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Just One of the Guys Ch. 01

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Brian's girlfriend warms to his buddies quicker than he hopes.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/13/2016
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I met Rachel online when we were both 26. I had mostly given up on online dating, and only messaged girls that were the hottest of the hot in case I could luck into hooking up with one. It didn't work, of course, because they were way out of my league. Until Rachel. She messaged me back because we had the same interests and we hit it off immediately.

Rachel lived a few hours out of town. She had created a profile in my city because she was planning to move there soon. After chatting for a while, we decided to meet up in person. This first time we met was the greatest weekend of my life. I spent the weekend with her in her small town and we hardly left the bedroom. At that point I was pretty certain that she must have been using fake pictures, but it turned out the photos she had sent me had managed to undersell her.

She had wavy brown hair that tumbled down to her shoulder blades. Her eyes were crystal blue, and I called them the tractor beams. When she made eye contact with you, it was impossible to pull away. She made fun of me for how many times I would space out while she was talking to me. She had a very pretty face and her smile felt like an instant party.

She also had the best body by far of any girl I'd seen in the flesh, much less had sex with. Her plump, perky breasts sat high on her chest and were the size of cantaloupes. They dramatically warped any shirt she wore and she had to wear a turtleneck if she wanted to avoid showing a mouthwatering level of cleavage. Her tummy had a small pooch, leading into softly flaring hips and plump thighs. Her butt bubbled out from her back, forming a perfectly looping arch when viewed from the side. If I spread my hand out fully, I could perfectly grab one of her cheeks and give the firm pillow a healthy squeeze. It was one of my favorite things to do and it made her want to tear my clothes off.

She often complained how the shape of her body made almost all clothing slutty, but I could hardly complain. The cleavage she sported in the blouses and tank tops she frequently wore made me want to pull her top up and motorboat her and the jiggle of her butt as she walked around in yoga pants or tight jeans made me want to run up and squeeze it. Of course this meant that other guys could see lots of what she had to offer too, but I didn't worry because I knew she was committed to me. Also, I can't say it hurt to know that every guy I passed was jealous of me.

Which brings us to this week. My friend Mike's parents were selling their lake house, and he wanted to have one last week there this summer before it was gone. He, Andrew, Kyle and I had been planning it all year. When I started dating Rachel, it came together perfectly. I thought it had come time to introduce her to them.

Mike often mocked me, saying that her pics (which I had of course showed them) were fake and that if she was real, she had to be much uglier. I was excited to prove him wrong because he had teased the rest of us about how much better he was with girls since we met in junior high school. This was absurd because he was barely more successful than us, all four of us having hookups on a rare occasion but no real relationship.

I looked over at Rachel in the passenger's seat. Today she was wearing a thin dark blue tanktop and equally thin light blue shorts. She had had both for years and had worn both for years. The drawstring on her shorts were even missing, but her plump booty was more than up to the task of holding them up. With how great they made it look, it was the least it could do. She hadn't put on underwear because she expected to go swimming soon after we got there and didn't want her suit chafing her on the drive. When I picked her up, I teased her that the guys were going to really love her if she didn't wear underwear all weekend, and she laughed and blushed. Right now she was looking out the window, sunglasses covering her eyes.

"I just hope they like me," she said after a long silence.

"They'll love you, don't worry," I replied. I knew there was no way they wouldn't each be desperate to get on the good side of such a hot girl. "I'm more worried about you liking them to be honest."

"Why's that?" she asked. "If I like you and you like them, I'll like them, right?"

"They can just be a little crude," I said. "Especially around women."

Rachel laughed. "I'm sure I'll like them. I've always been more like one of the guys than in chick groups anyway. The crudeness can be fun and refreshing."

"I hope so."


We were the last ones to arrive. I couldn't get off work the night before and then had to get up really early to make it to Rachel's. And then drive all the way to Mike's lakehouse, which took most of the day. I was beat by the time we rolled in mid-afternoon. The house was gorgeous, a 5 bedroom modern work of art. Mike's family came from a long history of money, and this was one example of it. Woods surrounded it and the nearest neighbors were around the bend of the road, giving it a nice isolated feeling.

We heard music coming from the back of the house. We grabbed our stuff out of my car and headed to the side gate. As I opened the gate, Rachel grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. I turned around and she fixed me with her stare.

