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Just Once... This Time with Feeling

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Another Kalimaxos sequel.
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In 2021, Literotica author Kalimaxos wrote a rather nasty little Loving Wives scenario called "Just Once... If You Don't Mind?" which he then invited other writers to complete in their own style. This is my version.

In brief, an ex-military husband who is largely innocent of sin finds his wife has abandoned him for a six week 'tour of duty' with a medical charity. She has made it clear that during those six weeks, because she suspects he once had an affair, she is entitled to regard herself as single and already has a surgeon lined up as her fuck-toy.

There is much more nuance than that in the set-up though; you should find and read his story first for my follow on to make any sense at all. It's at Click here

The original story ends like this:


While Leslie was in the bathroom, I re-read my wife's letter.

"Dear Rick,

I'm a coward. And by the time you read this, you will know that I am also breaking our vows with Trey. But before you pass judgment on me, think about you and Diedre in Iraq. I have no proof, but I am almost positive that you and she had sex in Iraq.

How do I know? Well, you have yourself and the Army to blame for that. Remember how I helped you study for your classes when you switched to Army Intelligence Branch from flying? Part of that was the interrogation and interview class. If you remember, people who lie look away when questioned and if they are guilty.

And you, my dear husband, did just that not once, but three times when I brought her up. You are a terrible liar, Rick. But then I am no better. When Trey first put his hands on me, I never told you. Maybe I should have. And perhaps I should have had an affair or affairs during all those years that I was home alone and lonely while you were off playing soldier.

Lord knows I got hit on enough. Often by your own "friends" when you were out in the field or deployed. I was even tempted once when you were in fuckin Korea for so long. It was the only time I questioned being married to you. When I met you in Hawai at the six-month mark, you were smug and dismissed my home issues.

Our kids needed two parents Rick. I tried to be both mom and dad, but I am not you. Only you are you. And I needed my husband's touch, dammit! But I resisted being hit on and stayed true to you. Lord knows it was not easy.

Then you went off to Iraq, and your darling Diedre Kline came home before you did. The bitch came to visit me, and with a smug look, she told me that she "took care" of you over there and then walked off before I could ask what she meant. But when you came back, I knew precisely what she meant. Any doubts I had you cleared for me when you looked away in shame, Rick.

I know two wrongs don't make a right, Rick. I also know that there is a chance you and her did nothing. In which case, I am the first cheater here with Trey. But I don't think I am. I think you did it. Maybe you did before or not. Perhaps it was the first time or not. But I am done being the dutiful wife waiting at home and being chaste for her war hero.

When Leslie told me she had the hots for you, I talked to both her and Vincent about it. He admitted he lets her have men. They have an open marriage. It would appear that I won't have breaking up their marriage on my conscience. Just that I cheated on you.

So, here is the gist of this situation we are in. I go on this trip, and during my absence, I am not your wife, and you are not my husband. You have a six-week hall pass, and I am giving myself one as well.

The way I see it, if you and I still love one another, we will get past this when I see you on my return. If we don't, it will hurt, and I will mourn what you and I had and lost. But I can't see us being married and not doing this.

Know this. I was not seduced by Trey or forced into it. I am doing this by my own choice and free will. I don't love him, but I do find him attractive. He will be nothing but a memory when I return if you will still have me. What I do with him after you divorce me... well, that won't matter then, will it?

Know this Rick Weston. You have been and still are the love of my life. Even after you broke my heart, I still love you. It has been a privilege being your wife and mother of your children. But after all these years, I need a vacation from "us."

Leslie is more than willing to fuck your brains out until I return. Vincent would pay you to let him watch. But that is your choice and decision to make. I would suggest you fuck her until she is crosseyed and babbling. I know she will not leave Vincent for you. He lets her fuck many men. I doubt she wants to give that up.

I'll leave you with one thought, Rick:

"If you love someone, set them free. And let them come back to you."

I'll be back in six weeks.

Love you always and forever


PS. Leslie was supposed to get tested for STDs before she came over for her first time. Make sure she shows you that. Trey and I were both tested before we left. I will get tested for you before my return and not touch him or anyone else until you and I meet. Then I will show you my STD test. Please have one done a week before I return and abstain as well. If you and I are to make a go of it after my return, this will be our first sign of trust.

