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Katrina Ch. 07

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Final chapter, getting married and other things.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 09/26/2013
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This story is seven chapters. This is the final chapter. You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story.


The following morning Jeff dropped me off at home and said he had to go back to the base and finish his last three weeks of duty. He promised me he would call me whenever he got the chance. He was true to his word and called me at least three times a week during his remaining service, just to talk or tell me how much he loved and missed me. I always ended our conversations with, "I love you Jeffrey! I really do."

Life for me became even busier than it already was. On top of being a busy mother, I was working the night shift and still taking the courses to improve myself. I was also doing some wedding planning with my mother and Jeff's mom.

Needless to say the three weeks flew by and now Jeff was home and he promised to always be there for me. He stayed at his parents' house but we saw each other most every day. He took me out, brought me flowers, told me daily that he loved me. I could hardly believe how much he loved Alecia and she loved him. One day I swear, I heard her say Dada and it brought tears to my eyes.

Jeff looked over at me and smiled. He asked me if he could be put on her birth certificate as her father. I did check into it but was told that the only way it could be changed was by proof of DNA. Needless to say that couldn't happen. I heard him talking to Alecia and calling her his 'Little Sweet pea' and she smiled at him. He told me he was going to adopt her as soon as we got married.

We were both busy, but found time to make love at least once a week. Sometimes it was just a quickie session when we had the chance. We always found time for kissing and cuddling, though. Just being together made me a much happier person. Everyone at the hospital noticed. My male friends stopped hitting on me which I was happy about. I honestly wanted no one but Jeff.

One day we sat down and talked and it was a heart to heart talk. I told him I was so sorry for all the mistakes I had made and hoped that he was able to understand. The only good things to come out of my past, was Alecia and him and I didn't want to lose either one. I told him he was the sexiest, good looking, most honorable and nicest man I have ever met. I think it embarrassed him a little but I meant every word.

It was then that he told me he hadn't always been so honorable. I wasn't sure what he meant and he said that he kind of went ballistic after I told him I was living with Matt and was pregnant. He went on a sexual binge and screwed any woman available. Many were married, but he didn't care. He screwed them hard and fast, mostly to get back at me, which he said was so stupid, since I didn't even know.

He had received different medals for bravery but he said he wasn't being brave. He just didn't care and put himself out there. "It was a very mixed up time for me," he said. "I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I guess, I didn't realize how much you meant to me."

I grabbed him and held him tight and apologized to him, knowing it was my fault. He said when he heard that I had left Matt and moved back home, he pretty much stopped his sexual antics. After coming home, the first time he saw me, he knew he was going to fight for me if he needed to.

"I want to lay it all on the table. You need to know that I had sex with Lisa; she was my first. I wish it could have been you, but you know how your mom was with you dating."

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.

"Because I don't want any secrets between us. I don't want you to see Lisa some day and she might say something about it. She never liked you, you know. She was always jealous of you and probably saw what everyone else saw in us."

"Have you seen or talked to her since you graduated?"

"She wrote to me while I was overseas. She did say she would never forget me. I received a Dear John letter from her one day, saying she had found her soul mate. It was kind of odd, seeing as she was never really my girl. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

I thought for a few seconds, wondering if this was a good or bad time to let this all out. Jeff was honest with me so I decided to do the same.

"I thought I loved Matt, but I didn't. I just wanted to have fun and experience life. It started out as fun but when I got pregnant, it all changed. I had to grow up so fast. Matt was an asshole and when he gave me to his friends, I hated him. Brad and Tony drugged me and then used me and I know that but I went along once it started and enjoyed it.

"I learned the difference between having sex and making love the first time I was with you. Making love is way better than sex alone," I said to Jeff. "You were the only person to perform oral sex on me. I couldn't believe how good it felt. God I love you, so much!"


Jeff was going to the police academy daily. As I mentioned earlier, it was a seven month program for him, seeing he had been an MP in the Air Force. He did tell me that he had also been a sniper. Needless to say it shook me up a bit. A sniper oversees and a MP at home; being a police officer was what he had always talked about. It had always been his dream.

