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Junk in the Trunk


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"I don't know what you mean," I blurted out too fast.

"What I mean young man is that you've been eyeballing me all day, and not in a way that a son looks at his mother," she replied staring right into my eyes.

"I...don't follow you," I stuttered.

"Well for instance, this morning when you hugged me I definitely felt something strange against my butt. And then when I showed you my new workout clothes I was sure you were getting an erection. I also think that's why you didn't want my help getting up from the mat. Now tell me Randy. Are you getting aroused when you're around me?" she bluntly asked.

"No! Of course not Mom" I lied through my teeth.

"You can be honest with me, I won't get mad at you if that's what you're worried about," she spoke softly.

"Promise?" I meekly asked.

"I promise. Now tell me, did you get aroused by looking at me today?"

"Yyyyes," I stammered unable to look her in the eyes.

"But why? Was it something I did?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Heavens no Mom, you haven't done anything wrong. It was just that when Jack was talking about your butt, I couldn't help but look at you as a woman, not as my Mom."

"Oh, I see. So what did you discover about me that got you aroused?" Mom placed her arm on the back of the couch and leaned forward a little. I could see her nipples getting stiffer under her garment.

"Aww Mom, can we change the subject," I whined.

"No we can't. Come on Randy, I really would like to know," she said in a low sexy voice that had my cock growing fast.

"Okay I'll tell you. I saw an extremely fine woman with a body that most women would die for. There, happy now?" I blurted out.

"Actually, I don't know what to say. I'm flattered, but I sure can't think of a reason you'd find me appealing. Not sexually anyway," she said as her nipples poked further out.

"Because you're hot Mom. I've never noticed until today just how sexy you are." My face burned with embarrassment as she just sat there and stared at me.

"Wow! A woman always wants to hear a man call her sexy, I just never thought I'd hear my own son say I was. Thank you Randy," she whispered. I couldn't tell what she was really thinking by the look on her face, but she did have a far off look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mom. I'll understand if you want to stop working out with me," I said after a minute of silence filled the air.

"What? No. I still want you to help me. We'll just have to put this conversation behind us and move forward. And you'll have to control your, uh, you know," she chuckled.

"I can't guarantee anything Mom, but I'll try," I told her, chuckling myself.

"That's good enough for me sweetheart. I think I'll turn in now. Goodnight," she said, leaning all the way over and kissing my cheek before getting up and heading to her bedroom.

Sleep took a long time getting to me; I had to jerk my cock twice as visions of Mom's sweat soaked panties danced around my head.

When I went to breakfast the next morning I was already dressed in sneakers, a white t-shirt and an old pair of my gym shorts. They weren't as baggy as Mom's, but they were pretty loose around the legs. For some unknown reason I had left my underwear off and I could feel my balls bouncing around freely as I strutted into the kitchen. Mom was fixing us both a bowl of cereal and was already dressed for her workout too. She had on a pale pink pair of silky shorts and a light yellow sports bra. Both of us acted a little nervous at first, but by the time we'd finished eating we were back to being our usual selves. Mom stood up first and I noticed a mischievous grin on her face.

"Race you to the shed," she blurted out just as she took off running for the front door.

"No fair," I yelled, jumping up but not really trying to beat her. I caught up with her just as she swung open the side door and stepped in.

"You cheated Mom," I barked as I entered.

"All's fair little man," she snickered, then went over and pulled herself up on the chin-up bar.

"It is huh? Okay, wait till you see how hard I'm gonna make this workout session," I called out as I watched her complete a set of ten reps before dropping back to the floor.

"God, I'm stiff this morning," she groaned, rotating her arms in wide circles to get the stiffness out.

"Maybe we should start you off with some stretching first Mom. I don't want you hurting yourself," I said, genuine worry in my voice.

"Maybe you're right," she replied heading over to the mat and beginning to stretch her arms and her legs.

