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Job Security

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John suddenly finds himself with a job security issue.
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Author's Note: This story takes place in a universe without STDs. Comments are greatly appreciated.


John Rutter approached his front door very weary from his day's work. A last-minute meeting had pushed his day into overtime and at 8:00 pm he was just getting home. As he entered, he was surprised to hear voices from within as he set his briefcase down. Walking into the living room, he was even more surprised to see his boss, Horace Ender, and his wife, Emma, along with the ubiquitous presence of Horace's bodyguard/right-hand man, Jared, all 6'8" and 275 pounds of sculpted black imperviousness. Even more jarring was the presence of Horace's secretary, Melissa, a 5'4", red-headed pixie with an upturned, freckled nose beneath bright green eyes.

"So, you're finally home," Jean, John's wife said, pressing her body into his and kissing him lightly on the lips. "Busy day?" she asked, her bright green eyes staring into his as her braless breasts rubbing lightly against his chest, her waist-length blonde hair swaying back and forth.

"Very," John replied, still wondering how he could have forgotten that everyone was coming over this evening.

"Sorry to surprise you, John," Horace said, at 65 still a silver-haired, energetic powerhouse of a man whose 6'3" was dwarfed by the presence of Jared standing behind him.

"Not at all," John replied, nonplussed. "I thought I had forgotten you were coming or something."

"Hello, John," Emma said, her silvery-grey hair tied back in a ponytail just like her husband's. At 63 and 5'6", Emma Ender was still a beautiful, willowy woman with bright blue eyes. "Nice to see you again."

"Emma," John replied, taking her hand and kissing her on both cheeks. "My pleasure. You look great," he said, admiring her and her husband, both very tanned from spending so much time at their home in Hawaii. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" he asked.

"Your future, John," Horace replied, a firm look on his face.

"My future?" John said a bit nervously.

"Yes," Horace answered. "Why don't you sit down and we'll talk," he said, indicating the large seat next to him.

As John settled nervously into the seat, everyone else settled down, too, Jean sitting between Melissa and Emma on the sofa while Jared stood behind John imposingly.

"Now see here, John," Horace began. "As far as your work goes, I can't say we've ever had a better, more productive employee, so rest assured on that score."

"I'm happy to hear it," John replied.

"Your energy, innovative thinking, and enthusiasm have all combined to bring in much business," Horace said. "So naturally we think of promoting you. We like to keep the best and the brightest and most promising at all costs."

"Wow, I don't know what to say," John said, truly surprised that this moment had come after only two years with the company.

"But we also consider other factors," Horace continued, "in deciding which people are worth keeping, factors such as honesty, morality, and suitability to our particular type of corporate culture. Being a productive worker just isn't enough anymore in today's marketplace."

"I understand," John replied.

"We're interested in determining whether you're such a person," Horace said. "But we do have some reservations, I must admit, which is why we're here tonight."

"What do you mean?" John asked, struggling to keep the nervousness from his voice.

"Well, we like to know that managers in our company are honest, truthful, and can be relied upon at all times, as well as whether they fit into our particular corporate culture," Horace said. "Are you such a person, John? Are you honest and truthful? Do you fully fit into our particular type of corporate culture? Can you be relied upon at all times to do what is required of you and do so with the utmost in discretion? Now, think before you answer! This is extremely important. Everything about your future with the company depends upon how you respond this evening."

Everyone just watched John expectantly, saying nothing. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"The best answer I can give you," John replied after due consideration, "is that I always try to be honest and truthful. I'm not a saint and I don't always succeed, but it's important to me, too, so I try. As for being reliable and acting with discretion as far as the company is concerned, 150%," he stated. "I have to say that I've never had a job that was as challenging, yet as exciting and fun. I look forward to going to work each and every day."

"Yes, that we're well aware of," Horace said somewhat cryptically. "But we're referring to your entire life when we talk about honesty and truthfulness and integrity, and even to an extent our particular corporate culture. Was your answer only about work or did it also cover your life in general?"

"My life, period," John answered without hesitation.

"I see," Horace said, a disturbed look on his face.

"John, when we got married, we agreed to always be open and honest with each other, to share our lives completely," Jean said from her seat on the sofa. "No matter what."

