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Just a Country Girl

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Tracy seeks revenge for an assault.
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Readers have complained about typos and my crap syntax etc. but only one has offered to help. Thanks Carl.


"Just because I come from a country town, and just because I speak kind of slow, doesn't mean that I'm stupid." I looked at the two men in the room with me. This was a different Tracy Bowman to the girl that they'd hired a week ago, the one with the good references from her previous employer that told them that she was a dedicated but not highly talented Para-legal, that she was a little shy, and while working well as part of a team, didn't tend to mix socially.

One of the men, the one seated behind the huge mahogany desk, the older one, was the senior partner in this law firm. The other, the younger one seated in a comfortable leather tub chair, the one with the smarmy expression on his face was his son, a junior associate and soon to be partner. "You are telling me that I don't fit into this law firm because I lodged a complaint against your son, this little shit, for raping me."

"My son tells a different story, he tells one of consensual sex and revenge on your part, revenge because he didn't wish to continue with this relationship beyond the one night. You have provided no proof other than your version of what happened and there is absolutely nothing to suggest that this can be otherwise. Because this could lead to ill feeling within this company, I have reached the conclusion that, in the interests of workplace harmony we have no option but to terminate your probation and let you go."

"I can't believe that you can do this. I have a legitimate complaint and you won't even investigate it."

"Unless you have proof it's a case of your word against my son's, and I have no reason to believe that he would lie to me."

Just then his PA came into the room. "Sir, there are some police here and they say they want to speak to you and Peter."

"What the fuck." He cast a questioning look at Peter. "Send them in."

Two plain clothed policemen and a police woman came into the office flashing their ID's. The leader spoke. "I am Detective Inspector Thomas, this is Detective Sergeant Mandy Wilson and Detective Constable Roger Benson. We are investigating a rape complaint made against Peter Blenkiron, that'd be you." He looked at Peter. "It is alleged that the incident took place at his apartment last evening."

"This is preposterous! To accuse my son of rape just on the word of this woman is totally ridiculous. I am a lawyer, as is he, and we will not say another word to you until you can come up with some substantive and compelling evidence to support these outrageous accusations."

"As I said, we are investigating the complaint, we are not yet in a position to lay any charges against anyone. We would like to interview Peter Blenkiron to get his side of the story before we proceed any further. You have a choice, we can do it here where we can be seen by the staff or we can go to the station where it can be done in private. It's your choice."

"As I said before, her allegations are preposterous. I have no intention of allowing my son to make any statement unless there is some evidence that points to his guilt, not some baseless allegation."

"Very well, if you want it that way we'll do it by the book. I will ask you gentlemen to come with us to the police station where we will show you some of the substantive and compelling evidence that will convince you that this is not a trivial accusation."

"What's going on?" I was asked as the procession left the offices.

"I have just laid a complaint against Peter for raping me last night."

"What! You'll never make it stick, it'll be your word against his."

"It is more than my word against his, there is evidence to support me, don't ask me how I got it, just believe that it exists. I understand that I'm not the first girl to make these accusations against him, and I'm not the first to complain to Human Resources who did nothing. What is going to happen is that the authorities will investigate and, if in addition to the rape charge they find that the company has failed to follow up on these complaints, it will be prosecuted under the Workplace Relations Act. It could cost the company millions. If any of you have had similar experiences to mine I'd like you to swear an affidavit to that effect giving dates and times and I'll make sure that these are followed up."

I had been warned from day one by the other girls that Peter the young and smarmy one was a womanizer who looked on any new girl as fair game, but then I knew about this before I even started my job here.

I had been warned, yet I still went to dinner with him. He took me to the most expensive restaurant in town, the one where the A list dined, and to say that I wasn't impressed would be to lie. A glance at the prices beside the dishes on the menu was enough to impress me, he was spending what was, to me, almost a week's wages on the main course alone and the wine prices, I would just about have to take out a second mortgage to pay for just one bottle. I would say that any woman would be impressed.

