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Jessica Alba - Paying with Pussy

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Jessica Alba settles her end of a business contract.
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Jessica Alba -- Paying with Pussy

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Jessica Alba looked square into the camera pointed close up to her face:

"Hi, I'm Jessica Alba and I'm paying with pussy," she said with a smile.

What had led the Hollywood star to this was agreed a decade in the past; when she'd been starting out a businesswoman in her 20s and setting up her own company, she'd needed financial backing to help get it off the ground despite her own reasonable fortune. She simply hadn't had the resources she needed to realistically commit on her own and had sought out investors to help fund and grow her business. The problem she'd found is that many didn't want to invest with her, or at least nowhere near the level she needed or wanted an unreasonable percentage of her company to make it worth their while. She understood she was new to the whole concept of running a business and it was kind of fair that people wouldn't simply hand her their money, but it was deeply frustrating as she knew she had a good plan and could really make a success of it.

Her vexation had continued for a few months as she received continued rejections until she met a businessman who was interested in her business. His name was Mr Russell, in his 40s with distinguished good looks and a well maintained physique, and after a pitch meeting where she laid out everything she had planned for her company and how she would achieve key goals and profits, she was given positive feedback when he told her he was impressed with her plan and that her goals seemed attainable. What came next was rather unusual and widened her eyes; he offered to fund her business almost entirely himself to the tune of millions of dollars per year whilst she got it started and very generously share the profits with her beyond repayment of his initial investment once it started repaying itself. In return, ten years after signing the contract he wanted her to star in a private pornographic film for him to repay his trust in her.

She'd been taken aback to say the very least. On offer was the backing she needed for her business, but the price was significant and not something she'd expected. On questioning it she'd found him to be a very reasonable and pleasant man, who simply put the offer on the table for her and told her it was entirely up to her whether she accepted or not. Other celebrity women had made similar deals she was told, not that she could get any names, but this was her choice and hers alone. The film would be held entirely privately, shared around some very elite people in the Hollywood circle but never publicly, but it was a porn film nonetheless. She couldn't call it blackmail, the contract was laid out very clearly in black and white and should she sign it that was what she was obligated to do, legally bound to star in a skin flick ten years down the line to repay this opportunity.

She signed the contract after a brief contemplation, telling Mr Russell to give her the paperwork and that she was satisfied with the offer. Right then, Jessica wanted to get on with her commercial venture and decided the price was worth it. If she didn't make a success of it or perhaps her acting career faltered she figured he might not want her anyway, likely wanting to have her for his pornoif she was somebody successful and famous, someone the quiet elite might want to see getting down and dirty on film. She signed her name and forgot about it, setting about building her business with the very welcome funds that started pouring into her account and Mr Russell, who turned out to be a very powerful ally with business acumen and experience she couldn't buy. Months had turned to years as she had built her business exactly as she dreamed of, fighting through the ups and downs of it to turn it into a hugely successful company with value in hundreds of millions of dollars, the profits repaying him handsomely and turning her private fortune from modest to fantastic.

Ten years; it had gone fast, faster than she'd expected, her life just flying by as she continued her career and grown her business into a powerhouse. Coming home after a long day of meetings and work on strategies, Jessica got in to find a very expensive bottle of champagne waiting for her with a card from Mr Russell, congratulating her on the success of her business on its tenth anniversary and to enjoy the bottle as they looked forward to another ten years of success. Jessica did just that and got a champagne flute, pouring herself several glasses as she sat back to toast her own success and how far everything had come. Her phone rang later into the evening;

"Good evening Jessica, I hope you found the champagne I had delivered for you," Mr Russell said in his characteristic tone, smooth and well-mannered.

"I did, thank you, it's absolutely gorgeous," she replied, holding up a glass to no-one in a toast to him and their success.

"Glad you enjoy it, I can have another bottle sent to you if you would like," he replied with a smile.

