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Kelly Takes a Turn

Story Info
Visiting her ailing father, Kelly learns about his friend.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/20/2016
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A new story begins.

Thank you for your feedback on my previous stories and thank you to Todger for editing this for me.

A warning for some of you before you continue. This is a story about interracial sex and a cheating wife. If either of those things are not for you, you probably shouldn't read any further. If you do continue, don't be surprised when you discover those themes.

Feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy!!



Kelly Harkins was lounging on her back deck, after enjoying a morning run two weeks into her summer break from teaching, when her cell rang from her younger brother Bob; their father was in the hospital and the outlook was not good. Kelly took the news with an understanding that the day was long in coming based on her father's, and in fact both parent's, life choices.

Kelly was essentially raised by her maternal grandparents due to both her parent's battle with alcohol which ultimately ended up killing her mother. Her father, Bob Sr., also had a drinking problem. In addition, he was an angry drunk, an aloof father, and really only made contact, or took contact, when he was seeking something from his kids. This behavior caused a wide rift to open between Bob Sr. and his kids.

The rift was made worse, particularly for Kelly, by the man her father had as a housemate.

Tyrell was a black man roughly Kelly's age of 27 years. She had only met him briefly once and his blatant ogling of her 5'4", 115lbs body had her slightly uncomfortable. He seemed to take a particular liking to her 36C breasts which rose nearly perfectly above her fit belly.

Based on this limited exposure, she was sure Tyrell was only living with her father to mooch off of him. In her opinion, even though they worked together as general handymen, there was just no reason they had to live together unless Tyrell was somehow taking advantage of her father's alcohol use.

Whatever the situation, there was nothing she could do about it. Her real frustration, was that she was going to have to see the situation through as her brother lived across the country while Kelly was just a couple hours' drive from her father's place. While her brother was the one who typically fielded their father's calls, Kelly knew when the time came, it was going to have to be her to handle his affairs.

She hung up the phone with her brother and walked in to tell her husband of five years, David, what was going on. Though she hoped David would offer her some means of excuse to not go, Kelly knew inside that she was going to have to get over her reluctance and make the trip to her father's place.

And by extension, endure Tyrell.

Her conversation with David only increased her frustration. David, also 27, had always tried to be a bit of a peacemaker between Kelly and her father and just didn't understand her situation. Instead of just taking her side or sit by silently and let her air her frustrations regarding her father when they arose, he would often try to counsel her. The only thing this did was irritate Kelly and cause her to look at David in a less than manly light.

Kelly grudgingly packed a few days' worth of clothes, gave David a kiss goodbye, and hopped in the car and programmed the GPS for the hospital where her father was staying. Along the way she called her brother back and let him know she had left and that she would call him with an update when she arrived. They enjoyed a mutual laugh at her expense at how she had to "take one for the team" before Kelly settled in to listen to some music on the trip.

She was about 15 minutes from arriving when her phone rang.

It was Tyrell. He wanted to know how far away she was and if she could pick him up so he could join her at the hospital.

Kelly's first reaction was to hang up the phone, turn around, and head home. But she quickly realized no matter her frustration with her relationship with her father and his living arrangement, she was going to have to deal with Tyrell at some point in this situation so she might as well just get it over with now. She did her best to mask the irritation in her voice and told Tyrell that she was getting close and that she would swing by to get him.

A quick adjustment to the GPS had her taking the next exit off the interstate for the place her father and Tyrell shared. A few miles later and she was rounding the corner to the house they rented. In the driveway was their handyman van with its stack of ladders. Once she passed the van, the porch came into view and there was Tyrell sitting there, head hung low as he stared at the ground.

Kelly immediately felt a bit of remorse for the irritation she felt towards him. Regardless of how she felt about her father, or what she thought of Tyrell and his ogling of her, she realized that Tyrell and her father were friends. That her father's situation was probably difficult for him and she didn't need to make it any worse.

