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Just When I Thought It Was Over Ch. 02

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Diane helps Beth to go much further.
14.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/08/2018
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Just When I Thought it was Over, Part 2

Having taken a short break from writing, I decided to make my return by continuing this story. This is partly because quite a lot of people requested a sequel and partly because I really liked Beth's character. I've covered a lot of ground in this story and I accept that to some it might feel a bit rushed but there were reasons for this before anyone decides to complain. I don't particularly care for stories with multiple chapters so I wanted to conclude this one in a way that I wouldn't feel a particular need to return to it again. That's not to say I won't write a third instalment but I think it's unlikely. When I reflected on the story, I also felt that Diane's influence would be greater than I originally imagined and Beth was clearly changing as a character, compared to her younger self, far more profoundly than anyone but Diane expected and that includes me. In essence, I hope my readers can simply enjoy it for what it is -- a sexy and erotic story that is a celebration of older women.


After my evening with Andy, I returned home a very happy and satisfied woman. I slept well that night as I was utterly exhausted but as soon as I woke the next morning, my first thoughts were of Andy and the remarkable evening I'd experienced with a man young enough to be my son. The feeling of remorse I'd half expected thankfully didn't materialise and as I lay there, I kept remembering the sensation of having such a large and hard cock inside me again. Every time the memory came back to me, I couldn't help smiling and hoping it wouldn't be too long before he was able to take me again.

Relaxing in bed as the morning sun fought its way through the gaps in the curtains allowed me to reflect on how significantly my life had changed since that fateful night walking Max past Diane's house. It seemed fair to conclude that had I not seen Diane with her young man that night, I never would have enjoyed sex again for the rest of my life so it was a momentous moment and I would always be immensely grateful to Diane for her role in pushing me to make this happen. It was tragic enough that I'd gone 15 years without enjoying a man but at least now I could make up for lost time and enjoy myself while I still could, with a man who seemed to have plenty of stamina and enthusiasm.

Who knows what else I may discover in my new sexual life. I found myself open to the idea that what I enjoyed sexually now may be different to 15 years ago because I was surprised at how the dynamics of sex had changed with Andy. When George had made love to me, it was always tender, loving and an experience of equals but with Andy, I'd wanted him to take me and almost use me for his pleasure. I'd enjoyed begging him to give me his cock and cum in me but I was unsure why such a transformation had taken place. Perhaps I was trying to over-analyse the whole thing. I decided I owed it to my good friend Diane to go and talk to her about last night's experience and thank her for making it possible so as soon as I was showered and dressed, I headed over to her house.

As soon as Diane opened the door, she knew what had happened!

'You look like a woman who has had a good seeing to very recently,' she smirked. 'You'd better come in and tell me all about it.'

It was a surreal experience sitting in Diane's living room, sipping tea like a couple of stereotypical old ladies while talking about having sex with young men in graphic terms that I would have thought impossible not so long ago. Life is full of surprises!

'So!' she began; 'From the look of you I take it things went better this time.'

'Yes,' I replied, with a grin like the Cheshire Cat, 'things went a lot better.'

'And no feelings of guilt consuming you now the deed is done?' she asked.

'I'll never stop loving George,' I replied, 'but I realise now that you were right. It's been long enough and I have to move on with my life. I've been 15 years without sex and if I stay in good health, it's perfectly possible I could enjoy sex for another 10 years. I can't go a quarter of a century without that pleasure and I don't think George would want me to. I want to make the most of the time I have left and I hope Andy will stay around and keep me happy.'

'And was his cock as good as you thought it might be?' she pressed.

'Even better!' I smiled. 'He was bigger than I've ever had before and harder than I ever remember a cock being. It felt truly incredible when he put it inside me.'

'I think that now we're older, we appreciate a man's cock a lot more than we did when we were younger,' Diane reflected.

'As much as I loved the experience,' I ventured, 'it was also different to how I expected it because I was different and you seemed to anticipate this.'

Diane shrugged, 'Only because I noticed that I enjoy sex in a different way with my young lover, Neil, and I've heard it's the same for a number of women like us. How was it different for you?'

