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Kelli Ch. 05

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Visiting Will's sister in Germany.
7.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/15/2020
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This story is the fifth in a series. The stories are told roughly in sequence and each story assumes knowledge of the prior stories. Therefore, I recommend reading my stories "Kelli," "Kelli CH 02," "Kelli CH 03," and "Kelli CH 04" before reading this story.

This story is a work of fiction. Perhaps the story's most fictional aspect is that it depicts a world untouched by the corona virus. There is, in my view, more than enough discussion of the virus and pandemic elsewhere. My intent here is to offer an escape. Hopefully, this story will continue to provide enjoyment when the virus is just a bad memory. In the meantime, I ask that my readers stay safe.

Real institutions are mentioned in this story, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved like the characters in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. Comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable, are always welcome. Thank you for reading.


I have been telling the story of my introduction to and relationship with the incomparable Kelli Stouffer in the chronological sequence in which it happened. However, I am departing from that approach in this chapter. Kelli wants me to tell the story of our trip to southern Germany to visit to my sister Lisa and her lover Kurt Kleist.

Even before our wedding, Kelli had been encouraging me to leave the large, old-line law I worked for. She thought that she and I should start our own "nude friendly" law firm. I had resisted because I was afraid that we would not make any money. After the wedding, other people like Karla, Judy and Tom Abbott, and Kelli's parents also began pushing the idea. Judy and Tom's upscale gourmet restaurant was in a building they owned in a suburb on the northeast side of the city. They offered us the second floor of their building as office space, rent-free if we handled their routine legal work without charge. Judy and Tom also promised to encourage people they knew to use us. Jeff and Kathleen Stouffer promised to steer some of their medical groups' work to us, although that would mean a lot of trips to Columbus. I was finally persuaded that we could, at least, survive financially. Lampe & Lampe Co., L.P.A. opened its doors on December 1 that year.

We did survive, just. We did not truly get on a path to success until we got the Pine Hills case the following spring. Pine Hills is an interesting story that I may tell sometime. The consequences for us were an ongoing client, two new friends, and something to substantiate our claim to be the State's leading nudist lawyers.

At our wedding, my sister's boyfriend, Kurt Kleist, had said he was going to bring Kelli and me to Munich the following summer at his expense. I didn't like the idea of someone we barely knew paying for our vacation. I had hoped Kurt was just talking and would forget his offer. He did not. Shortly after the New Year, Kurt was calling and e-mailing to arrange our trip in the summer. With Kelli's support, I pushed back. I got a call from Lisa, my sister and Kurt's girlfriend, in February.

Lisa made a point of explaining to me that Kurt owned a "private bank" based in Munich and he was wealthy. "Even if he spent $ 100,000 on you," Lisa said, "that's pocket change for Kurt, and, it won't cost anywhere near that much. More important, your stubbornness impacts me. First, I'm in love with Kurt and my brother and sister-in-law refusing his generosity is insulting to him. Second, Kurt and I are working on something that should guarantee my financial future. It's all up to Kurt. The absolute last thing I need right now is any antagonism between Kurt and anyone associated with me. PLEASE Will? Just forget about your touchy pride. For me? Please?"

I was still not persuaded. However, Lisa is a smart person and recognized my point of vulnerability. She began working on Kelli. Kelli and I boarded a flight to Atlanta on the afternoon of the last Sunday in July. We would change in Atlanta to an overnight flight to Munich. We would fly back on the second Sunday in August. Karla, who had taken over as our office manager/bookkeeper/general assistant would mind the practice in our absence and could reach us by phone in Germany.

My resentment at having the trip forced on me evaporated as I realized how excited Kelli was about the trip. She had been to Europe once before. The summer after her senior year of college, her family had gone to Paris and then visited some of her father's distant relatives in the south of France. I had been to Germany before. The summer between my junior and senior years of college, I had wrestled in a tournament in Frankfurt. That was the only international tournament I ever competed in. I did better than expected, finishing fifth in my weight class in freestyle. However, I had just gone over there, wrestled, and come home. I didn't see much of anything except the hotel, the arena, and the subway to and from the airport.

