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Juliette, The Ultimate Loving Wife

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She had it all.
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Brad Keller was new at the job he was now in, but he's only been there a week and his staff was shit scared of him, what he might do, what he was going to do, who was going to get it in the neck. Who was going to be moved, sideways, up, or down, who was going to get the bullet.

He was a big man, 6ft 3" very well built, and had an intimidating presence, a shock of dark brown hair, and below it a very handsome face. At 38 years he was a trouble shooter of the highest calibre.

The previous area manager had been sacked without notice, Brad Keller had walked in and told him, he also told him to clear his desk of his personal items, and leave right there and then. Then he had called the staff to a meeting at 1pm precisely, where they were told that they would do things his way, there would be no other way, and they were told if they went against him, they would lose. That those that were there right now, were told if they didn't like it.

"Then there is the door, clear your desks and go, immediately!"

None left, but in the week various people were suddenly not there anymore, new people arrived to take their places. Those still there were called in one by one where an explanation, of sorts, was given. They were interviewed basically for their own jobs and they knew it. They were told what their new job was to be, and how he wanted it doing, and again, "If you don't like it, there's the door."

Over the first month, half of the staff disappeared, and were replaced where necessary by new people. Dan Morris had been in fear for his job, it was the best one he could have got, he knew he was good at what he did, and he had become the 'go to man' for the last six months.

He knew the reason why all this had happened, what he didn't know was why it had taken so long for it to happen. The previous boss had been a very affable man, and that had been his problem, he was too nice. The satellite arm where Dan worked had got some of the best contracts going over the last four years, but it had all slid with the new guy.

The board of directors 2000 miles away in another country had been slow in acting as far as Dan was concerned, but now they had he too was worried. Being the kind of man brought up in his fathers way of working for a living, he respected who he worked for and respected what he did, he was a very highly trained young man, a photographic memory aided his learning, and he had majored with honours. His chosen profession was what he was doing now. He worked for the largest Design Engineering conglomerates in the world, and was hopefully on his way up.

He was the youngest of any engineers anywhere, his skill had been bedded by his father's insistence in spending a year learning how site engineering worked. It had been invaluable because it gave him and insight to what he actually did. He knew he hadn't contributed to his offices demise, but it didn't help to be mired in it.

He had his interview and thought he did okay, but he too was told there were no grace and favour policy in operation, in other words, he could go if he didn't like it. He went home that night to his new wife, his wonderful bride, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Juliette, his wife was a fiery redhead, gorgeous in every way, every way that was, apart from her famed temper. Dan had been on the end of it sometimes, and he had come away bruised and defeated, not physically, but mentally. Juliette was only 5ft tall, but a colossus in terms of standing her ground, fighting her corner, or anyone else's if she thought it was needed.

He loved her with all he had, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. She gave him hell sometimes, she would verbally beat him, and rage over nothing, but after, when she had calmed, she acted as if nothing had happened. He would take it all knowing that moment would arrive, her sexiness completely overwhelmed him, and she would fuck him silly. She would make love to him as if it was the final moments of their lives.

The fact that she was so small, in no way detracted her from her defence of the underdog, no matter whom it might be. She would defend an outcast if she thought they were being unfairly treated, she would stand resolutely four square with them no matter what people said.

Her delightfully high cheekbones would redden in controlled anger, and sometimes uncontrolled anger, depending on the situation in front of her. Her full heart shaped lips, which were a magnet to men looking at her would quiver and tremble. It gave her an innocent air that many immediately sympathised with. Her flashing green eyes could kill at a glance, and entice just as easily.

Her glossy copper red hair was a lush sea of managed tresses, it hung over her wonderful firm high breasts, and dropped between her slim shoulder blades in a shaggy beautiful mess. Her slim waist supported her terrifically, slender hips on tiny legs that seemed to go on forever, and her walk gave her a presence not many women had.

Juliette was 23 years old, Dan was 25, and how he had won, wooed, and got her to marry him was still an enigma to him even now. She was uncontrollable sometimes, Dan had kept her informed of events at work, and she worried for him. She also knew he was their brightest rising star, even they didn't know it yet. He would come home all hot and bothered, he could leave and get another job, but working for this firm was all he had ever wanted, and he had geared his future around them.