I hesitated, not entirely sure I wanted to admit to behaving like such a slut in front of my friend. 'There's no need to be embarrassed Beth, it was the same for me. I'd always been a very conservative partner with my husband but with Neil I'm far more proactive and vocal. I'll try anything at least once and do you know what, I've ended up loving pretty much all of it.'

'I think I was pretty vocal too but I couldn't stop myself it was so good. What surprised me more was how submissive I became. I just wanted to give myself to him and let him take his pleasure from me. I was begging for his cock like a slut and loved him being more dominant,' I confessed. 'I've never been that way before yet you seemed to know something like that would happen.'

Diane thought for a moment. 'It's only my own theory but I think that women of our generation grew up with all kinds of constraints on them in terms of sex and society's expectations but when you get to our age, I think you care less about what anyone else thinks and you're more prepared to just be yourself and let yourself go. I'd bet that the lover you became last night felt more like the real you than at any other point in your life.'

'Yes, it did,' I mused, 'but why did I want to become so submissive and behave in such a slutty way?'

'I don't think it's so surprising Beth,' she replied. 'The number one female fantasy is to be taken assertively by a man and dominated by him. I realise we live in a world of equality between the sexes and I wouldn't want it any other way but I think that genetically we're predisposed to be attracted to a strong male figure and part of this means that we tend to like the man to be more dominant. I may be wrong but that's how I see it and if you both enjoyed it, why not? Do you regret behaving that way?'

'How can I when I enjoyed sex more last night than at any other time in my life?' I concluded.

'So did you do anything new last night that you haven't tried before?' Diane asked.

'Not really as I don't think of myself as being particularly conservative in bed.' I hesitated: 'It was more that I just enjoyed different things in different ways.'

'Such as?' she insisted.

'Well, I've enjoyed sucking cock before and I sometimes let George cum in my mouth but I never swallowed. Last night I was happy to do so and loved it,' I confessed. 'I also loved being taken from behind far more, though I was a bit surprised when he started rubbing my bum hole with his thumb,' I finally admitted.

Diane simply shrugged and commented, 'It feels surprisingly good doesn't it.'

I was shocked by her response and just sat there open-mouthed.

'I'd guess that he'd like to fuck that lovely bum of yours at some point and was testing the water, so to speak, to see if you might be receptive to the idea,' she continued as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

'He can't do that!' I almost shouted in surprise before it finally dawned on me that Diane wasn't anything like as shocked as I'd expected by this revelation. I wasn't entirely sure I should ask the obvious question but I was certainly sure I wanted to know the answer so I decided to throw caution to the wind. 'Have you done that?' I asked in disbelief.

'I told you I'd tried a lot of new things with Neil,' she smiled. 'He introduced me to anal sex a while ago. It started out in a similar way to what you described and gradually built to full anal sex.'

'I couldn't even imagine doing that,' I asserted. 'Doesn't it hurt?'

'I'd say my first time was more uncomfortable than painful but I soon discovered that if it's done properly and you use lots of lube, it can feel incredible and really intense. Generally I prefer him in my pussy but I love giving him my bum from time to time and I certainly enjoy the experience. I'm starting to clench a bit now just thinking of his lovely cock in there,' she grinned, winking at me.

Her endorsement of anal sex didn't really convince me at all. 'I don't think I'd like that,' I maintained.

'But that's the point Beth,' she insisted. 'You think you won't like it but you don't know and you can't possibly know until you try. All I'd say is if he tries that again, just see where it goes and for as long as it feels good, just carry on. That should surely be the case with any new experience Beth; just keep an open mind, try it and see what it's like.'

I didn't reply as I was lost in thought, mulling over everything Diane had said.

'Are you open to new experiences?' she persisted.

I'm still not sure I could do that,' I replied, 'but I can't deny the logic of what you say and let's face it, you've been right and guided me well so far.'

'I'll tell you what Beth, why don't you come over here one night with Andy and I'll get Neil over?' she suddenly asked.

