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Jennifer's Robe Ch. 03

Story Info
Chris and Jennifer can't hold back any longer.
10.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/01/2012
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Jennifer was starting to consume all of Chris' thoughts. Was it love? No, he could safely say it wasn't that. He wasn't thinking about how nice it was to sit and watch tv with her or go for walks to secluded areas and bare his soul to her. No, that wasn't on his mind. What was on his mind was her black silk robe hanging open and loose from her shoulders, barely hiding her beautiful tits from view. Thoughts of one of those big soft glorious globes squashed against his face with a mouthful of rock-hard nipple would pop into his head while he was waiting for an interview and cause a wicked little smirk to spread across his face. Her curvy naked body draped across his while she sucked on his cock and he licked her sensitive little clit, his hands planted firmly on each ass cheek to keep her hips from bucking too much. Many times he had to banish those thoughts from his mind or go insane with lust.

It had been about a week since Chris and Jennifer had sixty-nined. After that, finding a private moment or two was next to impossible. Between the two of them looking for work, the occasional interview, and Chris' mother Courtney being home when they were, the timing was just off. This didn't mean they didn't sneak quick feels while the other was walking past in the hallway or goosing each other on the stairs. Chris would grab hold of her and give her a hard tongue-lashing kiss when Courtney left the room, but nothing that would constitute something serious. To them, this was just having fun.

Occasionally Jennifer would flash him when his mother wasn't looking, sometimes tit, sometimes her perfectly trimmed muff. What worried Jennifer, was his mother catching them. Courtney trusted Jennifer in her home, and she didn't want to betray that trust, even though she may have already. The fact was, without her she'd be homeless, and that weighed on her conscience. Funny how a young, virile, twenty-two-year-old cock could put a lot of that at ease.

It was a Thursday morning when Chris came down the stairs into the kitchen. He thought he was the only one up, until he saw the sight of a perfectly round female ass bent over in front of an open kitchen cabinet. She was wearing a cheetah print cover up with a slit up each leg. The slight banging of pots as they slid back and forth rang out from the cabinet, almost in perfect time to the shifting of each ass cheek. Red hair piled high in a hasty bun danced about as she looked for something. Chris stood there in a pair of workout shorts and nothing else, his cock immediately jumped to attention as he watched Jennifer's ass bounce left and right while she searched.

'Oooh, déjà vu,' he thought. He quietly stepped closer; his cock pointed forward like a bayoneted rifle. He stopped with the head of his cock just a few inches from her ass. He loved how hypnotic it was, and almost didn't want it to end, but then that meant he couldn't do this. Chris leaned forward and slowly speared his cock in-between her ass cheeks. She gasped and stood up quickly. Chris knew her reaction would be to turn around, so he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her closer to him, which sank his cock deeper in between her cheeks and into her taint.

"Good morning," he growled in her hear.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing, young man!"

Chris' eyes widened and his heart jumped into his throat. His hands went slack and he jumped back.

"MOM! Oh, my God, Mom!" Chris shouted.

"Are you insane, what the hell was that," she demanded as she stood before him in her cover up and newly dyed red hair.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I thought... I mean, I didn't mean to... Oh, my God, I'm so sorry," Chris said. His hands ran through his hair as he walked around the kitchen in a haphazard pattern and tried to process his mortification.

"What's going on?" Jennifer said as she came down the stairs in her white terry cloth robe.

"That's what I'd like to know," Courtney demanded. "Apparently my son has taken to goosing the first butt he sees in the morning. Even his mother's!"

Jennifer stood at the base of the stairs, her eyes shifted from Courtney to Chris and back again. She tried to hold back the smile on her face, and the laughter that was erupting from her. A fruitless effort as it came spilling out of her lips in a raspberry and then a full-on belly laugh.

Courtney crossed her arms and glared at her best friend. "It isn't funny, Jen," she said.

"Yes... yes, it is," Jennifer said.

Chris' face was apple red and found it impossible to say anything. "I... I was..."

Jennifer had to sit down on the steps from her laughter. "You were what, Chris?" She looked at her young boy toy with anticipation at how he was going to explain this away.

"I was, uh... still half asleep and... you looked like someone I was dreaming about... and..."

"Don't bullshit me, young man. Do I look stupid to you?"