"That's right," John agreed, nodding his head warily.

"Neither of us was a virgin when we met, but I've been absolutely faithful to you ever since we got married," she continued.

"Can you say the same, John?" Emma asked quietly from the sofa.

John just stared at the three of them sitting there, realizing suddenly that both Melissa and Emma were each holding one of Jean's hands.

"No," John replied quietly after a minute. "I can't say the same."

"I'm glad you're being honest with us, John," Horace said after a few moments of pregnant silence filled the room. "That's very important, believe me. Now, you're saying you've been unfaithful to your wife; is that correct?"

"Yes," John replied, hardly daring to look Jean in the face but not daring to look anywhere else.

"Has it been one woman, many women?" Horace asked.

"Just one," John answered.

"I see," Horace said, nodding his head. "And was this a one-time thing or an ongoing thing?"

"It's been ongoing," John admitted, hating the look of pain in Jean's eyes as she stared at him, white-knuckled as she held Melissa's and Emma's hands.

"Are you in love with this other woman?" Horace asked.

"No," John answered, exhaling a huge breath. "It's just sex, lust."

"Your wife doesn't please you, satisfy you sexually enough?" Emma asked softly.

"Oh, no, it has nothing at all to do with Jean," John exclaimed. "I'm totally, 100% committed to her. I love her. Our sex life is good, great. I never leave the house without..." he said, then stopped as he realized he was saying too much.

"Without what?" Emma asked, a smile almost creasing her face.

"Without, without..." John tried to say.

"Without fucking me," Jean filled in. "And when he gets home, that's usually the first thing that happens, we fuck. That's why I don't understand..."

"And if saving your marriage, and your job, depended upon you stopping this behavior immediately, would you? Could you?" Horace asked.

"Yes," John replied emphatically. "My marriage and job are far more important to me."

"And you'd be willing to atone for your transgressions if need be?" Horace asked.

"Yes, if that's what's necessary," John said, nodding his head, feeling the sweat on his brow even though it was a cool evening and the windows were open.

"How shall you atone?" Horace asked rhetorically. "Is it possible to atone for this?" he asked, reaching down and picking up the remote control and pointing it at the television and pushing a button.

John stared in astonishment as a side-by-side picture of his office appeared on the television, one view being from the door, the other from the wall behind his desk facing the door. No part of his office was hidden from view.

"Shall we get started," John's voice came from the television, followed almost immediately by John himself appearing with Melissa trailing.

"Of course," Melissa said as John seated himself behind his desk.

As John stared in horror, quickly glancing around to see if the three women were watching him or the TV, Melissa sat on the edge of his desk, her skirt pulled up around her waist, and leaned back on her elbows, her feet up on the edge of the desk, as wide apart as possible.

From the camera behind John's desk, it was possible to see that Melissa wasn't wearing any panties and that her bald pussy was spread wide open, glistening with juices and what appeared to be cum dribbling from her open pussy.

"I'm afraid you'll have to clean me up a bit before you fuck me this morning," Melissa said, "but I know how much you like to do that anyway, right?"

"Anything to have my tongue and cock in your pussy," John replied, leaning forward, his tongue sliding past Melissa's spread pussy lips into the gooey, glistening center of her wetness.

The video ran for another 15 minutes before Horace stopped it, frozen on a frame that showed John's cock shooting a stream of cum onto Melissa's extended tongue. Everyone had watched in total silence as he fucked Melissa in her mouth, pussy, and ass, over and over and over again, always ending with him going down on her and eating her cum-filled pussy until it glistened in pristine pinkness. Many of the sessions started with Melissa's pussy already full of cum.

"Quite frankly," Horace said softly after a very long pregnant pause, "I found this shocking, to say the least, that you'd do something like this on company time. When I found out further that you weren't doing this with Jean's knowledge, let alone acquiescence, I was quite dismayed. It struck me as very dishonest."

"I don't know what to say," John replied, shocked to the core with the incredible and undeniable exposure of his infidelity.

"Is there something lacking in your sex life with Jean that you felt compelled to do these things with Melissa?" Emma asked.

"No, not at all," John said, shaking his head emphatically from side to side. "It had nothing to do with Jean."