'What on earth are you suggesting now?' I gasped.

'Possibly nothing more than drinks with some like-minded people Beth; there's no need to panic,' she shrugged.

'Possibly?' I repeated, knowing she'd included that word for a reason.

'Yes, possibly,' she insisted. 'At the very least we can enjoy a pleasant evening together and then he can take you home and fuck your brains out, and if the evening develops in a slightly different direction, you might end up enjoying more new experiences with new people. What have you got to lose?'

'But......' I stammered.

'We'd all be friends, we all know that the ultimate reason we're together is to enjoy sex and although Andy is definitely your lover, he's not your husband and it's not like you have a serious relationship in the conventional sense. Maybe you'll just enjoy a nice evening out before sex with him at your place, maybe you'll stay over and enjoy sex with him here in my spare bedroom and maybe you'll enjoy even more. I'm not saying anything will happen or should happen, I'm just saying life has presented us with possibilities and we should at least give them a chance, or do you want to spend another 10 years denying yourself pleasure?'

Diane's ability to always be completely logical was both irritating and persuasive. I only meant to talk to her about the wonderful night I'd had with Andy and now both anal sex and apparently even some sort of orgy was on the table! My gut instinct was to immediately say a resounding 'No!' to both possibilities yet she had guided me well so far and every part of her argument was correct, no matter how much I might prefer her to be wrong. I eventually said that I would ask Andy about it next time I saw him but I went home still far from convinced.

I enjoyed sex and after 15 years of celibacy, I simply wanted to enjoy a sex life again and didn't have any great desire to suddenly start trying new things. Would Diane's suggestion to experiment with new things bring new pleasures or ruin what we already had? Conversely, I'd already enjoyed new experiences thanks to Diane and Andy so why couldn't Diane's new suggestions be the same?

To say that I was confused would be an understatement so I decided to research things a little more online. This involved reading various accounts of different women's experiences of anal sex and group sex as well as watching some porn. To be honest, I didn't spend long watching the porn because it quickly occurred to me that although these women looked like they were enjoying the experience, I couldn't ignore the fact that they were being paid to show enjoyment. Instead, I went to a few women's forums where I received some very mixed feedback. Some women simply wouldn't entertain the idea of anal sex or group sex, others said that they'd tried it but it wasn't really for them and finally there were the women who openly said they loved these new experiences. What the majority had in common was that at the very least, they didn't regret trying.

By the time I went to bed that night I felt I'd reached some reasonable conclusions. Firstly, it was certainly possible to enjoy these experiences as my own friend seemed to enjoy anal sex, though I was less clear about her previous experience of group sex. Secondly, a lot seemed to depend on the man as all of the positive experiences for women involved a man who was patient, considerate and loving. I felt fairly confident Andy would fall into that category so I should be in safe hands. Of course, all of this was speculation as I didn't know for sure that Andy was interested in having anal sex with me and I had no idea what his attitude would be towards Diane's other suggestion.

The more I thought about it, the more I started to find Diane's suggestions intriguing, yet it did raise another serious question that I only thought of while doing my research. Almost all of the experiences of group sex that I'd researched involved some sort of sexual contact between the women, largely while the men recuperated, so was Diane also suggesting that she could be another new sexual partner for me? I'd never had any form of sexual desire for another woman before and I couldn't imagine doing that sort of thing, especially with Diane. Years ago I had a friend who told me she'd experimented with a little 'lady love' as she called it but said that although it was enjoyable, it generally just left her desperate for cock and on the rare occasions she'd been with another woman, there were no men around so she ended up quite frustrated.

I was doing a little housework the next day when the phone went and it was Andy. His voice made me as giddy as a schoolgirl as I immediately started to think of the pleasure he had given me.

'Hi Beth,' he began, 'I've been thinking a great deal about our evening together and how wonderful it was. Do you still think you'd like to see me again or have you had a change of heart?'

'No change of heart,' I laughed, 'I had a wonderful time with you and I hope I'll be able to see you again soon.'

