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Kat and Tom Ch. 03

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The wife sharing goes on.
4.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/26/2014
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Tom was away with work for the next few days and family life for Kat, Emma and I continued as usual. On Thursday I woke to Kat slowly grinding her tight naked ass against my slowly hardening rod, her usual way of signalling she was keen for a morning quickie. I loved starting my day like this and was glad that it was continuing even after Tom had entered the scene.

Without saying a word I slid myself into Kat's hot, wet pussy, I wrapped my arm around her and grabbed a handful of pert milky white breast as she ground out a quick orgasm before starting the day. Her gorgeous curly auburn hair cascaded over her shoulder, and filled the space between us, images of her and Tom filling my mind as we fucked. The same images as on both the occasions since then too, and they only spurred me on, then it dawned on me that he would probably be home tonight.

"Is Tom coming home tonight?" I whispered in her ear, Kat tensed momentarily before shrugging and resuming her grind, "That why you're horny?" I continued my probing.

"Maybe." She replied.

"You warming up for his cock?"


"You spend all night thinking about him and his huge cock filling you up?"

"A little bit." She conceded as I felt her body finally relax, knowing that her secret was out, I wanted to indulge my fantasy a bit too so I kept urging her on.

"You dreaming about spending tonight at his house?" I asked as I pulled out slightly, only letting her get half of my length. Kat pushed back, wanting more but I would't let her, teasing her till she answered.

"Yes." She replied and I slid back in and she groaned with relief.

"When he's in you, do you feel him up this far?" I slid my hand down her belly to just above her smooth waxed mound.

"Uh ha." She groaned.

"This far?" I slid my fingers an inch or so up as I kept slowly fucking her.

"Uh ha."

"This far?"

"Further..." She said breathlessly as she grabbed my hand and very slowly slid it up her taut muscular abdomen to just south of her belly button.

"Oh my." I was genuinely impressed.

"Indeed..." She moaned, reaching back to grab my hip, pulling me deeper insider her as she convulsed silently around my shaft, this was enough for me too and I shot my load deep inside her.

We cuddled for a few minutes, I loved playing with her curly hair as she rested her head on my chest.

"Tom does get home today." Kat admitted as she lay there.

"Awesome, are you excited to see him?"

Kat looked at me, with concern on her face, "Maybe, you still OK with all of this?"

"Totally." I said with a chuckle as she watched my dick come back to life.

"Oh." She laughed as she jumped out of bed.

That afternoon I walked into the unit to see Emma playing on the rug in the living room, I rounded the corner to see Tom standing in the kitchen, beer in one hand and the other resting on Kat's lycra covered ass as she cut up some food for dinner. She was wearing her work out gear, ¾ length black and lime green lycra pants that wrapped her perfectly shaped ass and thighs like a Christmas present and a matching halter crop top that really made her cleavage pop. I was certain she'd chosen the outfit on purpose but would have gone to a lot of effort to make it appear like she'd been caught not ready. I wouldn't be surprised if she had Tom's schedule memorised, she wasn't the sort of person who was ever not prepared.

"Hey guys." I said, not wanting to surprise them too much. Tom quickly pulled his hand back and they both turned to look at me with a very sheepish expressions.

"Hey babe." Kat replied quickly, I wanted to break the ice so I quickly shook Tom's hand as I normally would and gave Kat a kiss and hug.

"Good to see you're back mate." I said genuinely as Tom handed me one of the beers he'd bought with him.

"Always good to be back." He replied as I made my way over to Emma in the living room and Tom followed. We sat on either side of the sofa, finishing our beers and watching Emma roll and crawl around.

I had to put things straight with Tom so I turned to him, "Hey man, I know you are probably a bit weirded out by all of this, but you need to know that it's totally cool with me. We're still friends like we always have been and I don't ever want that to change."

"Cool." He replied, understandably slightly nervously.

"And what happens with you and Kat, is totally up to you and her, you're two adult friends doing something totally natural in my opinion."

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it." He said as he drained his beer.

I finished mine more slowly and then went to change, Kat said she needed to change too, joining me in the bedroom, "Sorry about that." she said as she closed the door behind her.

"His hand on your ass?" I asked.

"Yeah." Kat replied as she turned away and began to search for a new outfit.