After a few reps of touching her toes and a couple forward lunges to stretch her hamstring we got down to business. I suggested jumping jacks first, the reason obvious to me, followed by push-ups and then sit-ups. By the time we reached the sit-ups she was sweating quite nicely. I assumed my position at her feet and held them down as she started. Only this time when she plopped one leg over and left one up exposing her soaked white panties to my eager eyes, my cock rode down my shorts leg and I could feel a breeze chilling the pre-cum leaking from its head. Mom's clit seemed to be more erect than it had been yesterday, and I noticed she didn't turn onto her side as fast today either. After she rested a bit we did the same routine over again. This time she rolled onto her side immediately.

"Want to do something different today?" I asked after we caught our breaths.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked, lying on her back staring up at the ceiling.

"How about we jog over to the pond and jump in to cool off?"

A big smile spread on her lips. "Sounds great, only you're gonna have to help this old lady up first."

I laughed and told her she was only as old as she feels, and she told me that she felt like she was close to one hundred right now. I helped her to her feet and then went over and grabbed two towels from the rack near the shower. The jog over to the pond, which wasn't that far, was more of a fast walk than a jog. We spread out the towels near the bank of the pond where a patch of grass was.

I was removing my shirt when mom pushed me and yelled, "Last one in makes dinner tonight."

"You cheated again," I yelled then ran toward the pond.

Mom was standing in waist deep water when I did a cannonball right next to her. My ass hit the bottom of the pond but it was worth it when I surfaced and saw that she'd been drenched. Something else caught my eye that made it even sweeter. Her pale yellow top had become almost see-thru. I gazed in wonder at the two brown half-dollar sized spots on her chest. The chill of the water had caused her nipples to become quite stiff. She followed my gaze down and blushed, but made no effort to hide them from me. Instead she went further out until it was deep enough to dive under. When she came up for air I was still rooted to the same spot I was in, and my mouth was hanging open. My cock had hardened enough to be poking out the bottom of my shorts leg. Shaking my head I took a couple steps forward and dove under. When I was right next to her I wrapped my arms around her lower legs and lifted her up and flung her backwards. She shrieked historically as she flew back and went under. When she didn't surface right away I began to panic. I took one step forward in the neck deep water and felt something warm running up my leg. It hit the end of my dick poking from my shorts and briefly curled around my shaft before being yanked away. Mom surfaced a fraction of a second later in front of me.

"Oh God honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you there," she sputtered her eyes wide and alarmed.

"Mom, calm down," I laughed. "It's alright, I'm just glad it wasn't a fish looking for a worm."

"Shit, that'd have to be one hell of a fish," she said under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

"What was that, I didn't hear you," I lied.

"Nothing dear," she replied heading toward the shore.

I followed right behind and watched as she stepped over to the towels and reached behind herself and seemed to be adjusting the back of her panties.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"My damn panties keep crawling up my butt," she answered, continuing to pull them out of the crack of her ass.

"Hell Mom, that's easy to fix. Just do what I do and don't wear any," I laughed.

"Very funny, ha ha," she replied laughingly. "We know what that got us don't we."

My face colored slightly to her reference about touching my dick in the pond. She on the other hand just laughed harder when she saw the color rise on my face. As she lowered herself down on her towel I noticed a pained expression on her face.

"You okay Mom?" I asked, sinking down on the other towel next to her.

"Yeah sweetie, I'm just sore. God, even my buns hurt a little," she grimaced.

"You know you don't have to continue to workout Mom. You look great just the way you are, and if Jack can't see that then to hell with him." I let a bit of anger seep into my voice when I mentioned his name.

"I'm not doing it just for him. I'm doing it for myself too," she replied.

I hesitated a minute before saying, "I could give you a rub down. It should loosen you up a little and help with the soreness."

"You don't need to go to that much trouble Randy, I'll be fine." Her smile didn't hide the pain in her eyes.

"Nonsense. It's no trouble at all, so lay down," I insisted.

She didn't say anything, but after a brief hesitation she stretched out on her stomach with her hands under her face. I scooted over and began to knead the muscles in her calves gently. This got a low moan of approval from her and she visibly relaxed as my hands worked the knots out of her sore legs. I expected her to balk when I moved up to her thighs, but all she did was groan in pleasure. I kept my fingers a respectable distance from the bottom swell of her ass cheeks that were barely showing under the legs of her shorts. Next I worked her back and shoulder muscles until they were soft and loose. Now for the hard part I told myself.

