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Jen and Mike Ch. 09

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Mom and daughter make plans to tell dad.
12.4k words

Part 9 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/17/2014
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This story is a homage to another current lit erotica author Xleglover who has developed these 2 characters in another category. For the full history of mike and jen please go to the loving wives category and read He fucked my girl, All in my head, Making it work and consequences. All of his stories are excellent but those four in that order tie into the first part of this story somewhat. I have taken the characters to an alternate universe and in a slight different direction of him in that it is now 18 years in the future and the have a daughter who will through circumstances discover all about her parents past. Then she will become a big part of their future.


Jesse came into the dining room with two bags of food and said to her mom, "Wow mom did you buy the whole menu?" While starting to unload all the containers on to the table.

"If I remember young lady , you yourself asked for three things. I decided to get lots of different things. I thought it would be a healthy change for this family to try some new stuff. We've fallen into a rut in so many ways," she said while giving her husband a wicked smile.

"What do you think Mike are you ok with trying something new?" she added, teasing him now. Jenny loved teasing Mike when they were playing the game. She loved seeing his face as he dealt with each new emotional change.

"I guess as long as it's within reason, change can be fun," he said while avoiding her gaze. He pretended to be looking down at all the different food. It almost did look like she bought one of everything on the menu.

"See that's exactly what I mean, this family has to start having more fun," Jenny giggled while blowing a kiss to her daughter.

"This is so obscene mom, it almost looks like an orgy of food! I don't know where to even start." Jesse said.

"That's the nice thing about an orgy honey, you don't have to make any decisions you just go where you want. Not that I would even think you know anything about orgies, at your age," Jenny said trying to pick up the same kind of banter they shared last night. It had been fun watching Mike squirm while she asked Jesse if she wanted to get into her pants.

"Yeah right mom! I bet more I know more about orgies than you think. I'm not fifteen anymore you know. How many orgies exactly have you been too?" Jesse asked playing into her moms game.

"Hey what exactly have I missed here?" Mike asked. "Yesterday it was about your mom's affairs with women, today its you asking about orgies."

"We've never talked about this stuff before so what's with the change? It seems you have sex on the brain the last couple days Jesse."

"Oh daddy like I said I'm not fifteen anymore and before you worry no I haven't been to any orgies... But the ones I've seen on the internet look like lots of fun." Jesse boldly told her father.

Mike almost choked on a mouthful of rice, "My god Jesse, how long have you been watching porn on the net?"

"I don't know exactly daddy but I bet even you watch some porn too when me and mom aren't around. It's almost impossible to avoid," Jesse said while calmly biting into a dumpling.

When she did the juice from the dumpling exploded onto her face and shirt. Causing her mother to laugh. Jenny couldn't help it because it reminded her of something she would guess her daughter has already experienced.

"What so funny mom?" Jesse said while licking juice off her fingers.

"Oh I don't know, its just with all this talk about orgies and internet porn I couldn't help but notice that the dumpling just gave you a facial," she said while still giggling.

"Geez mom I didn't know you had such a dirty mind," Jesse said while continuing to lick her fingers.

" I really think I am going to go outside and come back in. I have no idea what has happened to my daughter. I think you are some kind of imposter," Mike told her.

"I don't know if I would say I have a dirty mind, honey. I will tell you that when we were younger me and Mike were a lot more open minded sexually. Oh and by the way no I have not had the pleasure of actually being at an orgy. I'm still young so who knows what the future brings." she responded to her daughter.

"I think I'm going to choke on your words honey can you get me something to drink please," Mike asked his outspoken wife.

After Jenny got up and went into the kitchen. Mike turned to his daughter and asked her.

"Honey where is all this coming from here, you have always seemed so sweet and innocent. I don't understand, why the change? Your mom mentioned you have a date tomorrow night with someone special is that what's on your mind."

"Well I didn't know mom was going to tell you about that yet but since she did I would have to say yes. It's someone I have know almost forever but all of a sudden we both realized we are attracted to each other. That's what me and mom were discussing when you first got home yesterday."

