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Jungle Crew

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Molly gets the crew back on track.
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Authors note: All characters are 18 years old or older and any resemblance to real people is strictly a coincidence. This is strictly fiction.

Molly grew up in small town USA. She went to a small university and got her engineering degree and graduated tops in her class and was immediately hired by Apex International, an international engineering firm who specialized in laying fiber optic lines in remote places. They worked primarily in South America as there was a need to start moving this inland to help the remote areas catch up. Molly was stationed on the coast and the thriving city life really appealed to her. She had never experienced that before and loved the fact that she could literally do anything at any time.

While she was overseeing a project that was taking place inland, she spent all of her time along the coast in the big city. Seeing as it was a remote location she could only communicate with a satellite phone and it was only at certain times and for just a few minutes. This left her with a lot of free time on her hands as long as she carried the phone and answered when they called. Being in her mid twenties, she loved to lay out and sun bathe whenever she could, which based on her work schedule was almost always. Molly was very good looking, platinum blonde with firm C cup tits, long toned legs and a firm backside. She had developed these attributes by playing tennis through college. While she had gotten more daring in her swimsuit choices, she just couldn't bring herself to sunbathe in the nude.

Her boss, Suzette, had gotten the project going and then turned it over to Molly. She only had to come in to the office on Monday's to meet with Suzette and see if there were any changes.

"Molly, I need you to go inland for a week and follow up on the project in section 43," said Suzette. She was a very well established leader and ran a tight ship. When she said something, people listened. "Simi is running the crew of younger guys, but they seem to have slowed down. They are nearing the mountain range which we need to get over to ensure that the plants on the other side have reliable communication with the coast by the end of the month. I have negotiated a deal with the Junjuu tribe to go through their land. It took me quite some time to land that deal and I don't want you to screw it up. You must do anything to ensure that this goes through. I have already sent a boat upriver today to ensure that they are aware that you are coming. You can meet Gunjii at the dock tomorrow morning at eight. He is a native of the tribe and knows the river and how to get to the base camp for the next push. Pack appropriately as the jungle is very hot and humid."

"Not a problem miss Suzette. I will see what is going on and try and keep it moving. I won't let you down."

Molly got to the docks a little early and saw the largest black man she had ever seen loading a boat. He was all of six feet six and didn't seem to have any fat whatsoever. His muscles were very defined and Molly was immediately intimidated by him. "Hi, are you Gunjii? I'm Molly," she said shyly.

Gunjii looked her up and down. "I was not expecting a young woman. This is not going to be an easy trip and it will take the whole day. There is really no comfort on the boat. It looks like you have brought lots of clothes, good. This place is very hot and humid, even more so than the coast."

They shoved off and headed upstream. They made several stops along the way at villages. Gunjii seemed to be able to speak many different dialects as he knew everyone at every stop. All the people seemed really friendly along the way and Molly was eager to get to the camp to get the project back on track.

As the sun started to set, Molly spoke up nervously, "Are we getting close or are we going to have to make camp overnight?"

"Only two more turns in the river and we will be there. You don't want to sleep in the jungle as many things can happen to you, mostly bad in this neck of the woods."

As they approached the compound, another black man came to the rivers edge to greet them. He seemed quite a bit older than Gunjii. The two men spoke and they didn't even really acknowledge that she was there.

"I am Simi. I am in charge of the workers and the compound. I apologize as the compound doesn't have many of the niceties that you probably have in the city. We have set up a tent for you in the middle of the compound. It will be safer for you in the middle as that way we can provide a perimeter. The guys will grab your gear for you. Please follow me and I will show you to your tent. It would be best if you didn't come out as the sun is setting. The mosquitoes can get quite bad as well as other things that prowl the night."

As they neared the center of the compound, the tent was really just basically a screened in canopy with a cot, a folding table and a lantern hanging from the pole. "Is that the tent?" asked Molly. Her gear had already been placed in the tent. She thought to herself, how did that happen, I didn't even see anyone moving around.

"As I said, I apologize for the primitiveness of the compound. I wasn't made aware that you were a woman and we really have no need for privacy here. I shall see you in the morning."

Molly realized that she would be sleeping in her clothes this night as she was not about to strip down in front of whomever had brought her gear to the tent. It was virtually pitch black outside of the lantern light, which just lit up the inside of the tent.

Molly woke with a start to some sort of screeching animal. As she sat up on the cot and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she realized that she was being watched. She turned around and saw the four younger guys squatting just outside her tent watching her intently. Just then she heard Simi yelling in his native language and the four guys scattered just as quietly as they had arrived. She had never seen anyone move so quickly and quietly.

"I am sorry about that," said Simi. They are members of the Junjuu tribe and have never seen a white woman, and especially one with such blonde hair. "Let me show you around the compound. Those tents around the outside are the workers tents. It creates a barrier for animals. The bigger tent over there is where we gather for food and that smaller building over there is where you can do your business. We follow the old ways and go into the jungle, but people from the coast need a special place. Come, let us get some food."

