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Kellie and Brad Ch. 09

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True love rocked by a shot from the past!
16.5k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 03/20/2012
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the ninth chapter of a multi-part story. Please read the first eight chapters before this one to understand the whole story. Please enjoy.


After a long time, he stirred.

'Where am I?' he thought. Then a more pertinent question came to him. 'WHEN am I?'

How long had he been asleep? Days? Weeks? Months? 'Rip Van Winkle's got nothing on me' he thought.

He opened his eyes. His brain couldn't keep up with the flood of sensory data. He was so dizzy he nearly vomited. He waited a few more minutes and took several deep breaths to steady himself before trying again. At first the surroundings still swam before him, but eventually he was able to focus his sights.

Only then did Paul Ryback realize where he was. He was at home, in his living room, lying down on the couch at a very strange angle.

Paul tried to sit up. "Oh FUCK!" he yelled out loud. His neck was killing him, screaming in pain after being subjected to such an awkward position for so long. He went to reach one arm up to his neck to start working out the kinks.

Both arms moved together. It was as if they were... connected.

Curious at the unnatural reaction, Paul looked down at his hands. The sight startled him. A set of police-issue handcuffs were clamped on to his wrists. He panicked and struggled for a moment before his higher reasoning kicked in and reminded him how useless those efforts would be.

He struggled to get up, took one step, tripped on something and crashed down to the floor. He bellowed and swore repeatedly at the pain now racking his body. He took stock of himself and felt relief when he concluded he hadn't seriously damaged anything. He thought it was only because his legs were asleep that he was clumsy enough to fall.

He soon saw that was partly true... but only partly.

Paul's living room was a disaster area. The rest of the furniture was overturned, and items were strewn all over the place, including where he took his first step. That provided another part of the explanation of why he tripped... but it sure didn't explain the set of leg irons attached to his ankles.

'What the fuck is going on here?!' he asked himself, now fully alert after his long strange slumber. 'What kind of shit did I get myself into?!"

He racked his brain, trying to remember what he was doing before... whatever this was. It finally came to him.

Paul recalled he was about to fuck Anita.

Everything was all set. All the preparations that would tie her to him completely were made. Her little punk kid was asleep. No one was going to interrupt him. He was going to have what was denied to him for so long... and he was going to have her again, and again, and again.

The last he remembered, he had her stripped down to her skimpy lingerie and he was feeling up her exquisitely tight body, until, inexplicably, he became drowsy. She started to sensually massage his neck and shoulders.

Then... nothing. Until he woke up.

"Anita?" he called out. No response. "ANITA?!" he tried again, louder this time. Still no answer.

Paul grunted, fought again to stand up, and shuffled towards the guest bedroom. It was empty and, moreover, looked to have been completely cleaned out. Confused, he searched the rest of the house. It was a laborious process, shackled as he was, but he eventually completed it.

There was no sign of Anita or her son anywhere.

Even worse, the rest of his house was like his living room: completely trashed. It looked like a tornado had blown through it, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The only room not subjected to ruin, strangely enough, was the guest bedroom.

Where Anita and her son stayed.

Was this a sign? A coincidence? Paul shook his head in frustration. He couldn't figure any of this out, and thinking about it made his head hurt.

Anita couldn't be capable of such behaviour, could she? Certainly she couldn't have done this alone. Where would a fearful single mother, a woman he so easily had under his thumb, find the courage, strength, and resources to do what was done to him?

So the question then became: Who did this? Or, who helped Anita to do this? He had no idea. Paul didn't scare easily, but this situation definitely unnerved him.

It angered him, too. The gall, the very nerve of these people... how dare they?! How dare someone steal Anita, his rightful property, right from his grasp, while violating him and his home in the process?! Paul vowed that whoever was responsible would pay for this, and they would pay dearly.

He stumbled to his phone and called his friend Derrick, a cop on the city's police force. Several minutes later Derrick showed up and saw Paul and the house, and his eyes went wide.

"Holy fuck, dude, what the hell happened to you?" he asked.

"The fuck if I know! Just get me out of these damn things!" Paul angrily replied.