"After we finished my project last night me and mom just laid there while she answered lots of questions for me. You know the kind of questions only another woman can answer. She made me feel like a woman and not a little girl, it helped me start to get comfortable with the idea of having sex."

"It felt so comfortable, almost like we were sisters. She told me that I shouldn't be shy about talking about sex with her or even you. She encouraged me to be playful with the idea of sex, don't be afraid of it. So I guess the last two nights I have been taking her advice. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, would you rather I just keep all this inside of me?"

"No honey, I will get over whatever discomfort it might give me. It's just a bit of a shock, every father wants to think of their daughter as his little girl forever. It means I have to come face to face with the fact that you have grown into a stunningly beautiful woman. A young woman who will of course have a woman's curiosity and appetites. It was good advice your mom gave you" Mike said.

Jenny listening from the kitchen could not believe how smoothly Jesse had dealt with that. She had not lied one bit but left out all the real truth of their time spent together. She had also calmed her father down and made him accept the way she was talking.

Her ability to do this will come in so handy as she and Jess openly start to push Mike's cuckold buttons. Jenny knew that Mike will always be wrapped around her finger, but having him wrapped around Jesse's too will be magical.

While she was listening she reached into her pocket and took out the sleeping pill from its bottle. She crushed it up until it was nothing but powder. Then she stirred it into Mike's favorite drink. Maybe she should feel a little guilty about drugging the man she married so she could fuck their daughter but she didn't really care.

She walked into the dining area just in time to see Jesse jump up from her chair to hug Mike and tell him, "Thank you for understanding daddy, in some ways I will always be your little girl, I promise!"

"Here honey give your daddy his drink," Jenny said handing her daughter the spiked beverage. She saw the questioning look on her daughter's face when she took it from her mother. Jenny slightly nodded to her lover as if to say, "Yes its in there."

Jesse gave her mom a big smile, and said to her dad, " This is for the best daddy in the whole world." She watched him drain the glass then leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"I forgot to tell you daddy how sorry I am that I took your wife from you last night and kept her all to myself. I didn't mean to keep her the whole night. I promise it won't happen again tonight" she said with a sheepish look.

Jenny loved how Jesse was playing with things to say that enhanced the game. Even if it was over Mike's head right now all the lights would go on tomorrow night. He will remember that Jesse apologized for taking his wife and realize what she really meant.

"Tonight, but I thought you guys finished yesterday?" Mike said sounding frustrated because Jenny had promised him some actual pussy tonight.

"Sorry Mike I forgot to mention it cause we got so caught up in other things when you first walked in," his wife said.

"Ok well if Jesse needs the help its fine, but please don't make her grow up anymore over night" He joked.

"I can't promise anything honey she's at that age where sometimes things happen like lightning strikes. But I will try and control things."

"So Jesse, do you want to share anything about this special guy you are seeing tomorrow night," Mike said. It never could have entered his rose colored view of his daughter that it might not be a guy.

Jenny looked intently at her lover wondering how she would maneuver this one. Jesse looked right back at her and smiled.

Then she told her father, "All I want to say right now is that like I told you before, I have known this person my whole life. Just recently things brought us together and we realized we were interested in each other. If you have any questions just ask, I will try and tell you if I am comfortable answering."

"Well you are almost nineteen and judging by the course of the conversation here the last couple nights, I think the birds and bees questions are a moot point."

Jesse giggled and said, "Even if they were not moot mom covered all that last night."

Her father nodded and tried to think, then he asked, "Do you think you are in love?"

She looked at her mom and her heart soared. Right after her father asked that Jenny nodded a distinct yes to her little girl.

"Yes daddy, oh yes I definitely think I am in love!" She beamed.

"Before you ask the next question let me say that even though I seem to have sex on the mind as you put it, I am still a virgin. It may have seemed old fashioned to most of my friends but I have tried to wait. I wanted to wait till I met someone who made me flush just by thinking of them. The special person who I could see sharing the rest of my life with. I am sure that I have met that person with every inch of my heart," she said all the while looking right into her mother's eyes.