I have reserved a room for us at the Ambassador Hotel near the airport. If you still want me meet me there two hours after my flight is due back. I plan on going there alone after my arrival. Please don't come to the airport when my flight lands. Please don't make a scene. Either take me back or walk away.

I plan on seeing you at the hotel. I'll be waiting for you in the lobby."

When I finish reading it, I noticed Leslie was at the kitchen island filling her glass again.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I will be," I replied.

She nodded and came back with the bottle and her filled glass. Sitting next to me this time, she refilled my glass and turned to look at me with those doe-like eyes.


My story follows on here:

"Do you...?

I interrupted her before she could finish. "No Leslie. It will never happen. I will not allow that faithless cunt to massage her conscience by convincing herself that finding me a convenient fuck-buddy makes what she's doing okay." She recoiled a little at my tone. "I'm sorry Leslie: I'm honestly not judging you. In fact you deserve better than being used the way my..." Again, I couldn't say it. "That Marcy is using you."

She bit her lip in a way that would have been endearing under other circumstances. "I agree. I still might have slept with you, but I'm not sure that Vince would be comfortable with us getting in the middle of." She waved her hand. "Whatever the fuck this is." She gave me a sad smile. "I'll let myself out." She paused at the door. "Just do this for me Rick. Don't let booze or anger guide you. Think, even feel, before you react. Whatever you decide in the next few weeks might not be easy to undo if you make the wrong choice."

I had a thought. "Leslie." She paused, head tilted in enquiry. God, but she was cute. "Had you agreed a way to let Marcy know that I'd, you know, succumbed?"

She thought for a moment. "I suppose there's no point in lying. At least you have been honest with me. Yes Marcy has given me her number and asked me to text a 'thumbs up' once we'd had sex."

It was my turn to think. "Then you really ought to let her know that her carefully crafted plan has failed at the first step. Would you send this to her instead? 'Thumb down, Angry face, Zipped mouth obscenities, Megaphone.' Let the bitch think about decoding that." She nodded, smiled sadly at me and left.

I took Leslie's advice and, despite my strong inclination, I didn't kill the bottle of single malt in the booze cabinet. Instead, I sipped a single, if large, glass as I read her letter over and over again and, despite protesting repeatedly how much she loved me, all I read was anger, resentment and determination for revenge. Well, there's a saying attributed to Confucius: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, first dig two graves."

It was as though she'd never met me. For fuck's sake! I'm an ex soldier not a fucking hairdresser. How the fuck she'd convinced herself that there was a snowball's chance in Hell her obedient little cuckold would be waiting patiently in the Ambassador Hotel for her highness to finish draining Trey's leavings out of her cunt, well, it was beyond me.

Unsurprisingly, I did not sleep well that night, but I did get a lot of thinking done. I tried to think logically and not let my emotions lead me to dark places. By the time I dragged myself out of bed the next morning, I had arrived at some basic principles.

First, I was not going to jail. I was the wronged party here, so shooting the faithless pair was out, whether they deserved it or not.

Second, I was not going to let her dictate the narrative, then or on her return. By the time she got back everyone who needed to know would be aware of what she'd done.

Third, there had to be consequences and, perhaps there would be collateral damage. I wasn't sanguine about breaking up marriages, but neither could I, in all conscience, sit there knowing that Penny's husband was waiting at home, worrying about his wife's welfare when, within hours of arrival, she was already fucking another man. I'm sure that there would be other husbands and wives in the same situation.

Fourth, There was no longer an 'us'. In the same way that she believed without proof that I'd fucked Deirdre, I was convinced that her affair with Doctor Trey had not been consummated on their arrival in Bogota. The bitch had been planning this for weeks and I chose to believe that's at least how long she'd been spreading her legs for him.

I considered the resources available to me. I had contacts all over the world, but a black-ops style hit was a step too far even for these two assholes. In fact, I thought, why use my resources at all? I was going to need a decent lawyer to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion. Well, to my satisfaction at least. Why not let someone else do the rest of the heavy lifting?