The plan was that Kelli and I would fly into Munich and play tourist for a couple of days. Then, Lisa and Kurt were taking us to a lodge in the mountains southeast of Munich. We were going to stay there eight days. Lisa had been there before and assured us that we would (a) love the lodge and (b) had no risk of getting bored. Kurt's advice was "we'll be doing a lot of swimming and hiking. Please do not bring swimsuits. All you need are hiking boots and socks. Nudity is permitted everywhere in and around the lodge and is mandatory in places. Guests do, uh, dress up you may call it, for dinner. Lisa and I will take care of that for you."

Consequently, Kelli and I had only one checked bag between us when we arrived at Munich Flughafen extremely early, local time, on Monday morning. Despite the hour, Kurt was waiting for us when we cleared customs and immigration. "Lisa's clearing her desk at her office," Kurt explained as he drove us into the city center, "so she has tomorrow to show you the city. Wednesday we go into the mountains." Kurt dropped us at what I later learned was about the most expensive hotel in town. "Meet us at Chinese Tower at lunch," he said before he drove off to his office.

Upon checking in, Kelli and I were told "everything has already been taken care of." I was not even asked for a credit card for "incidental expenses." The young man behind the desk explained that the Tower was a wooden structure in the Englischer Garten park around which there was an outdoor beer garden. We could take the S-Bahn U-Bahn from the stop just outside the hotel, get off two stops to the east, and walk through the park or, since the weather was going to be lovely, just walk the few blocks from the hotel.

Kelli and I walked, which took us through the part of the park where nude sunning was permitted. Subject to Lisa's and Kurt's plans, Kelli and I decided we would like to spend some nude time in the heart of a major city after lunch. I had just gotten through the line to get beers for Kelli and me when we saw Lisa and Kurt walking towards us holding hands.

We had a good, if somewhat overpriced, lunch. Kurt had to go back to his office after we ate. Lisa laughed and said, "I'm free. You have a choice. I can give you the afternoon tour of central Munich or we can all walk over there, take our clothes off, lie in the sun, and have a few more beers." We opted to take our clothes off. We did not just sun, however. Some other people nude in the park were tossing a frisbee. They invited us to join in. We were running naked all over that part of the park, chasing the damn frisbee, and trying not to step on anyone. When we got too hot, we would take a dip in the icy cold stream that ran next to the nude area. It was a fun afternoon.

About mid-day on Wednesday, we were in the mountains in front of a large building designed in the style of a traditional Bavarian house. After checking in, we followed Kurt to our room on the second floor (designated as the first floor by German counting). Kurt had booked a suite consisting of a central room with a bedroom on each side. What caught your attention as you entered the room was the outside wall. It was clear glass, floor to ceiling, covering the width of the room. We had a panoramic view of the mountains behind the lodge. As we entered, we could clearly see hikers through the window.

After I got past the "wow" effect of the glass exterior wall, I noticed other details. Beyond the wall, I saw a couple of lounge chairs and a railing. I realized it was a small balcony. It took me a moment to realize that the left side of the glass wall included a clear glass door. Inside, in the center of the room almost against the wall/window was a Jacuzzi. To the right of it was a shower enclosure that had two clear glass walls enclosing it from the rest of the room. The exterior wall was the third wall of the shower enclosure. Only the side on the wall between that room and a bedroom was opaque. More towards the hall door, there was a large screen TV on one wall with some easy chairs facing it. Across the room from that was a kitchenette. I noticed six bottles of wine in a rack on the counter next to the sink.

"This isn't like your American hotels," Kurt said. "There is no 'mini-bar charge' and the wine is replenished daily. Let's get our clothes off and we'll show you around. The slippers in the closet in your room may be worn around the building and out on the grounds." Kurt smiled. "Please don't wear anything else," he added. Kelli and I went into one of the bedrooms, took everything off, put on the slippers, and went back into the front room.

