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Jennifer's Robe Ch. 01

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Why does a woman always look so sexy when she wears a robe?
11.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/01/2012
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Chris' mother had known Jennifer since long before he was born. The story was they'd been assigned together as roommates their first semester as college freshmen. Instead of it being the typically awkward forced friendship that lasts barely half a semester before both roommates start getting on each others nerves, Jennifer and Chris' mother, Courtney, found they had a great deal in common and became life long friends. Courtney had met Chris' father in college and ended up conceiving him about two months before she graduated. She and his father didn't last and she ended up raising him with the help of her parents. Now at 43 his mother had seen her 21 year old son graduate, not from college, but from culinary school, and start to make a life of his own. Chris loved food, loved to cook, and found out very quickly that he could make money doing it. Besides, look at all the shows on Food Network, chefs are now the new rock stars.

Once he'd finished school he had moved back home from the dorm at the school. Since he grew up by the Jersey Shore, he knew he could find a job at one of the many restaurants that dot this area of the state. It wouldn't be like starting out in a four star restaurant in Manhattan, but it would get his feet wet and start putting some zeroes into his bank account, which is really what he needed at the moment. When he came home he was greeted by his mother, who, after helping him unpack his car and a great home cooked meal that she had waiting for him, she had some surprising and interesting news for him.

"Sweetie, come sit down with me I need to talk to you about something," she said sitting at the kitchen table.

Courtney was a tiny little thing, Italian, with long wavy black hair. Chris had seen pictures of her when she was in college and he had to admit, she would definitely have qualified as a hottie among his friend's standards. Even at 43 she was still a good looking woman, she took care of herself and kept up with fashion, but had the sense to dress her age and still turn the heads of men both her own age and a bit younger when she was shopping. But, having grown up with her and being that she was in her mid-forties, to Chris, she was just Mom.

He sat across the table from her, the look she wore was something between hesitant and worried. "Do you remember my friend, Jennifer?"

"Yeah, I remember her. Redhead, married rich, lives out by Princeton," he said.

"Right. Well, she isn't doing so well, right now. In fact she's doing horribly. Seems her husband is leaving her," she said.

"No way? A younger woman?" he said.

"No, prison!"

"What!? How come?"

"Well, seems he was convicted of fraud and for conducting a Ponzi scheme. All of their assets have been frozen and she has no where to go," she said.

"Holy shit!" Chris said.

"Language, young man. But, yeah, holy shit," she said. If ever there was a "holy shit" moment, this definitely qualified.

"So, what's she going to do?" Chris pretty much knew the answer to this before he finished the question.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Most of her "friends" won't even talk to her now that she lost her money. She's divorcing her husband, which actually is moving along pretty quickly since they really have nothing to split. She has no place to go and I wanted to know if you'd be alright if...' she trailed off.

"You wanted to know if I'd be cool if she stayed with us for a little while," he said.

"Yes. So... would you mind?"

"Yeah, I suppose. I mean it's your house. I'm probably not going to be here for long, anyway. As soon as I find a job in a restaurant I'm going to start looking for my own place."

"Oh," she said. That caught her off guard. "So quickly? Alright, well, you are a grown man." Chris could hear a little sadness in her voice. "But, you aren't bothered if Jennifer moves in here for a little while?"

"No, its fine."

Courtney smiled and gave her son a big, thankful hug.

Two days later a white Mercedes pulled up in front of the house and out stepped a stunning red head with an hourglass figure in hip hugger jeans, calf high Pam Grier boots, and a white silk blouse. Her hair, make-up, basically her whole style looked professionally done. She basically looked like she cost about as much as a month's tips Chris made in the bar he worked in during school. She popped the trunk of her car and pulled out a large suitcase with both hands. It must have weighed a ton because once she cleared the lip of the trunk it dropped from her hands to the street with a loud ku-klunk. She clenched her hands into fists and kicked the suitcase, hard, than stumbled back.

'Oh, that one hurt,' Chris thought as he watched from the living room window as she limped around in pain than sit down on the curb. He watched as her head sunk into her hands and than her shoulders began to shudder. She was crying. He'd better get outside and help her with her stuff. If his mom saw him just letting her sit out there she'd kick his ass.