She took a deep breath and exhaled a slow measured breath and then rolled up slowly towards the house. Tyrell immediately perked up and smiled when he saw her there. She couldn't help but return his smile. He trotted over the car and jumped in the passenger seat.

"Hey Kelly. Sorry to make you go out of your way to get me. The van has been acting up lately and I need to save it for jobs only."

Kelly assured him it was ok as she realized that her father and Tyrell must be living paycheck to paycheck...just like her family did when she was younger.

She assured him it was ok and then, tucking a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear, set out for the hospital. Along the way, she could feel Tyrell's eyes on her as she asked him for an update on her father's situation and some background information. Tyrell filled her in to the best degree possible, but left out the actual cause of the situation; the fact that her father's lifetime of excessive drinking was finally catching up with him and his body was failing.

Over the course of the ride, Kelly's mindset about Tyrell began to change. It was a combination of a few things that did it. First, she realized Tyrell was just a young guy getting started and he was probably more using her father as something of a professional mentor to get a start in life as opposed to using him to just take advantage of him.

Also, his routine glances and checking her out were actually quite flattering. She knew she was fit and kept herself in good shape. But her husband David either had grown tired of complimenting her or just stopped noticing. Either way, Tyrell's repetitive glances which were clearly 'appraising' her appearance, stimulated a lost sense of beauty in her.

The final thing, something she wasn't aware mattered to her until this trip, was receiving the lustful looks of a man other than her husband. There was a naughty feeling to it. An innocent cheating if there could be such a thing. It made her want to keep Tyrell's eyes on her to keep that feeling alive. She lied to herself that thinking about that might help her get through the next few difficult days, but in reality, it stimulated something in her psyche. Why she now sought it when even just a few hours ago she resented Tyrell for doing it, she couldn't explain.

As they drove Tyrell had explained to Kelly that her father was in ICU and she told him all along that she understood, but as she pulled into the parking lot she began to feel a bit of tension arise. Once out of the car, Tyrell, in both a gentlemanly gesture and one of personal desire, wrapped an arm around Kelly as they made their way to the hospital entrance.

During this short walk another sensation introduced itself to Kelly...the looks she received from other visitors at the interracial couple which she and Tyrell presented. These visitors knew nothing of who she was, or of who Tyrell was, or of her father, or of her husband. All they saw was a large, fit black man with his arm draped over the shoulder of a smaller, fit white woman. Those looks attached themselves to the feelings her mind was working on with the 'innocent cheating' thoughts she had earlier.

About 15 feet from the hospital door, Tyrell abruptly stopped and turned Kelly to face him. She looked up at him slightly confused before Tyrell spoke. "Kelly, when we get in there they gonna think I'm your husband. They wasn't gonna let me in ICU if I wasn't family so I had to lie and say you was my wife. That ain't gonna be a problem is it?"

It was more statement than question and Kelly was completely caught off guard. If not for her changing feelings in their ride over, Kelly might have just walked off. But there was something risqué about it that appealed to her and she was in fact appreciative of the help Tyrell had provided to this point. She understood his reasoning and was just about to say so, while also letting him know she felt it inappropriate, when Tyrell said in a bit deeper and slightly more commanding tone, "Is it?"

Kelly felt a rush of excitement wash over her with his tone, a tone David never took with her, and she simply shook her head and said, "It's not a problem."

Tyrell grinned at her and then put his arm back over her shoulder and led her in the hospital entrance.

Kelly and Tyrell stopped at the visitor's desk so she could get the pass to visit the ICU. The elder black man volunteering there looked at her and then up to Tyrell with an approving glance. The expression on his face was clear; he was giving Tyrell silent praise for having Kelly as his wife. Then he spoke, "Well, Tyrell here wasn't kidding when he said he had a lovely wife. Here is your visitor pass. I hope all goes well." Then he again looked towards Tyrell and nodded in a sign of respect. Kelly smiled at him, took her pass, and then walked away with Tyrell towards the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Tyrell again put his arm around her and spoke softly to her, reminding her he was there to lean on should she need it. The stress of the situation combined with the other stimulations, both physical and mental, she was receiving, found Kelly's mindset shifting markedly towards Tyrell. He was conducting himself in a far manlier and 'in charge' way than David; who, now that she thought about it, behaved more in a way like one of her girlfriends as compared to Tyrell.

