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Jordana Brewster - Ask Her Anything

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Jordana's AMA session gets out of hand.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

"You ready to go?" Jordana asked Matt, her cameraman.

"Yeah almost, think we're pretty much set up here," he replied, looking up with a smile. Jordana was a doing a private AMA -- Ask Me Anything session live online to raise money for charity, something she hoped would make a good contribution towards her chosen goal. Every dollar could help after all and that was why she'd chosen a private event that required ten dollars entry for everyone that wanted to participate.

She was set up in her home office and had Matt, a cameraman she'd worked with previously, all set up and ready to get started. She got on famously with him, having met him a couple of years before in some television work and their friendship had just become solid. That was all it was, friendship, and it just wasn't like that. As a result however she'd asked him to help her out with this AMA and offered him a cash incentive, though he'd refused that and told her he was happy to help.

"Just give us a quick sound check," he directed, listening intently as he tweaked the microphone into position.

"Check, check check," she said with a smile, going up and down with the tones of her voice to give him a small range.

"That's good, we're set," he said with a thumbs up. Jordana figured having somebody to film her would help to add more dynamism and fun to it, give it all some life and leave her free to "act" as it were. Everything was a performance and she had an image to maintain. Besides, it left her to relax a bit more, not worrying every moment if she was in the frame correctly so she could just sip a glass of wine and enjoy herself as Matt took care of the rest.

Her aim was to have a live AMA session on video chat with everyone that paid to tune in and answer some questions; they wouldn't be anything too much, some pretty typical stuff she imagined though she figured she'd likely have to filter out some that she didn't intend to answer. As things progressed and if the donations were sufficient then she'd answer more, and maybe a few of the more risqué questions if she felt like it. She pushed her hair back over her ears then shook it out, hair dark brown and glossy as it tumbled about her face, around the thick-framed black glasses she was wearing.

Jordana had chosen not to wear her contact lenses today, figuring it was just her on camera in a home studio and she didn't need to get all made up, so she'd worn her glasses. She figured she actually looked quite hot in them too, a bit of a hot teacher look going on. With a snug grey vest top paired with a pair of tight jeans, she looked smart but not overdone, her make-up minimal; she wanted to look casual and approachable so as a result had spent way longer on her beauty regime for it to appear that way. She took a sip of wine and a deep breath, realising her hand was shaking.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine," Matt said, seeing her trembles and seeking to reassure her.

"I've never done one of these before," she replied, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"You've got this, no doubt about it."

"What makes you so sure?" she questioned with a smile.

"People are paying just to tune in to you answering some questions, you've got them under your thumb from the get-go," he smiled.

"I hope so," she mused, figuring he was probably right since they were paying just to get on the stream. That was if anyone showed up, causing another momentary panic to grip her as she contemplated that idea.

"It's about showtime," Matt said, pointing to the clock which read eight, the evening enveloping the house now as the sun faded away into the summer night and she was due to get on the stream.

"Right, right, let's do this," she said with a pause and a controlled breath, taking a second to prepare herself before she sat down in the smooth leather chair she'd chosen. The whole scene was neat and tidy, no clutter in the way of her, just her and the low table that she stood her glass of wine on. It was almost empty as she took another big sip of it before starting to help calm her nerves and as a result Matt helpfully filled her glass again ready for the scene.

Jordana turned to the computer and logged in, starting the session in a few moments as it all went as planned and she popped up, her image in the top corner of the screen showing how she appeared as the chat stream came up, side on as Matt filmed her.

"It's all working," she said, carefully noting she had her microphone muted as she spoke to Matt.

"That's good, so entertain your fans," he said as he settled the camera and zoomed in on her pretty face.

"Hello! I'm Jordana Brewster and welcome to my AMA," she started, smiling to the camera as she gave a little wave to the screen, eyes flitting to the picture-in-picture of herself to make sure everything was keeping up. The chat was immediately flooded with messages from fans that had been waiting for a while in anticipation, glad she was finally on and on time too, not keeping them waiting like some diva.

