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Kate Middleton Likes It Rough Pt. 04

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Kate takes on a diplomatic problem.
4.2k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 12/24/2019
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Note- I do not know much of the islands of Antigua and Barbuda, except the devastation after Hurricane Irma. It's just an excuse to hang a story on. Neither do I suppose to know of Kate Middleton's personal life and views. It's all fiction.


London, January 2020.

Like most American females, Meghan Markle will have grown up dreaming of being a Princess and residing in a fairy tale castle. So it came as something of a shock when she married Prince Harry that the reality being a modern day Princess was a lot more mundane.

Visiting civic centres and schools were not what she had imagined at all, and the English weather left a lot to be desired.

Instead of jetting off to the Bahamas or New York City to watch a game of tennis or sunbathe was not on the agenda and this fact was brought home by the other unexpected thing in her new life. Her sister in law, Kate Middleton.


Now more than ever Kate was THE jewel in the Queen's crown and Meghan and Harry had reluctantly decided to walk away from royal duties. Kate and husband Prince William were now in the assent and wallowed in the moment.

Besides being labeled dull, boring and negative Kate could not put a foot wrong now. She was always professional in her dealings with the press, something Meghan had failed miserably at, and the Duchess of Cambridge had changed into a graceful and confident mother of three and quite rightly had risen to be Her Majesty's favourite. And she intended to stay there.


Kate was aware of the island of St. Bart's as her sister Pippa and her husband had owned an hotel that had been severely damaged in 2017. Hurricane Irma had wreaked havoc in the Caribbean as it blew through Anguilla, St. Martin and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda still remain members of the British Commonwealth and Her Majesty, Elizabeth II is the country's Queen and head of state.


In their advanced roles in State duties Kate and William played hosts to delegates of the damaged islands, in particular Barbuda which remained uninhabited since the hurricane. Their were three bones of contention in the country's government and the continuing disagreement had led to a complete deadlock. Eager to please Her Majesty, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wanted to support the Queen in light of Harry's decision to step back and help strengthen national and international unity.


So, the Prime Minister of the islands had sent two of his parliamentarian emissaries to London to hash out the necessary steps to inhabit Barbuda again and raise the £150 million to restore it. The royal couple had asked the Queen if they might spend a day and night with the visitors in an attempt to sway opinion. Her Majesty had agreed heartily, especially in the light of Harry and Meghan retreating from royal duties which had occurred immediately. x

Kate and her family resided in Apartment 1A in their London home of Kensington Palace. It had twenty rooms in four storeys, and in addition, five reception rooms and bedrooms.

"Welcome to our home." Said Kate with that radiant smile of hers.

As Mister John Nelson and Mister Vivian Bailey arrived they were ushered into one of the reception rooms where they were given a warm welcome with an impressive spread.

Sandwiches, cake and fruit lined a wooden table in the room which had been decorated with Kate's approval. It was a sophisticated cream colour scheme, with gold accents and floral prints.

"Do help yourself, gentlemen. I want to see a clear table before we're done."

Kate spread her hands and sat on one of two matching sofas. She looked resplendent in a simple summer dress and knee high Saint Laurent black boots. Her glossy long hair hung loose and fell about her shoulders in teased waves.

"This is all very pleasant. Thank you, ma'am." Said Bailey with a light bow.

"We're simply delighted to receive you, and we shall do our utmost to try to unify our special relationship."

William sat beside his attractive wife and accepted a cup of tea from one of the waiters.

"With respect, Sir. we must expedite matters in order to rehouse those unfortunate citizens who were forced to abandon their homes, and indeed the island of Barbuda."

Although English speaking they both had the slightest of accents. John Nelson was at least six feet five with a receding hairline and six o'clock shadow. He appeared to be at least forty in Kate's estimation, perhaps a little older than Vivian Bailey who had a more robust presence and thicker hair. Both were obviously of African descent and had the darkest complexions Kate had ever seen. They looked stiff and uncomfortable in their black suits and crisp white shirts as they helped themselves to sandwiches.

"Indeed, most unfortunate circumstances I'm sure." Said Kate in a sympathetic tone. "Why my own sister and her husband have had rotten luck on the island of St. Bart's."

"Unfortunately our parliament is split in two as many are of the view that the island of Barbuda is totally beyond repair, myself included."