"Tell me it's going to be alright." she said.

I laughed and gave her a kiss. "It's going to be great."

I turned back around and walked in. We rounded the side of the house and came upon the pool. That's right, Mike's family was so loaded, they couldn't resist putting a massive pool, complete with diving board, on their lakefront property. My three buddies were floating in the shallow end, beers in hand.

"Brian!" Kyle shouted, his face lighting up. Andrew turned around and waved. Mike just lifted his beer in toast. Then Rachel came around the corner.

"Oh my God!" Andrew shouted.

"Is that Rachel??" Kyle asked. Mike just sat dumbfounded.

"Hi guys," Rachel said, dropping her bags and giving a little wave that made her braless breasts wiggle back and forth. The guys stood up and exited the pool.

"How the hell did you get her??" Mike drawled out as they approached, his gaze locked on Rachel's breasts as they finished their dance.

"Great job, Brian!!" Kyle yelled as he came in hard with a double high-five. I reached my arms up to meet his, but misjudged his strength. I stumbled back a few steps and would have fallen into the pool if it were not for Rachel. See, I stopped when I tumbled into Rachel, and she fell into the pool.

She hit the water with a mighty splash. Luckily she had already dropped all her bags so it was only her and the clothes she was wearing that got wet.

"You fucking dumbasses!" Mike roared as he let out a belly laugh, before choking it down as she broke the surface.

I turned over to face her right as she surfaced. It was shallow near us, so she stood up easily, the water only coming to her waist. She came up laughing, which was a relief because it meant she likely wasn't hurt. However, I instantly saw what had made Mike forget what he was laughing about. The thin tank top, now soaking wet, clung to her chest like body paint. The commotion of the fall and her struggle back to surface had managed to push the loose tank top under and between her breasts so that it lay completely flat against her skin, perfectly molding itself around each breast. The size, shape and weight of her incredible rack were on display to my gaping friends.

And that doesn't even account for her nipples. This must have been the thinnest tank top in existence because it contoured to every bump on her quarter-sized areola. Meanwhile, the nipples themselves stuck out a half inch due to their sudden dunking in cold water.

I stood back up as Rachel pushed her wet hair off her face and squeezed it out. I turned to my friends and opened my mouth to chastise them about gawking at my nearly naked girlfriend, but something made me stop myself. Seeing their wide-eyed, slack-jawed looks of wonder at my girlfriend's chest-my girlfriend who seemed oblivious to how she was practically topless-felt like an adrenaline shot to my balls. I was dead tired from the drive, but my cock immediately showed signs of life.

"Oh my God," Rachel said, wiping her face dry. "I was telling Brian that I was worried about making a good impression on you guys, and first thing I do is fall into the pool."

"That was amazing, Rachel," Kyle said. "Couldn't have scripted it better."

Rachel started tugging the rubber band out of her wet hair. As she jumped and pulled, her breasts danced and jiggled obscenely. Though part of me was still excited, I decided that that was enough. Any more of this show and my friends would have a perfect image of my girlfriend's tits seared onto their brains.

"Honey," I said, pointing down at her chest. "You're really showing."

Her eyes shot down and she seemed to realize her level of exposure for the first time.

"Oh my God!" she shrieked, clasping her hands to her boobs immediately. Her hands more than adequately covered her nipples, but while the front of her tank top (thankfully) came all the way up to her neck, its wet clinginess still highlighted her bulging cleavage.

"We didn't really see anything," Andrew said, grinning.

"I know how thin this top is, I know you saw something," she said, giggling, as she waded toward the stairs opposite us.

"Sorry for making your girlfriend all wet," Kyle said, smiling bigger than I've ever seen him before.

"Haw, haw, really hoped you enjoyed the show," I retorted sarcastically. But little did I know the show was far from over. Because at that moment Rachel stepped up out of the pool and her shorts didn't come with her. I watched in horror and amazement as the tiny, waterlogged piece of fabric slid slowly off her perfect, plump, dripping wet cheeks and fell with a splat on the pavement around her ankles.

