw that Jake's reflection was now gone.


I dried myself and put on my itty bitty light pink bikini.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, Jake was pretending to look at the jewelry that was out on my dresser.

"I like this necklace," he said as he picked up a white puka shell choker.

"Yeah I got that on the beach one day, I never wear it though, hey, you should try it on."'

Jake put the necklace around his neck and fumbled with the clip.

"Here," I said, "come sit on the bed."

Jake sat down and I got behind him on my bed and fastened the choker to his neck.

"How does it look?"

"Totally cute. Here, I also have an anklet that matches."

I got off the bed and went back over to my dresser. I fumbled through my jewelry drawer until I found a matching white puka shell anklet.

I went back over to the bed and kneeled before Jake. I tied the anklet around Jake's left ankle.

Still on my knees, I looked up to Jake and was greeted by his piercing grey eyes..

"There," I said, "now you look like a real surfer bro."

It was such a turn on to see Jake wearing my necklace and jewelry. It felt like he was mine.

"I like your bikini Savannah. You look really good." Jake said as he looked down at me.

I rose to my feet.

"Thanks Jake," and I gave him a spin.

Jake pushed himself up off the bed.

Jake and I now stood with less than a foot of separation between us.

"Now that you have your shells," I said, "are you ready to go to the beach, or something?"

"Or something?" Jake asked.

"Or something." I confirmed.

Jake stepped towards me and closed the distance between us. Jake's hands moved to my face, my hands wrapped around his waist-- and we kissed.

Our semi-naked bodies pressed together as we kissed: Jake shirtless, me in just my bikini. We connected at the hips. My mouth just barely touched him from our difference in height.

Jake was a good kisser: his mouth tasted sharp and sweet. It was almost as if kissing a girl-- yet his fit juvenile body pressing into mine revealed the truth.

My hands found Jake's muscular stomach. I bit Jake's lower lip as I felt his body.

Jake's hands cradled my head, his right hand on my cheek, his left moving up and down my neck and collarbone. Jake's hands high; my hands low.

I broke the kiss and pushed Jake's muscular body onto my bed. I chased him. Our lips found each other again and we resumed our exploration.

I brushed my hand through Jake's hair while he touched my face and neck. Jake's other hand found the inside of my right bare thigh.

I layed back and pulled Jake into me with his puka shell necklace. Jake continued to play with my neck and collarbone, going as far to the straps of my bikini, but no further.

Jake broke our kiss

"I like you."

"I know, and I like you too."

Jake kissed my neck.

"What do you mean you know?"

"I saw you, when I was, well, you know, in the shower."

"Oh," Jake said, as he stopped, "sorry."

"No, no, it was cute," I said as I kissed him.

"It's just that you were right there," Jake said as he moved his mouth back to my neck.

"I know. Could you see anything?" I asked as my hand moved down Jake's body and found the strings of his Adidas shorts



I began to play with the strings and the line where his shorts met his skin. Jake's hips began to rock..


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