"So, you do all of these things with Jean, too?" Horace asked.

"I-I-I..." John stuttered, his face flushing crimson.

"He never leaves the house without having me suck his cock until he cums in my mouth," Jean said, a sad look on her face. "He always eats my pussy until I cum, then he fucks me. Most days he doesn't fuck me until he cums, he fucks me in the ass for a while, then finishes fucking me in my pussy until he cums. He always eats my pussy until it's totally clean before he leaves for work. It's the same thing when he gets home," she finished.

"I can't understand why you needed to do this," she said, indicating the frozen picture on the screen of him cumming on Melissa's tongue.

"Can you explain why you did this?" Emma asked.

"I'm just always horny," John replied. "I have no control over it. I'm always horny. On weekends, we fuck at least a dozen times a day. During the week, I'm at work, away from the house, away from Jean, and I'm still so horny. Melissa..." he said, fading off.

"Yes, we can all see how sexy and desirable she is," Emma said, "but to do something like this without Jean's knowledge, that's what is so disturbing to me. Did you think that it would be okay with her?"

"No, I never thought that," John replied. "No woman would find it okay, I'm sure."

"Well, there you're wrong, again," Emma said, "but first things first."

"Jean, how do you feel about all of this?" Horace asked.

"Disappointed," Jean answered. "A bit betrayed, though it's not so bad like he was emotionally involved. I'm sorry, Melissa," she said, squeezing her hand.

"I feel really terrible," Melissa said. "I never thought about you, how you might feel. I only knew that it was nice to have a boss who would fuck me and suck me so nicely every day. You're really lucky, you know," she continued. "He is totally in love with you, no matter where he might put his lovely cock."

"How would you have felt if it were Jean who had been getting some extra cock on the side without your knowledge?" Emma asked. "Would that have bothered you?"

"Yes," John answered immediately.

"Why?" Emma asked. "Because she was fucking someone else or because she did it without telling you?" she asked, shocking John with her casual use of the word fucking.

"Both, I suppose," John admitted.

"That makes it even worse," Emma said, shaking her head. "You were willing to treat her in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated yourself. That's totally contrary to the definition of basic decency."

"Jean, do you want this to work out?" Horace asked her. "What do you want?"

"I want John to be honest with me," Jean said. "We're supposed to share our lives, not have secret lives."

"Sharing is very important," Emma said. "It's the key to everything. Horace and I share everything, that's why we still love each other so much."

"John, what do you want?" Horace asked.

"I want my wife, for her to know that there is nobody but her for me," John replied.

"Jean?" Horace asked, cocking his head towards her.

"I need to understand how you could do those things with Melissa if there is nobody but me for you?" she said.

"Maybe I can answer that," Emma said, "if you don't mind. I don't believe from what I've heard or seen that John and Melissa had anything more than a sexual relationship. There was no love or behavior of lovers; they had sex. Now, it's not nice that he didn't share that with you, the way Horace and I share such things. We need to change that, so that you are both sharing everything."

"I don't know if I understand," Jean said, a puzzled look on her face.

"Are you willing to let me propose a solution, one that will resolve these uncomfortable feelings and allow all of us to move forward to a better future, one that we all share together?" Horace asked.

"You would do that, let John keep his job?" Jean asked.

"More important is whether you want to keep John?" Emma said. "Is your hurt so deep that it would be in the way of you being able to grow your relationship with him again?"

"No, knowing that it was only lust, I can get over that," Jean said. "And I do love him."

"Then I have a solution to everyone's problem," Horace announced. "If everyone accepts it, then John will not only keep his job, he will be promoted to a senior vice-presidency with a 10-fold increase in salary and all of the commensurate benefits. Do you agree?"

"Y-y-yes!" Jean said, her eyes wide with shock.

"John?" Horace asked.

"Yes, of course. Yes," John said, hardly daring to believe his ears.

"Then here's how this will work," Horace began to explain. "We need to teach trust and sharing, so we're going to start right here. The first thing is that John, you are going to sit in that chair. You are not going to stand up for any reason unless told to do so; is that clear?"

"Yes," John replied, puzzled.

"If you do move, Jared will be asked to remind you," Horace said, the implied menace in his words clear.

