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Kat Dennings - Nevermore

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Kat invites an old friend over to help in her garden.
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This story was written as a collaboration between myself [ Noj ] and Sammycolto. He's a great writer, so please check out his other works here on Literotica, and we hope you enjoy!

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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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Dressed in her old clothes, a red chequered shirt and black leggings, Kat was ready for a day of clearing the garden, something that was much needed and rather desperate now as the summer had turned from glorious sunshine into damp, cold days with short hours and never ending dark and dreary. Well it seemed that way anyway, the days so much shorter than they had been in the bleak December and it just made things feel so much more depressed and withdrawn. Still, it gave her time to snuggle up indoors and relax around getting filming work done. Right now the curvy brunette was just waiting for her friend Rob to arrive; she'd asked him to come and help her work today as she had some stumps to pull out and other heavy lifting to do and after a playful grumble about it he'd agreed to come over and help her out to get the garden cleared for the winter.

Her beautiful black cat stretched on the sofa and curled itself tighter, having no intention of going outside on the chilly December day with her as it closed its beaming green eyes again; she hadn't had him very long, a year or so, a new cat to replace her lost cat Lenore that had sadly passed the previous year. Kat was sure he'd be interested to go outside if he saw the stately raven strutting around on her grass, foot falls purposeful as he sought out sustenance, leaving not a feather then he fluttered, disturbed by Rob appearing on her pathway and approaching her front door. Seeing him from the window broke her from her thoughts and turned to the hall, heading out to open it before he could tap on it and invite him in from the bright but chilly day.

"Hey," he greeted him warmly as she stepped back to invite him in, shutting the door behind him as he pulled his coat off before craning up to hug him. At only 5'3 it was difficult to hug her friend who was over 6' with Rob making the effort lean down and return the embrace, having not seen her for a little while due to the time pressures of filming she'd had.

"Hey Kat, been too long," he said, breaking away from her and stretching a little.

"It has, nice to finally get time to do things, even if it is clearing the garden," she replied. She liked gardening but clearing was still a chore, but then it had to be done if she was going to grow nice things in the spring.

"Well it's good exercise outdoors I guess," he said with a smile, decked out in similarly old clothes ready to get things done. It was a bit later start than would have been ideal, clocks already at midday and the daylight already felt like it was waning though they had hours left.

"Yeah, and we'd better get going, plenty to do," she said.

"Well that's what I'm here for, ready to get nice and sweaty with you," he said, letting her take the lead and direct what she wanted done as he gave her a smile and a wink.

"Let's do it," she replied, flicking her eyebrows playfully and turning to lead him outside through the back door of the house, almost suspecting she caught another stretch of her restful cat as she did. They headed outside, grabbing some tools from her shed before getting to work on the garden which was strewn with tired grass, old leaves and bare branches that needed cutting back. There we also a couple of old stumps from trees that had previously been cut off that she needed removing which was going to be the bulk of the work.

"Where do we start?" he said, looking to her. It was her garden after all.

" about we clear up the lightweight stuff first, get that all out the way?" she said, meaning the leaves and grass. After all, getting that clear would mean they weren't walking through it constantly as they went about the garden. He nodded his agreement and they went to work with the rakes and bags, clearing up all the wet, dead leaves and pieces of decayed plant life from the grass and around the periphery of the garden space. Though a simple job it seemed to eat time and once they were finished it was going on two in the afternoon, bags filled and grass thoroughly raked out to clear it for fresh growth.

"Right, that's a good job", she said, surveying the garden which looked considerably tidier now. Despite the cold they were both warm, the exertion keeping them more than hot enough in the weak December light, shadows already creeping over the garden.

"Yeah, what next?" he asked.

"Well, I'll drag these out the way if you want to get started on those bushes? I want to get branches down and it's the perfect time with everything having died back," she said, pointing to the large loppers stood against the wall at the side of her house.

