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Juggling Wolves Ch. 01

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Ann's once quiet life slips into blissful debauchery.
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(Dedicated to my former road wife.)

"I'd say she's doing a woman's hardest job: juggling wolves."
-- Grace Kelly, "Rear Window"


Ann Eldridge picked at the angel hair pasta on her plate with her fork with disinterest. She had no appetite. Or maybe it was that her appetite was for something different. To her, the pasta tasted bland. That had been a problem in her life recently. Everything seemed bland to her. Ann would be turning forty-two soon and she craved something different out of life. Something invigorating -- maybe even shocking.

"Is everything alright, Ann?"

Ann looked up from her plate of food at Robert sitting across the table from her in the quiet restaurant. No, everything is not alright, she thought to herself. Far from it. But she could not bring herself to tell Robert that. They had only been on two previous dates, but already Ann knew in her heart that this relationship was not going to last. The problem was not Robert because he was a nice person. But maybe that was precisely the problem. He was too nice. Too accommodating. Too unassertive. Too bland.

"Yes, it is, thanks," Ann said, giving her date a thin smile. "I guess I just don't have much of an appetite tonight."

"I could get the waiter to bring you something else," Robert offered.

Ann gave her head a feeble shake and forced her blue eyes to remain focused on Robert. "No, thank-you, Robert," she said. "I'll just finish this. It's perfectly fine."

As she forced another few bites of pasta into her mouth Ann's eyes scanned the restaurant. Tables of seemingly content couples were all about the dimly lit room. All of them were talking and smiling, appearing perfectly happy. Ann wondered how many of them were like her: wearing a mask of contentment and trying to ignore the discontent within themselves. She took another bite of her food, choking down her ennui.

"Did you say that Danny was at his father's this weekend?" Robert asked, interrupting Ann's introspection.

"Yes, he'll be there for the next two days -- until Sunday evening," she said.

Danny was Ann's twenty year-old son and the only positive result of her failed marriage. She had gotten married thinking she was in love and that it would last forever. Now she accepted that nothing lasts forever. But sometimes that is a blessing. Now that she had been single for nearly three years Ann felt as though time was her enemy. She did not want to live out the rest of her days quietly waiting for the inevitable. She had her own home and a secure job with the local school board that paid well. Ann did not want more out of life, but she certainly wanted something different. There was still much life left in her and she wanted to live life to the fullest that she possibly could. But she could not see herself doing that with a man like Robert.

"Well, maybe you could come over tomorrow night then, Robert suggested. "I could make you supper, instead of us eating out for a change."

Ann twirled pasta around her fork, trying to avoid Robert's hopeful gaze as long as possible. "Yes. That sounds nice," she said. "I'll have to see what I'm doing. I've been promising Lindsay that I would go out with her to a movie some night for weeks now. I thought that with Danny away for the weekend I should call her so we can do something."

Robert smiled and gave her a nod. "I see," he said. "Maybe some other time then."

Ann could hear the rain falling outside. It had been overcast all day and thunderstorms were forecast. Now they were beginning. The weather matched her mood that evening. Something had been brewing within her for months and it was becoming harder for her to ignore it. As she listened to the thunder rumble she smiled, thinking that what her life needed was a jolt of electricity to shatter the numbing calm.

There were only a few forkfuls of food left on Ann's plate when their waiter approached their table. Robert had finished eating his smoked salmon some time ago and was sitting patiently waiting for Ann to finish. He reminded her of a puppy obediently waiting to be let outside.

"Would you two care for something else?" the waiter asked. "Perhaps some coffee or dessert?"

Robert gave Ann a questioning glance and she took the cue. "Coffee sounds nice," she said.

Ann looked up at the waiter and smiled. She guessed that he could not be much more than her own son's age. But there was a quality about him that she couldn't quite define that stirred something within her. Maybe it was his piercing green eyes, or the way he smiled. Then she realized what it was. It was the way he smiled when he looked at her. No, not just looked -- leered. His eyes had a craving in them that she had never seen in Robert's.

While their waiter was taking her order earlier that evening Ann had noticed his eyes roam from the menu in her hands to her breasts. At first she felt shy and uncomfortable over the unwanted attention. She was normally a modest, if not shy and slightly insecure woman. She did not believe just how pretty men considered her to be -- although several of her female friends had often tried to convince her otherwise.

