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Just the Six of Us Bk. 02 Ch. 03

Story Info
Mike tries to deal with his trauma on his own.
16.9k words

Part 3 of the 37 part series

Updated 09/07/2023
Created 09/12/2010
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Author's note -- there are more flashbacks that deal with PTSD. In order to be respectful and maintain the realism, I consult with an expert on all of the scenes in question.

Chapter 3


Sliding from bed, he stepped quietly to the bathroom to relieve himself. Once done, he turned and looked at his image in the mirror.

"Handsome sumbitch," the voice said.

Mike smirked and kept looking at the reflection.

His skin was smooth and tanned. The lean muscles he'd had before he'd left for the Corps had been worked and trained until they were much more well-defined. His body was unblemished, as if he'd just been created in this current form. There were no scars. Not like his brothers.

Burnsey's screams of pain and cries for a Corpsman filled his head then, and he saw the normally jovial Marine laying sprawled out on the dusty ground. He was clutching desperately at the shattered remains of his legs, both unrecognizable now.

Mike closed his eyes and took a deep breath, gripping the cabinet to steady himself.

Wilkins' head snapped back, gore blowing from the back of his brother's skull.

Forcing his eyes back open, he reached down and turned on the water, then splashed some on his face and steadied himself.

"Get your shit together, Marine," the voice said.

Mike looked back up at his reflection and sighed as water droplets slid down his cheeks to drip from his jawline. "I'm trying."

Turning, he left the bathroom and paused at the side of the bed. His sisters were tangled up and still asleep, both looking gorgeous and delectable.

"So... get in there and... get in there..." the voice suggested.

He briefly considered it, and the memory of how incredible both of their pussies felt when they were clutching and sucking at his plunging cock filled his senses. It would definitely be fun to forget his trauma for a while and feel that pleasure again.

He shook his head.

Turning, he grabbed some clothes and his shoes as quietly as he could, then went to get dressed in the living room. As he sat down, he expected to hear the voice berating him for not following through with the plan. That didn't happen, though.

"It's going to get better," the voice said, then fell silent.

Mike finished getting dressed and walked over to the door. He was slowly unlocking it when he heard movement behind him.

"Hey," Danni said, causing him to turn. She was nude, and he couldn't help but admire the impeccable body she had. Tiptoeing up to him, she fixed him with a concerned look. "You okay?"

He'd been about to tell her that he was fine but knew she would have seen right through the lie and closed his mouth again.

"Yes and no," he said after taking a few seconds to collect himself. "I just..."

She shook her head. "You don't have to explain," she said quietly. "Going for a run?" There was no judgment in her tone, just acceptance and love.

"Yeah," he said, momentarily lost in his affection for her.

"Okay," she said sweetly. "I'll be heading in to work in a bit, so I don't think I'll be here when you get back."

He pulled her into his arms then, her adorable and endearing sigh of contentment worming its way into his heart and making him want to squeeze her harder. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her soft lips, his thumb caressing the skin below her ear.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he replied. "I'll see you when you get home."

She flashed him her pretty smile and turned without another word. He didn't mind the view of her adorable rump bouncing as she walked away, either.

"And you want to go run instead of get up in that delectable little peach," the voice said.

Mike sighed, an amused grin finding its way to his face as he turned and left the apartment.

From the moment his feet hit the bottom step he was running. Pounding down the sidewalk outside the apartment complex, he turned and headed down the street. Following the same route he had taken yesterday, he set off toward the nearby city limit and the highway leading away from it.

The flat pounding smack of his feet on the pavement reminded him of boot camp and all the running he'd done during it. The other guys had obviously not enjoyed it as much as he did, but it came naturally to him. He didn't think it was that big of a deal. That didn't mean he didn't sympathize with those that weren't as prepared as him or some of the others. Running had always come naturally to him.

Burnsey's screams echoed in his ears and an image of his shattered legs appeared in his head.

"Do you like Danni's titties or Emma's ass more," the voice asked, halting the train of thought in its tracks and conjuring images of both in his mind.

"What?" Mike asked.

"What was confusing about that question?" the voice replied. "Emma's ass is hella nice bro, am I right? But Danni's titties are fuckin' spectacular."