"I wouldn't mind that, but you really don't have to," she replied with a giggle.

"I'll have one sent over for you to enjoy. Congratulations on ten successful years of The Honest Company, it's been a fantastic investment," he said.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you," she said, and she meant it. Not just his investment but his business guidance had been invaluable.

"Thank you, we've both worked very hard to guide this to where it is today, and hopefully for many more years," he said.

"Many more," she agreed, draining her glass.

"Miss Alba," he said, addressing her seriously and immediately making her take notice, "it has been ten years, and it's time to fulfil your contract."

Her stomach sank, pulse immediately racing as she realised she was on the sharp end of the signature she'd scrawled a decade earlier to sign over her body in exchange for the huge financial opportunity he'd provided had come full circle on her.

"I trust you still intend to honour your contractual obligations?" he asked, as much as statement as anything. Jessica had little choice even if she'd wanted to, the legal and financial costs of trying to back out of the deal were enormous and the contract iron clad. Despite the money she'd made from the venture she couldn't afford to buy her way out of it. And there was another side to it: pride. She had made the deal in full knowledge of what it was and she intended to hold up her end of the bargain. She wasn't a quitter, even if her trepidation about exactly what her payment was made her want to.

"Of course, I'm a professional and intend to fulfil my contract with you," she replied, keeping her voice calm to override her almost all-consuming panic as her mind tipsily raced with thoughts of what he might desire from her.

"Excellent," he replied, the satisfaction clear in his voice.

"What would you like me to do?" she asked, keeping her voice steady even as she hated offering what felt like a carte blanche to him, though he had it anyway. He owned her legally right now.

"Don't worry about that right now, just enjoy the champagne. I'll send over all the details for you," he replied.

"Sure," she said after a pause, expecting him to order her about over the phone, "just let me know."

"Goodnight Jessica," he said politely.

"Goodnight," she replied, putting the phone down. She gasped for breath, not realising she'd been holding it as she hauled in the oxygen, fumbling for the bottle to pour herself another tall glass of the champagne to help calm her nerves. Gulping it down, she thought back to the day she'd signed the contract, that sweltering day in California in her memories, wide eyed and innocent to the world of business as she'd been offered this salacious contract in the most polite and direct manner. She let regrets wash through her momentarily, wishing she hadn't signed the deal, but then thought over where she and the company was now. And then she thought of how exhilarated she'd felt, how hot and horny she'd been immediately after being offered such a contract, knowing that she could use her body to get anything right then, even millions of dollars on a business deal. Musing that at the very least it would be an experience, that the deal was signed and the ink long dry on the contract, she'd killed the bottle and passed out for the night in front of an old movie.

Things had moved quickly, as the next morning she'd had her headache interrupted by a courier delivering some very urgent paperwork to her. Through her slight hangover and strong cups of coffee she'd read the details of the documents that laid out her first venture into adult films. She would be performing at a small studio in North Hollywood, he wouldn't be present for it, instead she would be working with a cameraman slash director and a well hung male pornstar. The documents detailed clearly that it would all be bareback and she needed to get tested merely as a formality to ensure everything was good to go, the basics of the scene she was going to perform and also that she was to be waxed completely smooth of all body hair below her eyebrows. She thoughtfully reached down and pushed her fingers through her neat, thick little strip of dark pubic hair under her robe, thinking how long she'd had her favoured style and that it had to go. She gave a slight sigh but that's the way it was, continuing to read to discover the outfit he wanted her to wear and other odd details. The filming was to happen in two weeks time, so she had a chance to prepare herself.