The entrée was so small that I thought of asking for a magnifying glass to see it but it was very nice. The Sommelier poured a glass of wine for me and I took one sip, at that price I was going to stretch it out for as long as I could. By the time the main course had arrived I had only lowered the level by about a centimetre but Peter topped it up nonetheless. Meanwhile he was on his second glass.

The main course was marginally more generous than the entrée and it too was very nice. I had chosen a crispy skinned duck with a mandarin glaze served with steamed vegetables. I would have thought twice about paying that amount of money for what was a glorified traditional Chinese dish, but then I wasn't paying.

Between mouthfuls I asked him about how he saw me fitting into the company. I knew how this was going to happen before hand, I just wanted to make sure that this meal lasted as long as possible. I needn't have worried because he talked just about non-stop once I got him started. I learned something of the company history, how his father had started out with a small practice and had built it up by going after corporate business, the cases where costs were written off if the company lost and were padded when they won. Either way the lawyers made a lot of money.

By the time that we'd finished dessert I had only consumed one glass of wine, it had been topped up several times but only a small amount was added each time. "I think I should be getting you home." Peter said as he added yet another small drop to my glass.

"I just have to go to the ladies before we leave." I grabbed my bag and headed for the toilets.

Peter was standing when I returned. "I think that I'll pay a visit before we leave, why don't you finish your drink while I'm gone." By the time he got back my glass was empty. We left the restaurant and I began to look for a cab, there were none to be seen. "Look Tracy, I live a block from here, why don't we walk to my apartment and I'll get my car and drive you home." He looked at me. "Is everything okay, you don't look well."

"I don't feel well, my head feels funny."

"When we get to my apartment, why don't you lie down and have a rest for a few minutes until you feel better before I take you home?"

"I don't want to cause you any trouble."

"It's no trouble, I just want to be sure that you're okay." He had his arm around my shoulders supporting me as we walked. I leant against the wall of the elevator as we rose to his floor. We entered his apartment and he ushered me into his bedroom and I had me lie down on his bed. "You just have a rest for a few minutes, if you feel like you're going to be sick the bathroom is through that door. I'll turn the light off so it doesn't get in your eyes."

I lay there for about ten minutes before I heard him come into the room. I heard a drawer open and he went into the bathroom. I heard him fill a glass of water and drink before he returned to the bedroom. He stood beside the bed for a couple of minutes and then I felt his hand on my breast, stroking it gently. I brushed it away, "Don't." He took his hand away but a few minutes later it returned. Again I brushed it away. "Don't."

I heard him walk around the bed and stand on the other side. A hand lifted the hem of my skirt and placed it on my belly so that he had free access to my pussy and it wasn't long before his hand moved lightly up the inside of my leg to the hem of my panties. My legs closed on his hand preventing further movement, "Don't." He left his hand where it was and a while later I could feel his fingers working their way under the elastic. "Don't."

He took his hand away and I felt him climb onto the bed and lay beside me with an arm across my stomach. We stayed in that position for I don't know how long before his arm moved upward and I felt a hand cup my breast. That was all it did, just cup the breast, there was no caressing the nipple, it was just there. At least it was just there for some time before his fingers slipped between the buttons of my blouse and caressed the tops of my breast. "Don't." I mumbled. I mustn't have sounded convincing because he began to undo the buttons and open it. Now both hands were on my breasts, he had raised my bra over them and was caressing my bare flesh. "Don't." He didn't stop straight away and when he did it was to move one hand down to my pussy, his finger going under the elastic and entering me. "Don't." I mumbled. His finger stayed.

It was soon joined by the other hand and they moved to the waist of my panties and dragged them down. He was kneeling beside me and I felt his breath on my pussy just before his tongue pushed its way between the lips. His next move was to undo his trousers and, sitting beside me he kicked off his shoes and pulled his trousers and shorts down.