Then the situation worsened, three months into Brad Keller's tenure, someone in the office had made a catastrophic mistake, they had hidden it, but it came to light obviously. Then if things couldn't get worse, they did! The guilty party offloaded it onto Dan, he was called in to Mr Keller's office to explain his insane decisions.

Dan did, but he got tarnished with the same brush, and he was told he was under tight scrutiny, one more blemish and his career would be over, not only with the firm, but the industry. He protested his treatment, but the die was cast. He went home and told his Juliette, she was incandescent with rage.

"How dare he, is he a complete idiot, what the hell is the matter with him. Dan, he has to know you are the best employee they have. I am going to see him myself tomorrow, tell him I'll be there!"

Her husband was aghast, "Juliette you can't do that, I'll get fired for sure, and if that didn't happen I would have to leave anyway, the embarrassment would be too great. Please Juliette don't?"

She actually saw the logic in that argument, but just as quickly she decided she would go and see this fucking Mr Keller after the staff had left for the night.

The whole of the next day Dan was on edge, he knew Juliette well enough to know that she might just do what she had threatened to do. The day passed and he couldn't get out of the office fast enough. As he was leaving his phone beeped, he looked at i9t, it was Juliette, "Oh no," he gasped to himself, "please Juliette don't tell me you are here to see him?"

"Hi Juliette, I've just left, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes Dan, why, shouldn't I be?"

"I was just wondering why you were calling, I'm just on my way home," he said.

"Yes I assumed so, I have to go to my mothers, she's sprained her ankle or something, I'll be home in an hour or so okay? I have left your dinner in the over for you. I'll see you later, I love you," she said. Dan was more than relieved, "Yes okay Juliette, I love you too, see you later," and he close his phone with a sigh of relief. He didn't see her watching him from across the road waiting for him to get into his car and drive off.

As soon as he did, Juliette squared her shoulders and marched into the building. She pressed the button for the correct floor, and was soon striding into the main office, she espied Mr 'Big head' Keller's office and was pushing the door open in quick style. He looked up and saw her walk in.

"I think you maybe in the wrong office Miss er?" he said.

"Mrs Morris," she corrected him, "I'm Dan's wife, I need to talk to you Mr Keller about the way you are handling my husband, he doesn't know I'm here. So let's cut to the chase, you are wrong about him. He is the best man you have and he hasn't put a foot wrong since he's been in this employment!"

Brad Keller grinned at her forthright attitude, he didn't like it, but he appreciated it. He leaned back in his chair and appraised her, she was absolutely gorgeous. He noticed the red spots of anger, or worry, on her cheek bones which more that flattered her beautiful face.

"I see, and what would you have me do Mrs Morris?"

"You can treat him properly, you beast!" Juliette was losing her temper, something she was trying not to do, and had been determined not to do either. He just took her in, Juliette was wearing a girls school type blouse, it was patterned in small red and white checks, short sleeved, a pleated flared skirt that finished at the knee, white long socks, and buckled shoes. Her hair was done in pig tails at either side of her head.

Brad Keller couldn't stop his cock from lurching in his pants. If she hadn't told him she was the wife of one of his employees, he would have taken her for a school girl, or college student.

"He is innocent of any wrong doing that you have accuse him of," she continued her diatribe, "don't you know that!" she was shouting now.

He wasn't quite used to being confronted in this manner, so he decided the best defence was to attack. He looked at her stood there quivering with anger, she was upset he could see that. He could also see her nipples protruding through her tight blouse, she looked as sexy as all hell.

"I'll have cash on the fact that her pussy is boiling away right now?" he smiled to himself.

"Can I ask you your name please Mrs Morris?" he asked.

"It's Juliette, why?"

"I like to know who I'm dealing with, your husband is trying to keep his job, whether he does is up to him, not me. And certainly not you!" and he pointed his finger at her.

"Well you should let him do it then, not harass him the way you are!"

"Does he always come home crying to you Mrs Morris?"

Juliette bristled at the insinuation he was a cry baby. "No he doesn't, he can look after himself!"