A universal key for all types of cuffs and shackles that Derrick had with him did the trick. Paul sighed in relief and rubbed his sore wrists and ankles.

"Derrick, I need you to help me find out who did this to me," Paul said.

"I'll radio in for a crime scene team to go through the place and look for evidence," replied Derrick. "Don't touch anything in the meantime. One... other thing..."

Paul frowned at Derrick's hesitation. "Go on."

"I assume you haven't been outside yet?"

"Of course not! Why?"

Derrick made a motion to Paul that he needed to go and check it out. When he did he saw a crowd of his neighbours looking at his house with curious and suspicious looks on their faces. He turned around to get his own look and shouted in shock and outrage.

The word "RAPIST" was spray-painted in large, ugly red letters on the garage door.

"Derrick, get these fucking people away from my house!" he growled through gritted teeth. Derrick noted the obvious rage his friend was barely containing and dispersed the crowd, saying "Go home folks, nothing to see here, show's over!"

When everyone left Derrick said, "I'm calling in for that team now."

"Good," Paul answered quietly. The anger bubbled inside him. "You find whoever did this, Derrick. Find out if it's the last goddamn thing you do!"


She was getting tired of the constant rejection.

But she did have to admit that she understood why it was happening.

Anita stepped outside and braced herself again for the cold, slate-grey day. She was exhausted after yet another day pounding the pavement with no results. She started the car and headed for home.

It was about four months since she and Johnathan had escaped from Paul's clutches and gone back home. To her great relief her mother, Colleen, welcomed her back with open arms and forgave her for everything she did wrong before she left. She also happily reconciled with her sister Jan. Her sister and mother doted on little Johnny and showered him with love and attention. Furthermore, Jan's son, David, was thrilled to have a new cousin to play with, and he and Johnny hit it off immediately despite the five-year age gap between them. David was growing up to be a good and smart boy himself, and Anita wondered how she had ever considered him to be a brat in the first place. It was just one of many dumb things she thought and did back in what she began to think of as her former life.

One night, about two weeks after her return, and after the boys were put to bed, Anita sat her mother and sister down and told the whole story of her nightmarish experiences with Paul. She held nothing back, starting right from when they first met until the night of her daring getaway and how the kindness of Dr. Wainwright and her mysterious access to resources allowed her to make it all possible. She showed them the physical scars he left on her, and she bared her soul to describe the emotional scars he inflicted as well. The women hugged and cried again until there were no tears left. Then Jan said something unintentionally funny that set them off, and they laughed long and loud until their sides hurt. Anita went to bed exhausted, emotionally drained and sore that night, but totally happy and peaceful as well, feeling how good it was to be home.

Anita's mother was kind enough to let her and Johnathan stay at her house for as long as she wanted. She also helped her daughter to enrol Johnathan into junior kindergarten at the nearby school to start his education and get him used to interacting with kids his own age. Anita accepted the gracious offers of assistance, and told Colleen she wanted to earn her keep and find work as soon as possible.

"You don't have to rush into this, you know," Colleen said that day. "Relax your mind for a bit, it will do you some good. Take all the time you need."

"Thanks Mom, I appreciate what you're saying," Anita replied, "but I'll feel like a freeloader if I don't do this. I'm fine, and I don't want to sit around doing nothing all day. Let me do this."

"I do have a favour owing to me I can call in..."

"Mom, thank you, but not yet. Let me try on my own first. Please?"

"Oh Anita, you've always been my feisty and independent one. OK, I hope this works out for you. Good luck!"

"Thanks Mom."

That had been in the summer. It was now fall, with winter closing in fast. All that time had passed and still she had not managed to find meaningful work. Even if she understood most of the reasons why, it only intensified the feelings of inadequacy she was having due to not being able to properly provide for her son.

Being unjustly fired from her previous job thanks to Paul's sabotage meant she both could not and did not want to use it as a reference. So her resume was quite thin as before she concentrated on her curling career and relying on her unique persuasive powers to convince others to get for her what she wanted instead of working in the real world. The state of her resume, however, was only one obstacle in her way.