* * *

The fortnight passed both quickly and slowly, her mind going from confidence about it, owning the situation to panicking over it, worried about what might happen and where it might lead. She comforted herself with the thought that Mr Russell had never lead her wrong, he'd been helpful and supportive through their journey together and she was sure he wouldn't put her in a situation she couldn't handle. She did as asked, going through the medical things outlined as required and a couple of days before getting herself waxed absolutely smooth like a china doll. She arrived at the designated place a few minutes early, looking at the unassuming building and checking the address again to make sure she was in the right place. It didn't seem like any kind of studio to her, but she put that aside and steeled herself, taking a deep breath and bolting a miniature of vodka that she'd brought along in her purse. She needed it to settle her jangling nerves, grimacing and bolting the whole bottle before lowering it, swallowing the last of it and coughing heavily, suppressing a retch as it made her stomach gurgle. She hadn't eaten much, making it a bit of a shock to her system, but she was sure that'd only help it bubble into her quicker.

She got out of her car, locked it and walked quickly across to the building in question on her high heels. It had an entrance way she hadn't been able to see and she was concealed from the road as she pressed the buzzer beside the locked glass door.

"Good morning?" the voice asked simply.

"Uh yeah hi. I'm Jessica Alba, here for an appointment," she said, lowering her voice and glancing around to make sure she wasn't being photographed or anything.

"We've been expecting you, come in," the voice replied, door buzzing as she electromagnetic lock disengaged for her.

"Thanks," she replied as she shoved the door open and went in, pushing it closed with a secure click behind her. She headed up the stairs and was greeted by a man at the top on the landing, extending a hand to her. Jessica reached out and shook it courteously, a brief smile between them.

"Hi Jessica, great to meet you," he said.

"Hi, I hope I'm in the right place," she replied, unsure how all this would unfold.

"You definitely are, we're all ready for you here. I'm Steve by the way," he said, turning to lead her into the large room away from the stairs, taking her into the large space. Jessica looked around, seeing the lights and blacked out surroundings; it was definitely a studio, though far more sparsely set-up than anything she was used to working in, a clearly temporary set-up laid on for her adult film. There was a table with a few things off to the side, porn related things like towels and lube she noted, a significant camera on a tripod lying in wait for her and a leather sofa.

"What you expected?" Steve asked her, turning to gauge her reaction.

"I...yeah I guess. Is this it, like...we're just gonna go?" she asked. She wasn't sure what she expected, but she somehow anticipated a little more time to get ready for things.

"Well...you can take some time to warm up, we've got this place all day, but essentially yeah. We're gonna get ready and film this thing," he replied.

"Wow, right ok then," she said, taking a breath to try and slow her racing heart, everything knew and suddenly so real to her.

"You're gonna do fine," he said warmly, giving her a smile and a wink. It broke the tension.

"I hope so," she said with a sigh and a smile, letting the sheer humour of the situation wash over her a little, "so who am I...filming this with?" she asked, glancing around.

"He's right here actually," Steve said, gesturing to the dark corner behind her that she'd missed as she'd entered the room, "you should get acquainted."

The guy he'd gestured to stood up and approached, holding his hand out and smiling.

"Hi Jessica, I'm Vance Hammer," he said, shaking her hand, his large grip totally enclosing her small, slender digits.

"Vance Hammer?" Jessica said with a raise of her eyebrows.

"It's a stage name, you know how this business is," he said with a short laugh.

"No, I really don't," she replied with a smile. She took him in, liking what she saw. He was tall, handsome and in great shape, clearly taking the time to work out, though she supposed this his job counted on it much like hers.

"You'll find out something today," he said with a sly smile, noting her eyes roaming over him.

"I guess I will. What's your real name?" she asked, dropping his hand.

"James," he said.

"Ok James, I'm looking forward to working with you but as you know I'm absolutely new to this so...gimme a break and a hand when I need it yeah?" she said, looking into his eyes to implore his sympathy with the situation. He smiled, seeing her fear.