In the hospital room itself, Kelly's father was in and out of it; when he was conscious, he was only marginally aware that she was there, so she spent the bulk of her time talking to Tyrell. A few times when her dad did try to speak to her she had a hard time hearing or understanding him so Tyrell stepped up real close to her and whispered to her what her father was saying. His proximity and her feeling his breath occasionally on her neck found her having a hard time focusing on the conversation.

Kelly spent a couple hours there with Tyrell visiting her father, and once he finally fell asleep for the night, Kelly suggested they leave so they could get some food and she could relax. They were making small talk on their way back to the elevator and got in to head down to the lobby when Kelly's phone rang; it was her husband.

She looked at Tyrell with a wide-eyed "I'm in trouble" expression and then answered the phone, "Hi honey. I'm sorry, I forgot to call!"

David on the other end was a bit angry and nervous that something might have happened on the ride and began to vent to her on the phone. Kelly was a bit embarrassed at the situation as she didn't have any privacy or any ability to walk away to gain any. However, when she looked at Tyrell, the sly grin he had on his face told her he sympathized with her and they shared a quiet laugh together when she pulled the phone from her ear and rolled her eyes.

When the elevator reached the lobby and the door opened, Kelly briefly debated excusing herself to continue the conversation with her husband, but then reasoned that he had made his point and it was now time to hang up. She interrupted him to say "David, I understand I made you nervous and I'm sorry I forgot to call. You made your point, but I really don't want to deal with this right now ok? I'll call you in the morning." Right as she finished saying those words, she felt a need to look at Tyrell to see his reaction. Tyrell nodded approvingly and she felt a surge of excitement similar to what she felt earlier. At that same moment she heard her husband begin to apologize for adding to her stress, and it only compounded her evolving emotions for him and for Tyrell.

A moment later she hung up the phone and she found herself at the visitor's desk turning in her pass to the same older black man. For whatever reason, she felt a need to convince the man that Tyrell actually was her husband so as she turned away from the desk, she put her arm around Tyrell and looked up at him saying, "Ready to go babe?"

Tyrell gave that sly grin of his that Kelly was increasingly becoming attracted to and nodded. Then he shot a glance toward the older black man and winked as he and Kelly left the hospital.

For whatever reasons, ones she probably didn't understand at the moment, walking out of that hospital with Tyrell's arm draped over her shoulder was somewhat cathartic. The walk to her car and the ride to Tyrell's apartment found Kelly airing her frustration with her husband behaving like that on the phone. Eventually, her little ranting evolved into both her and Tyrell making jokes at her husband's expense.

On the way back to Tyrell's, they stopped to have some dinner and she couldn't help but notice the looks she was receiving. Obviously people were looking at the interracial couple. Again a strange sensation washed over her. It had double impact on Kelly. First, she was out with another man. Even if it was an innocent, "just getting food" stop, she was out with another man. She couldn't remember the last time she was out with a man that was not her husband or family member. And second, this was a black man. It was this component that was drawing the looks from the other patrons.

Her initial reaction to these looks, which she quickly squelched, was to attempt to make sure no one thought they were a couple. But she reflected back to the looks from the man at the visitor's table and wanted to explore that feeling just a bit longer. She then focused on the types of looks she was receiving.

Nearly to a man, each white man would glance over to catch a glimpse of her. It seemed her being with Tyrell made her sexier in some undefined way. The black men looked at her and then Tyrell in a similar way the man at the counter did.

The women, specifically the white women, were looking at them with a mix of jealousy, curiosity, and confusion. She giggled to herself as it was very close to the feeling she was experiencing inside. The black women on the other hand were far from welcoming to either of them. They glared at her and looked at him with venom in their eyes.