"I understand," John said, his face a bit pale, an uncomfortable look on it.

"But first, stand up and undress," Horace told him.

"Excuse me!" John said, alarm in his voice, his eyes wide.

"You heard me, stand up, strip nude, sit back down," Horace told him. "Believe me when I tell you that how you behave for the rest of the evening is going to determine exactly what your future is going to be; understood?"

"Understood," John replied, visibly gulping.

"Now stand up and strip!" Horace told him sternly.

There was only silence as he complied, trying in the end to resist the urge to place his hands over his exposed cock as he sat there in front of everyone.

"Now, you've heard me talking about the importance of sharing," Horace said, moving over to stand next to Melissa and Jean, facing John. "This is true in personal as well as business relationships if they are to succeed in the long term. Now, with Melissa - please, stand up Melissa - you chose to enjoy her without sharing your enjoyment with Jean," Horace continued. "As we all saw in the video - please undress, Melissa - most mornings when you were feasting on Melissa's pussy, it was full of cum already, correct?"

"Yes," John replied, his voice barely a whisper as he watched the last of Melissa's clothing settle to the floor as she stood there gloriously nude, her breasts big and full with tiny pink nipples, and her inner pussy lips and clit visible peeking out from between her plump outer lips.

"That's because," Horace explained, unfastening and letting drop to the floor his trousers, leaving him nude from the waist down, his cock semi-hard, "Melissa stops by every morning that we're here in town to join us for a nice morning fuck," he finished, a hand on Melissa's shoulder as she sank to her knees, taking his cock into her mouth at the same time.

"Sometimes she would also be full of Jared's cum, providing Emma was in a sharing mood that morning," he continued, Jean gasping as she saw that Emma had extracted Jared's ebony cock from his trousers and was sucking on it.

"I think we should have everyone sitting on the sofa, right in front of John so that we have his undivided attention," Horace said, his cock buried in Melissa's throat.

"Come, let us join them," Emma said, releasing Jared's cock and getting to her feet, her clothing seeming to just fall from her body, leaving her naked, showing that she had the body of a woman 20 years younger.

Sitting on the other side of Jean, Jared was between she and Jean as Emma once again took his cock into her mouth, while on the other side of her, Melissa was sucking on Horace's cock as he stood between them. It wasn't the biggest of sofas and everyone was sitting thigh on thigh.

"Now, I was saying about sharing," Horace continued as Melissa continued to suck his cock. "This is sharing," he explained, "though still a bit vicarious. We're not hiding anything from each other, we're doing it together, we both agree to share the experience, even though it's physically with someone else.

"You didn't do that," Horace said sternly. "You did it in secret. What would you have said if John had brought Melissa home one evening and told you that he wanted to have sex with her?" he asked Jean as Melissa continued to suck his cock just inches from Jean's face.

"I-I'm not sure," Jean replied, her eyes shifting from Jared's huge black cock being sucked by Emma on her left side while Melissa continued to enthusiastically suck Horace's on her right.

"Would you like to see John eating another woman's pussy, see it right up close?" Horace asked her. "Remember, we're being honest now. This is for all of us."

"Maybe," Jean replied hesitantly.

"Do you watch while he's eating your pussy or do you just lay back and enjoy it?" Horace asked.

"I watch," Jean replied, blushing. "It turns me on to see his tongue in me."

"Would you like to watch his cock sliding into another woman's pussy, or her ass, see it from mere inches away?" Horace asked, his cock sliding all the way down Melissa's throat. "Then watch him fuck her until he came?"

"I'm not sure, perhaps," Jean replied, fidgeting on the sofa. "This is all very strange."

"Well, I can see that the idea appeals to John," Horace said, noting that John's cock was hard and sticking straight up in the air.

"John, how would you feel if Jean brought some man home and told you that she wanted to suck his cock until he came in her mouth, then fucked him until he finally came in her pussy? Would you like that?" Horace asked.

"Of course not!" John croaked, his cock rock-hard in front of him.

"No, of course not," Horace said, a hand on Melissa's head as she bobbed up and down on his cock. "And if she did it in secret, not even telling you that she was doing it, how would that make you feel?" he asked.


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