The same young woman who had checked us in was still at the front desk in her dirndl. It felt a bit odd standing in front of her nude when we had been in front of her clothed not that many minutes before. Kurt pointed out the restaurant and bar that were left of the front desk. "There's indoor seating and a patio," Kurt explained. To the right of the front desk were a pair of clear glass doors. Etched into the glass and on signs on the doorframe, were warnings in four languages that nudity was mandatory for everyone past the doors. *

We went through the glass doors into a hallway. To our left were several rooms of varying sizes with clear glass windows both on the hallway side and on the outside. "Those are the massage rooms, "Peter explained. From the hall, we entered a large enclosed area that had a glass ceiling and a glass outside front wall. The central feature of the room was a large circular pool. I inferred from the fountain on a concrete island in the center that the pool was not intended for swimming laps. The far wall, opposite where we had entered, was, apparently, retractable. At present, it was open. We could see an outdoor pool beyond. Looking closer, I noticed a channel that allowed people to swim between the indoor and outdoor pools.

The room we were in had many plastic chairs and lounge chairs on the pool deck. There were a couple of footbaths with chairs around them. In the front corner, closest to the hall from which we had emerged a Jacuzzi spa was built into the floor. Toward the back wall of the building, the mountain side, was a bar. There were, perhaps, a dozen nude people in or lounging around the pool. Not surprising, I suppose, for a Wednesday. There were three fit young men and three fit young women walking about wearing white polo shirts, white trousers, and white gym shoes. I assumed they were the staff. Another young woman in white was behind the bar. I wondered about the wisdom of dressing the bartender in white.

We followed Kurt through the retracted wall into a late July sun that was very warm even at this elevation. There was a lawn behind the outdoor pool on the mountain side. It had been terraced into a couple of levels on which there were lounge chairs. A few people were sunbathing in the loungers.

Kurt led us on. About twenty yards past the pool stood a tall metal sided building with a door but no windows. As we reached the door, Kurt said, "This is what I think is called a 'dungeon' in English." Inside, the first thing we saw was a table with various kinds and sizes of whips and paddles neatly laid out on it. To our left, on a raised platform, stood a large wooden X-shaped structure. I noticed leather straps affixed near the end of each arm of the X. Pointing at it, I asked "What's that?"

Lisa walked up onto the platform and stood facing the X with her arms and legs extended paralleling the arms of the structure. Over her shoulder, Lisa explained "You get strapped in and get a nice spanking on your bottom." She turned facing us, with her arms and legs still extended. "Or," she said "a whipping on the cunt and tits. If you are not into that, you can be strapped in and whomever comes along can finger you and fondle you." Kelli and I looked at each other. We were both thinking that being whipped didn't sound like fun but being restrained in the nude and put on display might be nice.

Turning to look towards the far end of the building, I was startled. A young woman was hanging about six feet in the air. She was nude. Her arms were extended out from her shoulders and appeared to be tied to a long beam that ran from one wrist, across her back, to the other wrist. A rope ran up from each end of the beam to a ring about three feet over the woman's head. Another rope had been looped a few times around each shoulder and those also ran up to the ring. Her legs were spread, held up by ropes running from her wrists to her ankles. The ring appeared to be fastened to a metal cable.

Fascinated, Kelli and I walked over to join the five or six people already looking at the woman suspended in air. We made eye contact with her and she smiled. She was quite attractive.

Lisa had come up behind us. Lisa pointed to a clothed man with tattoos and a long scruffy beard who was standing off to the side next to what looked like a winch. "That's Rolf the Rigger," Lisa said. "I don't know his real name. He tied Kurt and me up together one time. It was great! You should have him suspend the two of you together." I had trouble believing it was great; however, looking at Kelli's face, I saw a seed had been planted. I could not say whether that seed would germinate, but Kelli was thinking about it.

When we were preparing to go to the restaurant for dinner, Kurt said, "I told you that guests here 'dress' for dinner. It is not required but is, well, traditional."

Lisa produced an expensive looking shopping bag. "We took the liberty of getting you both something to wear for dinner," she explained. She handed Kelli a small package. Inside was a sheer one-piece garment that, I guess, is called a catsuit. It covered Kelli from her toes to just below her collarbone. The catsuit had a dark tint that went well with Kelli's complexion. The suit fit Kelli like a second skin. I say it "covered" Kelli, but, once she had it on the catsuit was transparent. Kelli's nipples, mound, and ass were fully visible. Kelli always looks best nude, but she also looked incredible in this outfit.