"So I'm here tonight to answer your questions and try to raise some money for charity. I'll do my best to tell you what you wanna know, within reason," she said, giving what she hoped was a playful wink to the camera. A glance at her fingers made her realise how much she was shaking; it was ridiculous, she spent her life on sets or in interviews so why she was nervous now was beyond her. Either way, another good sip of red wine helped and she tipped her glass plentifully to indulge for a moment.

"Okay so first question," she said, scanning and searching through the messages. Most of them were greetings, some fawning messages from super fans babbling in multiple posts how much they loved her and were excited to be online with her, wanting her attention. A couple were promising to make big donations to her if she'd shout them out like some kind of e-girl and she had to refrain from squinting her eyes judgementally given she was on camera to hundreds of people. Thousands actually, glancing to the counter to show the people online in four digits.

"Here's one," she said, "coming from, umm..." she mumbled, taking a moment to figure out how to pronounce the username. She fumbled her way through it, pausing to give a wave to them on the camera.

"What's your favourite movie?" she stated.

"Well that's a tricky one, there's so many great movies and so many different genres of them, you can hardly compare, can you? But my absolutely fave is the Sound of Music."

"Let's see here," she said as she scanned through the chat, trying to catch the questions before they were lost in the messages, the screen jumping up as they piled on.

"What's your favourite drink? That's easy, vodka Martini," she said with a smile.

"I'm drinking wine I know, before you all point that out," she giggled, raising her glass to the camera for another sip. She put it down and scanned through the questions again, noticing a couple of comments complimenting her looks, calling her pretty or saying how beautiful she was which made her smile a little. There were a couple of more edgy ones saying how fit or sexy she was, or how they'd love to take her out on a date -- the implication of what they really meant was clear.

"Right what's your favourite social media platform?" she read, leaning in towards the screen a bit, the light of it reflected off her glasses, the camera catching her from the side as Matt filmed.

"Favourite is maybe not the right word but I love Snapchat."

Jordana continued scrolling through the screen, still struggling to keep up, seeing the count of viewers rise along with a couple of compliments about her outfit, trying to pick out suitable questions. Some people were asking incoherent or idiotic things, or stuff she wasn't going to answer.

"What's your favourite ice cream? I actually prefer frozen yoghurt," she said, almost an off handed comment as she glanced towards her cameraman before continuing to read.

"Favourite swear word? F-word, isn't it everyone's, come on," she joked with a smile.

"Here's a good one, who's filming you right now?" she said, grinning to the camera.

"No this isn't my other half or anything, this is Matt, a friend of mine," she said pointing towards the lens as she picked up her wine again for another mouthful that was perhaps a little bigger than she might normally imbibe.

"Come on Matt, show them your pretty face," she giggled, at which he fumbled the camera round in his hands, image flailing wildly for a moment as he focused in onto him and gave a wave to everyone watching. It was certainly never his intention to be on display and he was hardly made up for it like Jordana, quickly turning the camera back onto the Panamanian beauty.

"Shy huh?" she teased, glad to take a moment away from herself as she glanced back to the screen.

"Ohh they like you!" Jordana enthused, smiling as she read the comments through her big glasses.

"Yeah?" he asked, fumbling the camera back to a steady position.

"Yeah they say you're cute, hot, asking if you're single," she enthused with a giggle as she watched the tumble of comments that followed his brief appearance on her stream.

"Really?" he asked, giving a laugh in return, not entirely believing it.

"Sure, check it out," she said as she pushed the laptop towards him on the desk. Matt reached out and took it, the camera shaking as it took it from her and read the comments of people saying he looked good. One or two cheeky ones said how Jordana was lucky to be locked alone in a room with him.

"You weren't lying."

"Keep that, the laptop. Ask me the questions from over there," she said, waving him into his seat as she grabbed her glass of wine again.

"What, why? This is your AMA thing, Jordana," he said, unsure where she was going.