"What?" Chris asked.

"I know what's going on here," Courtney said.

"You do?" Chris asked.

"You do?" Jennifer followed.

"Yes, he's twenty-two, good looking, and in his prime," she said as she stepped forward. "It's been going on for a while, too. Hasn't it?" She interrogated him.

"Umm... well... not a while..." Chris was hoping she wasn't referring to what he thought she was.

Jennifer slowly stood up; her mouth open like she was going to say something.

Her eyes looked like they were about to fall out of her head.

"You had a girl over here last night, didn't you?" Courtney demanded.

Chris deflated a little and then tried to play it off like he was caught. "Y... Yeah," he said.

"Is it serious?" she continued to interrogate him.

"Well... it's... umm...," Chris nodded.

Courtney sighed and stepped closer to Chris. "Never mind, it probably isn't.

Look, I get it. You're a young man, and there's a lot of pretty girls out there. But I don't want my house used like a college dorm. Keep it under control, at least until you move out," she said.

"I will, mom," he said.

Jennifer sat down at the kitchen dinette set and sighed a silent sigh of relief.

"You're being safe, too, aren't you?" Courtney asked.

"Absolutely, mom. You don't have to worry," he said.

"Good, cause there's no way I'm ready to be a grandmother, yet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I suddenly feel like I need to shower," Courtney said as she walked to her bedroom.

As his mom closed her bedroom door Chris leaned over the kitchen counter and held his face in his hands. "Oh my God, that was way too close."

"Yeah, it was. What the hell were you thinking," Jennifer said in a harsh whisper.

"I thought she was you. I mean I saw a round bent over ass, the cheetah print dress, and red hair, what was I supposed to think," he said.

Jennifer closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "She dyed her hair last night, and I let her borrow the cover up, it looked good on her. Apparently, you thought so, too."

"Stop that, that's gross. She's my mother," Chris said.

"Take it easy, Oedipus, I'm not saying you should follow her into the shower and bang the shit out of her, but she's a good looking woman and I can guarantee there was a part of her that was flattered when a twenty-two year old stud walked up behind her and the only thought in his head was to bend her over and fuck her. Of course, all of that died when she found out it was her son," Jennifer said.

Chris just shuddered.

"In the meantime, she knows something's up. Not between us, but she knows something's going on," she said and glanced in the direction of Courtney's bedroom door. "So, we may want to take it easy for a little while."

"You're right. It sucks, but you're right. We don't need to get caught in a compromising position," he agreed reluctantly.

Jennifer looked at him and smirked at his disappointment. "Aww, don't be sad. It'll just be a little while," she said as she sauntered over to him. Chris instinctively stood up to face her and she draped her arms around his neck. "And I just realized that I never gave you my cell phone number," she said.

Chris looked at her quizzically. "What does that have to do... OH!"

Jennifer nodded. She dug into her robe pocket and pulled out her phone, tapped in her code and the screen opened to the desktop. "I'm waiting," she cooed.

Chris rattled off his number and she typed it into her contacts. "Now, if I remember, you said you wanted to get an early start on looking for a job, right?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Then get moving. It'll be the perfect excuse for me to do the same," she said. She stood up on her tip toes and planted a long lingering kiss on his lips than stepped away to make herself a cup of coffee.

Chris climbed the stairs and made his way to his bedroom. As he opened the door, he heard his phone ding as it received a text message. When he looked at the screen all he saw was a number listed, no name. It had to be Jennifer, confirming his number. He tapped on the screen and the message opened. Chris almost dropped the phone when he saw the message and the attached picture. Jennifer must have used the timer on her camera, because the sight he was greeted with was her standing in the kitchen, her robe held open by her hands on her hips. The only other things she had on were her white high heeled sandals and a big smile. A perfect image of her gloriously nude mature body, her huge DDD tits perched proudly on her chest, and her pretty little pussy crowned by a perfectly trimmed tuft of red pussy hair. The message below it read, 'A little something to keep the fires stoked until later.' Chris was immediately rock hard and raced off to the shower.