'How does Friday suit you?' he asked quickly, clearly as keen as me to get back into bed.

'That's perfect,' I replied, my heart pounding with the anticipation of enjoying another incredible sexual encounter with my new lover. 'Can you be at my place for about 7.30pm?'

'Herds of wild horses couldn't keep me away,' he asserted and with that, our next meeting was arranged.

The rest of the week dragged by at a laborious pace as my sexual desire gradually built to boiling point. I pleasured myself most evenings as I thought of Andy's hands all over me and his beautiful cock buried deep inside me. Once or twice I even thought of him pushing against my backdoor and was surprised to find that the idea no longer completely horrified me. I couldn't deny that his thumb had felt good as he rubbed my puckered opening and that part of me had felt the need to push back onto him but I was still extremely unsure about going too far. His thumb or fingers were one thing but his big cock was an entirely different proposition.

After having dinner at about 5.00pm on Friday, I took a leisurely soak in the tub, shaved my legs and made sure that my pubic region was tidy and inviting. Having already broken the ice with Andy, I made sure I was wearing some sexy underwear with stockings but other than that, my main focus was simply wearing things that could be removed with the minimal amount of fuss so a low cut blouse with push-button fasteners and a skirt with a simple zip fastening. It wasn't that I wanted him to simply have sex with me the moment he came through the door but I did want things to progress smoothly and swiftly when the time came, as I was absolutely sure it would. To be doubly sure there would be no mishaps this time, I also cleared away all of the pictures of George that I had around the living room and bedroom. George would always be a part of me but this evening was about my life now - the alternative Beth if you like; the Beth who had been sexually reborn.

By the time all that was done it was 7.15pm so I poured myself a glass of wine and had no sooner sat down than the doorbell rang. I was like a schoolgirl answering the door as my heart was fluttering all over the place with anticipation. Andy stepped into the house with a beaming smile to match my own, along with a bottle of wine and a beautiful bunch of flowers. I wasn't sure what I had been expecting but it wasn't flowers and I was touched by his thoughtful gesture. Yes, we had a relationship that was almost entirely based on sex but I was clearly more to him than simply a piece of meat and for me, that made all the difference. As I took his gifts he held me in his arms and kissed me passionately. My mouth opened to receive his tongue and in that moment I think there was very little I wouldn't do for him if he asked.

'I've missed you so much Beth,' he said, 'the week has dragged by waiting for tonight.'

'It has for me too,' I agreed, 'but we have all evening together now. Why don't you come through and have a glass of wine so we can chat and cuddle for a while; there's no rush is there?'

'Not at all Beth, that would be perfect,' he replied.

We sat on the sofa together with our wine and he put his arm around me while we talked so the whole thing felt very homely rather than merely sexual. I think it's fair to say that we were entirely comfortable in each other's company as our conversation drifted through such topics as family, work, politics, music, religion and our hopes for the future. At his age, Andy obviously had more dreams of the future than I did but it was lovely to hear about his enthusiastic plans for things he might do and places he might visit. It sounds like our conversation was a little one-sided but that wasn't the case. I may not have the same number of years ahead of me but it meant that I could offer him an insightful opinion based on my greater experience.

The whole time we were talking, he held me close and kept giving me kisses that felt full of affection. In many ways the whole thing felt at odds with the dominant man I'd given myself to when we last met but I reasoned that the man he was in bed didn't have to be the same as the man he was in normal conversation. I certainly wasn't the same woman in bed as I had transformed from a respectable pensioner to some sort of cock hungry slut. When he wasn't holding his glass of wine, he rested his hand on my thigh, occasionally giving it a squeeze but never venturing too high.

Glancing at the clock I was surprised to see that it was already 9.30pm yet it felt like we'd only been talking for a short time. The panic I'd suffered the last time he was sat in my living room seemed a long, long time ago and as I looked into his eyes, I felt a very powerful need to get a lot more physical with him and bring our conversation to a close. He was still talking when I suddenly kissed him passionately and put my own hand on his thigh, very close to his cock but not yet touching it. It was a minute or two before we parted.

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