"Yeah I know but this is all a bit awkward, I'm not looking at the camera when I'm reading the screen here. So how about you read out the questions to me and I can just look straight at the audience," she smiled, eyes on the camera through her glasses.

"Well sure, I can do that if you want me to," he replied, seeing her nod and settling the laptop more onto his knees. He focused on getting the camera back into place and onto her as she took another deep sip of wine, glass already nearing the bottom.

"Ok here's an easy one, what's a food you love?" he asked.

"Easy, pizza. I love carbs, and a good pizza is just, mwah," she said, giving the chefs kiss motion to the camera.

"Let's see what we've got here," he said, pausing as he looked through the babble of chat, "how about this, what music do you like listening to?"

"A mixture, which I know sounds like a cop out but it's true. Normally I just find a nice mix on Spotify or something," she replied, sipping her wine again and emptying the glass. Without the computer to focus on now she felt her idle hands and as a result was just sipping through her drink.

"Puppies or kittens?" he asked, deciding to throw a few rapid fire questions at her.

"Puppies, but both are adorable."

"Favourite funny movie?"

"I already did favourite movie?" she replied, pausing through pouring herself another very full glass of red wine.

"Favourite funny movie, so I guess they mean a comedy. Or something light hearted at least," Matt offered.

"Step brothers, man that movie makes me laugh every time," she said with a smile, taking a good drink from the refreshed wine glass.

"You know Jordana, there's plenty of people here calling you hot, saying how fit you look, anything you want to say to them?" Matt offered, noticing the comments about her appearance cropping up throughout the chat.

"It's hardly a question is it?" she stated.

"Well, there's a few questions in here as well."

"Really, such as?" she enquired. He hesitated, unsure whether he wanted to tell her, but then figured it was hardly him asking her.

"What's your bra size, is one of them."

"My bra size? Really, that's all?" she said, a little surprised that was all it was.

"That's the um...tamest of them," he replied carefully.

"How bad do they get?" she asked after a pause.

"Well, they're very personal. What do you like in the bedroom and stuff, they basically want every possible detail," Matt said.

"Unbelievable," she said somewhat playfully.

"This is the internet after all," he offered.

"True, it is. Faceless people can say what they want," Jordana mused, raising her eyebrows to the camera and thousands watching live.

"You can just ignore them," Matt offered, making sure to keep the camera on her as she thought, taking another swig from the wine glass that was over half empty.

"No, you know what, no. I'm not having this on my own stream here," she said, sitting up and pointing at the camera, getting some attitude as she stood her glass aside.

"No?" he replied, just rolling with it, not quite understanding where she was going.

"No, this isn't gonna stand. I tell you, I'm not answering questions like that on this stream, especially not for ten bucks a head that you all paid. Come on," she said, feisty and fired up.

"So nobody is gonna know your bra size for ten bucks huh?" he laughed.

"Nope, I'm not a cheap date like that," she giggled in reply.

"Oh...well, hmm," he mumbled, eyes on the screen.

"What is it? Don't mess around, just tell me," she prompted.

"Ok, well someone here is referring to your mention of the ten bucks there and asking whether you would answer those questions if they donated more money," Matt said, looking up to her. Jordana's eyes widened, heart missing a beat for a second as she contemplated it; on one hand, she would be giving away potentially a lot more information than she had prepared to, but on the other she might raise a lot more money for her chosen charity.

"Yes, I might," she replied carefully, committing herself. She just couldn't refuse the idea of raising more for her cause and figured what would it hurt, to answer a few personal questions? She could easily ignore or refuse them.

"Ok well here we go," Matt said, shattering her hope that it would be gradual as a question came in.

"Hit me with it," she said, taking a deep breath and drinking again. The wine was bold and fruity, not too dry, too easy to drink.

"They want your measurements, all of them, and they gave a hundred dollar donation," Matt added.

"A hundred bucks? Well I guess I have to answer that one," Jordana smiled.

"I guess so," he said, egging her on.