I contacted the office and spoke to the boss. He was sympathetic and suggested that I could have two weeks paid leave to do what was needed. He also arranged for our legal team to suggest a vicious family lawyer. I also asked him if we had any contacts in the local media. I think that I heard a snort of laughter. He promised to have someone contact me shortly. Then, as we ended the call, he wished me well and warned me not to act in haste. That seemed to be a common message.

Before Marcy's first week had passed, I had spoken to Craig, my new lawyer. I was prepared for most of what he told me. We were a No-Fault state and there were no dependent children so it would be a fifty/fifty split of assets. Her letter was interesting and could prove useful if she tried to play stupid stalling games but, otherwise, it was irrelevant. However, as she had addressed it to me, it was mine to do with as I wished.

What I wished was to share it with Wendy, the young journalist from the local news channel. I showed her a redacted version, with references removed that could identify Leslie and Vincent; they were innocent in my mind. She was buzzing with excitement at the story she was hearing. Our local hospital, partly supported by a Christian charity, had provided medical staff to Doctors Without Borders, another charity, and these same staff, many married, were treating this like a sex excursion to Vegas!

I told her that on day three of their tour, I had spoken to my wife and another married nurse and both had sex partners in their rooms.

"Do you have any links with news channels in Colombia?" I asked innocently.

"You cunning bastard. You're determined to nuke them, aren't you?" She observed, quite accurately. I nodded. She pondered. "No, but I have a friend in Panama who could be there in a few hours. She's my age and, regrettably, or fortunately in this case, no-one would see anything suspicious in a young woman taking selfies with her boyfriend in the hotel bar." We grinned at each other. "Don't worry," she reassured me. I'm young but the first rule that we learn is to protect our confidential sources. In any event, if even half of what you've told me is true, they aren't even trying to be discreet."

I wondered, now that Pandora was about to open her box, whether it was fair that Josh Washington, Penny's husband, should find out from the media what a slut his wife was. No. None of this was fair but I had met the man, even if it was only for one evening, and I'd liked him. I owed him some respect even if his wife couldn't. I called him at his office and asked if I could drop by for a few minutes before he left for home. When he asked the purpose, I told him that I had an update on the Doctors Without Borders excursion.

He was the last one remaining in his office when I arrived. I felt sick, but not as sick as he was going to feel once we'd spoken. I refused a coffee, took a seat and began. "Josh. What you do with this is up to you, but I can't make the decision for you. Marcy is fucking Doctor Trey while she's away. When she wouldn't answer her phone I rang Penny's number." He paled. He knew what I was going to say. I wanted to reassure him, but I couldn't. "It was their third day there," I told him. "There was a man in her room and she begged me not to tell you. I'm so sorry, Josh. She'd been fucking him and I've no idea whether they are swapping or." I gave a sardonic laugh. "staying faithful to their fuck-buddies for the duration."

I sat quietly and held him as he fell apart. I offered the same advice that I'd taken. Don't fall into a bottle and don't make irrevocable decisions while you're angry. I stayed until he was fit to drive and then watched him walk disconsolately to his car. At that moment I hated myself almost as much as I did Penny, Doctor Trey and Marcy. Almost.

Gemma, she was called. She and her boyfriend, Eric, flew in to Bogota that afternoon. They stayed for three days, befriending the faithless medics and listening to them brag about their adventures. and then as the circus moved on to Ecuador, Gemma flew home to begin writing their script. Wendy and her girlfriend were waiting in Quito, the capital, to continue the story.

Wendy rang me one morning five days later, as the DWB team were a couple of days from winding down to get ready for their next move. The story would be broadcast locally that evening. Doctors Without Borders, the hospital CEO and the Church Charity Board had all been shown the evidence and were invited to be interviewed on air or provide statements. Their silence that far spoke volumes.

I rang the kids. I'd already told them that their mother was working away and that I wasn't happy. Now I told them to watch the news that night and we would video call the following morning. I rang Josh and suggested that he watch and, perhaps, alert any other people he knew whose partners were working with DWB. Apparently he went one better and alerted everyone that he knew at the hospital.