Once more lying beside me he took my hand and placed it on his erect cock. If he was expecting me to stroke it he was to be disappointed, I removed my hand. The bed moved as he rolled over and pulling my legs apart he spat into his palm and rubbed the spit onto his cock before bending down and spitting on my pussy. The next thing I felt was his cock attempting to enter me.

"No, don't." I mumbled, trying to close my legs.

"Come on Tracy, you know you want it. I've seen the way you look at me, you're just itching to have my cock inside you." He pushed harder and my resistance faded.

I'll give him this; he had stamina. It must have been Viagra that he had taken because he just kept on going, nothing seemed to stop him, not even an orgasm. At first it was missionary and when he tired of that he rolled me over and lifted my hips so he could do it doggy style. If he hadn't held my hips I would have fallen back onto the bed. He did it on his side from behind and he attempted to shove it in my arse but gave up on that when he couldn't get it in.

He eventually rolled off me and went to sleep. I waited until he was in a deep sleep, snoring heavily, before I eased myself from the bed and picking up my panties and purse, crept from the room and let myself out of the apartment.

Waiting for me outside the building was Detective Sergeant Mandy Wilson."Well, how did it go?"

"I deserve an Academy Award for my performance tonight. Let's get back to the station and collect this stuff that's running down my legs. Then we can have a look at the video and see if it will stand up in court."

The medicos took specimens from my vagina and sent them to the lab for DNA testing and I cleaned up and joined the others back in the squad room. The memory card from the small camcorder was plugged into a computer and the large screen came to life. There were several comments about my appearance before we all settled down to watch.

DI Frank Thomas was the first to break the silence. "We couldn't have asked for better evidence, even with the lights out the infra red lens picked up the action clearly. Good job Tracy, even I was convinced that you'd been drugged. This along with the video that Mandy took at the restaurant and the chemical analysis of the wine, it was Rohipnol as you thought it would be, will be enough to ensure a conviction and put him away for a long time. Good work everyone."

"Before you go, I've asked the other girls that work there to swear out affidavits against him and I'll be following up on these myself."

I went home and grabbed a couple of hours sleep before going to work. My first task was to lodge a formal complaint against Peter. I knew what would happen but I had to at least go through the motions. As soon as I had left Human Resources the message was sent and I was invited to join the Blenkirons in Mr Blenkiron's office.

"Okay, the next step, Benson, I want you to interview any girl who has had a similar experience, we need as much information as possible about his activities. I know they're young and attractive so don't take all day, but at the same time use a little discretion, please, we don't want to spook them with heavy handed tactics. Mandy will you come with me while I interview these guys, I want to see the expressions when we confront them with the evidence." He was enjoying himself.

The four of them were in an interview room at the station and had just gone through the official protocol of setting the time and attendance for the tape record. "Mister Blenkiron, we have video evidence of your son slipping something into Tracy's drink last night. We also have a chemical analysis that has confirmed the substance to be Rohipnol, also known as the 'date rape' drug. That on its own is enough to charge him, but as that irritating guy used to say in those TV commercials, 'but there's more.' We also have video evidence from your son's apartment that shows your son ignoring Tracy telling him that she didn't want sex, but he persisted to have non-consensual sexual intercourse. Is that enough evidence for you?"

"This is entrapment! You can't use this. I'll have its use denied and it will get back to his word against hers and let's see if that'll hold up in court. Unless you're going to formally charge him we're leaving."

"If that's the way you want it, Peter Blenkiron, I'm arresting you for the rape of Tracy Bowman in your apartment last evening, anything that you say will be taken down and used as evidence in court, if you do not have a lawyer one will be appointed. Do you understand what I have explained to you?"


"Don't worry son, I'll have you out of here in no time and then this Tracy and these police will regret ever crossing our paths." He stormed off to apply for bail.

The next few weeks were hectic to say the least, what with the gathering of evidence and the interviewing of the several girls that had come forward with affidavits alleging rape against Peter, to see if the story remained consistent and unshakeable. Our case was looking positive until one of the girls recanted her statement.