Kelly turned her focus back to Tyrell as their food arrived. As she listened to Tyrell talk about his work, she couldn't help but think of her own life choices and wondered how things would have been different if she ended up with Tyrell or someone like him rather than her husband. These thoughts, combined with the feelings of his arms on her earlier, and the necessary role play of being his wife at the hospital, all came together to arouse Kelly. She noticed it when her breathing picked up slightly and then she felt her nipples bulge to excitement within her bra. Then the subtle wetness of her pussy.

Nervous that Tyrell might pick up on her emerging arousal, Kelly tried to shake her head clear of the thoughts. It was too late. Tyrell was already well aware of Kelly's excitement and he simply grinned at her. This only served to intensify what she was feeling.

When dinner was done and they were back in her car, Tyrell asked if she wanted to come in for a bit before heading to her hotel. Kelly debated it for a moment before declining. Though she was really enjoying his company and didn't want the night to end, two things presented a problem within her mind. First, she was uncertain of where things would lead if she were to go into his place. She had never cheated on her husband and had never considered it, but she felt it a possibility tonight. The second issue stemmed directly from the first; she needed to get back to her hotel so she could jump in the bath and get herself off. She was more aroused than she had remembered in a long time and felt a burning desire to rub her clit to orgasm.

Tyrell, ever the observer, subtly toyed with her emotions as he grinned and spoke softly to her. It was these same antics which were fanning her flames so he figured he would just continue to exploit them and see where they led. He smiled to himself as he watched her squirm and, though disappointed she didn't want to come in, he knew he had kindled something inside of her. And he still had a few days to tease more out of her.

Kelly sped to her hotel after dropping Tyrell off. Her feelings seemed to grow as she drove. And once she finally got to her room, Kelly slipped inside the door and immediately slipped a hand inside her pants. She didn't make it to the bathroom before her first orgasm hit. Rather than relieve her passion, it only expanded it.

Kelly shed her clothes as she walked towards the bathroom. She was completely naked as she turned on the shower and was grateful the water was nearly immediately warm. She stepped inside and felt the water splash on her tits, each drop striking one of her hard nipples a welcome sensation.

The room quickly steamed up and Kelly removed the shower wand from its holder. She worked it to run the spray from her neck, across each breast, and then finally down her torso towards her pussy. As the cascade contacted her swollen clit, her orgasm erupted anew. Thoughts of Tyrell swam through her mind as she moaned in pleasure. Finally, after cumming three times in the shower, Kelly had a sense of relief. She replaced the shower wand, caught her breath, and finished the shower.

She tried to regain her focus on the purpose her trip, but her mind continually seemed to redirect itself towards Tyrell. How could it be that she left on the trip just that morning with a dislike for the man, but had just spent the last hour or so with heated thoughts about him that she had to get herself off? Why was she looking forward to tomorrow? And why had she left the bathroom naked and was now headed to her hotel bed without a stitch of clothing?

Kelly tried to simultaneously push these thoughts aside while also working to answer them. In her sexually hazed mind, everything seemed to revolve around Tyrell's confident and dominating demeanor. He seemed to possess her as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

There was also the distinct difference in behavior between Tyrell and her husband David. Everything with David was always, "Honey would you like to...?" That obviously was a wonderful benefit in most instances. However, there were many times Kelly wanted David to take the just just act. Everything didn't need to be up for debate or for her consent. She wanted him to be in charge more. And it was that trait that Tyrell offered.

That, plus the contrast of his skin with hers when he had his arm draped over her shoulder. The feeling of the arm of another man, a black man, at first awkward, became desirable. Her mind wouldn't let go of the thought of what the rest of him looked like.

She stopped fighting the thoughts and decided to let them run their course so she could get some sleep. If she had to spend the next few days getting herself off in the shower to put the feelings to rest, so be it.

The following morning Kelly woke up to the enjoyment of being naked in her hotel bed. The realization immediately kick started the thoughts she had prior to falling asleep. She didn't make it out of the bed before rubbing her clit to orgasm.

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