Rachel realized right away what had happened and shrieked. Her first reaction was to reach down and cover her pussy, even though she was facing away and none of us could see it. She looked down at her pile of shorts then back at our gaping faces. Her expression was hard to read. She was blushing furiously, of course, but I also detected a small grin. Like she hadn't planned for us to see her naked butt in all its glory, but that she wasn't exactly upset either.

"H-holy shit," Mike stammered. Kyle and Andrew just cheered. Rachel squealed and turned sideways before kneeling down and pulling her shorts up. We could no longer see her butt and couldn't see her pussy, but got a great view of the curve of her naked, creamy butt and thighs as she crouched and stood back up.

"I'm sorry, babe!" she said to me as she walked around the pool back toward us, clutching one hand to the front of her shorts, holding them up, and her other arm wrapped around her chest, covering her nipples but smashing her breasts together obscenely. "I'm barely here 2 minutes and your friends already think I'm a slut!"

"Nonsense!" Andrew shouted. "Here, you can see my butt too!" Before any of us could respond, Andrew turned around, dropped his trunks and bent over. Mike, Andrew and I all cursed and shielded our eyes, but Rachel just giggled.

"See, we've all got butts, no big deal," he said, pulling his trunks back up. I turned back too soon, though, and caught a glimpse of him when they were still just around his thighs. His cock, above-average sized like mine but nothing to write home about, was rock hard and sticking straight away from his body. As he finished retying the drawstring of his trunks, I snuck a peek at my other two friends' crotches. Both sported significant bulges, but neither seemed to be fully erect like Andrew. Glad they agree that she's hot, I thought sarcastically to myself.

"Well now that that's out of the way," I said, "guys, this is Rachel. Rachel, this is Mike, Andrew and Kyle."

Mike extended his hand and Rachel and she let go of her shorts to try to shake it, but immediately grabbed them again as they had begun slipping down.

"Sorry," Mike said and offered his other hand instead. Rachel let go of her chest and shook his hand. Her top clung to her as tightly as before, and now the guys were treated to her breasts bouncing around only a foot away from them as Mike vigorously shook her hand.

"Actually, after all that just happened, this is too formal," Mike said. And with that, he pulled her into a bear hug. Her tits flattened against his naked chest, bulging out the side of her torso, as she hugged him back with her free arm. Her other arm was trapped between them.

"Mmmm," Mike moaned, rubbing her back and pressing his hips into her. It was then that I realized that by holding her shorts up in front, her hand was perfectly level with his crotch. Unless there was a secret compartment in his trunks, he was rubbing his semi-hard dick all over my girlfriend's hand. "It's so nice to finally meet you," he added. I saw her sneak a peek at his crotch before giving him a blushing smile.

Kyle and Andrew went next hugging her, both pressing their crotches into her hand like Mike had. I knew Andrew was fully hard, and when he pressed himself into Rachel, she let out a soft, "Oh my!" When he stepped away, she stared down at his pulsing erection, clearly outlined in his wet trunks. She then glanced over at Kyle's and Mike's crotches, which were both bulging more than before. Mike's cock seemed to travel a significant way down his thigh, but it was tough to really tell because his shorts were extra baggy and long.

After the hugs, she didn't bother covering her chest again. She stood there, proudly thrusting her chest upwards, her wet top cupping and caressing every inch of her magnificent bosom. Kyle and Andrew made at least a little effort to occasionally look her in the eye as we chatted about the drive up and the (fantastic) weather forecast for the week, but Mike just stared at the perfect breasts right in front of him the entire time, which pissed me off. They were supposed to see Rachel and get jealous, not have free access to gawk at her assets.

I mentioned that we wanted to settle into our room and get changed, and the gawk session finally broke up. The three guys volunteered to help carry our stuff upstairs, which I was happy about because it meant Rachel wouldn't try anything else in her current state. However, I soon realized they had volunteered so they could follow her up the stairs and drool over her butt as it swayed back and forth in the thin, soaked shorts. Whatever, they had already seen much more of her, so I decided to ignore it. A minute later, Rachel and I were finally alone in our room together.

"Your friends are so funny," Rachel said, pulling off her top and bringing her wonderful breasts finally into my view. "One view of a wet girl and they're all boners and heart attacks."

I flopped back on the bed, exhausted from the past few days. She dropped her shorts and then, completely naked, rummaged through her suitcase. After a moment, she stopped and looked up at me.