"Don't be silly," I said as I embraced her from behind, "You look so fucking hot in that, I was surprised that's all Tom was doing." Kat turned to face me and we kissed as I held her, the feel of the lycra riding over her taught frame under my hands was only serving to make me even harder.

"You didn't mind seeing him touch me?"

"No, I love it and I love you." I told her as my hands worked her ass like Tom recently had, "Did he do this when you made out?" I asked, I could smell him on her so thought it was a safe bet they'd kissed a bit before I got home.

"Yeah." She replied quietly.

"I bet he liked the outfit you chose."

"He seemed to." I broke the embrace and changed out of my work clothes, Kat pulled out a casual knee length blue dress and some different underwear and was about to get changed.

"Wait, I want Tom to really understand things are cool between us so put on something sexy underneath." I told her.

"To tease him?" She asked.

"No, actually, leave the gym gear on, go out there, drag him back in here and fuck his brains out." I said, inspired by my genius, what better way to let him know we were cool.

"Are you kidding?" Kat looked at me quizzically.

"Nope, I'll finish dinner and look after Em, you go and enjoy yourself. You've obviously been thinking about it all day." I said eluding to her outfit choice.

"Are you really sure?" She asked, not fully convinced.


"Here? In our room?"

"A hundred percent." I assured her.

Kat kept the workout gear on and I was glad, Tom no doubt too, he looked up when we walked back in and a tiny smile he couldn't hide appeared on his face. He was still sitting on the sofa when Kat strutted over to him and held out a hand, which he took, she motioned him up, he struggled to hide his bulging erection as he stood. But always being a gentlemen he tried, soon he was standing next to her, his massive frame dwarfing her tiny body and his dark skin beautifully contrasting her alabaster flesh as she held is hand.

"I'm going to have dessert first." She informed him as she led him away by the hand. Tom shot me a surprised look as Kat dragged him by the arm, I nodded my approval to him and that was all he needed as he quickly followed her, disappearing from my view moments later.

I finished getting dinner on, my erection causing me a little grief as I cooked, the layout of our unit meant it was hard to hear anything from the bedrooms as they were located down the end of a long hall but I had the radio up to mask any noises, just in case.

After about 15 minutes my curiosity got the better of me and I crept down the hall to listen at the door, I could hear Kat moaning loudly as I approached, "Argh...argh...argh...", each followed by a dull thud of bodies colliding. Tom must really lay down a savage pounding I mused as Kat began to squeal with delight.

"You miss that?" I heard Tom ask.

"Oh..." Came her enthusiastic but disjointed reply.

I desperately wanted to look, but I couldn't risk disturbing the two lovers so obviously lost in the moment so I snuck back down the hall and finished dinner.

About 30 minutes later Kat emerged, freshly showered and now in that blue dress, she was glowing as she approached me, "Thank you," she mouthed silently as we hugged. Tom followed a minute later, freshly showered too, he was obviously nervous as he entered the room.

"Beer?" I asked as he looked over at me after just having fucked the life out of my wife.

"Yeah, sure." He replied with another sheepish grin.

Dinner went as per usual, the awkwardness fading quickly as we fell back into the routine of being good friends, Tom retired back to his place soon after we had finished cleaning up.

When we went to bed that night the sheets were still a mess, "Did you sneak a peak?" Kat asked as she undressed.

"No, but I really wanted to." I said as we tidied the bed before climbing in.

"You should have." She told me with a sly grin as we cuddled.

"I listened at the door." I owned up.

"What did you hear?" She enquired, tilting her head as she looked at me.

"You moaning, the slap of bodies and you telling him how much you missed fucking him." I recounted the memory as my dick grew harder.

"Enjoy what you heard?" Kat asked as she wrapped her hand around my hard cock.

"Yeah, I loved hearing how much you miss it, it makes me glad I set you two up."

"You want to fuck me?" She whispered in my ear, "There's probably still a lot of his cum in me though, he built up a big load over the last 4 days." Her husky voice almost made me cum in her hand.

"Can I?" I asked, not knowing if she would be ready so soon after.

Kat straddled me in seconds and quickly slid her oozing snatch down my rock hard shaft, it felt slightly looser than usual but I guess I had expected that.

"Oh like that baby?" She moaned as she stared into my eyes, "fucking my black cum filled pussy."