Danni's small, but extremely perky tits bounced in his head for a few seconds, followed by Emma's incredible ass, wiggling in front of him as she ran.

"What are you doing?" Mike asked, his confusion obvious.

"Dude... which do you prefer?" the voice asked again, sounding exasperated.

"I... I don't get why you're asking me this now," he said, though he was quick to suspect that the voice might be trying to distract him with more pleasant thoughts.

"I don't know if I could actually just pick one or the other," the voice continued. "Know what I mean?"

Mike chuckled. "Yeah, I hear ya. Emma's ass is hard to beat, but Danni's no slouch in that department either."

An hour later, he finally slowed to a walk as he came back to the apartment and began to climb the stairs. He saw that Danni's car was gone from her parking space, but Emma's was still there. It was Monday though, so he figured she was going to be leaving for work soon.

Inside, he saw the remnants of breakfast as he headed for the bathroom and a shower. As he'd expected, Emma was in the bathroom applying the minimal amount of makeup that she wore.

"There you are," she said, glancing over as he knocked on the doorframe and looked in.

"Yay!" the voice said. "Now, go fuck her."

"Went for a run," Mike said. "Mind if I shower?"

"Not if I can watch and play with myself while you do," she replied, grinning at him through the mirror as he stepped in and stripped off his shirt.

"See? She gets it."

"It's your pussy, Em," Mike said, smirking at her as she continued to watch him undress. "You can do what you like to it."

"Is it, though?" she asked provocatively.

He laughed and stripped completely, then reached in and turned on the water.

"You know you can just have it whenever you like, so does that really mean it's still mine?" she asked.

He smiled as he looked back over at her. She had returned to doing her makeup but wiggled her hips at him when she saw him looking. A single eyebrow rose as she stared back, serving to ask the unspoken question.

"You're headed to work, aren't you?" he said.

"I know the boss," she said with a smirk. "She won't care if I'm late."

Mike laughed, feeling momentarily stupid. "I'm sweaty," he protested, fixing her with a stare before adding, "and I stink." He figured that might deter her. "Let me..." he started to say but was interrupted. He'd turned back toward the shower to step in when he felt Emma's tongue run up his naked, sweaty chest.

He glanced back to see her standing there in front of him, a sly grin on her face as she reached out and gripped his cock.

"You are, and you taste fucking delicious," she told him. As she spoke, her hand was gripping his shaft and squeezing. He could feel the blood pumping as it began to swell.

"Fuck," he grunted, closing his eyes as she leaned down and licked his sweaty chest again. "Aren't... aren't you sore from last night?"

"So what if I am?" she replied. "Is that any excuse not to let you use your pussy?"

He groaned, reaching up to steady himself on the wall next to the shower. As he forced his eyes open, he saw Emma in the middle of falling to her knees. Two seconds later his cock was buried to the hilt in his twin's throat, and it felt like she was trying to hurt herself with it.

"Jesus," he moaned.

"Oh hell yeah!" the voice cried out.

He felt her suppress a gag that she'd forced on herself and grunted in pleasure as she looked up at him, her lips hovering at the base of his cock. A few seconds later she extricated his length from her throat, saliva hanging from the fat head back to her lips and tongue. After a few seconds of labored breathing and lusty staring up at him, Emma gathered the sticky bridge of saliva and precum with her outstretched tongue, spinning it in a small circle and gathering the slime with it.

"Jesus," the voice said, parroting Mike's earlier sentiment.

She slid her hands behind her, showing Mike that she was being submissive for him. After a few moments of staring up at him like she wanted to fuck his cock right off his body, she leaned forward and kissed the head just as a dollop of clear goo emerged from within. Blossoming outward from the moment they touched the tear drop of precum, her lips caressed the liquid across his flesh and down the length of his cock.

Still staring up at him, she slid as far as she could before he felt the resistance at the back of her throat. She strained for a moment as he felt the flesh give way and his head slide in. A soft jolt of her head followed, and he plunged completely inside again, a low groan of pleasure forced from her throat and emerging around the flesh of his cock. It was accompanied by a weak grunt of bliss from Mike, and he fought the urge to pull her up and spin her around to take her.