The government had thrashed out a step by step recovery plan that had divided parliament. In particular the first three steps needed to progress further.

"Is there really no way you can agree on any of the three steps?" Asked William genuinely concerned.

"No, Sir. It would take a very wily fox to change my view."

Or vixen, thought Kate wistfully. After an hour of conversation and discourse William called for a break and summoned aides to show the two men their personal rooms for the night.


"We must do everything we can to settle this dispute. It would be a huge feather in our cap in Grand Mama's eyes."

William and Kate had gone to the bedroom of the Prince and were putting their heads together as the clock ticked.

"Agreed. Now Harry and that American strumpet have left for Canada we need to impress Her Majesty at the earliest convenience."

William sighed and nodded. Relations between his younger brother and he were at an all time low and their bond had still not recovered from the moment Meghan had entered the picture.

Kate brushed her hair in front of the mirror and frowned.

"These two are certainly stubborn. I'm at a loss as to how to persuade one or the other."

Kate turned to her husband with a twinkle in her brown eyes.

"Maybe we can have them both agree at the same time, but separately."

"I don't follow, darling."

"I have an idea. I'll visit each fellow individually and negotiate on a one to one basis. Then I'll relay the updates as and when they occur and inform the other."

"You, Kate?"

"Do you not approve?"

The Duchess stood to her full height of five feet nine and showed off her waspish figure.

"Darling, I have some reservations about this," said William.

"Don't worry about a thing. What we need is the gentle touch."

She fluffed up her hair and straightened her dress.

"I think that I can persuade them."

With a wink and a grin and a wiggle of her bottom Kate left William alone. He raised his eyes to the ceiling as if to say, here we go again.


Kate walked down to the narrow corridor where the two guest rooms were. She greeted the security agent who stood to attention.

"Evening, Jeremy. As you were. I cannot stress how important it is that we welcome these emissaries warmly. I intend to negotiate with each in turn and I need you to make yourself scarce for an hour. Do I make myself clear? I am not to be disturbed at any time."

"Totally understood, ma'am."

The tall figure excused himself with a bow and Kate knocked on the door of Nelson's room and waited until he opened the door.

"My Lady?"

"Good evening, may I come in!"

"But of course. I was just checking my messages."

Kate made a note of the time. Ten. She gave herself an hour to do the deed. Nelson was still in his suit as Kate entered and she sat down in one of the plush armchairs. The room was studious besides having a twin bed and had dark wooden furniture and drawn curtains.

"How may I be of assistance?"

"I must confess that I am lacking in the skill of diplomacy but I came here in the hope of persuading you and Mister Bailey to come to an amicable agreement."

"I don't really see how that may come to be, ma'am."

"Do you find me attractive, Mister Nelson?"

The ebony skinned man looked horrified at the forthright and unexpected question and wiped his brow.

"I don't understand."

"Oh, it's just me. i have this fascination with men of a darker complexion as it were. May I be frank?"

"Please do."

"I would very much like to suck your cock. There, I've said it. If you wish me to leave then I shall."

"You, you would do that?"

"Gladly. On one condition."


"That you give some consideration for agreeing to step number one of the proposal."

Kate got up from the seat and came over to where Nelson was seated. As she began to unbuckle the belt of his trousers butterflies crept up his stomach.

"My, my. This is a very stuffed fly."

Nelson felt the full gamut of emotions. Panic, guilt, fear and arousal. Kate tugged his trousers down his long shanks and fished inside his underpants for his organ.

"But the Prince! Is he aware?"

"Don't concern yourself with my husband. Are you married?"

'Yes," he gulped.

"Your wife is a very lucky woman then."

Kate tilted her head and her loose waves curled around her face. She leaned in close as she went down onto her haunches and studied the man's erection. The bumps and veins seemed to pulse on the dark surface as she came even closer. Swollen and throbbing in her face the Duchess grinned in approval as she squeezed the midnight black shaft.

"Such big balls too."

The scheming brunette grazed his plum sized testicles with her pursed lips and rolled the identical balls in her hands. Nelson grimaced in acute pleasure as her long fingernails scratched the sensitive flesh of his perineum.

"Oh, sweet lord!"