The item was trailed all day on the rolling news channel and, at six o'clock that evening, it finally dropped. It was dynamite. By then, the church charity's PR advisers must have got their asses into gear because they fielded a talking head. The studio camera kept switching to him as the revelations kept coming. His face froze as Marcy and Trey were shown necking in their hotel bar and the journalist pointed out that her husband, a retired soldier, her daughter, also serving her country and her son, a college student, were at home while she was 'involved' with the team's senior surgeon on a trip sponsored by our local hospital and a Christian charity.

Other examples were shown, I hoped against hope that Penny had straightened up. She hadn't. In fact she was shown failing the husband test with two different men in Bogota and two more in Quito. So much for "Please don't say anything. This is the first time." I made a mental note to speak to Josh.

The hospital really fucked up by not even giving a statement. The guy from the church was outraged that their donations were funding a six week, five country fornication fuck-fest. (My words not his.) The hospital just looked complicit and had no-one there to refute the accusation. It wasn't helped by the sight of the senior nurse and the senior surgeon playing tonsil tennis before the journo with the concealed camera followed them to their room. Note the singular; by then they had stopped even pretending to have separate beds.

The fallout was fucking biblical. The team were allowed to finish their agreed program in Ecuador and then were dragged home in disgrace, over three weeks early. The scene at the airport when they landed was mayhem. I counted three process servers, including mine, each greeting two of the dozen medics as they left the baggage claim area. I watched from the mezzanine as Marcy walked unsuspectingly up to the young woman holding a placard with her name in it. I saw her reel as the girl passed it over. She'd been served.

Marcy knew I wouldn't try to resist the temptation to watch and I saw her peering round, trying to find me in the crowd of angry wives and husbands, reporters, cameramen and assorted spectators. Eventually, she looked up and saw me, leaning on the rail to enjoy the view as I speculated on an updated version of a Shakespearian quotation. "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of 24 hour news." I saw her glare at me. Of course she knew it was me. I'd told Leslie to send her the megaphone emoji. Was she going to admit to the other adulterous bastards that it was her stupid decision to brag to her husband about screwing Doctor Trey that led them there. Like fuck she was.

When I knew I had her full attention, I stood and saluted her. It was an economical salute. It only required one finger. I saw her head drop and I left for my new apartment.

I'd had a long and grovelling apology from the hospital regarding being publicly cuckolded on local TV: a shortened version even went national. I was assured that the good Doctor Trey was no longer employable in this state and may even be persuaded to fuck off back to Brazil.

I had suggested that my soon to be ex-wife not be punished too harshly, mainly because I had no intention of having to pay her alimony if the whore was thrown out of work, at least until I was rid of her. I think that he and I came to an understanding.

I'll finish my tale as it began; with a letter. This is what she found when she got back to the house with a 'For Sale' sign in the garden.


I'll end this adventure of yours the way you began it; with a letter. You were wrong about my relationship with Deirdre. We did come close to sleeping together, once, in all the time we were together in combat. Yes she took care of me; we had each other's back in firefights; but I never fucked her. Unlike you and your escapades at the Red Roof Inn: we both know It doesn't take two hours to park a car. So, your entire justification, such as it was, is, by your own admission, meaningless. You subjected me to weeks of misery and humiliation based on an incorrect assumption. Now, ask yourself, just how forgiving do you imagine I feel right now?

And, like you, I have no proof, but do you really expect me, or Kyle or Rhonda, to believe your descent into infidelity began overseas? That you didn't sample the goods before you left? That you weren't already banging that arrogant bastard before you even arranged for Leslie to provide a consolation vagina? Well, news-flash, we don't.

I read your letter. Four times you declared your love for me. But nothing about respect. I'll return the favor. I loved the woman you were. I despise the person you are now. The very thought of spending the rest of my life with a woman so self-obsessed that she would treat me and my family the way that you have makes my blood run cold. There isn't a disinfectant on the planet strong enough to persuade me to stick my dick into your cesspit of a cunt. How many did you fuck Marcy? Josh knows Penny scored at least four. Did you have a competition? Did they spit roast you. DP you? Make you airtight? Did they do you side by side and then swap? I wouldn't believe your denials even if you swore on the kids' lives.


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