Her fingers caressing his balls briefly surprised him, but she quickly slid the orbs into her palm, cradling and caressing them while she held steadfast, her throat encasing much of his cock. Another gag was suppressed, and she held a few seconds longer before the need to breathe won out over her resolve to keep him deep inside.

Her gasp was accompanied by more saliva ropes, but she lifted her free hand and gathered them up. Draping them across his shaft, she began to stroke as she looked up at him from her submissive position. A few seconds of staring down at his incredibly sexy twin sister while she stroked her saliva-covered hand up and down his cock was all it took for his orgasm to build to a crescendo.

Seeing his expression weakening as the pleasure began to build, Emma kissed her lips to the head for a moment before locking them around it and sucking, one hand still stroking the shaft and the other caressing his balls.

"Nnnguh!" he grunted, his orgasm blasting into him as he felt her slurp the first rope of cum into her mouth, her tongue sliding it around for a second before the second joined it. Not bothering to swallow, she slid her hand out of the way and took him deep again, her lips burrowing against the base of his cock around the same time the fourth spurt of cum burst from the head. He cried out in pleasure again as the incredible sensation sent him reeling, renewing his orgasm and causing more spurts of cum to slide down her throat.

His head spinning, he grunted and slid down to the floor, laying back and enjoying the flood of endorphins. Emma's giggle at his predicament was followed quickly by shuffling noises, then her lips and tongue slurping affectionately up and down his shaft again. He faintly heard swallowing noises every few seconds and groaned weakly. After a few minutes, he noticed that the sensation of her lips moving up and down his dick had stopped and forced himself up.

He looked up, seeing her back at the mirror and fiddling with her makeup. She offered him a wink before she turned back to finish applying it. Chuckling, he began to rise, the act taking him much longer than it should have.

"You okay?" she asked, an amused giggle accompanying another glance at him.

"Yeah," he confirmed, smiling over at her as he leaned against the wall. "I thought you were going to let me have your pussy," he pointed out.

She smirked and looked over. "I started to, but your cock being in my throat just makes me want to keep it there. Sorry if I was a bad girl."

He chuckled, then turned to stagger over to the shower and turn it on.

"But, you're right," she said. "I was offering it to you, so if you still want it..." she left the thought hanging, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down her thighs a bit, along with her panties.

Mike chuckled and sighed as he stared longingly at her perky, perfect ass. "Hell, I always want it. But I doubt I'll be seeing my dick for a while."

She grinned and went back to getting ready for work while Mike went about getting cleaned up. A few minutes later, he hopped out and toweled off. Pulling on some clothes, he left the bedroom to find Emma munching on a banana in the kitchen.

"You going in today?" she asked.

He shrugged in response and grabbed a banana for himself. "I was thinking about it."

She looked over, her concern clear in her eyes. "It's no rush, you know. We haven't put anything in place to start hiring the fourth crew yet."

"I know," he said with a nod. "I'm not just gonna sit around here though."

"No," she agreed. "I just mean that you can ease back into it. Don't feel like you need to hurry back in before you're ready."

She had a point. He had just gotten back. It would be nice to relax for a little while and catch his breath. Maybe he could go and visit his other two sisters as well.

"That's not a bad idea," he conceded.

She finished off her banana and tossed the peel in the trash, then turned to leave the room. Pausing as she reached the door, she looked back over at him.

"Although, if you did come back to work, I could sneak into your office and do filthy things to you whenever I wanted."

"Also... not a bad idea," he agreed, giving her a smile.

She snickered and leaned over to give him a kiss, then turned and left the room.



Yawning, she stretched her arms out and grunted as the early morning sun poured in through the curtains on her window. She glanced over, then grabbed the glass of water beside the bed and took a big sip. Swallowing, she set the glass down look back over at the lightly snoring shape of her boyfriend.

Smiling, she scooted back over and spooned up behind him as he began to stir, his arm going back behind her to pull her closer.

"Morning," he mumbled.

Her hand wormed its way into his boxers, and she easily found his morning wood. Giving it a friendly squeeze, she began to idly stroke it as he continued to wake up.

"Mmm, someone must have been having good dreams," she observed.