As they entered the food tent, the four younger guys were already there eating and drinking some sort of tea. "Here," said Simi. "Drink this every day and it will keep the mosquitoes away. It is very bitter, but if you drink it quickly you barely taste it. Believe me it works. My tribe has been here for many generations and we have learned many things about the jungle that help us live here." He was right, it was very bitter but Molly found that if she drank it quickly it wasn't that bad.

"Come with me, we shall go and watch the crew for a little while and then you can report back."

Molly had already sweated through her first outfit of the day. "Please let me change first as these are my clothes from yesterday." She went back to her tent and without even thinking stripped her shirt off and then took her bra off. Her breasts were glowing white as she always wore a bikini on the beach back at the coast but the rest of her body was nicely tanned. She pulled out another bra and another cotton loose fitting shirt and put them on. As she turned around, she again saw the four crew members watching her, this time from the food tent. She felt somewhat embarrassed, but she had a job to do.

She watched them work for most of the day, and Suzette was right. This machine was wonderful and didn't leave much of a footprint. These guys knew what they were doing, but they were very slow and seemed lazy in how they worked. Not that they were doing anything wrong, per se, but just slow. Especially after seeing how fast they moved when Simi yelled at them.

When they got back to camp, much earlier than Molly thought they should have, she checked her satellite times and realized that she had missed the one for today. She made a note of the time for tomorrow and wouldn't make that mistake again.

The next day was more of the same. They worked well, but slow. Much slower than Molly would have liked considering they had to get up and over the mountains to establish the communications with the inland plants.

Molly had sweated through her bra and decided to go bra less later in the day as it just felt better. None of them could dry in this humidity anyway so it was a losing cause. However, this caused her shirt to become wet and basically the white cotton fabric became see through as it stuck to her torso. The four younger crew members took notice of her always hard nipples from the wetness and how they were so pink compared to their native women.

She reported what she witnessed and Suzette said, "Do not jeopardize this partnership. If they are slow but working that is ok. I would rather have it be late than never. They have no knowledge of the outside world and how we work. Time to them is irrelevant, so do not screw it up."

Day three was the same. No bra and the workers were constantly watching her. Even Simi had a hard time keeping his eyes off her as she was rather captivating. The satellite time this day was after dark, so when Molly punched in the number to report in, it was pitch black outside her tent and she couldn't see anything. "Hi Suzette. Slow going again today. These guys just seem lazy and don't want to work. They seem to have no urgency whatsoever in completing the task in our timeframe."

"That's ok. Just do what you can and try and get them to pick up the pace. But, do not, under any circumstance let it stop. Do you understand? You do whatever you have to do to get it done. If not, it could mean your job. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Suzette. I understand," replied Molly. She thought to herself, wow, she had never heard her speak to anyone like that before. This must be a big deal. As she turned around, she could see one of the workers standing directly outside her tent. He had moved closer so he could be seen in the lantern light.

"Lazy? You say we are lazy and don't want to work. You know nothing about our culture and how we do things. Good luck," he said and turned to walk away into the dark.

"Wait. You speak English? You were listening in on my call?"

"Yes. We speak English and I was assigned to watch you tonight to make sure you don't wander off into the jungle."

"I didn't know that, I am sorry. I didn't mean it how it sounded. It just seems like you don't have urgency to get this done."

"We don't." And with that he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Molly awoke the next morning in the same manner she had every morning. Some screeching jungle creature announcing its presence. Only, this time she didn't have a sense that she was being watched. She looked around and couldn't see any of the workers. She put her boots on and walked over to the food tent and saw Simi sitting there drinking his tea.

"Good morning, Simi."

"No, it is not. They are gone. They woke me last night and said that you had said some bad things about them and they all walked off into the jungle. Probably back to their village on the mountain."

"What!? They left? I was just reporting back to the coast that they seemed to be working slower than what I thought they should be working. We need to get the line over the mountains as soon as possible and that is why I was sent here. How do I get them back?"

"Yet you know nothing about our culture. Time means nothing to us, just survival. The only way I know to get them back is to bring you to the Chief and have you ask him personally for him to allow them to come back and finish. You must learn the ways of our tribe in order to speak to the Chief. Are you willing to do that?" asked Simi.

Hearing Suzettes words in her head, "But, do not, under any circumstance let it stop. Do you understand? You do whatever you have to do to get it done. If not, it could mean your job. Am I clear?" Molly had no choice but to agree.

"Yes. I will do whatever it takes to get them back here. I have been given that direction by my boss," said Molly.

"Good. You will wait here while I reach out to the tribe and see if the Chief is willing to hear you. I will be back when I get back. Do not leave your tent. If you stay in it, you should be fine." He disappeared so quickly after speaking that Molly didn't even see him leave the tent.

Molly finished her tea and headed back to her tent. She actually was now alone in the jungle with no way of knowing how to get home. She was on the verge of destroying this project with her stupid comments and she was shaking from this fear. She worked herself into quite a panic and was trying to figure out what to do next when she realized that she had completely soaked her shirt and bottoms with her panic attack and needed to change her clothes.

Just as she finished stripping her clothes off, Simi appeared without a noise. She jumped as she was startled and covered herself immediately with the wet clothes

"Simi! I didn't even hear you come back. You startled me."