That evening Ann had decided to wear a new dress that she had recently bought. It was black, knit and did little to hide her curves. The neckline was V-shaped and cut deeper than her other dresses, so much so that Ann almost decided at the last minute to wear something else. For her, the problem with her new dress was that it showed more cleavage than she normally felt comfortable revealing. And, despite her lack of vanity, Ann wasn't oblivious to the fact that she had a bust that often garnered her looks from men and even a few women when she walked down the street. She did not want to appear like a walking invitation, as her mother would say. However, after choosing a comfortable bra to wear beneath her dress and convincing herself that many women showed more skin than she would be, Ann wore the black dress.

As Ann felt herself beginning to regret her decision to wear her new dress that evening she stopped and mentally scolded herself for being so prudish. That is how the Old Ann would have felt. It was time for her to let the New Ann enjoy the freedom she yearned for. While she placed her order with the waiter earlier that evening Ann arched her back subtly, allowing her round breasts to push out at the black material hugging them. This evening they seemed especially prominent to her. Perhaps it was how the dress clung to her, or the bra she was wearing. She could feel her nipples tingle and her clit begin to jump as the waiter ogled her when he took her order. She gave the young man a warm smile and thanked him before he left their table earlier.

"Yes, I think I'll have some coffee too," Robert said. "But no dessert, thanks."

"And would the lady like some dessert?"

Ann looked up at the waiter again. She was getting wetter as she felt his eyes on her chest. Soon her panties would be damp. Her heart was beating faster and she worried that her cheeks were beginning to show the flush of arousal. "No dessert for me either. Just coffee, thank-you," she said, not letting her eyes leave his.

Once the waiter had left Ann looked over at Robert and said "I'm going to the Ladies' Room while we wait for our coffee. I'll be right back."

Ann got up from the table and scanned the restaurant. In the corner diagonally across from where she and Robert were sitting was a lighted sign with red letters jutting out from the wall indicating where the washrooms were located. Ann began making her way amongst the tables of people towards the sign. As she walked she could feel her breasts give a slight, yet noticeable bounce. She had worn a thin bra that evening that she thought was sexy and made her feel attractive. Although she had not planned on Robert seeing it, or maybe not ever seeing any of her bras, she felt like wearing a bra and panties that would make her feel feminine and pretty. This would give her self-confidence a much-needed boost. That had in-turn resulted in her becoming more than a little horny when she noticed how their waiter had ogled her.

When Ann was only a few yards away from the washroom sign she encountered a waitress clearing a table of dirty dishes and placing them on a brown oval tray. Ann paused and moved to her right to avoid the waitress. As Ann stepped aside she stumbled back into a man as he was getting up from a table behind her. She turned quickly to face him and realized they were barely a foot apart. He was wearing a navy blue blazer, grey trousers and a paisley necktie. He appeared to be in his early thirties and was quite handsome. His blue eyes met hers and he smiled.

"Oops... sorry," Ann spat out, feeling embarrassed and awkward.

"No problem," the man said. "I should watch where I'm walking."

"It's okay. No harm done," she told him with a smile.

"No, I guess not," he remarked. "Everything seems to be in it's proper place after our collision." His eyes moved from Ann's face down to the curves of her breasts filling out the front of her dress.

Ann felt a rush of excitement at his bold remark and his blatant, lingering stare. His eyes had a hunger in them that she found enticing. She gave him a sly grin, then said "Don't you mean their proper place?"

The man in the blue blazer chuckled. "I could think of a better place for them," he retorted.

"Oh -- and where would that be?" she shot back as her eyes widened.

"My hands," he said, then stole another look down at her. "Although I don't think they'd fit."

"But I bet you'd like to try anyway." Ann was getting more turned-on by the risqué banter than she was earlier, but worried that Robert or others would notice her flirting with this man and grow suspicious.

"Have you ever known a man who didn't want to try?" he asked.

"Do my brothers count?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"No," he said.

"In that case, I'll still have to say 'no'," Ann replied with a foxy smile.

"Well, you can add another to the list then," he told her as his eyed flitted over her.