"Hell yeah," he said, spinning around and kissing her as she snickered.

His hands pulled her closer to him as she spread her legs and let him between her thighs. He leaned in to kiss her neck, his lips caressing her skin and eliciting grunts of approval from her. His erection was unrelenting in its quest to find a home between her legs, and she reached down to push it into place, his hips thrusting as she did so. Plunging deep into her, he groaned in pleasure as she whimpered, both clutching at each other as he began to slowly pump in and out.

Stroking hard, he clutched at the back of her neck with one hand while he pulled at the small of her back with the other. Their lips were locked together as they fucked, her whimpers of pleasure growing in frequency as she got closer and closer to her orgasm. A few seconds later, a wave of pleasure washed over her as his thrusts grew faster. He grunted once and pushed deep, then paused in silence before crying out as she felt his cum pumping into her.

"Fuck," he grunted again, thrusting deep once and then a final time before collapsing on top of her.

She smiled, holding him tight and enjoying her post-orgasmic bliss. A few minutes passed before he groaned and pulled himself up and off, his spent cock sliding out as he did so.

He grunted once more and collapsed back into his side of the bed while she forced herself up and to the bathroom to clean up. After she finished, she got up off the toilet and turned on the shower. As she hopped in, she heard Matt come into the bathroom and start peeing.

"Hey babe," he said after flushing the toilet.

She peered out as she lathered up her hair and saw him standing at the sink and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Yeah?" she called, turning back to what she'd been doing.

"Is my dick big enough?" he asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, peering back out at him. He was still standing there, looking at himself. This time he had his dick in his hands and was gripping the base and pushing his pubic hair out of the way.

"Of course it is," she said. "Didn't you feel me cumming?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "I just wish I was a shower and not a grower."

She shook her head and went back to her shower, wondering where that question had come from. Matt hadn't ever been insecure in his size, so this was new. After finishing her shower, she hopped out and began to dry off as he shaved.

"Where did that come from?" she asked, running the towel through her wet locks.

He shrugged and didn't answer, so she went back to drying her hair.

Twenty minutes later, she was in the kitchen eating breakfast. Bethy had just finished when she sat down to eat, so she was alone when Matt came in to get something. Conversation started again between the two, but it was normal, everyday stuff about what was soon to be going on that day.

Still wondering where the question had come from, she simmered until she couldn't stand it anymore and finally confronted him about it.

"Babe," she said, eliciting a glance from him. "Where did that question come from earlier?" she asked.

He frowned and shrugged. "I... don't know..." he said, though it was clear he wasn't being honest.

She wasn't going to push the issue though and smiled. "I'm happy, okay," she told him instead.

"I know," he said with a smile. "It's just stupid guy shit," he clarified, pointing at his head.

She nodded but wasn't completely convinced. He seemed fine, though, so she let it go.

Beth came back down a few minutes later, dressed in her customary morning attire of sports bra and shorts. Sarah couldn't help but stare at her sister's scantily clad body as she bounced over to the fridge and grabbed the flask of water that she kept inside. Glancing over at Matt, Sarah saw him blatantly staring at Beth's ample cleavage and smirked. A few seconds later, he stood and quickly left the room to finish getting ready for work.

After he'd gone, Sarah rolled her eyes as Beth started giggling.

"Can you please stop teasing my boyfriend?" she asked, eliciting a shake of the head from the blonde vixen.

"Never," Beth said. "You both like staring at me, so don't pretend it doesn't turn you on just as much as it does him."

Sarah sighed. "That's beside the point. I told you before that we're not playing with anyone else."

"That's not my problem," Beth said with a smile. "I'm a sexual creature!" she cried dramatically.

Sarah snickered. "Beth..."

"Look," Beth interrupted. "You won't let me have fun with you anymore. Mike's back but is apparently off the menu, so that just leaves Emma. You can't expect me not to act out if you take all my toys away."

Sarah raised a single eyebrow. "What about... everyone else that's not in our family?"

Beth rolled her eyes and waved a hand dismissively. She moved around to stand behind Sarah, her hands sliding up to rub her shoulders.

"I'm just saying that you can't blame me for wanting to push some buttons. I'm horny, like... all the time."

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