Kate chuckled as she traced a straight line up the underside of his hot shaft and then went back down the dark stretched skin to the base. His huge bell end already leaked pre cum as he desperately wished her to suck the purple hued head.

"Please, ma'am. I am begging you."

"Hmm, are you beginning to ponder the possibility of giving step one your consent?"

"Most assuredly, most assuredly."

"Glad to hear it, Mister Nelson. Now, where was I?"

Kate lifted her head and in a trice she had the big bell end in her mouth. Nelson shuddered in his seat as the Duchess worked on his glans with deliberately loud sucking sounds. All the time her eyes never left his as she angled her head to let the cock head make her left cheek swell out.


Kate began to bob up and down on her shoes in her crouched position and sucked on the dick harder and faster. Saliva dripped from her mouth and down to his balls as her oral assault made the islander whimper in delight. Then she began to slack off and slowly she rose back off his glistening dick. As it twitched and bobbled she gently blew cool air on the tip and stood.

"Did you enjoy that?"

"My Lady, it was wonderful. May we resume?"

"Hold that thought, Mister Nelson. I just need a moment."

Nelson bordered on the edge of madness and frustration as the royal enchantress withdrew and left him holding the baby.


Kate tottered on her high heeled boots to the next door along and rapped on the door. So far, so good. Vivian Bailey peered around the half open door and showed surprise at the sight of English seductress.

"I have news, Mister Bailey. May I?"

Kate marched in and stood boldly in the centre of the room, tapping her left boot.

"Now see here, Mister Bailey. I've had a nice chat with Mister Nelson and on behalf of Her Majesty and the Commonwealth I've made some headway with him on ticking off step one."

"And how exactly did you manage that, My Lady?"

Bailey raised an eyebrow and wondered what the Duchess had that others lacked.

"By means of this."

The Duchess of Cambridge crossed her arms, took the hem of her dress and drew it off over her head. She stood in just panties and boots and lifted her chin up seductively.

"If you assent to step number one, only the first step mind, I'll let you lick my pussy for a full ten minutes."

Without waiting for the man's response Kate dropped her panties and walked over to one of the armchairs. There she sat, leaned back and lifted her legs over the arms of the chair, displaying her bared Mons.

"The clock is ticking."

"Just step one?"

"Correct, in the name of diplomacy."

Bailey exhaled deeply and bent down in front of the fragrant Duchess and stared at her lightly covered pussy. His big black hands slid in from the outsides of her slim thighs until he reached the exposed prize. As he breathed in her scent his cock strained in his pants as he licked the puffy outer lips and tasted the moisture there.

"Mmm, nice."

With time of the essence he lightly slid his tongue over and around the labia and Kate shivered accordingly. She moaned softly as he darted inside the pink interior of her quim and pressed his nose into her pubes. Her right hand came on top of his head and she clamped her legs tightly to his face. With his head buried in her sex he lapped greedily at her sex and his spit dampened her inner thighs. The heels of her expensive boots dug into his shoulder blades as her legs jerked uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes, yes, oh yes!"

His fulsome lips covered her entire pussy and his tongue explored her honey pot with rapid flicks.

"Time is up, Mister Bailey."

"My Lady!" Bailey cried as he leaned back. "Before you withdraw would it be permissible for me to enter you?"

The man had gotten his boner out and was rubbing his aching member in furious arousal, desperate to plunder her cunt.

"I presume you are in agreement with step one. How about step two?"

Kate looked down between her splayed legs and noted the copious amount of spittle on her sex and thighs.

"Step two! It would be a struggle to agree to such a proposal."

"Pity, my pussy is most succulent and juicy. It would be a pity if Mister Nelson were to partake, if you will, before yourself."

Kate was wallowing in the moment. As predicted she had both men eating out of her hand, or was that her pussy?

"Very well. Just put it in the one time."

Kate held her pose on the chair and steeled herself for his prodigious knob to penetrate her. She held onto the edge of the seat and bit her lower lip. His thick girth stretched her out as he steadily drove on in and Kate gasped softly. Although unwilling he pulled out and left her pussy lips still parted despite his withdrawal.

"Right. Entertain yourself while you think on your decision. I shall be back momentarily to hear your resolution."


Kate emerged from Bailey's room into the empty corridor and knocked on the door of Nelson once more. As he opened it she burst in without waiting on ceremony. The man was flabbergasted at the incredible sight of the naked Duchess.