"Why are you dressed like a schoolgirl Mrs Morris, are you trying to impress me, have you dressed that sexily just to try and curry favour with me?"

Juliette looked down at herself, she hadn't, but she could see what he meant. "No I have not, so don't even think it!" She was getting more annoyed.

"Well it looks that way to me Mrs Morris, you are a very beautiful sexy lady. I can understand why you want me to like you, try and impress me. I can tell you Mrs Morris you have succeeded, I do and I am." He turned his back on her which made her even angrier, then looked out of his window and was glad he had. Getting out of his car was her husband Dan, he was coming back into the building for some reason.

On the console was a keypad, one of the buttons activated the door lock to his office, he gently pressed it locking him and Juliette in. Another button activated the security camera, and he had a monitor on his desk. He watched as Dan entered the office, he looked through some papers, looked at Brad's office door and stepped towards it.

Dan knocked, Juliette turned at hearing it, "Who is it?" Brad called.

"It's me Dan Morris, Mr Keller, can I come in please?" Brad looked at Juliette, she shook her head vehemently. He stepped to her, put his fingers to his lips in a shushing motion, then in one sudden swift movement captured both of her nipples between his fingers, rolled and squeezed them.

"I'm in a meeting," he called, Juliette cowered and cringed, and stepped back away from him, he followed, continuing to roll and squeeze the tight hard nubs that were already rock hard and fully erect, all caused by what she was doing, and her anger. She grabbed at his wrists, but what he was doing was making her bend forward.

Juliette's back was now against the wall, "Shhhhhh," he whispered, "we don't want him to know you are in here with me, and dressed so sexily and seductively now do we?" Juliette didn't know what to do, her nipples were on fire, and the blaze was getting fiercer by the nana second.

"Put your hands down now!" he ordered harshly but quietly. Juliette did, though she knew not why. Now he had her, she couldn't get past him, and her arms were glued to her sides.

"Dan wait right there, I'll be another 10 to 15 minutes," he called.

"Okay, I'll make a coffee," came his reply.

"Now young lady," he said to the man's wife as he twisted and tweaked her burning nipples harder, "listen to me, and listen good, make no noise or you will be in real trouble. If you make a scene, no one will believe that you are here for any other reason, than to throw yourself at me to help your husband!"

Juliette's knees were not only knocking they were in dire trouble from almost giving way and dropping her to the floor. "Please Mr Keller, I'm sorry, please don't?" she knew she was in more bother than she could handle. He kept on, her body was ablaze, her pussy was clamping together, a sure sign she was turned on, and getting more turned on with every roll and tweak from him, and her treacherous nipples.

Juliette didn't see the room moving, and she didn't feel him moving her to the long leather couch along the wall. It wasn't until she was finding herself sitting, that she knew what was happening. Mr Keller's large frame darkened the light above her. Then he was above her, Juliette's life was flashing before her eyes.

He took control of her breasts now as well as her nipples, she moaned loudly, "Shhhh," he told her, "don't want hubby to find you here with me do we?" he repeated. She wanted to cry out to him, to rescue her from his boss, but she also knew she couldn't, not now. Brad swiftly undid her blouse, pushed up her tiny bra and retook her treasures.

The trouble was he was more powerful that her, not only physically, but mentally as well, she had never met her match in life, except her beloved daddy. He knew exactly how to handle his beautiful daughter.

"Please, please," she bleated, she understood that nothing could save her now. His hand cupped her pussy and Juliette mewled, he stopped her by taking his first kiss from her. Juliette tried not to respond, but his hand rubbing her between her legs was more than she could bear, she kissed him back.

Brad Keller knew he would have no more trouble from his employees gorgeous young wife, the stupid man had actually given her to him, simply by returning to the office. "What luck," he thought, "and what fools they both are." He got quickly to his feet, Juliette did no more than watch him. He undid his trousers, dropped them and his shorts to the floor. Juliette saw his donger drop as far as it could, as it was already nearly erect.