After he had been home about a month, my mother said she and Dr. Benet wanted to take the two of us out for dinner. I asked her what this was about and she said she would tell me at dinner. I mentioned it to Jeff and he was a bit surprised, also. We set a day and time and met them at the Holiday Inn dining room. I had to laugh, when Jeff asked me if we should get a room since we were already here.

Mom and Dr. Benet both worked at the hospital. He had lost his wife to cancer about four years ago. He and Mom dated some over the last few years. Some rumors at work said they were a couple but I just figured it was shop talk. A lot of rumors were always floating around the hospital. Besides I would have thought Mom would have said something to me.

We all sat at the table and Mom introduced Jeff to Dr. Ross Benet. He was a decent looking man and a few years older than my mom. We ordered a drink and then Mom told us why we were there.

"Trina, Ross has asked me to marry him. I told him I couldn't without the approval of my kids. I already talked to Lori and Pete and that's why we're here tonight. I asked for Jeff to be here, since he will soon be part of the family."

I got up and gave my mom a hug. I know my eyes were filled with tears. She deserved a better life, than she had received. I asked her when she was planning on getting married; it was still six months till Jeff and I would be getting married.

"Ross and I were thinking of going to Las Vegas next week. We would get married and stay there for a week. We will both take a week of vacation time, but we do have a few problems, before we take the big step."

Ross was sitting there listening to Mom speak. He was holding her hand, which was shaking. This was a side of her I never saw. I could tell that he really cared for her by the way he was looking at her with love in his eyes. It was then I noticed he had bought her a nice diamond engagement ring. He was known as a gentle but stern doctor.

"What kind of problems, Mom?" I asked.

"Ross wants me to move into his house. He has a beautiful home in Warren. The kids would each have their own room but would have to change schools. Petey (that's what my Mom has always called my younger brother) said he would love to move and go to a new school, but Lori has just finished her junior year and wants to finish her senior year with her friends."

"Tell Lori to suck it up! Mom, you deserve a better life and Dr. Benet is a great catch." Ross smiled at me. "Don't let Lori dictate your future. Let me talk to her."

"I can't do that to her. She's a good girl and she has a point. She has had the same friends throughout all of her years of schooling. Ross has come up with an idea that we want to suggest to you and Jeff. I know you two are still wondering where you will be living after you get married. Ross suggested instead of selling or renting our house that we let you and Jeff live there rent free till you get on your feet."

"Mom, that would be great. I love our house. I grew up there and so did Jeff." Jeff had to smile this time.

"Hold on, I'm not finished. There's a catch here. We would like to know, if Lori could live with you till she finishes high school? We mentioned the idea to her and she loved it. She has always looked up to you even though at times I don't know why." My mom smiled at me.

Lori really was a good sister and she was a straight 'A' student. She would be going to college after high school. She was already taking college courses for pre-law. My little sister wanted to be a lawyer.

"Mrs. Whiting, if I may say something," said Jeff. "I would have no problem with Lori staying in the same house with us and Alecia. It's just that the rules would have to be set and she would have to follow the rules set by you and Trina."

"We told Lori the same thing. That if she didn't listen or follow the rules that she would have to move in with me and change schools. She promised to follow the rules, but being a teenager she would still have to be watched," Mom said looking over at me.

"Mom, I can tell you that I wouldn't let Lori have free reign. I think we can work this out."

"There's one more thing which I would never have thought I would say. You know how I feel about people playing house before getting married. I hated it when you moved in with Matt but as you know, I didn't say too much about it. Sorry Jeff, I had to say it. In this case I was wondering, if Jeff could move in and help take care of my girls? I'd feel a lot better if I knew there was someone watching over you, Lori and helping with Alecia."

Jeff looked at me. This would mean we could be together and see each other a lot more often. We each had our schedules of things we had to do but we could also cuddle and make love more often. I loved this suggestion from mom. It would be easier on Jeff and I in the long run.