"Sure," he said, dragging a bag back to the house on his way to collect them. Kat was dragging the big bags out the way as he walked back, catching a quick glance at her curvy ass as he passed her, admiring her shape; he loved her curvy figure and had harboured a thing for her for as long as they'd known each other but they'd never got together at any point and they were just friends. He wasn't hung up about it though, he was disappointed they'd never explored it. She knew full well he'd wanted to take things further which she understood but that was it, she loved things as they were and had never let that mystery explore. He got started on the trees, lopping branches back as she'd indicated and motored through the first of the shrubs, Kat coming back over to him with another bag to collect the offcuts. She could barely pick them up as fast as he was hacking it back, fumbling around him as he went rapidly at the bush, lopping it back efficiently as she laughed and grabbed handfuls of the sticks tumbling onto the wet grass.

"Slow down!" she playfully chided, bundling the cuttings into the rapidly filling bag.

"Bet you don't say that to guys very often," he teased, looking at her with a smile and flick of his eyebrows. She laughed heartily with a glance up to him, gathering up handfuls from the ground and straightening up to deposit them in the bag.

"Not often, no," she replied boldly, never a shrinking violet. He scanned the shrub and cut a few further branches back, pretty sure that things were about done before moving on to the next part of the garden.

"Certainly not right now," she mused at a more curious volume, seemingly as much to herself as to him as she worked.

"No?" he questioned gently, just wanting to let her speak if she intended to.

"Not right now, no. Seems so hard to meet people," she said, more directly now, engaging him once more as he stayed focused on his task chopping down the trees.

"I hear that, seems once you get away from college and stuff it's impossible to meet anyone real," he replied.

"Right? All I meet are other people on set and some of the guys are just...they need a mirror, not a girlfriend," she said, hesitating no longer and letting her evident frustration tumble out. He couldn't help but laugh, knowing exactly the kind of guys she was referencing; there was certainly enough of them, men and women, around L.A.

"You've got me right here though, so you're all good," he said with a wink, smiling at her as he turned back to what he was doing.

"Yeah, and with wood too," she said, making him glance back to see her holding up one of the sticks from the trees. He laughed as he repositioned himself to attack another part of the tree, going more serious again.

"Seems meeting someone genuine as you get older just gets more difficult. Don't know how because we all know somebody still single, you'd think everything would just work out or something," he said, clipping energetically at the branches as Kat gathered them up to finish filling the bag they'd been working on. Taking a breath, she undid her chequered shirt given how warm they were getting, the physical exercise getting to her.

"Hollywood for you," she muttered with finality. The cut back the trees which despite his speed seemed to take another hour and several more bags, the debris just piling up as things went quiet between them for a bit, sound only of the wind and nothing more. Kat caught herself eyeing him when he wasn't looking, taking in his good looks that had got more rugged as he'd got a bit older and energy as he helped to clear her garden. She wondered what else he could do with that energy then pushed the fleeting thought from her mind.

"Right, now we just need to get rid of these stumps," Kat said, resuming focus and surveying the two moderate sized remains of trees in her yard, the trees themselves having been cut down months earlier. He got a spade and pick axe from her venerable collection of gardening tools as she once again cleared the bags out the way and got digging. He dug down around with the spade and then got to work with the pick, breaking roots and hacking underneath the base of the stump to weaken it ready for them to haul it out.

"You're getting a lot of free labour out of me here you know," he commented, sweat beading on his brow despite the cold in the bleak December air, weak sunlight already struggling and throwing deep shadows on the ground.

"We're doing some gardening work, you said you'd help," she countered lightly.

"It's unreasonable. It'd cost you plenty to pay for this kinda action you know," he said with an unseen smile as he continued to hack and pry at the stump.

"Hey come on, I can pay you something for this. How much do you want, I appreciate you helping me out here," she offered, surprised since he'd done her favours before but didn't want to take advantage of him.

"No I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he said as he looked up to her with a smile, his amusement clear.

"Good, because I wasn't really gonna pay you," she laughed in return, sticking her tongue out a bit as he caught his breath a moment, wiggling the stump and figuring it was ready.