"Okay, now I'm gonna work the kinks out of your gluts Mom, so don't freak out," I informed her.

"My what? What are gluts?" she lazily asked.

"Your buns Mom," I said nervously.

"Oh! Uh, okay," she murmured, obviously not too sure about this.

I straddled her legs without putting much pressure on them and shakily took a cheek in each hand. Mom stiffened at first, but relented to my ministrations as I kneaded the ripe round mounds. She even let out a soft moan shortly after I'd worked the muscles for a few minutes. The silky shorts rode up and it wasn't long before I could see the beginnings of her cotton panties covering the round swell of her butt. My cock crept down in my shorts and peeked out the leg opening. I ventured into dangerous territory and let my thumbs dig into the crack of her ass a few times as I kneaded the fleshy globes. As my hands roamed lower on her ass my thumbs bumped the crotch area briefly. She stiffened but didn't say anything and I quickly moved my hands higher on her cheeks. Amazed by the softness I'd felt at her crotch, I foolishly tried the same move again. A soft moan escaped her mouth before she told me that she was feeling better and that I could stop now. Hurriedly I tucked my cock back into my shorts leg, getting a drop of pre-cum on my fingertips, and climbed off. I sat cross-legged on my towel with my hands in my lap shielding the sizable boner from Mom's eyes as she rolled onto her side facing me.

"That felt great, thanks," she said, her eyes bright and smiling.

"No problem Mom. You know, we'll probably have to do that a few times before your muscles aren't so sore anymore," I told her in a thick voice.

She gave me a smile and said, "Really think it'll help?"

"Can't hurt," I swiftly replied.

"We'll see. Right now though I need a shower," she said climbing to her feet.

"I think I'll catch a few rays," I said rolling onto my stomach.

"Okay, just don't get burnt by staying out here too long," she warned, then took off.

As soon as I saw her round the corner of the house I jumped up and headed to the workshop. I needed a shower too. The water felt good on my skin as I slid my fist back and forth on my soapy cock. I had my eyes closed while images of Mom's ass played in an endless loop as my hand stroked faster and faster. The tingling grew until suddenly I was unloading wad after wad of thick cream against the back of the shower stall. My knees buckled and I almost fell. My groans of pleasure echoed throughout the workshop. I opened my eyes and was stunned to see mom standing just inside the door staring wide-eyed at me. She had one hand over her mouth and the other one cupping her left tit. As soon as she noticed me staring back she spun around and ran from the building. The thought of her watching me whack off filled me with mixed emotions. On one hand I felt embarrassment, but on the other hand it turned me on to the point that my cock began to react. I reached for the bar of soap and began to lather my shaft in suds.

Two hours passed before I worked up enough nerve to go to the house and face mom. When I got there she was stretched out on the couch sound asleep with the TV turned on to some soap opera. She was wearing her robe and lying on her back with one arm over her eyes. I could tell she was asleep by the soft snoring sounds coming from her. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water to wet my dry throat with. When I returned mom had raised her knees and had her legs resting against the back of the couch. Her robe had slid down her thighs far enough for me to see almost to her crotch area. This was too good to pass up; I took a seat on the end of the couch where her feet had been and studied the situation. With her legs pressed together I couldn't tell if she was wearing anything under her robe, but I was determined to find out.

I had no plans to move her robe or anything like that. I'm not that sick, or brave either. I knew that if I sat here long enough she'd shift her position eventually. I was right, but never in my wildest dreams did I think she'd shift into the position she did. With a slight grunt she slid her ass closer to the edge of the couch and let her outside leg droop down until it was resting on the seat cushion. Her other leg remained propped against the back of the couch and her robe opened completely exposing her crotch to my astonished eyes. Mom's fur covered cunt lay exposed before me in all its naked glory. I took a huge gulp of water. Leaning forward slightly I inspected this treasure intently. She must have taken a shower recently because I could smell her bath soap drifting up to my nostrils. There was also another scent mixed in with the fragrance that I was unsure about. It was more of a musky smell that had my nostrils flaring trying to suck in greater whiffs of this new aroma.