"Uh ha." Was all I could manage as I tried desperately not to cum right then, Kat kept up a steady rhythm, I could sense her trying to please me.

"I was riding him like this when he came in me baby, spurt after massive spurt, like a volcano exploding inside me." Kat new this amount of detail would drive me over the edge.

"Oh god." I moaned through gritted teeth, I wanted her to cum first and was doing everything I could to hold on but after having just ridden Tom's monster she was probably struggling to feel anything.

"It feels so fucking good baby, to have your belly filling up with a black mans cum."

"Why?" I asked, wanting even more detail.

"It makes me feel naughty, it's my wicked secret, my hot black lover shooting his sperm deep inside me." Kat began to shudder with a small climax as she said it and I came with her, mixing my sperm with Tom's as relief flooded both our bodies and we collapsed together and drifted off to sleep.

We awoke on Friday morning and set about our normal routine, just before I left for work both our phones buzzed. It was Tom saying he was away for the night but he and some friends were invited to a private High School themed party that night at a local club and asked if we would like to go. I quickly text back that Kat would love to go with him and I would stay home with Em.

"So I guess I'm going." Kat said as she walked back in to the bedroom with her phone in hand.

"You'll love it." I told her, knowing she would love a night out dancing.

"It's out in public, people might see me with him, it's not like being at home." Kat explained.

"It's a private party, with his friends, you can do what you like and no one will care."

"What if someone who know's us is there. I can't risk it."

"Just go, you don't have to do anything." I told her.

"Yeah, like it's that easy." She said before leaving for work.

On the way home from work I stopped at the mall and bought very a expensive set of black lace lingerie; a tiny g-string, push up bra, suspenders and silk stockings. I told the sales girl at the department store that I was taking my wife to the high school themed club event and wanted her to be the best dressed woman there and she set about finding the sexiest school outfit possible, including black patent leather heels.

"I think you'll also want this." The cute sales girl said as she held up a black ribbon choker with a tiny pendant.

"You think?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, this is going to tip the outfit over the edge." She told me with a knowing smile.

"Well that is the plan." I said as I handed over a huge chunk of my wage. I knew this would convince Kat to go, she like most people loved being given new clothes and if they were super slutty then all the better for Tom and I.

Emma was at my mothers house that afternoon and she hadn't dropped her home yet so Kat was alone when I got home.

"I stopped and got you a new outfit on the way home, so now you have no reason not to go. But if you don't want to, no biggie, I'll take it back or you keep it. It's totally up to you." I explained as we hugged.

"If I do go, you know I can't be with Tom in public." She asked, half telling half asking.

"Yeah, I know, but who would care if you did."

"People would, at work, I'm married."

"You're your own boss, are you telling me you don't know of any other woman in your position that's having an affair?"

"Yeah but that's different."


"It just is, OK."

"OK, want to see the outfit?" I said trying to change the subject.

"I bet I can guess how slutty it is." Kat could see right through me but her smile said she wasn't mad about it.

"Want to try it on?" I asked very hopefully.

Kat didn't even reply, she just sighed and walked off, grabbing the bags as she trotted down the hallway. I grabbed a beer and gave her a minute before joining her, she already had it laid out on the bed when I walked in.

"You certainly have good taste, this stuff must have cost you a bomb." She whistled as she picked up the bra and examined it.

"Your worth it and I know you'll look amazing in it." I said sucking up to try and convince her.

"Well I'll try it on and see what I feel like then." Kat conceded, giving me a glimmer of hope.

After a quick shower Kat emerged, dry and perfumed from the bathroom, my eyes were drawn to her silky smooth mound, her perfect milky skin culminated in the tight link pink folds of the most most beautiful petite tightly folded labia I'd ever seen. The fact it so willingly wrapped itself around Tom's thick black monster was still an amazement to me. She slid into the thong and I helped her fasten the bra, it pushed her breasts up and gave her truly staggering cleavage.

"Mmm" She mused as she checked herself in the mirror before sliding the silk seemed stockings up each leg and attaching the suspends and belt. The plaid mini skirt just covered the suspenders but anyone who took even a cursory glance could see them. Kat buttoned the white blouse but wasn't happy with it, she checked it the mirror and eventually settled on tying it in a knot so that it just covered her bra and exposed her tight flat stomach.