"Let's give this thing a go," he said, grabbing hold of it to pull it out. Kat stepped in to help and between them they wrenched and twisted at it, yanking it a certain amount and struggling to free it, Kat getting quite into it as she pulled at it. He couldn't help but steal a glance at her fantastic chest, her enormous tits straining at the black shirt she had on under the red one, outline of her bra clearly visible through the thin fabric as her huge DD breasts strained against it.

"Hold on," he said, leaving her to it and taking the pickaxe again, jamming it underneath and using the handle to lever it against the ground. With a groan it stretched, fought against them and finally gave way with a crack, the last deep roots breaking, stump surging suddenly from the ground so Kat stumbled back and practically fell over. She let out a little whoop of joy, glad the stump was finally out, supporting it so he could take it off her and drag it over to the bags ready to be taken away.

"One down," Kat said as he walked back to pick up the tools again, another stump left to clear as the day faded away around them. The time seemed to have gone so fast, an afternoons work racing by.

"One to go, let's make this one quick," he said, getting straight to work digging it out. It was older, weaker, the tree having been dying when Kat had opted to get it cut off so the stump had a much more slender hold upon the earth.

"Tell you what, you can have a shower after all this, how about that?" she said as he worked at the remains of the tree.

"You gonna come join me in it?" he teased.

"Don't push it," she admonished. He just smiled wider and carried on digging.

"A shower sounds good, especially after this," he said, hotly taking a moment before carrying on. The stumps were hard work and didn't want to give up, even this half dead one, and it took longer than hoped to finally break it free and yank it from the ground. As he worked, Kat waited, hands on the leftovers of the tree and looked up to see the raven on the roof of her house, the ebony bird beguiling her, waiting to swoop back into the garden and prey on the worms turned over in the freshly exposed wounds they had rended on the earth.

"Finally," Kat said as they tore the final stump from the garden, Rob manhandling it fairly effortlessly over to the piles of other cuttings and debris from their afternoons work.

"Quite a job," he said, surveying the garden with the fading light, their footprints compressed all over the soaked grass, looking much clearer and tidier now.

"Yeah, but a job well done, let's get cleared up," she replied. He followed her in clearing up the last of the earth on the grass and scrubbed off the tools, helping her pack them away before, with a satisfied look, she beckoned him inside. With a last glance at the darkened garden, realising just how much the sun had dipped, he followed her to the door and kicked his boots off to head inside. It was nice to get inside from the cold breeze, realising how chilly it had been outside despite the heat from his exertion, Kat pulling off her black beanie hat to free her long dark hair.

"Want a beer?" she asked, holding one out to him.

"Yeah thanks," he said, taking it despite it only being the afternoon. He needed it, they needed it seemingly as she grabbed another out and uncapped it, wasting not a moment in slugging it deeply. He did much the same, discarding the cap onto her worktop and drinking straight from the bottle, realising how much he needed that cold, crisp beer as it washed down his throat. Not a word passed between them save the glugs of them downing their beers, Kat pausing with hers to watch him just neck the bottle, a slight smile on her big lips as he killed the bottle and stood it aside, looking refreshed and pleased with himself.

"Better?" she enquired.

"Much better, damn I needed that," he said, standing the bottle aside.

"You can have another if you like?" she offered. She had plenty.

"I'll go grab that shower first," he said, realising how uncomfortable he felt as he cooled down. He needed to get out of his old clothes and under a hot jet of water.

"Sure, this way," she said, standing her beer aside and leading the way to her room, pointing out her bathroom on the way.

"You can change in here, there's a towel in the bathroom so just go right in there," she said before leaving him to it and heading back to her beer in the kitchen. He watched her go and then gratefully stripped off, relief at finally being free of his old clothes which he hung out the way on a chair she had so they might air a bit as he showered off. It was odd being naked in her house, but she wasn't spying on him and he casually walked to the bathroom and closed the door, figuring out the shower and setting it going to warm up. Sliding under the spray, he gave a sigh of pleasure, the hot jet cascading over him a welcome sensation to his tired body. He shuddered as the warmth spread through him, the heat such a contrast to the cold he'd been in all afternoon, water rushing over him and blocking all sound and sensation from the outside. Grabbing some shower gel from the rack she had in the corner, he soaped himself up and rinsed down under the cascade, feeling immediately better and more refreshed. Leaning against the wall, he just let the soothing hot water run over his shoulders and down his body as he took a deep, steamy breath and let his body unwind.