As Ann was about to reply she heard the waitress behind her say "Excuse me" in a peevish tone. Before she could react, Ann felt the heavy tray in the waitress' hands being pushed against her back and she was jostled forward, towards the man she was talking with. She reached out for his arm to steady herself, then felt his hand on her. When she looked down Ann saw him cupping her left breast. His thumb rubbed over her hard nipple as he squeezed her firm mound, sending a jolt of pleasure through her that went directly to her clit. Still holding onto his arm, Ann turned slightly so her back was to where Robert was sitting, still patiently waiting for her to return.

"You're pretty bold for someone who doesn't know me," she said, lifting her eyes to his. "I never said you could do that." Her eyes darted down to his hand on her breast for a moment.

"No, but you don't want to cause a scene in here by putting up a struggle and I think you probably like strangers feeling you up," he said, moving his thumb in a tight circle around her thick nipple. "Besides, sometimes you just have take what you want, because it's not going to be offered."

"Carpe de boob, so to speak," she quipped with a giggle. But she thought that maybe he knew her better than she knew herself. After all, she had made no effort to break free from his hand on her.

Ann felt relieved that there were no tables facing her. Over her shoulder she saw patrons eating and talking, oblivious to her being fondled. Still, she could hardly believe her bold behavior, especially with a stranger. She knew that she had to get away before they were noticed, or she did something even more impetuous and indecent.

"I better get going before we get arrested," she said nervously. "I was on my way to the bathroom."

"Then I'll let you go," he said, meaning it literally as he let his hand fall to his side. "But I need you to stop on your way back."

"And why's that?" Ann demanded with a curious look.

"Because I have two hands and you have two perfect breasts," he told her. "And I haven't had the pleasure of feeling them both."

"Well, thank-you," she replied, genuinely pleased by his flattery. "My name is Ann, by-the-way."

"Nice to meet you Ann," he said with a warm smile.

"And your name is..." she prodded as her eyebrows darted up.

"Finding that out will cost you," he teased.

A peculiar smile crept over Ann's face. "Mind if I call you 'Bruce' to keep it clear?" she said in an exaggerated Australian accent.

"Huh?" he grunted, cocking his head to one side in confusion.

"Hmmm... I guess you're not a Monty Python fan then. What a shame. I love a man who can make me laugh," she taunted. "I'll see you later, Bruce."

Ann turned abruptly with a grin and strode towards the washrooms. Her heart was pounding and her clit throbbed. She turned right at the corner below the lighted sign. She walked down a narrow hall with grey cement walls and lit with overhead fluorescent lights that lead towards the washrooms. She heard the echo of her heels clicking on the white tiled floor with each step.

As Ann passed the Mens' washroom the door opened and a man exited. He was wearing a grey suit a shade darker than his thinning hair and appeared to be a few years older than her. His sudden presence startled Ann and she lurched aside to make room for him to pass. When she glanced over she noticed him smile at her. It was the type of smile she would expect from a shark approaching a swimmer. His dark eyes locked on her chest and Ann was now even more conscious of how her breasts shook as she walked and how her hard her nipples were. They ached to be touched and the thought of playing with them in the bathroom stall occurred to her. But she had never done that sort of thing in a public place and doubted that she would dare to. Ann quickened her pace and pushed open the heavy green door to the Ladies' room and stepped inside.

The Womens' washroom was empty and Ann locked herself inside the middle stall. She paused a moment to collect herself before beginning to do what she had come there for. She could feel the pounding of her heart beneath her breast and her cheeks felt hot. She drew in a few deep breaths, hoping to slow the rush of blood to her wet pussy. When she looked down at her chest she was filled with an odd mixture of distress and arousal when she noticed how hard and thick her nipples looked, poking out at the front of her knit dress. She ran her fingertips over her left one and shuddered a bit. The wave of pleasure went straight to her clit and she gave her round breast a squeeze, pinching the nipple through her dress and bra once more. Now she was certain that she did not want to go home with Robert that night. She wanted to lie alone in her bed and make herself cum as many times as possible before falling asleep.