"I've tried and tried but I cannot find a single thing to wear!"

"My Lady!"

Kate laughed at her own joke and moved nearer to the tall man.

"Truth is I've spoken to Mister Bailey and he has agreed on step one. I think I can bend his will to accepting step two. But only if you were to comply as well."

"It may be possible."

He looked at the naked Kate who looked firm and fit with just a hint of a three time mothers tummy and salivated. Her breasts were perfectly shaped, not too big, nor too small, and her legs seemed to never quit. Her narrow waist was probably her best asset, he thought as he watched her idly toying her dewy pubes.

"I was hoping you might see sense."

Kate walked over to one of the chairs and placed her leg on one of the arms and thrust out her spectacular bottom back and up.

"I'll let you fuck me with that big black cock for ten minutes if you agree to step two. What do you say, oh! Cheeky!"

The rampant islander had stripped off and was right behind her in ten seconds flat. He aligned his huge erection with Kate's wetness and pushed in.

"Oh my word, that IS big!"

The lean and well hung black man looked down at the Duchess and his eyes lingered on her alabaster body as he thrust forward and drove his iron hard cock in and out. He ran his hands down her spine, around her hips and up to caress the sublime contours of her bouncing tits. Kate dipped her head and her long hair fell across her pretty face. The man was now fucking her with strong pelvic thrusts that made his groin smash into her buns which rippled from the heavy contact.

"Harder, fuck this white slut harder, damn you!"

Nelson groaned. The wife of the English Prince was a cock hungry whore! Rising to the occasion, pun intended, he spanked her cheeks one by one, making her cry out in surprise. Her pale buttocks were spotted with bright red as he beat out a tattoo on her derriere and banged in and out.

"Feels, feels so...good!"

As his tempo increased he realised that his rough pushes knocked her forwards on each in stroke. Then he reached over and grabbed a healthy fistful of her hair and pulled her head back and up.

"YES! Treat me rough!"

Her whole body trembled from the persistent and deep thrusting and she was reluctant to put a stop to proceedings, but circumstances demanded her to show a strong will.


Kate extracted his cock from her steaming pussy and stood up and pouted.

"So, do you accede to step two? If so we can certainly continue our amusement."

"My Lady, you have my word."

The man's gaze never left her bewitching behind as she spoke and as she went to the door he literally drooled at the alluring sight.

"I think I have Mister Bailey up to speed. Give me ten minutes with him alone and then join us in his room."


Again Kate entered the next door bedroom and was delighted to see the very naked Bailey sat in an armchair and wanking happily. Kate was mesmerised by the sight of his upright prick in his fist and as her avid gaze drank him in her moist pussy yearned to be ravished. Before entering she had the foresight to take a pit stop and oil up her nether holes with a generous dollop of lubricant.

"Allow me." Kate climbed up onto the lap of the wide eyed Bailey who leered at her bare behind as she turned her slender frame away from him. She straddled his thighs and steered the bloated tip of his dick to her mouth watering fuck hole. Her hips wiggled as she sank down onto his rigid black pole and her panting became ragged and shallow.

"I have on board, oh fuck! Mmm...Mister Nelson on, on steps one and two."

Bailey grunted as he impaled the elegant Duchess on his love bone.


The thick cock vanished inside her heavenly depths and her juices gushed out and bathed his shaft. The white expanse of her flesh contrasted starkly with his coal black torso and legs. Her head snapped back and the curtain of her long tresses brushed his stomach as she moaned sweetly and rode his monster black club reverse cowgirl.


The fullness of him inside her was intense and taken by sheer lust Kate moved back and forth rapidly. Kate yelped as she was forced onto her right side as Bailey shifted the pair of them into a scissor position on the sofa. She flung her left boot over his left flank and rocked her hips as he fucked her. Her cunt throbbed with desire as he shunted to and fro, his hands pawing her luscious tits. Perspiration beaded her brow as his cock lunged deeply into her lustfully and waves of pleasure surged through her.

"And you, Mister Bailey?"

"Certainly, most certainly. I endorse step two most heartily. Thank you, thank you!"

Just then the door opened and the six foot plus figure of the other emissary strolled in, stark bollock naked.

"Ah, Mister Nelson. Do come in and join the party."


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