"You gonna come swimming?" she asked. Then she smirked, and jumped on the bed, laying her wet body on top of me. "Or do you wanna mess around first?"

I was in heaven, as I was every time I felt her. But I was still dead tired.

"I think I need a nap first. I'm beat," I said.

"Aww," she said, then reached between us and grabbed my flaccid cock. "For the first time, I'm naked and you're not crazy hard for me."

"It's not you, babe, trust me," I said. "After working late last night and all the driving today, I'm just exhausted."

"I know, I know," she sighed, climbing off of me. "I just haven't seen you in a few weeks and I'm really horny."

"And that's why I'm gonna ravish you tonight," I said. "You better be ready, because I'll just be gathering up strength until then."

She laughed and said she would be, then wondered aloud what swimsuit she should wear. She held up a one-piece and two bikinis.

"Maybe the one-piece today?" I suggested. "I don't want my friends getting the wrong idea after what happened when we arrived."

"Good idea," she said, putting the bikinis away. "I don't want your friends to think I'm some kind of easy slut." She stepped into the one-piece suit and pulled it up as I stripped down to my underwear and got into bed.

"Uh oh," she said as I was climbing in.


"Well, I got this suit several years ago and haven't worn it in a while, and..."

I looked over to her and immediately saw the problem. Clearly she had bought and worn the suit when she was significantly less developed. It struggled mightily to contain her now fully mature body. The suit was black and, like I said, one piece. However, the front had a deep V that reached all the way down to her belly button. It would have been enticing but fine for a girl with a smaller chest, but Rachel's plump knockers pushed the sides apart and revealed a huge amount of cleavage. You could see from her sternum, all the way up the insides of both breasts, to the edges of her areola.

She saw my shocked reaction and laughed.

"I thought this might happen, so I came prepared," she said, and returned to her bag. After a moment, she pulled out a small box and extracted a safety pin. She stood and walked to the mirror on the wall and I gasped. The back was doing just as poor a job containing her ass as the front was at containing her tits. The bottom edge went from the junction at the top of her thighs straight to her hips, leaving half of each cheek hanging out the bottom. She looked back at her butt and laughed.

"Oops! Well, nothing a safety pin can help about that," she said, turning back to the mirror. I watched her partially exposed buttcheeks jiggle as she fiddled with the front. "Plus, they've seen my whole butt already, so it doesn't really matter," she added.

"Just be careful," I said. I'd expected my friends to see her in a bikini at some point, so I wasn't too worried about her showing some skin. But their seeing her half-naked earlier, and her seeming nonchalance about it, had me a bit on edge.

"Will do, babe," she said, turning around to show her handiwork. She'd pinned the two sides of the suit together just under her breasts. You could definitely see much less skin than before, but it also pushed her breasts together and up, and a clear line of cleavage extended from her collarbones to the bottom of her ribs, with an inch of inner-breast showing on each side. I noticed too that her nipples were now rock hard and pushing against the front of her suit. They weren't as prominent and obvious as in her wet shirt earlier, but you could still easily see their size and shape. She gave a shimmy, swinging her heavy breasts back and forth, but the safety pin made sure the suit gripped them tightly.

"See? Perfect," She said. I smiled weakly. She leaned over the bed and gave me a kiss before opening the door and leaving. I watched her plump cheeks bounce their way out of my view. I had hardly laid back and shut my eyes when I heard her return.

"Forgot my towel," she said and quickly pulled it from her bag. She turned to leave again, and I coughed at what I saw.

"B-babe," I stammered.

"What?" she asked, turning back around.

"Your butt."

She twisted around, showing her butt again. Just by walking down the hallway and back, the bottom had ridden up between her cheeks. Fully stretched out, it covered maybe half her cheeks, but now it was wedged up in her crack, functioning as a thong. The wide, plump expanse of her ass was on complete display.

"Oh geez," she said, and quickly pulled it out from her crack, spreading it inadequately back over her butt. "Guess I'll have to be even more careful."

"Maybe a bikini would be better," I said.

"Are you sure? I'll be showing a lot more skin overall."

"I guess that's true. Just keep an eye on it or they'll keep an eye on it for you, if you know what I mean."

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