She wanted to express how deep her emotions ran for her lover. She wanted her to know that she was the one she had been dreaming of all her young life.

None of this was lost on Jenny, she was drinking it all in. Her daughter was mirroring her own feelings and putting them into words so beautifully. It took every ounce of self control not to burst into tears and run and pull her lover to her.

"Wow honey, it doesn't sound like you have any doubts, I am so happy for you. Will we get to meet this special someone soon?"

"Oh yes daddy very, very soon I promise!" she said while giving him what looked like a very mysterious smile.

"Honey I am so happy for you too, I hope you will be happy forever," Jenny said while getting up and giving her a big hug.

"I love you with all my heart too lover," she whispered in her little girl's ear.

Mike seeing his wife say something secret to his daughter got a little jealous.

"Hey you guys no secrets here, what did you just tell her?" Mike said in his little hurt voice.

"If you must know mister jealousy, I told her that I hope that her and her friend last as long as you and I have," Lying to her husband. She meant what she said for her daughter and herself.

"Are you finished with your daughter's interrogation? If you are I think you and I agreed on something special for tonight." she joked.

Jenny leaned over and whispered in his ear. "If you jump in the shower, I promise there will be time for us."

Ok, well I think I am finished here. I am going to get cleaned up and get ready for bed. You better not keep your mom all night again young lady. I missed her when I woke up this morning" Mike said jokingly to his daughter.

"I cross my heart and hope to die," goodnight daddy, sleep well.

"He's not going to sleep yet sweetie, me and Mike need a little husband wife time before he passes out. So be a dear and help me put all these leftovers away and clean up." Jenny asked her little girl.

As they picked up all the extra food Jenny hugged her daughter and said, "You were magnificent tonight honey. I cannot even begin to tell you how well you handled this whole night so far."

"Thanks mom, its kind of fun playing with daddy's head like that, I can see why you have such fun with it. By the way what's with this date tomorrow night, who am I supposed to be dating? I thought we were going to let daddy know about us tomorrow." Jesse asked sounding confused.

"I know you are a blonde honey but don't be a dumb blonde here. I'm your date silly," she told her while laughing at her.

"Now hurry up and help me get this cleaned up. I need to get into the bedroom and milk your father's cock into my pussy if you want your extra credit snack my little slut." her mother told her while reaching down to fondle her daughter's pussy briefly.

"Shit mom I thought you were kidding earlier today." Jesse said, groaning at her mother's touch.

"I never joke about eating a cream pie baby, its too much fun to make a joke over. Is it too much for you, does the idea of eating cum from pussy sound too dirty to you?"

"No way mom I told you how much I love the taste of cum. The idea of cum inside your pussy is like the cherry on top of the ice cream," Jesse said softly while lightly humping her mom's hand.

'So is the idea of eating your daddy's cum freaking you out?" Jenny took her hand away and smiled at her.

"Who said I was freaked out, I just didn't think you would actually do that for me. I will suck your pussy so clean you won't even be able to smell jizz in there. I mean there is no difference between me drinking your squirt juice yesterday and swallowing dad's jizz today."

"No difference at all, really?" Jenny asked her.

"Well I guess the big difference is that I swallow your juice because I love you, and I will eat daddy's cum because I love you too. I will be doing it because you want me to, not because he wants me to," she hugged her mom.

"I am so glad you saw that honey, I intend to take you up on your offer yesterday of being my totally obedient lover. The girl who said she would do anything I ask of her," Jenny whispered while hugging her back.

"Hey honey, are you almost finished in there?" Mike said sounding anxious.

"I have to go now but before I do, you need to go to your room now. Only open the two boxes on your bed. Put on what's in the boxes and come to our bedroom in thirty minutes. Come in and casually remind me to come to your room when I can. Do not open anything else ok?"

"Yes mommy, I am so excited I feel like it's Christmas morning and I have lots of presents!!" she said while bouncing up and down a bit.

"If today is Christmas then tomorrow is definitely going to be New Years day. It's going to be the official debut of our new life in this house. The whole thing has me soaking my damn panties all the time right now!" Jenny said to her then added, "do you know how sexy your boobs look when you bounce like that?"