* * * * *

Days had gone by and both Chris and Jennifer had kept their word to simmer things down. This hadn't been easy for either of them. Chris would see her swimming out in the pool in one of her sexy bikinis or sitting in front of the computer job hunting in a pair of yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt that hung off her shoulder... sans a bra. How he wanted to grab hold of her, pin her against the wall, and show her what her natural sexiness did to him.

Jennifer seemed to be bearing it much better than Chris, at least on the outside. One night she'd seen him cooking dinner in the kitchen in a pair of jeans and a black guinea-t, and it made her stop in her tracks. Her eyes glued to the muscles that rippled along his arms as he flipped the ingredients in a cast iron skillet with one hand. One day he was leaving the house in a jacket and tie. When he stopped to ask his mom and Jennifer how he looked, it took every bit of self-control the redhead possessed not to grab him by that tie and lead him upstairs to have her way with him. She loved a man that cleaned up well, and the cologne he wore was the icing on the cake. 'God, he smells so good,' she thought. What almost sent her over the edge was the day she spied on him in the garage and watched him lift a heavy crate up over his head to put on a shelf. He was bare chested and the V of his torso as well as his muscular arms and chest almost instantly made her pussy tingle and moisten.

'Oh, God, I can't take much more of this,' she thought.

This had started as a bit of fun between her and this primal young man she shared the same house with. She hadn't really been physical with her ex-husband in the last few years of their marriage. During their college days and when they first got married it was like they couldn't keep their hands off each other. She loved that feeling of being wanted, physically and emotionally. Being a very physically affectionate woman, Jennifer craved that attention from a man. She also wasn't shy about returning it. She loved touching and caressing the man she was attracted to, wrapping her arms around his torso and laying her head against his hard chest. That feeling of safety when he'd step up behind her and wrap her up in a pair of big strong arms. Chris reminded her how much she missed being physically affectionate. She had to hold herself in check around him, for fear of giving him too much of a green light. She knew she was acting a bit slutty with him, alright really slutty, but it had always been at a time of her choosing. She had to keep the control for fear of this young man letting his libido get the better of him and Courtney finding out what was going on.

Even before her world came crashing down, she knew about the affair her husband was having. Even then she wouldn't dare betray the vow she took when her ex's eyes fell on her less and less. She couldn't explain it to anyone who might ask. A piece of her wished she had, but that wasn't the kind of person she was. Now here was this twenty-two-year-old, she hesitated to call him a kid, but she supposed that's what he was compared to her, and he just couldn't get enough of her. He loved how she looked, how her body felt, her attitude, how she teased him. He was so hot to fuck her, to give her that physical affection and attention she craved. He made her feel alive and beautiful. She couldn't wait much longer, she wanted him and she hoped he wanted her just as much.

Another two weeks had passed and Jennifer still hadn't found a job. She was beginning to feel discouraged and depressed. No skills, no experience, she felt like she had nothing to offer. She even drove past her old strip club, the Honey Hole, to see what it looked like. She didn't stop but a twinge of shame darkened her mood further at considering going back to it. 'Like they'd even hire a worn-out middle-aged woman like me,' she thought.

When Chris would joke and try to play with her, she'd brighten up a little bit, but it didn't last. Jennifer was starting to feel like a failure and a burden to her dear friend, Courtney. Sometimes at night she'd cry herself to sleep when she'd imagine what her life had become, and her unknown future frightened her.

One late Thursday afternoon Courtney and Jennifer were sitting in the living room chatting. Courtney was trying to give Jennifer some ideas on where else to look for work when Chris burst through the front door. His excitement and joy radiated out of him like beams of sunlight.

"Mom! Mom! Jennifer!" he shouted.

Both women ran into the foyer. "Chris? What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Courtney asked, her face masked in concern.

"Better than alright," he said. His whole face was alit with exuberance. "I got a job!" Chris threw his fists up in the air in triumph like he'd just won a title fight.

Both women cheered. Courtney threw her arms around her son's neck. The two of them jumped and cheered while they still embraced each other.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, where is it?" his mother asked. "What restaurant are you working at?"

"It's at High Tide up in Sea Bright," he began to explain. "It's a seafood restaurant a block away from the beach. One of their line cooks quit. The owners and the head chef had me cook three different menu items for them. After they tasted them, they said I was perfect. I start a week from Monday," he said.

"That's fantastic," Courtney said. "We have to celebrate."