Anita knew in her prior life that she was often selfish and mean-spirited. But if she ever for some reason doubted that, her fruitless job search really drove home the fact that she used to be a first-class bitch. It also showed that her hometown, large by the province's standards, was in many ways a small community. More times than she cared to count, she cold called a business to leave a resume and ask about the prospects for employment, only to find the manager or decision-maker was someone she had angered before, either through an encounter in a curling match or, at least just as often, due to Anita having slept with the woman's husband or boyfriend. One look at the person's face in those cases and she knew she didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting what she needed. Anita never used to believe in karma, but it was difficult not to do so now.

When Anita got home Johnathan rushed home to greet her. "Hi Mommy!" he said happily.

"Hi Johnny!" Anita replied. Thank goodness for him and the rest of her family, she thought, without them she was sure she would completely fall apart.

Colleen heard the exchange from the kitchen where she was starting dinner. She said hello to Anita and heard the disappointment and weariness in her daughter's voice. She decided to talk to her about it tonight.

After little Johnny was put to bed later in the evening Colleen brought Anita back to the kitchen table for that talk.

"How is the job search going?" she asked.

"Not well at all," Anita groaned in reply. "I'm never going to find anything."

"Nonsense, honey. That's just your frustration talking. I'm sure you'll find a really good job very soon."

Anita nodded in acknowledgement, not because she agreed. She noted the look on her mother's face and called her out on it.

"Mom, you look like you want to say something else."

"Me? No, Anita, I..."

"Come on Mom, I know you too well, you won't be happy unless you speak your piece. So go ahead and say it."

"OK. I know you still want to do this on your own. But my offer to you to call in my favour still stands. Will you at least think about it?"

Anita sighed. She had hoped it wouldn't come to this because she really wanted to do this on her own. She did, however, remain silent and consider the offer. Colleen also sat in silence, perfectly content to not rush her daughter and wait patiently for her answer.

The more Anita thought about it, the more she realized in her prior life she would let her stubborn pride get the best of her and tell her mother off. But that was exactly the sort of rash decision she was trying to avoid now.

And maybe it would be a good thing, after all. Sure, the environment would be dicey to deal with at first, but even in the worst case scenario some time there would give her more experience, help build her resume and also let time heal more of the wounds she created to make some of the job rejections she faced this time less likely in the future.

"OK, Mom," Anita finally said. "I guess I really do need the help, after all. Go ahead and make the call."

"I will do it first thing tomorrow," Colleen promised. "You understand, though, that this will just get you in the door. I can't guarantee that it will get you the exact kind of job you'd prefer."

"Yes, that's fine. I understand."

"And you also understand that once you start I can't help you any further. The rest has to be up to you."

"Of course, Mom! You know I wouldn't want it any other way."

Colleen smiled. "I'm proud of you, Anita. I know how difficult it was for you before to swallow your pride in situations like this. You're really making some great strides, honey."

"Thanks Mom. It's still not an easy thing for me to do. But it's not just me I have to worry about now. I need to do what's best for Johnny, so if it means swallowing my pride once in a while, then that's what I'll have to do."

"He really has been a godsend for you, hasn't he?"

"More than I can express in words. I love him so much, Mom. I can't even imagine what my life would be without him. I want nothing more than to raise him right and be the best mother I can be. And while I may not have showed it very much in the past, I want you to know that you're a great mother, and a great example to learn from when it comes to how to be a great mother."

With that, Colleen gave Anita a motherly kiss on the forehead, told her she loved her and left her be for the rest of the night. Tomorrow, she would make that phone call.


She didn't anticipate today would be a day filled with such drama.

Kellie brought Jennifer, Sandra, Amber and Heather together at the curling club for a series of meetings before they started practicing and training for the upcoming season. First she would meet with each of them one on one, and then bring them all in for a full team gathering. She believed as the skip of the team it was important to set the tone and discuss individual and collective goals for the season as well as ideas and strategies on how to achieve them. The sessions were always enjoyable and productive and she had no reason to believe this time would be different.

Her mind was soon changed during the first meeting with Heather.