Chris stepped over to the trunk of Jennifer's car and gently cleared his throat. He was hoping not to frighten her, but that was in vain as she jumped at the sound.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Chris said. I just thought you might need a little help with your things."

"Who... Who're you?" the upset woman said staring at him apprehensively.

"Oh, I'm Chris, Courtney's son," he said. He extended his hand to her and helped her back to her feet. "I guess I should have said that first, instead of letting you think some stranger was approaching you. Are you okay?" Chris had to fight to keep his eyes from falling out of his head. Even with tears in her eyes this woman was the definition of gorgeous. Her hair was so thick and just perfectly framed her face. Her white blouse was doing little to hide the two massive tits that hid underneath. He had no idea what size they were, but they were well over a handful. His friends used to say, anything over a handful and you're risking a sprained thumb. Chris' answer was, get stronger hands.

Jennifer took a deep breath and wiped her eyes with her fingertips. "Yes... well, no, not really. It's just been a bad couple of months and... those two stupid bags were all I could get to stuff as many clothes as I could find into before the people from the bank came and locked up everything, and when the handle broke, it was kind of the last straw, and I really don't know why I'm telling all this to my girlfriend's kid." Jennifer sighed again. "Sorry, I must be making you feel very uncomfortable."

"No, no, I'm fine," Chris said. What he was really thinking was, 'Okay, this chick needs a drink or some weed.'

"Well, you're here now. Why don't you head on inside, I've got the bags. Mom's probably waiting for you," Chris said.

"Thank you, I guess there are some gentlemen left in the world," Jennifer said as she attempted to regain her composure. "Not like that fucking prick I married."

'Okay, there's probably more to this than him running a con game on a bunch of poor schmoes,' he thought. He went to pick up the bag and saw that the handle did indeed snap off. When he grabbed it to heave it up to his shoulder he thought he heard one of his vertebrae crack when he tried to lift it. 'Jesus Christ, what the hell did she put in here, the entire closet?' He looked back and saw that there was another suitcase the exact same size. 'Oh, this is going to suck.'

When he looked up and watched Jennifer walk up the driveway his eyes were immediately drawn to curvy ass that twitched and shook with each step. 'Maybe this won't be so bad after all.'

* * * * *

Jennifer and Courtney spent the majority of the day together in the kitchen talking over a bottle of wine. Jennifer cried, vented and cried some more about everything that was happening, how her life was over because her idiot husband embezzled millions from the company he worked for, and she had no idea how he was having an affair with some 23 year old assistant, and that she had no idea what she was going to do now. Chris heard every word of this all the way up in his room. What amazed him was that she wasn't complaining or whining about how she couldn't go for her weekly mani-peti or go for a drink at some trendy wine bar with her high society friends, but that she was terrified because she wasn't sure she could even find a job, that she hadn't developed any skills because she didn't have to work thanks to her husband making so much money. Who'd hire her? Chris kind of understood what she meant, she'd lived a certain lifestyle for so long she didn't know much else; and yet, like everyone else, she'd have to start at the same place everyone else did if she wanted to make a living... the bottom.

"Tell you what, let's go for a swim," Chris heard his mom say.

"I don't think so," Jennifer said.

"It wasn't a question. Besides, the sun and the cool water will do you some good," Courtney said.

Jennifer sighed and the sound of the chair legs rumbling across the kitchen told Chris she'd reluctantly agreed. He breathed a sigh of relief; her constant talk about how her life sucks now was starting to bring him down. He'd wait till they were outside than go downstairs and check the internet and the newspapers for any available jobs for a newly graduated chef.

"Chris," his mother shouted up the stairs.

'Oh no, what now?' He opened his bedroom door. "Yeah?"

"Would you mind getting dinner ready for us tonight?" she asked.

Chris' body went slack and he leaned up against the wall. "So much for searching for work," he muttered. "Yeah I suppose so," he said.

"Thanks, sweetie, it'll really help. I owe you one," she said.

Chris hid in his room a little longer until he heard both women head outside to the backyard, than made his way down to the kitchen. He remembered his mom had defrosted chicken and he poked through the fridge and cabinets to see how he could prepare it. He'd found everything he needed for Chicken Picatta. Chris blended all the ingredients together just as his instructors taught him and without using a written recipe. Just as he put the pasta in the water to cook he opened the kitchen window and called out to the pool that dinner was ready in ten minutes. Within five the door opened and in came his mom wearing her red one piece that reminded him of the suits they wore on Baywatch.