She looked up at the swinging thick heavy cock, and nearly fainted, there was no way out, it mesmerised her. The powerful looking bright red mushroomed head was eyeing her totally. Brad lifted her skirt, there was little time to waste, so he just ripped her panties away and settled over her.

He felt for her pussy, his finger sank in, bringing a soft moan from the stricken beauty below him. He was delighted to find it very wet and extremely warm. Knees between her now spread thighs.

"Put me in Juliette," he told her, using her name for the first time. She begged briefly for mercy as her fingers closed around it, she felt the heat, the throbbing pulsing heaviness of it, and pointed it at her now wide open pussy.

As she caressed the smooth head over her lips he pushed, and the first inch or two sank in. Juliette growled, her arousal was full. There would be no redemption, there was no resistance, her legs reared up and her knees went under his arm pits. He pressed forward, pulled back, ppressed again, pulled back, pressed forward for the last time and Brad Keller had all of his thick cock right into Juliette's wonderful secret pot.

Her arms went around him, her feet clamped to his back, and Brad began to fuck his employees wife, and who was only yards away on the other side of his office door. He made himself comfortable, this totally unexpected fuck was going to be made the best of. He desperately wanted to just bang her, shoot his load and get rid of her. But she was just too beautiful and sexy for that, she deserved to be fucked, and fucked properly, and hopefully, to make her want to come back for more.

He powered methodically and fully in and out, and he watched with happy glee as she came. Her grip tightened, she buried her face into his chest, "Kiss me you bastard!" she told him through gritted teeth. Brad obliged willingly and soon they were engaged in absolute love making, Juliette came again, and she cried into his mouth. His dominance of her made her surrender to him. She had never once surrendered to a man, not even her husband, but she did so now.

"Fuck me, go on you bastard fuck me" Brad did, he rammed her, she came again, "harder harder, harder, go on harder, please harder please!" His hips rose and thudded home, she squealed, his balls slapped her ass, the pounding blows were echoing off the office walls. Juliette was hanging on for her life as he made her cum even more, eventually she could cum no more.

He had emptied her completely, it was her first time ever that she had been beaten like this. She had never cum so hard or so many tmes. And it was all down to where she was, where her innocent husband was, who she was being screwed by, her surrender to a stronger man than her husband, the very danger, the illicitness, and that was why.

Brad crushed and crashed himself deep into her one last time, he ejected a bucket load of hot steaming cum, into the helpless hapless wife of his employee. Juliette felt it surge all the way up and into her womb, her body helped by naturally sucking it all in. Brad kissed her, her heart skipped, he had done the one thing that Juliette always appreciated after making love, being given love and loving gentleness.

He slowly got off her, and holding out his hand, he gently helped her to her feet where he kissed her once more. He pointed her to his bathroom, and Juliette made her way there slowly to clean herself up. He turned on the AC to change the air and remove smells of the sex pervading his office. He said for her stay there until he opened the door after her husband left.

All Dan wanted was Mr Keller's approval so he could send out an urgent document, he gave it and Juliette's husband went. Brad went for Juliette and walked her to his door. He kissed her again and she kissed him back, she had to after what he had just done to her, and done for her, She had just been put through the mill as far as sex was concerned, and it had been as good as she had ever had too.

"I'll see you Tuesday about 9am Juliette," he told her.

"You're telling me to come here at 9 on Tuesday?" she asked incredulously.

"No, I'll be at your home at 9 on Tuesday, now go, before I drag you back in here and make love to you again!", he slapped her ass. Juliette hurried away, she had to get home. She could still feel his cock in her pussy as she skipped along to her car, and it made it spasm. But she was also annoyed with herself too. Not about surrendering to her husband's boss the way she had, it couldn't be denied that the sex had been out of this world. The thought of what he had done to her, made her shiver with excitement, but she was annoyed for not finishing the business she had gone there for in the first place.

She spent the whole trip home gathering her senses, she had betrayed her husband, though to be truthful she had been forced, but reconciling that with the times she had orgasmed before his boss would be inadmissible in a court of law. By the time she got home she was feeling better, more able to deal with any fall out should there be any. Her husband greeted her as he usually did, loving, kind tenderness, this made Juliette feel guilty, though there was nothing to be done about that.

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