"Of course I do mommy, after all I'm not a dumb blonde!" she giggled and ran to her room.

Jenny watched her daughters butt bounce as she ran to her room. She was already anticipating sliding her tongue into the crack of that ass like last night. She was getting truly excited at the prospect of all the sex that would be going on in this house very soon.

After tomorrow night, if everything goes as planned, she and her daughter would be free to fuck at anytime night or day. He husband would pretty much be along for the show. She would make sure he still got a fair amount of orgasms by hand or mouth maybe even pussy some time. However her daughter's pleasure was going to be her number one concern. She hadn't referred to Jesse as lover number one to Mike for no small reason.

When she traveled to California to re-visit Allie and Scott they would retake their places in her life as lovers number two and three. Mike unfortunately was going to be number four. That number might even get lower with the prospect of Cheryl, her daughter's best friend, joining her in her perversions too. This of course is not to mention the possible men that her and Jesse would lasso in with their bodies.

Yes the level of sex in the Andrew's household was going to explode very soon, but the majority of it was going to be for Jenny and Jesse.

With that in her head she made her way to her bedroom and the chore she had to perform. She felt kind of bad that she looked at having sex with Mike as a chore but he did not even come close to exciting her anymore. Not after the mind blowing orgasms at the tongue and lips and fingers of her little angel.

"You had me worried baby. I thought you were going to stand me up for our daughter's school project." Mike half joked with her.

He still had plenty of memories where Jenny had gone off to fuck someone and would forget about him. She would look at his little dick and tell him she would take care of that later, and unfortunately for him later really meant later. Sometimes she would have one of her boyfriends over the house and she would go in their bedroom to fuck. The other guy wasn't supposed to spend the night but more times than not they would fuck till they passed out. What would make it worse for Mike is that sometimes they would wake up in the morning and screw some more even though she knew she had fucked up.

That was Jenny, it seemed her one motivation in life was the constant pursuit of orgasms. Mike just couldn't give her ones like the others could. He knew that with Jenny's return and the renewal of the game he would probably have new memories to hate and enjoy at the same time.

"Now mister when was the last time I didn't deliver on the promise of draining those little balls of yours," she teased.

He was laying in bed wearing nothing, it almost made her want to laugh out loud. He exuded not one bit of confidence that most women looked for in their men. Instead he looked like an expectant child. He even had the dick of a child to add to the portrait.

"Is my man all ready to give me some hot cuckold love baby," She said while taking her shorts off. She left her top on and got on the bed and mounted his hips.

"Oh baby aren't you going to get undressed? You know how much I like playing with your titties while we ..." his last word was cut off because instead of mounting his little dick Jenny climbed on his face. That was one way he still managed to make her cum, one way she didn't have to fake her orgasm.

She rode his face, telling him how little he was and how he couldn't ever hope to live up to her lover's abilities.

"Oh god Mike use that tongue baby, eat my dirty pussy. I will always love you and this ability of yours at least," she told him honestly.

He was damn good at this. Sadly even with as little experience as she had Jesse was still better, way better.

"Come on baby take me to the top honey, make your lover sing. You always know how to eat this cunt."

"Just think baby, I want you to picture my face, how it looks when I cum. Oh yeah, Oh oh yes Mike that's it. Is your dick hard baby let me see. Make me cum mike! Make me cum and I will jump on your dick."

"Oh shit yes that's it, going to pop, make it happen! Ohhhhhhhh, Ohhh, yes!!"

True to her word she moved her pussy down her husband's body and got on his cock. It had been three weeks since they last fucked so he was more than primed. As soon as she lowered herself onto him he stuttered and groaned.

"Oh Jesus Jenny I'm sorry, cant hold it, going to shoot right away. Your pussy feels so fucking good." With that he pathetically shot his load inside his wife. He failed to notice the look of disdain or disgust on her face when he came.

While her mom was working on her father Jesse had gone into her room wondering excitedly about her mom's presents. Sure enough there on the bed were two boxes, one large and one real small.

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