"Don't worry about it, we all want this to be the best it can be and I never achieved that by ignoring the people I work with. We'll figure it out, don't worry," he said, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze before he walked past her to talk with Steve. Jessica took a breath, feeling the alcohol kicking in a little and making her light headed but also more relaxed like she'd hoped. It was going to take some getting used to but she was gonna get through this. She really didn't know how to go about this, of course she knew how to fuck and pretty well too, but how to make it look good on camera? That was something else. She didn't want to screw it up though either, wanting to do her best to perform for the man that had put his financial trust in her all those years before. Speaking of which, Steve received a phone call, his ringtone blasting out Rihanna's "Disturbia" before he answered it, speaking momentarily and then turning to look at her.

"Yeah she's here," he said into the phone, Jessica's attention immediately drawn.

"Sure, one moment," Steve said, then stepped over to her holding his phone out.

"It's your financial backer, he'd like to speak with you," he said, handing the phone to Jessica.

"Mr Russell?" she said, heart bumping up a bit as she took the unexpected call. She'd fully expected to turn up, get fucked and leave without a word from him.

"Hi Jessica, how are you doing?" he said, cheerful, unphased as if it were another day and not one where a famous Hollywood starlet was about to fuck on camera for him.

"I'm doing alright thanks, how are you today?" she replied.

"I'm good, very good. How are you really, Jessica?" he asked, wanting the real answer though she was sure he already knew.

"Nervous...terrified. I...this is too much. I feel like I've no idea what I'm doing. I want to do this for you, Mr Russell I just...I don't want to disappoint you," she rambled, word tumbling out of her mouth as she let her nerves get to her for a few seconds.

"You're not gonna disappoint me, Jessica, don't worry. You're gonna do great, I know it. Just take a breath, calm down a bit and take it easy. These guys know what they're doing, you can just go with it and have fun, I think you're gonna like it anyway if you let yourself," he said, not dismissive of her concerns but telling her to overcome them, just dive in feet first and go for it. Essentially she was there as per her contract and she might as well just give it her all.

"I'll try, I really will," she said, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to relax.

"Good, you're gonna do great. Why don't you tell me what you're wearing," he said. The directions for this scene were for her to look quintessentially Jessica Alba, with her long brunette locks worn down with slight blonde highlights, make-up subtle and classy, dressed demurely but rocking something sexy underneath. Her hair was as desired with her make-up soft, pale pink lipstick and just the slightest dark highlight to her eyes, not overdone like some sort of creature of the night. People wanted to see Jessica Alba in this video.

"I'm wearing a fitted blue satin dress, it's got wide shoulder straps and is fitted to my figure with a skirt to my knees. I've got stiletto heel ankle boots on, they're black with zipper styling all over them," she said, wanting to enthuse a little on her favourite ankle boots.

"Very nice, and underneath?" he asked. Jessica knew what he wanted to hear and had dressed accordingly, deciding if she was doing this she was gonna look good, raiding her lingerie draws for her sexiest stuff.

"I've got a black Victoria's Secret corset on, with thin straps and a lightly padded rose coloured bra to it, beautiful lace embroidery down the front of it and a mesh body, attached garters on it. I've got a tiny black G-string with matching rose colouring to it, and I'm wearing these wide-topped stockings with a lacy black and red design to them," she replied, heart pumping firmly as she laid out exactly what underwear she had on for the shoot - for him.

"Well, that's quite an outfit right there, you've really made the effort for me. I'm sorry I can't be there in person, I'd love to watch it myself, but I have business to attend to. I'll see it soon though, so enjoy yourself and we'll talk later," he said, voice staying calm though she hoped she'd riled him up at least a little.

"Sounds great, catch you later," she said before hanging up, looking back to the guys. They were just chatting between themselves, paying her no attention. Obviously they had no interest in her underwear as they'd see it soon enough.

"Thanks," she said to Steve as she handed his phone back.

"No problem, we all good to go?" he said as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"I guess so, I mean...just let me compose myself yeah? We just doing this here?" she said as she put her bag down to the side on a table, checking her phone and turning it to silent to make sure she wasn't responsible for interrupting things.

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