"Oh yeah." I said as she turned to show me, she remained silent as she sat at the dresser and platted her hair into two pigtails, one each side before putting on some slutty make up and red lipstick.

"Eyelashes too I think." She saids absently as she fished out some long false lashed and set about applying them, she looked dirtier and sluttier than I could have ever dreamed, like she had walked right off the set of a porn movie. When she eventually stood and slipped on the new patent stiletto heels I was drooling.

"Oh my fucking God!" I stuttered as she wrapped the choker around her neck and twirled in front of me.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm going to go, thanks for the clothes though." She told me flatly.

"But..." I moaned as the disappointment sank in.

"Jokes," she said with a laugh, "you should have seen your face," doing a mock sad face then walking out, leaving me and my hard on high and dry.

Kat was putting her phone and keys into a tiny purse when I got to the kitchen.

"I'm really glad your going, you'll have a ball." I said knowing Tom would be all over her the moment she walked in and that got me even more excited than usual.

"You clearly want something to happen." Kat said with a serious look on her face.

"Well...yeah, and I don't care if people see you with him. I'm OK with you having a boyfriend and if people find out, so be it."

Kat looked me right in the eye, "You could handle me being seen in public with Tom?"

"Yep." I told her as I met her eyes.

"As my lover, people knowing that I'm fucking him and that your at home minding our daughter?"


"People will talk, mostly about you, that's how people are, can you handle that?"

"It's my fantasy for you to take a lover, publicly, I've thought about it a lot."

"Well we might find out tonight because this outfit makes me feel really slutty, that is why you bought it right?" Kat asked.

"Yeah, I knew you'd look fucking hot in it and Tom wouldn't be able to resist."

"Does my wedding ring go with the outfit?" She asked as she held out her hand.

"It makes you look sluttier to have it on."

"It stays then." She said with a playful smile.

"Can you send me some photos of you in the club?" I asked meekly.

"Of us together?"

"Please." I said weakly.

"You want your wife to act like a slut tonight, taking photos with her trophy man?"

I nodded and swallowed, it hadn't occurred to me she felt of Tom as a trophy catch.

"What if he tries to fuck me in the club? Would you like that?" She asked, teasing me.

"Uh ha." I said as a sweat broke on my brow.

"Love ya babe." She quickly said as she ran out the door, slamming it behind her, I could hear her laughing at the state she had left me in as her heels clicked down the tiled stairs.

I was watching TV when my phone buzzed, it was a photo message, Kat was sitting in a booth cuddled up to Tom. She looked stunning and her cleavage was definitely the star of the photo, I think she'd loosened the blouse to show off more, Tom looked like a star athlete about to finally get the cheer leader. Someone else had taken the photo so I guess she'd loosened up on the being seen with him idea too. My stomach was doing flips.

About an hour later I got another picture, a selfie taken by Tom as they danced on a crowded dance floor, Kat had a huge smile on her face and her arms were wrapped around his waist. I took it into the bathroom, got my cock out and wanked over that photo right then as I imagined my wife dancing, pressed against her lover, hoping someone she knew was in the crowd watching her.

The next text arrived and it was a close up of Kat's open thighs, I could see her stocking tops, her skirt was hitched up and Tom's huge index finger clearly buried in her snatch. Her thong was pushed to the side and he was up to the second knuckle but I could see Kat's pussy juice glistening on his finger even further up. I wanked furiously this as I lay on the lounge.

I woke to a text from Tom sometime early in the morning, it was a shot of Kat from behind as she walked up a set of stairs which I recognised as our stairwell, you could see right up her skirt, the black stocking tops highlighting her milky thighs, she looked as hot as fuck.

It was about 11am when Kat walked into the house, her hair was still in the school girl plaits but her make up was gone. She still looked as sexy as the night before, if anything a little bit sexier as she had the just fucked glow I'd started to get used to after her sessions with Tom. She beckoned me to follow her down the hall to our room, as she strutted down the hall in front of me I found my self wondering at just how I'd managed to get a woman as sexy as this to be my wife.

"Good morning." I said as I shut the door.

"It was." Kat told me as she posed in front of me in the outfit I'd bought for Tom as much as me.


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