After the initial pleasantries, when Kellie asked her what her goals were for the season, Heather said, "Skip... I'm a little afraid to tell you."

"Don't be afraid," Kellie replied. "How can we go anywhere as a team if we're not honest with each other? Let's hear it."

Heather sighed. "OK. But you might not like it."

"Try me."

"Fine. I want to play more this year, skip."

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it? And your request is completely reasonable. In fact I'd be disappointed if you didn't want to play more regularly. That kind of drive and ambition is what we need going forward. Of course you know how difficult it is to juggle playing time with all of you being so talented. But I think I can rotate the lineups a little more so you can see more of the ice."

"Skip, it's more than that. I don't want to be a part-time player. I don't want you to rotate the lineups more. I want to be a full-time member of this team, full stop."

"I wish I could give that to you. But how can I do that without removing someone else? You know I can't do that."

"I know, and that's what makes this so hard for me. I want to stay part of this team. I love being with all of you. Leaving would be the hardest thing I've ever done. But if I have to leave to fulfill my goals in this sport, I will. And... it might happen soon."

"Heather, what are you saying?"

Heather paused before answering. "The Slauson rink has an opening. Their lead just moved to the States. They called me earlier today and asked if I would be interested in replacing her."

"What did you tell them?" Kellie asked.

"I said I needed time to think about it."

Kellie took a deep breath. So far, this wasn't going at all as she envisioned. "OK," she said, "if I can make a suggestion, please at least sleep on it and let me talk to everyone else before you make a decision."

"Sure, skip. I can do that. I owe you at least that much."

"Thanks Heather."

With that, Heather left the conference room and Amber took her place. Kellie was still thinking about Heather's comments, but she couldn't help but notice Amber was not her usual self.

"All right, Amber," she said. "Spit it out. What's the matter?"

"You're going to let me go from this team, aren't you?" Amber asked with obvious sadness.

Kellie did a double-take. "What?!" she said incredulously.

"It's obvious, skip, isn't it? I know Heather wants a regular place on the team. Sandra and Jennifer aren't going anywhere. That leaves me the odd one out."

"Amber, it's not that simple...

"Isn't it? Heather had a better season last year than I did. Don't deny it either because you know it's true."

Kellie knew it wasn't the time to argue such points. She took a minute to compose herself before speaking.

"Listen, Amber," she said, "I haven't committed to any decisions yet. I need time to figure something out. Please trust me and I'll do everything I can to find a solution that works for you and everyone else."

Amber stood up. "OK, skip," she said. "I've always trusted you since we've joined together and you've never let me down. But please, whatever you do, don't ask me to leave this team. I don't think I could handle it if you did."

When the door closed Kellie groaned and rubbed her temples, trying to stave off the headache she felt coming. Jennifer saw her skip doing this as she took her place across the table from her. She reached into her purse and handed over a bottle of Advil.

"Thanks," Kellie said gratefully. She shook out two capsules, popped them in her mouth and took a long swig from her water bottle. "This isn't what I had planned for tonight."

"Imagine how I feel," Jennifer said. "I have to choose between my life partner and my sister."

Kellie ruefully smiled to her trusted third. "Guess you have a point there."

The two team leaders discussed the problem of playing time. No obvious solutions presented themselves. After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. Before either Kellie or Jennifer could say anything the door opened to reveal Sandra, with Heather and Amber behind her.

"Sorry skip, Jennifer, but this can't wait," Sandra said. "I need to talk to you. All of you."

Kellie shrugged. 'Why not?' she thought to herself. The evening had been nothing but drama so far, so what was a little more added on to the pile? She tried to smile because she didn't want to discourage Sandra from speaking her mind if she really did have something important to say.

She was about to ask her long-time second and friend to start when she noticed something strange about one of Sandra's hands.

"Uh, Sandra," Kellie asked. "Why are you wearing that glove?"

"I'll get to that in a minute," Sandra replied. "I need to talk about what's happening to us and our team. I know what's going on here. I know you've all tried to keep it quiet until you were ready to talk to Kellie, but I've seen the signs."

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