I was in seventh heaven as I took in her brown bush covered mound; the hair trailing down on both sides of her slightly parted outer lips. Her clit sat majestically at the top of her pink slit and to my inexperienced eyes it looked a little hard. I leaned in closer, my cock fully engorged with blood. The heady aroma was intoxicating. I knew I should get my ass out of there before she woke up and saw me drooling over her pussy, but I couldn't move. Instead I gently reached out and placed my hand softly on the calf of her leg that was resting on the seat cushion. If I could just move her foot away from her other one I'd have more room to lean in and smell her sweetness better. As slowly as I could I slid my hand down her calf until I was holding her ankle. Ever so gently I began to pull it away from the back of the couch toward the front. Mom grunted once but kept her arm over her eyes as I worked her foot inch by inch outward. It took several minutes and a lot of praying before I was successful in freeing up the space between her legs. I sat back up and waited to see if I'd made the biggest mistake of my life.

By moving her leg like I did it caused her pussy to open slightly exposing the pink petals of her inner lips. They had a coating of slickness on them that reminded me of rose petals covered in morning dew. I leaned forward and brought my nose so close it was almost touching her clit. Drawing in as deep of a breath as I could I inhaled her musky scent. My head swooned. Before my brain had a chance to override it, my tongue snaked out and slid between the sweet slickness of Mom's slit. God, the taste was incredible, tangy yet sweet at the same time. I let the flat of my tongue burrow deeper into her cleft and run upwards until her stiffening clitoris scraped against my taste buds. I've been with a couple of girls in my life, but this was the first time I'd ever licked a pussy. I was hooked.

I repeated the tongue action again, this time lingering on her clit a little longer than before. Mom let out a soft moan that scared the crap out of me. I bolted into a sitting position getting ready to run for my life. But Mom's arm stayed over her eyes and I could see her hips barely moving upwards as if her cunt was looking for the source of pleasure it had lost. I sank back down and began lapping softly at her wet lips once more. Her cunt hair tickled my nose as I buried my tongue deep into her heated slit and probed the hole I came out of. More moans came out of her and I felt her pussy push up forcing my mouth down on it harder and harder. It didn't take long for me to figure out what was getting the most moans. I latched my lips onto her erect clit and batted it repeatedly back and forth with my tongue.

"Uuunnnnggggghhhhhh," mom groaned as a flood of liquid poured out and coated my chin.

Scared shitless that I'd gone too far and woke her I jumped up and rushed out the front door. My whole body was shaking from fear and lust as I sank into one of the wicker chairs on the porch. I figured I could act like nothing had happened and maybe Mom would think she'd just had a dream. A very good dream, if her moans were any indication. I sat there for nearly thirty minutes and nothing happened. Mustering up some courage I went back inside. Mom was still on the couch with her arm over her eyes, but now her legs were straight out and her robe was covering her. The lack of snoring didn't even register on my relieved brain. I went to my bedroom and changed into a pair of old sweats. When I got back to the front room mom was sitting up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I started for the kitchen.

"Hey," she called out.

How I didn't shit my pants right then and there will always be a mystery to me. Like a deer caught in the headlights I turned around to her with a look of dread on my face.

"Remember, I won, so you have to cook dinner tonight," she yawned while reminding me.

"Yeah I know, even though you cheated," I said, hoping she hadn't heard the sigh of relief escape.

"Nevertheless, you still have to cook," she chuckled.

"Are you feeling okay Mom?" I asked.

"Sure. Why?"

"It's just that I never see you in your robe this time of day."

"I was feeling a little tired after my shower, so I left it on and took a nap. But I'm fine, don't worry," she said softly.

The rest of the day slid by without her mentioning the fact that she'd caught me jacking-off in the shower. Nor was anything said about me eating her pussy. I was certain that she didn't know, and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell. When I asked if she was going to workout again today, she told me that we'd take the rest of the day off and get a fresh start in the morning. She said she was going to push herself harder tomorrow and wanted to be rested first. I made spaghetti for dinner then we spent the rest of the evening watching TV and relaxing. I had trouble keeping my eyes off her since she hadn't changed out of her robe. The slim chance that she'd flash me nagged at the back of my mind. It was official I told myself right before heading to bed; I was one of those pervs who secretly wanted to fuck his own Mother after all.

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