Kathryn Meadows had worked for Blenkiron and Associates for two months before she made allegations against Peter. The matter was hushed up and she received money to keep the matter quiet. In return she was given a good reference so that she had no trouble finding another job. It appears that this was done because her father was a long time client of the law firm and they didn't want to lose his business. Now pressure was being brought to bear on her to recant in return for a significant financial contribution to her newly married status.

We reasoned that if the opposition has attempted to suborn one witness, attempts would be made on others, I hoped that they wouldn't try it with me given my contribution to the arrest, but we needed to be wary of any other attempt to influence me. For this reason I was given a security guard to watch over me.

Huw Davies was chosen because he was a couple of years older than me and looked as if he was the type that I would go with. He was tall, around 182 centimetres, 85 kilos and ruggedly handsome. His dark hair was cut not very short and had a slight wave to it, his eyes were green and they smiled as if he was constantly amused, but this was deceiving because his mind was always on the job at hand. Because he was to be my constant companion he was allowed to stay with me, in my spare room.

He arrived on the first day of his duty with a duffle bag in camouflage colours filled with neatly folded clothes. He had been in the military and while he didn't admit to it I got the impression that he could have been in the SAS, he just had that attitude about him.

At first he was terribly formal; 'yes ma'am, no ma'am' and stuff like that but after a day or two's encouragement from me he began to call me Tracy. He was handy to have around, he thought nothing of cleaning and he could cook dishes to die for, something to with being stationed in some exotic country.

He knew something of the reason why I was under his protection and he left it up to me as to whether I would disclose any more information. I chose not to, given that I was super-cautious about the influence of the Blenkirons. As I no longer had a job with them I spent much of my time talking to the other girls and encouraging them to help me maintain the momentum that had been generated. On these visits Huw stayed discretely in the background, but a couple of the girls noticed that he always seemed to be there and asked questions. I chose to introduce him as my new boyfriend because I didn't want them to think that I was afraid.

About three weeks after the event I had an uneasy feeling that I was being followed. "Huw, I don't know if it is just me being paranoid but I think I'm being followed."

"Don't you worry about a thing, I have it covered."

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to frighten you. If you take a look in the shop window as we approach, the one that is at 45 degrees, you'll notice a man with a black hoodie with his hands in his pockets. He's been on us for the last couple of hundred metres. I thought at first that he was muttering to himself until I noticed the Bluetooth headset he's wearing. He'll probably have an open phone line to whoever's controlling this operation. If he makes a move I'll have him."

The matter of fact way that he said that took away some of the fear that I was beginning to feel, I felt safe in his hands.

When it happened it caught me totally unprepared. We had stopped to look at a store display when Huw suddenly pushed me into the shop doorway. All I heard was the word 'fuck' from Huw and he disappeared. I was more afraid than I have ever been, I just crouched in the doorway as people were scurrying for safety.

The next thing I knew was a man in a black hoodie was thrown to the ground next to me but before he could get up a booted foot planted itself on his neck, pinning him to the ground, every time he tried to move the foot pressed down harder. "Tracy, this man tried to kill you. Don't worry he can't hurt you now and the police are on their way."

A couple of drops of blood appeared on the ground and I saw a stream of it running down his hand, I also noticed that his arm was hanging by his side unlike the other that moved freely. Huw had been hit. I called for an ambulance.

When the police arrived Huw gave his statement. "Tracy and I had been walking along this street and I noticed that this man was following us so I kept a watching brief. When I noticed his hand go under his jacket I pushed Tracy into the doorway and his shot missed her. I tracked across the road and came up behind him as he was trying to see if he had been successful. I disabled him and here he is. If you look under his jacket you will see the small calibre silenced pistol that he used, it will be missing one bullet which you will find lodged in my shoulder." As calm as that, the man is injured and is carrying on as if he was addressing a meeting of the local Ladies Sewing Circle.

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