Lisa and Kurt had found something a bit more involved for me. There were two garments: a jacket and pants made from something like vinyl or latex. Lisa had me put the pants on first. They were very tightly and difficult to put on. There was a pouch in the front for my dick and balls. There was something rigid in the underside of the pouch so that, aroused or not, my dick was pointing out in front of me with the pants on.

Once I wriggled into the pants, Lisa pointed out a few features. The seat of the pants attached to the waistband and the tops of the pant legs with small pieces of Velcro. The seat could be detached leaving me bare assed. The penis pouch had a small seam that ran the length of my dick that was also closed with Velcro. That could be opened, leaving my dick sitting exposed on whatever the rigid piece was in the underside of the pouch. Finally, the seat and front of the pants could be removed, turning the pants into a pair of chaps. When she finished demonstrating the options for wearing the pants, Lisa said, "Will's upper body looks good enough I think we'll forget the jacket." I went to dinner bare-chested, wearing the pants and sandals.

For dinner, Lisa wore a pants suit made, it appeared, of the same sheer material as Kelli's catsuit. While the suit fit Lisa much more loosely than Kelli's catsuit, it was also transparent. When she was dressed for dinner, Lisa's body was fully visible. Lisa was not, in my mind, remotely as beautiful as Kelli. However, but she looked very sexy in the transparent pants suit. Kurt was very well-built for a man his age. Lisa dressed him in what looked like a tight Speedo-style swimsuit. However, the front had a square piece held on by Velcro. When Lisa took that off, Kurt's dick and balls hung out of the suit.

The restaurant was almost full when we arrived, but Kurt had a table reserved. All the guests were dressed to look sexy. Many of the women wore transparent teddies. Several of the men wore a pouch and nothing else. There was a wide range of ages and body types. I am biased, but I thought Kelli and Lisa were, by far, the two most attractive women in the room. Their closest rivals were the young women servers. Their uniforms were based on traditional Bavarian dirndls but were much shorter and cut lower than what I had seen in Munich. I was reasonably certain that the servers were not wearing panties. Kurt described the restaurant's cuisine as "updated traditional Bavarian." Whatever it was, it was excellent.

After dinner, the four of us went for drinks at the bar's outdoor patio. There were not a huge number of people drinking on the patio, but it was not a huge patio either. That meant that you were rubbing against people if you tried to move anywhere as were the three servers who delivered drinks. No one seemed to mind.

We were sipping our drinks and talking when a female voice shouted something in German that I did not understand. Lisa translated it for us as "dick display." I was still confused as Lisa undid the seam of my pouch and pulled the patch from the front of Kurt's briefs. Looking around, I saw all the other men standing still with their dicks exposed. An older, heavy set woman in a red teddy walked around giving each dick a single stroke, including mine and Kurt's. When she had passed, Lisa reattached Kurt's front covering and closed my pouch. To Kelli, Lisa said, "there will be a call for a cunt display in a few minutes."

Indeed, a few minutes later a booming male voice shouted in German. Lisa said, "there it is" and undid the drawstring to her pants. She let the pants drop to her feet and stepped out of them. The hem of her jacket stopped just above her ass, so Lisa was nude from the waist down. She helped Kelli wriggle out of her catsuit. "It's best," Lisa told Kelli, "to just bend over. You can straighten up after you've felt the finger run over your lips and rosebud."

As the man who had shouted approached, Kelli and Lisa turned and bent over. That fully exposed both women and they both looked very desirable. Kurt and I were both staring at Kelli's and Lisa's asses and pussies. Kurt said, "I think we are wasting a perfectly good room upstairs." After the man had run his finger over both Kelli and Lisa, we left the bar. Kelli carried her catsuit in her hand and Lisa carried her pants.

Back in our suite, we took off what little we had on. Lisa went to Kurt and Kelli came to me. Kelli and I kissed as she stroked me, and I played with her nipples. We were getting aroused, which was the idea, when Kurt said "outside." We followed Lisa and Kurt out onto the balcony. From the sounds below us, it seemed that the patio bar was still busy. Lisa and Kurt took one of the lounge chairs and Kelli and I took the other.

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