That was until he head the bathroom door open, the distinct sound of the latch as the handle turned and the door opened. A little startled, wondering what on earth she wanted as he was showering, he turned and pulled the curtain back to look out, seeing Kat stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She was wrapped in a large white towel, turning to look him straight in the eye, holding his gaze for a palpable moment before she pulled it open to expose her gorgeous curves in all their naked glory, purposefully holding her arms out straight to fully show herself off before letting the towel drop to the floor at her feet. He could only stare and then step back as she stepped to the tub, giving her room to get in as he held the curtain back out the way for her.

She hadn't been entirely sure about this; they'd flirted and joked around before and she knew he had a thing for her but they'd never taken it any further than that. They were good friends and whilst there had been points where they might have dated it had never happened, they'd never randomly hooked up after a drunken night together or just given it a try to see what happened. She'd gone back to the kitchen and sipped at her own beer as she had contemplated it, the idea crossing her mind as he'd got into the shower to do as he'd jokingly suggested and go join him. She wanted a shower anyway, not that that was why she was thinking about it; he'd teased about doing unpaid work for her and though he'd refused her money she did want to pay him back for it...and she hadn't been fucked in months. It'd been way too long since a guy had taken her to task and frankly she missed it. Right now she had the perfect opportunity to get it...if she made a move. She'd sipped her beer, realising she had moments to make it happen if she was going to do it and in that second had decided she wanted it, she just did and being with him wouldn't be the worst idea she'd ever had. Draining her beer quickly, she'd hurried to the bedroom quietly and stripped off naked, wrapping herself in the towel to go and join him - and so there she was.

"Hey," he said, mind struggling as his cock already gave a strain as blood flowed to it, taking in her beautiful body and enormous soft tits, leading into the curves of her waist and neatly shaved pussy.

"Hey," she said, stepping in close and sliding her hands onto his waist as she pulled herself in under the tumbling water.

"Decided to join me then," he said, gathering himself a little after his surprise, delighted she was in the shower with him, mind racing in equal pace with his heart which worked to pump blood to his expanding erection and helped lift it up to press against her tummy.

"Yeah. I wanted to say thank you for coming over and helping me out, I really appreciate it...and I know this is something you've wanted for a long time," she purred softly, quiet but meaningful.

" is," he replied earnestly, no jokes now. He couldn't believe she was there, naked in front of him in the shower having just hopped in to stand easily before him.

"So take me," she whispered, looking up to hold his gaze, her big blue eyes piercing into his in that final moment where he could resist her, as if he would. Kat gave a little smile, a hint of a grin as she held it back, almost overtaken by the humour of it all in that moment even as her heart thumped. Leaning down he kissed her passionately, just going for it and pressing his lips to hers as his tongue delved into her mouth, Kat returning it eagerly, just ready for him. They kissed hungrily beneath the shower, water wetting her beautiful body as he pulled her underneath it, his arms around her strong and primal, lust taking over as he drew her against him, hand sliding straight down to grab a confident handful of her ass.

Kat murmured in pleasure and slight surprise as he really took her, seeming unleashed as everything he had dared to dream of was offered to him, his hands all over her, squeezing and stroking her curvaceous body as the water tumbled over them. She gasped loudly and shivered as he pressed her back against the cold tiled wall of the shower, her whole body shuddering as she almost withered in front of him, arms pulled into his body as he leaned on the tiles beside her, their mouths still connected, kisses hungry and frantic as their tongues entwined in a delectable dual. His hands wasted no further time in going to her chest, both of them grabbing her phenomenal tits, squeezing them firmly, pushing them up and together as he felt their firmness and weight; they were absolutely huge and he'd dreamed about having this moment at times, dreams no mortal dared to dream, his hands massaging them, fingers taking in her silky skin as her hardened nipples pressed into his palms.

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