Jennifer stood just off to the side watching the exchange between mother and son. She pasted a smile on her face, but there was nothing genuine behind it. She was happy for Chris; he'd really put in the time and effort and found a job. The beginning to a career, really. But Jennifer couldn't help but feel jealous, even a little angry that he had found a job and she still couldn't.

"Oh! Wait! I'm leaving tomorrow," Courtney said. "I have to be in San Diego to meet with a new client the company is taking on." Chris deflated a little. "But we can celebrate as soon as I get back."

"Definitely," Chris said.

"Hey, we can at least open a bottle of wine and toast your success," Courtney said. She took him by the hand and lead him into the kitchen.

Jennifer followed. Chris' excitement was still there, but she could see it had been dialed down a bit. She bit her lower lip and smiled a bit, than felt ashamed of herself at feeling some satisfaction that his triumph had to be postponed. 'You're an awful person, Jen,' she thought. He was young, just out of school, optimistic about his future, and hungry to put the world in a headlock and show it what he was made of. She wished she could have that chance again, instead of relying on someone else, a man who promised to take care of her, only to end up lying to her and destroying their lives in the process. She took a deep breath and pasted on another smile; she couldn't let Chris see a sour look on her face when he was so high on his success.

* * * * *

Chris carried his mother's suitcase and carry-on out to the waiting Uber. Courtney was wearing a pair of jeans and her Rutgers University sweatshirt over her Minnie Mouse t-shirt. Her dyed red hair was pulled back in a pony tail with her sunglasses perched on top of her head. She liked to fly comfortable.

"The timing of this sucks," she said as she watched Chris hand the bags to the driver.

"It's alright, mom. It's not like you're leaving to move across the country," he said as he walked over to Courtney and took her hands in his. "You'll be back by the end of the week and we can go out to dinner than. Besides, I have to go in to get paperwork filled out, set up my direct deposit, and make sure all my knives are sharpened and my chef's jackets are presentable. Some of them need a good dry cleaning, I'm sure. Don't want to look like I just stepped out of a greasy spoon when I show up for my first day," Chris said.

Courtney smiled at how understanding he was. "I'm so proud of you." She looked over her shoulder at Jennifer standing on the front porch. "You'll help him out if he needs anything, right Jen?"

She smiled. "He's a grown man, Courtney. He landed this job on his own, he'll be fine. Besides, I'm the one who should be going to him for help. Maybe he can show me what I'm doing wrong," Jennifer said. Courtney turned back to her son and nodded.

Courtney threw her arms around her son's neck and hugged him tightly. "At least I'll be back to see you leave for your first day."

"Love you, mom, and have a safe flight." Chris let her go and opened the car door for her. She kissed him on the cheek and climbed into the back seat. The car pulled off as Chris stepped backwards and waved good-bye. He stepped up onto the porch next to Jennifer and looked down at her. Her thick red hair hung around her shoulders. She had only run a hairbrush through it earlier, but it still looked like something that would make a runway model jealous. She had her arms crossed over her chest and it made her breasts push up through the V of her white t-shirt. Chris' eyes instinctively scanned down to them than back up to her face.

Jennifer closed her eyes and shook her head with a small smile. "Men," she said.

"We are what we are," Chris said. He started to reach for her but was quickly shot down when Jennifer turned on her heel and made for the door.

"Well, I have to get dressed and get to a job interview," she said.

"A job interview?" Chris said with surprise.

"Yeah. An old friend of your mom and mine reached out to me. Apparently, word travels fast on social media when the rich bitch gets divorced and loses everything," Jennifer said with an acidy tone. "Anyway, she's friends with a plastic surgeon who's part owner of a practice. Told me to email him my resume and they called a couple days ago."

"Apparently she doesn't think you're that much of a bitch if she's willing to hook you up with a job," Chris said. His own success at finding a job made him look at the silver lining of the situation.

"Job interview. I don't have it, yet. It's just an interview," she corrected.

"Nevertheless, it's a start. What's it for?"

"Office receptionist," Her level of excitement left a little something to be desired. It had been close to two months of rejection after rejection in her search to find some kind of gainful employment. Her prospects were becoming dimmer and dimmer and she wondered if she would ever find a way to get on her feet and make her own way.

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