"Oh, come on, you can't tell me you don't feel a little better after a swim," Courtney said facing the back door.

"Yeah, I guess, a little," Jennifer said. For the second time in one day, this woman had forced Chris to exercise all the self control he could muster. Jennifer's long red hair hung around her shoulders. It had that damp toweled off sexiness that made a woman look so hot after she showered or swam. She had a body that could not be labeled as skinny, not in the least, but she was far from fat. Jennifer wore a white bikini that seemed to struggle to hold in a pair of massive 38 DDD breasts. Around her waist she had wrapped her towel like a sarong, and tied it low around her hips so it looked like something a belly dance wore. With each step her gorgeous hourglass hips swayed and swung back and forth while her spandex bound tits jiggled and bounced ever so slightly. Chris could hardly take his eyes off her and nearly burned his hands as he reached for the boiling pasta pot without pot holders. The sharp pain of his searing finger tips shook him back to reality.

"What smells so good?" Jennifer asked. She smiled and showed off a row of professionally whitened teeth.

"Chicken Picatta," Chris said. He was doing his best to try to ignore his natural urges to stare and drool over this bewitching creature.

"Your son cooks?" Jennifer asked.

"He'd better after all the money he spent on culinary school," she said.

"Mom, I graduated in the top three percent of my class, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing," Chris said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Really? A Chef!" Jennifer stepped over to the stove and grabbed the wooden spoon to taste the sauce Chris had just finished. As she leaned forward to taste and keep the sauce from dripping on her Chris saw how her huge tits hung from her chest out of the corner of his eye. In his most lust filled imagination he could see himself standing behind her wrapping his hands around her and cupping those two gorgeous mammaries, the soft flesh spilling out over the edge of his hands.

"Mmmm," Jennifer said closing her eyes and savoring the sauce. "That is so yummy." She turned toward him and stood with her hand on her hip watching him with a raised eyebrow. The bottom of Chris' stomach dropped out and his heart rocketed into his throat. She simply shook her head and sighed as she turned toward Courtney. "Why couldn't I have hooked up with a guy like this when we were in our twenties?"

"Cause I hadn't made one so perfect, yet," Courtney said.

"I guess not."

"Okay, can the two half naked women go get some plates and silverware before my head swells to the point where I can't fit it through the door?" Chris said. He wanted to play it cool around Jennifer, and had to make sure he wasn't being too obvious about staring at his mother's girlfriend.

"Aw, are we embarrassing you?" his mother said.

"No, you're giving me diabetes with all this sweetness," he said, trying to down play his embarrassment.

The two middle aged women laughed. Courtney grabbed some forks and told Jennifer what cabinet the plates were in. Jennifer opened the cabinet and had to stand on her tip toes to get the plates from the top shelf. As she stretched her frame to reach her towel lost its grip around her waist and slipped to the floor. Chris was than greeted with the sight of a tight, round, heart shaped tush barely covered by a swatch of white material. Not so much a thong or a g-string, but not enough to leave much to the imagination. Jennifer put the plates down on the counter and quickly bent over to grab her towel, giving Chris an even better show. She quickly wrapped the towel around her. "Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen," she said.

Courtney laughed. "Well, that's one old skill you could fall back on."

"COURT-NEE!" Jennifer said. "Oh, my God, I can't believe you just said that!" She covered her mouth to hide her embarrassed smile.

Chris was frozen in place holding the pasta bowl of Chicken Picatta both from the show he got and the exchange between his mom and her friend. "Wait, wait, wait! You're saying you were a stripper!?"

"Never mind," Jennifer said. "That was years ago. Besides, no one wants to see some fat ass 43 year old dancing around on stage."

"Oh, come on, Jen, you are far from being fat," Courtney said. "And, from what I hear, most of these young guys are really into this whole "M.I.L.F." thing." Courtney looked at her son. "Right, Chris?"

Chris felt his face flush. "Oh, sweet Jesus, can we just eat!" Chris said.