Once Ann had finished in the stall she stepped over to the row of sinks and washed her hands. As she dried them she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She brushed her curly black hair back over her shoulders and noticed her smoldering blue eyes in the glass. For a moment she wondered who the wanton-looking woman she was gazing at was. It couldn't be her. She was sedate and conservative. Vanilla. Her greatest vice was a second glass of wine with a meal or sharing a cigarette with her sister-in-law. For moment she didn't recognize herself. This woman with the unmistakable signs of desire on her face could not be the same Ann Eldridge who went to book club meetings at friends' houses twice a month and attended church semi-regularly. Or was this the New Ann she was seeing? Maybe so. In any case, she liked her.

As she turned to toss the wad of damp paper towel in the garbage can Ann heard a clap of thunder outside. It was louder than all the ones that had preceded it. She shuddered a bit, listening to it reverberate in the distance. When she turned to reach for the handle to the door and leave another loud burst of thunder rang out and the washroom was suddenly plunged into darkness. From the restaurant the sound of a woman's scream rang out and a baby began to wail. Ann's heart began to hammer, but now it wasn't caused by her inflamed libido.

Ann stood in the pitch black of the bathroom for several seconds, hoping the lights would come back on, or at least the emergency back-up lights. After what seemed like a minute had passed and she was still alone in the inky darkness she fumbled for the door handle and pulled it open.

Much to her dismay, the hallway was no brighter than the bathroom. Ann could not even see her hand in front of her face. She stumbled blindly from the bathroom, reaching out for the cement wall to her left to get her bearings. She began walking slowly, running her fingers along the rough cement as she took tentative steps on the tiled floor. Ann had assumed that there would at least be emergency lights throughout the restaurant, but all she could discern was the faint glow of one which appeared to be shining from the lobby. It was far to dim to guide her way or allow her to see anything along the hallway.

Ann was barely a few yards down the black hallway when she bumped into another person. She gave a faint gasp of shock as she felt hands on her arms, just above her wrists. judging from the feel of the rough fingers and wide palms, Ann knew that she had bumped into a man, and a rather large, muscular one it seemed. Encountering someone else under these conditions surprised her and frightened her somewhat. Her heart sped up, then she hoped it must be Robert having come to search for her, although he was built more slight than the person who was still holding her arms.

"Robert?" she said in a soft, frightened voice.

That was when Ann felt a hand clamp over her mouth. It felt hot and she could taste salt and cologne on the person's rough skin. "Shut up, bitch," a man's voice growled in a hoarse whisper.

Ann heard herself give a muffled cry of fright and surprise against the man's palm. But before she could struggle she felt herself being spun around. The wall seemed to move rapidly to meet her as she felt herself being thrust against it. She reached out, bracing her hands on the cold cement and panting into the meaty palm covering her mouth and chin. She felt a foot kick hard at the inside of her left ankle, then the other, forcing her legs wider apart. Fingers curled around the nape of her neck like a fleshy vice, forcing her head down until her forehead was rubbing over the concrete wall.

An arm wrapped around Ann's narrow waist from her left side, hugging her and pulling her ass back until she could feel his shaft pressed to her rump. Even through their clothes his cock felt big, and hard. Very hard. He thrust his hips hard and she could feel his shaft nestled between the cheeks of her ass. Her clit throbbed and Ann felt herself become even wetter.

Now Ann was bent over slightly, her forearms braced against the cement wall. It felt rough on her skin, but her arousal was growing by the second, overpowering any discomfort she felt. She was breathing hard through her nostrils and could feel fingertips pressing into her cheek and jaw as the person behind her kept his hand clamped tight over her mouth.

When Ann felt the arm leave her waist she wondered what her captor planned to do next. Then she heard the scraping sound of a zipper being opened behind her. She gasped. That faint sound she issued resulted in a handful of her hair being grabbed and yanked hard, so her head was abruptly jerked back until she could feel the chest of the burly man behind her.

"Be a good girl," he hissed in her ear. His breath was hot on the side of her face and smelled of liquor.

Ann nodded silently. Her thoughts of crying out in terror soon turned to soft throaty moans when she felt the hand on her waist move up to her right breast. His fingers curled around her heavy mound, pushing it up as the fingertips dug into it. Ann could feel the underwire of her bra begin to stab her tender skin and the pain heightened the experience for her. She clenched her jaw and let out another soft moan as her nipple was pinched hard and pulled away from her breast by almost an inch. She felt the stranger side his right hand away from her mouth and over her chin. It was wet with her saliva and his sweat.


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