"Put your boots back on. The Chief has agreed to meet you and hear what you have to say. We will walk up the mountain to the village and you will plead your case, but we must go right now."

Molly started putting some dry clothes on, after all she was going to meet the Chief.

"No. Right now. We cannot wait for you to get dressed."

"You want me to hike naked through the jungle, up that mountain with you?"

"You said you would be willing to learn about our tribe and how we do things to try and make this right. The women in our tribe do not wear clothing, so you will not wear clothing either. You may wear your boots as the walk will be difficult, but other than that the Chief said you must follow our culture. It is our way. If not, I will stay with you until someone can come and get you. It is the jungle, there is no one here but our tribe so you being naked will be nothing."

Molly knew what she had to do. She wasn't excited about it, but Simi was right. There was no one here and if she wanted to save the deal she would have to do this. It's not like she hasn't been in a skimpy bikini before. "Alright. I shall follow your cultural rules and go naked."

"I can see you are anxious about this. Drink this other mixture to help settle your nerves and it will also help keep other bugs away from you. There are different bugs up the mountain and this will keep those away. It will also make you feel better along the way."

Molly drank the mixture and realized that it tasted very differently than the morning tea. It was sweet and tasted very good. "That was different. It was very good. Shall we go now?"

"I will bring you to a certain point and then you will be on your own."

He moved like a panther through the jungle. Quiet, smooth and quick. Molly was noisy and had to really hustle to keep up. It was difficult for her and she was stumbling and falling and getting quite dirty. After a while, he said, "You take the lead as I am so much faster. Just keep going up and you cannot go wrong." Molly moved in front and started to move up the hill. As she was walking and climbing, she felt herself becoming more and more aroused. She couldn't understand why, nor did she care, she just kept feeling better. There must have been something in the drink, she thought. Simi stayed right behind her getting continual views of not just her ass but her pussy as well. He was mesmerized by the tan lines on her ass as she struggled over the rough and wet terrain, always heading up. The native women did not have tan lines and it was something he had never seen.

They reached a spot where the undergrowth quickly changed. Simi stopped her and said, "This is where we split up. I cannot go any closer to the village as I didn't have time to go through the rituals to allow me to enter. Go forward until you cross a small clearing. At that point, you should be able to see the village. An older woman will come out and escort you from there. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do."

Simi disappeared as he usually did.

Molly reached the clearing and waited patiently. The older black woman came out of a hut and walked towards her carrying a bowl on her head. "I shall wash you in the old way to ensure you are ready to enter the village. When women enter for the first time, they must be cleansed with water and special medicines that will help you with the spiritual journey. You will take off your boots now as you are entering the village and they won't be needed."

With that, the woman put the bowl down on the ground and scooped some water in her hands. She slowly dribbled the water over Molly's white breasts while chanting something. When the cool water hit her nipples, Molly felt a sensation that she had never felt before, almost like a shock or electricity shooting through her body. The old woman did the routine again and splashed the water on her back so that it ran down between her ass cheeks. Again, the same sensation of electricity only this time it was in her ass. The woman scooped up a third handful and dribbled it on her head while chanting. Molly felt her whole body tremble and almost collapsed. The woman sensed her and caught her before she completely collapsed.

The woman then liberally splashed the water all over her body and started to rub her all over, all while continuing to chant. She started at her neck and rubbed down one arm and then the other. She then moved to her breasts and started at the base of each, worked her way up and pinched, pulled and stretched each of her pink nipples. Then rubbed down her abdomen to the top of her pubic bone. Turned her around and rubbed the water down from the top of her back and then over her ass, making sure to spread her cheeks and making sure that her ass was cleansed. She then squatted down in front of her leaving Molly's sex right in front of her. Molly thought, my God, I hope she doesn't smell how ready I am for sex. She then rubbed down each leg all the way to her toes. Molly was completely and totally turned on and was hoping the woman would just touch her once in the right spot. She wanted to orgasm so bad and knew it wouldn't take much.

When she finished, she spoke, "You have now been cleansed in the old ways and all the dirt of the jungle has been washed from you. You are now ready to enter the sacred village. You will go to the table in the middle of the village. Another woman will ready you to meet the Chief. You follow her instructions and do as you are told."

Molly could feel that she was being watched as she walked tentatively to the table in the middle of the village. She had never really liked being naked, but somehow she was accepting that it was necessary to get the job back on track. As she walked, she could feel her boobs jiggling and noticed that her nipples were very hard and she became more and more aroused. There must have been something in the water or the drink she had consumed earlier and her arousal was insatiable.

She stopped in front of the table and a voice came from behind her, "Reach forward and put the ceremonial headdress on. It will cover your eyes. Then lean forward on the table resting on your elbows." How did someone get behind her? These people were as quiet as could be.

She followed the orders and adorned the headdress and leaned forward on her elbows. She could feel something being placed around her wrists and realized she was being tied to the table. She wanted to fight back, but instead, felt obligated to remain still. She felt her legs being forcibly spread farther apart and then it felt like her ankles were bound with her legs spread wide.


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