"I promise, I will take care of your girls, Mrs. Whiting," Jeff was trying to hold back a smile.

Mom looked at him and shook her head and said, "God help us." We all laughed. "Just so you know, I'll be stopping by a few times a week to see how things are going and to see my beautiful granddaughter."


Mom and Ross got married and we had the rules for Lori to follow and Pete also, when he stayed with us. They found out pretty quick that it wasn't going to be a giant party. Pete said it was easier living with Mom. It made me laugh.

After Mom and Ross came back from Las Vegas she stopped by almost every evening after work and checked on us, as well as taking some of her personal things. Pete moved out the following week. He took most of his stuff in a couple of trips. Ross brought him over to get his things. It was good to see a good man that Pete could look up to. He was at an age that he would need some male guidance.

Ross and his wife never had children. They fostered kids until she was diagnosed with cancer and eventually died. Pete said that Ross's house was really nice and that they even had a hot tub.

When Mom talked to Lori she asked her how things were going and Lori told her that I was stricter than she had been and that actually made me proud. Looking back, Mom was a great role model who did the best she could for us. Lori did say that she was happy that she could spend her senior year at the same high school.

I still worked Friday through Monday on the midnight shift. It worked the best for me. Jeff attended the academy Monday through Friday. We had our evenings together. Mrs. White watched Alecia whenever we needed her. It was surprising that Jeff took care of her on the weekends while I slept. It took a couple of weeks to get used to our timetable but it was working out well. Lori helped us out too, by starting dinner and watching Alecia.

It was wonderful cuddling up to Jeff in the evenings. Once in a while on the weekend he would sneak in the bedroom while I was sleeping, when it was time for me to get up and lay next to me. It always ended up with some kind of sex. He would do me orally, since he knew I loved it or sometimes he would get behind me, get me wet and then take me. He always told me how lucky he was to have me back in his life again and how much he loved me.

To bring in a little extra money Jeff would work "events." He was basically like a cop, but he said it was more like a security guard. What was nice is that he would get Lori and I free tickets to these events. Usually Mom would watch Alecia on those nights. Sometimes she asked to keep her overnight.

Needless to say we had a very busy schedule. We continued to plan our wedding with my mom as well as Jeff's mom. It was going to be somewhat of a small wedding, but the guest list seemed to keep growing. Everyone at the hospital wanted to be there since they knew me, Ross and Mom.

At the police academy, Jeff had met a lot of nice guys and they all asked to be invited, since the wedding was set for the week after his graduation from the academy. Then there were all the family members on both sides.

The week before the wedding, I attended the academy for Jeff's graduation. He always did look good in a uniform. We went out with his parents and my mom and Ross and celebrated his new job. I also had finished some of my courses which gave me a raise and new position or at least a new title at the hospital. We had a lot to be thankful for.

We finally had decided on a small wedding of just family and a few friends with a large reception for all our friends following the wedding. It wasn't going to be a formal affair but I did have a pretty dress that Mom and I picked out. Jeff wanted to wear his new uniform, but we thought it might be a bit tacky, so he wore a nice suit. Everything went great. The wedding was wonderful; Lori was my maid of honor and Jeff asked Pete to be his best man. Ross walked me down the aisle.

We did rent a hall and had a huge reception. Jeff met all my hospital friends; he already knew most of my relatives, since we grew up together. I met his new friends from the police force. Anyone asking about Alecia, Jeff just told them she was his daughter.

Most people wouldn't be able to figure out if Alecia was Jeff's child, or not. They had no idea if Jeff ever came home on leave and we got together. Jeff was a little jealous, but he had no reason to be. His friends told him I was a knockout and he'd better keep his eye on me. They were joking but I did hear Jeff say, "I trust her and besides I can carry a gun, legally now." He laughed but I was a bit worried that there could be a hint of truth there.