"You are so bad, Court," Jennifer said. "You just mortified your son."

"Oh, please, he's a 21 year old guy who's still a slave to his urges. I've caught him on the computer a time or two, I know what he's into, and thank God it isn't anything deviant." Courtney grabbed a bottle of Pinot Noir, 2 glasses, and a beer for her son. "Besides, a little shock and embarrassment every once in a while reminds him he can't get anything past me." Courtney headed out to the dining room with her hands full. "And between you and me, I think he liked what he saw."

Jennifer's eyes almost fell out of her head at her best friend's words. But even she noted how Chris had his eyes locked on her when she was rewrapping her towel around her. She hadn't seen her husband drool over her like that since they were first married. It felt good.

* * * * *

It had been a week since Jennifer had moved in and was starting to settle into a routine. Chris hadn't been around much as he was out searching for a job, with nothing opening up for him. When Sunday came Chris had decided he wasn't going to do much of anything and just veg-out. Chris decided to go down to the kitchen and grab a beer and make a sandwich. There was an old kung-fu movie from the 70's on and he wasn't going to miss it. As he headed for the stairs he passed the guest room Jennifer was occupying and noticed the door was open a few inches. Inside he saw Jennifer at the foot of the bed with her back to the door, wearing a pair of black lace cheekie panties, and not much else. She was folding her laundry into neat piles and each time she moved Chris could see the sides of her tits sway back and forth and her juicy round ass wiggle ever so slightly. It was so freaking sexy and took a conscious effort to tear his eyes away from watching that curvy goddess. Chris crept down past her room and down the stairs so as not to tip her off to the fact he had been spying on her. When Chris was at the bottom of the steps he called back up. "Hey, Jen, you up there?"

"Yeah. What's up Chris?" she shouted back.

"I'm making myself some lunch, you want a sandwich?" he called. Chris hoped she'd say yes. Over the past week he found that he enjoyed hanging around her, outside of her tearful bursts of depression. She could be funny and he could have a decent conversation with her. He also loved looking at her and watching her walk and how almost everything on her bounced and jiggled. Well, all the good parts, that is.

"Yeah, I am a little hungry. Thanks, I'll be down in a minute to help you," she called.

Chris gave a little fist pump. 'Yes,' he thought, than felt a little foolish. He was 22 and was acting like a 14 year old that just started noticing the girl's tits for the first time.

He had all the bread, cold cuts, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and onion on the table ready to make some sandwiches. The sound of a rhythmic clicking caught his attention and knew it had to be Jennifer. Jennifer had this thing about wearing heels all the time. She said she felt very comfortable in them. His mom thought she was nuts as she loved wearing sneakers and flats whenever she could. 'To each their own,' he thought.

Chris was paying attention to the food and called out, "Hey, do you want your bread toas—" he tripped over his words when Jennifer entered the kitchen. He was expecting to see her in jeans and t-shirt with her heels on. What he got was nothing more that her wearing a black silk robe that came to mid thigh with a pair of black heels that clicked over the tile floor with each step. "...toasted?" Chris completed his sentence.

'Holy shit,' was the only words in his head. Jennifer had her hair up exposing her long neck. He could tell she wasn't wearing a bra because with each step her massive tits jiggled and swayed. She had a walk that was just naturally feminine a sensuous, almost like a runway model's walk which just emphasized the sway of their hips. Chris could already feel a stirring in his groin. As this woman came closer his cock began to grow and press against his denim shorts.

"Sure," she said. "Need any help?"

"Uh... no... I... I'm alright," he said.

"Oh, let me do something," she said. "Here, let me slice the onion." She picked up the knife and cutting board and began to slice the onion.

Chris turned and put four slices of bread in the toaster oven. When he turned back to the center island in the kitchen his heart almost stopped. Jennifer's robe had opened just a little above her tie. She was using a back and forth motion with the knife to cut the onion and the little wiggle of her body from the motion made her tits shake back and forth in quick little shimmies. Her arms being so close together pushed those two beautiful mounds against each other. With each sawing motion of Jennifer's arm her tits would jiggle, like a sexy little dance just for him. The only image Chris had in his head was of burying his face between them and sucking on each nipple till they were hard and cherry red.

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