"I mean surely you could just look it up online but hey, it's a hundred bucks for the charity. So I'm five foot seven, about 120 pounds, 34-24-36 measurements and I'm a 32B bra size," she said with a playful roll of her eyes, since they'd insisted.

"They're certainly eager," she commented, draining her glass again and pausing to refill it, bottle stood beside her on the desk now. She was feeling a light buzz, alcohol seeping into her system and taking the edge off her nerves...and inhibitions.

The bottle was well over half empty as she poured another deep, fruity glass of red out and put it aside again.

"Well yes they seem it, especially since you just did that," he said, watching the stream of chat.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, they're certainly getting more...feisty," he said diplomatically.

"Lots of things really."

"Give me one, come on," Jordana said, giving an immediate laugh as she realised how that sounded.

"Ok well someone here asks if you can stand up and show off a bit for the camera, what you're wearing," Matt said.

"What I'm wearing huh? That all they want?" Jordana smiled, knowing what they wanted to see really. Her heart was pumping in her chest, the alcohol from the wine failing to relax her completely even as she felt excited and desired, knowing they wanted a glance at her body.

"That's what they say, he, she, whoever it is," Matt said as Jordana took another quick sip of wine for good measure.

"And they dropped a hundred bucks," he added.

"Oh, well in that case then," she said, giving an exaggerated shrug and pushing her hair back over her ears before standing up. Matt kept the camera steady as he leaned back a bit to pan up and zoom out, capturing all of the slender actress in frame as she stepped away from her desk and into a bit of space. She took care to make sure she was clear of the furniture, something she always did when she was a little tipsy, assuring herself that she wasn't just then however as she held out her hands to point to herself.

"Here I am, right here," she said, arching her back and shaking her body a little bit. Her perky tits jiggled with just the subtlest hint, something Matt noticed as she smiled slightly to him, watching her showing off. She was clearly getting into it, losing her nerves and becoming comfortable as if she was on set.

"They want you to turn around," Matt said, picking it up as his eyes flitted to the screen and back, never losing control of the camera.

"I bet they do," she said with a flick of her eyebrows.

"Got two more donations, a hundred and a fifty."

"Fine then," she said, immediately responding to it, a slight flush running through her as she realised in that moment that she'd been bought, that the dollar signs had swayed her judgement. She had to admit to herself that perhaps the wine had done that a little as well as she hooked her thumbs into her waistband and then turned around slowly, arching her back again to push her tight, toned ass out this time and let everyone see how tight the denim was over her booty. Jordana figured if she was going to do it then she was damn well gonna look good.

Matt just watched silently, making sure to keep her perfectly in shot as she turned round and stuck her ass out a bit, looking fantastic in the skintight trousers as they hugged every curve. The grey top wrapped perfectly around her and led neatly into the jeans that looked painted on, the dark blue of them stretching down her perfect pins to her simple flat dolly shoes. She was tall and hadn't worn anything excessive, keeping it relaxed with some comfortable footwear since she'd never figured she'd be showing off. Jordana looked back with a smile, into the eyes of Matt for a second, before back at the camera to give a shake of her ass that melted into her spinning back to face the camera.

"That's all you get!" she chided playfully, sitting back down and grabbing her glass once more.

"They liked that," Matt said, seeing the donations rack up quickly, ten bucks here, five bucks there to send the total higher. Every penny counted after all.

"I bet, but that's not what I'm here for really," she smiled, knowing people were pushing the boundaries a little. It annoyed her that the internet was like that...but turned her on that people wanted that from her.

"Come on, what's next then? Naughty people," she said with a playful wag of her finger towards the camera.

"Risqué or tame question, what do you fancy?"

"Give me a tame one," she replied, wanting a second and not aiming to encourage things.

"Ok, do you have any siblings?" he asked.

"Yes, a younger sister, Isabella," she replied with a smile. Matt ignored the immediate question that came in asking if she was as hot as Jordana, figuring they could check out Google for the answer on that.

"Risky or tame?" he asked.

"Mm risky, go on," she replied.

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