I did dance almost every dance at the wedding but mostly with Jeff. I loved being in his arms. He was so handsome and sexy; I felt so protected. Our families all said the same thing, "They knew that we would be together, someday." It just took Jeff and I a while longer to figure it out. Jeff said nothing would ever separate us again.

We made love on our wedding night. We started by Jeff doing me orally. I was surprised how he could make me come by using his tongue. I did give him oral sex also getting him hard and ready for us to make love. He entered me and pumped in and out slowly. He put my legs on his shoulders and began to pump faster and harder.

"I'm going to cum Jeff! Please cum with me!" I felt him tighten up and he began to shoot his cum deep into me. We were climaxing at the same time and it felt great. We made love one more time that night but knew we had the rest of our life to love, make love and be together.


Since we have been so busy, Jeff said he wasn't going to his five year class reunion. It was alright with me; I was happy just being Mrs. Royer. Jeff did find time to fill out the adoption papers, and he legally became Alecia's father. It was wonderful, watching her grow up and learn so many different things. She was now talking and walking. She was a very happy little girl and loved it when her daddy got home. He always had time for her.

My sister Lori was now at the end of her senior year. She was going to her prom with my and mom's permission. Whenever she went on a date she had to invite the guy into the house, so Jeff and I could meet him. I think Jeff read them the riot act and definitely let them know he was a cop.

I cried when I saw how beautiful my little sister looked. She had turned into a beautiful young lady. Mom was there to take pictures of her also. Even though we didn't live with Mom, she was still always there for us.

We attended all of Lori's school functions, and before long she would be graduating and off to college in another state. She was accepted at Ohio State as well as a lot of other colleges. She wanted to be within driving distance of coming home on weekends when she chose to. That made both Mom and I happy. Our family has really grown in a lot of ways and gotten closer in the past couple of years.


It was now time for my fifth year class reunion. A number of my old friends called and asked me if I was going to be there. Most of them knew that Jeff and I were married. When I asked Jeff if he wanted to go, he said it was ok with him.

I was a bit worried that Matt might show up, and I didn't know what Jeff might do. We talked and he said he didn't have a problem with Matt, as long as he stayed away from me and of course he didn't want him saying that he had slept with me and had a child.

Our life since being together couldn't be better. We had disagreements like all married couples but we were always able to work through them. The main thing is, we didn't keep secrets and always communicated.

I had something to tell him and made him a steak dinner; it was his favorite food. He walked in the door and the first thing he said was, "Ok, what's the occasion?" He knew something was up.

"You're going to be a daddy again. I took a pregnancy test this morning. I figure I'm about three months along."

"Is it a boy or girl? I really don't care as long as it's healthy." He kept asking me all kinds of silly questions.

"Jeff! I just took the test this morning. It will be at least another month before we even know what sex the baby will be."

"Who have you told so far? Does your mom know?"

"Honey, I didn't tell anyone but Alecia and I doubt if she understands. I wasn't going to tell anyone, until I told you." He got up and hugged and kissed me, told me he loved me and then to sit down and take it easy.

I had to laugh. Here was my husband the cop, who was in the service and saw all types of sickness, disease and killings and here he was, worried about me having his baby.

We talked and I explained all about being pregnant. I told him I still expected him to make love to me and that it would not hurt the baby in any way. He picked up Alecia and told her she was going to have a baby brother or sister. Needless to say Jeff was excited, but Alecia had no idea why her dad was acting silly but she smiled as he talked to her.

As soon as he finished dinner he called his mom, my mom and even called his brother and sister. To say he was ecstatic would be an understatement. He asked me if we should still go to the reunion because maybe I wouldn't be able to dance.

I repeated to him that we could go and yes I could dance, but only with him. He told me how much he loved me and I told him to prove it when we went to bed that night.

The Reunion:

Jeff called me from work and said he was running a little behind and would meet me at the hall where the reunion was being held. I was a bit nervous as I entered the building. At the front table were a couple of my old girlfriends which helped make going in, a bit easier.


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